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,.,,,;�;�rt•..- ;�,,��.r. •: „ ..,�,:--.� r ,,,.... : <br /> r>,i�;�' �;7•" �:l� . � _'�,ienn�:t�am;l��Z'„�.. <br /> ,f-�,5,'.Y��y� �r,i i' �:; � � , ....'�,wa+.+.TU., -,•ti..,., �•� . ._ . - -°-----�- <br /> � � �i�f- � n� <br /> ,.�.�.n�+ - ��<,.�i - 'r.- �sm....a.�. s .bn�_ •S _.._. <br /> •��.. %4"•. _ _ R••.y�r,"l�11tiF�y�r'Af,V�• �..�rn 't; s..�. _ . . — -_-, . <br /> :-- ' . . �...-..' - - -'--. . .. <br /> . <br /> l�y6AUT.V�i.l.4...u......tY':�WtARf�(1 �M•M1 nw+�"_'__`_ . . _._- __- .—. ... .-_. <br />_ — --__ _ �J.LUrY�lr� _ —� �p ..�r::-_.___.. ')r'.'.,-." <br /> -.�x _ ._��''_^Y��y 4'..,�i•�.i:;::i�:�e:.L� :.i,�:'.:i�S.-�:-------- <br /> .� � . �,�,..,.���-,o�.-_s�- . ...- - - -T ___:� — _. _ <br /> . �.��-1„�y{ t.k _Y.��L.vr. 'K,"" ����:..,-:��-n.�r..c�.n--W�q�_}q�� . .-- . _ <br /> 11 N'�l�Hl-�T��,�tc.' +il' ��'a'4 '�y�Lwi�l�ar�TY..'� '�' .n . . � ' .(i Ci�"'_'I�S�� :�''� •�!�-.: . '.__-"'__. . <br /> � ���et }0 r.i^+�}�r �f !�:'`... ._ ' � . �� . -,�� .� °- <br /> j �•�� <br /> ' ., <br /> . i___, ..1 N . '�Rft7.�` . �c�W4�.a5+i�M1�-� ."_"�_ <l��r+�l� =alSo11!�1M1U��---�-*�m�--�-=�°.'--•}•'----..,...-.a---._. __ <br /> ' • �� �`����� <br /> �t I'iret Fec�eral Lincolr�, which the P�e�itioner dt�tt].t, be _ <br /> so1e,].y responsible for paying and ehall mold the R�spondMn� <br /> harmless tharmPrnm. <br /> 3. That the Petitionor shall have qui�tec# nll <br /> personal property in her poaeession and the Respondnn� �ha17. <br /> have quisted in. him the persona7� property now in hl.e <br /> possesai.on, exeept far the itema oP nn oek dresser, whioh <br /> was ttxe Ragpondent•e grandPathar�s, one painted, flying <br /> mallard duak plat� arid the Rospondent�s �ather�A rt�i7.�oad <br /> typ�a watch, wli�e�i arce s�il1 in the Patitione��s p�aaea�ia� <br /> and whioh sha7.1 be qtiieted in the Respandent. <br /> q. Conaerning the debts of the parties, khe <br /> Petitioner shal]. be xesponsible gor paying tha �ollowiag <br /> dabts only: • <br /> a. All debts that she has incurred in he�r name <br /> alono. <br /> b. All deb�s �ro�a relatives of the Petikioriar. <br /> c. A d�b� to Norweat Finanaial, inaluding the <br /> aecond mortgage dobt in the app�oximate amaunt oP $3,145.00. <br /> d. A debt to Grancl Island Finance. <br /> e. A11 medioal bi11a ixic�urred �oz� �he Pstitionar <br /> or her minor ahi�.drena <br /> 5. Tlne Respondent shall be responsibie �or payment oP <br /> the �ollowing debts: <br /> a. Ali debte �.n the Rospoadsnt�s name alone. <br /> b. All debts incurred from Reopondent�s <br /> rcZ�tives. <br /> a. A dabt to Sears. <br /> d. A debt to Disco�ver Card. <br /> e. A debt to Visa Card. <br /> f. A debt to Spelts Lumber Company. <br /> On the clebts to be incurred by the parties, eaah <br /> shnll hold the other harmlRSS tharefrom. <br /> 6. There is presen��y outs�anding a loan at Union <br /> Benk and Trus� company, which has an outgtanding balance and <br /> which both �r.e familiar with. Tha Petitioner aha11 be <br /> -2- <br /> �Ynnnrtt� <br /> � - — �,,,�. _... -. ,' e�h3 ;:,7� .T.�,uq• ._'� _- <br /> 7 _ � � ... ' `� .,. ;!�`� f .��': � ��j+� .y�9'.,,�'�'f.a,.— °— <br /> d t OF _��y7 .� �u- <br /> ` �' , . �'� +1'•'..�'.r��+"" _ <br /> `a�' - . .,.�t.u�w. .�Mf'c.liv�n.•a'�1t i S:ru�.75P:�"c . . <br /> _� i � . ,t- ., , . ; ., . . �� .., r,F-•q%.'•3 '.,S'. Lr r.�4•i�ti�.�.`. «i7i:�"traaxa:��C�C <br /> � ry,� , .,t� . :isLw,,�3' �i� �ri�':� i?M,� .� 'vrS`qvraw., <br /> " .� � . .. � . - • � •.r�; 1.1�k�1�'��%. �..p��;t�:�. ��„f� ,� �"�. �,����j� - <br /> _ . . . v . . . ^ -��;�j•e;- h�'�f'1 :a-�►'.n`'ti_° <br /> , �rn •��.j ,�u�'m�ti.- <br /> „ . . . • b):,r C � Vt I��rn�� <br /> �� ., ' • , . . . , . �� P. "1 � ��,�C, <br /> .. � , . • ., .. ..'-;yr � 6��� w+'! F'.�.:. <br /> i, "�r <br /> . .ri: - � ., . _ �'_,==-•.:r_ <br /> ��-. �� .• .t.:. '.�. .,1�� . �1 _ �l.J-�_- _ _—_ __. <br /> -i., ... . . .. .. �{y�. � . ,l , f ry-.-- — <br /> (' i M: ' � _ . . _ -- .�._-' <br /> �M .. ' �.le . 1 1. '°l. .. - • _' . �.�"fF- - . <br /> . .iy ,. - ��.._" <br /> l• "i . �:f. , • .�.o}`�+�a^ �i'�= - <br /> _�. •:, .. � .. -, � ' , <br /> � .. <br /> �,.. . <br /> .. -.�� h ��YiCi`.1i`a^-,:. <br /> j.�. ... ., . ' ... �)t � � °`,+n'}�-�7UpR�7lAn����\�[fL'�O�¢": � = �-.�. <br /> . . � . ...��"•ti[8� <br /> , . - � � -.. . � .. .. ' f�•.:L�yy���V1f�1lRA�aIR'ulwlNan���.�_" <br /> . ' ' ' <br /> � <br /> . .• �l a1.��Nt��L'SLI,Pl.Z1�cYi}1/1S:'r.Y.- <br /> ,. - " <br /> ' .. �...i.._ L., . , i . . . ' . ... . .. .t.:_ ..-. <br />