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<br /> niucaroown�uM wae�e h m.uc u��..,......�Rt�..................�y ar......... ...............
<br /> - - -- - - ----
<br /> • u�d b fnoorponted iMo md�Il be�ccmaJ to anaM1 �M1 aupMcuxet thc Mwt���o� neal ot Trus�nr Security l�eJ(Ihe �
<br /> . - - - �a............ . .
<br /> ;� "�aurit In�t�umseC')onb.�.m.u.ie�wsa ar�ho w�i �c��«►"ii�n.uwa�")W�ecttsc Bmtvever a - LeMlor
<br /> , 4 �� .� :��
<br /> -s. .A, y �Ql.U1�AUS FE4EAAl..SAlI7AIGS..9�AJVK. ... ........ ......�........
<br /> . ... .. ....................... . ...,...................... . .
<br /> �Z ' � "� " of 1he wme dale �nd covctin�lho Prupody�cr11�1 in 1he Sccu�i�y Ia�IrumeM anJ I��r�tal�I:
<br /> ; . . • • ...............................30Z7..�MI..Cl1PZ:tAL•A1lEWUE..�h�1N4.SS1.AN0..l1E...68803...........,.........................
<br /> ,,:..— -- - _-
<br /> 7'he Properly includcs •unit in. tu�c�he�wi�h�n wKlivWcd imc�cat in�I�a conu�M�n elamcm�uf. .r�m��N��twn nn�1��� "
<br /> �•w:�. �w kiwwn�s:
<br /> t .I�liNL1SOR. SQUAR� �QNOAMxNI!lM..............................................
<br /> , •-
<br /> ............................................................ N�n.a ca�ao�w�hxn�rot.c+l
<br /> -- --------_---
<br /> .��...._.._,..,...o.,.�ya
<br /> - � --�— (the "Condominium Project"). If Ihe awnen �e�wciadon or whcr cnlity wi�kh act� far the C�sscluminivm Prn cc� t � -
<br /> — ` �� �'� „ � ' "Ow�en Msaci�tion")hdds title lo propeny for tho benetit ur use nf ils memben ur�h�rchulde�s.the P�upeMy al�o includo�
<br /> - _-_-- -��`�• � Horrower•�interat fn Iha Owoen Aaoclotion aml!he uses,pnKCCJs oml benelia nf Dorrower':intarc:�.
<br /> ��,�,;�x�,�� CONDOMINIU!►f CUVENANT8.In�JJitlon ta Ihc covenom�t aml��rcamcnls�in Ihe Sccurfly Inalrumcnt.Bonuwar
<br /> �:���,�..
<br /> •�-„�,��.� and Lende�fi�rther coven�nt�nd�gree as fnllows:
<br /> - A. Condominium Ob1lgMlon�. Borrower shall perfo�m �II of Borrowcr'� oblig��inns uMlcr thc ConJcHnfnium
<br /> �.•��•���;•:�.;;�` '�' Project's Con�dwant Documenb. Tl�e "Cotalituent Documcn��" �rc Ihe: (i) Decloalion or�ny dher Jucument which
<br /> �"�"�'y�-� � create�the Condominium P�a ecl;lii)bylaws;(Ili)cak of rcgulolion�:and(iv)uthc�eyufvalenl documenl�.&x►ov�ar�h�ll
<br /> ��'YT�_��>'%�i �L � rq�aacd pureuonl ta Ihc CunsUwent Dacuments.
<br /> - � ==��:�;�.�,:,:..�,r. ,.. p��W�Y P+�Y•when dua�dl duet and �sessmcal�t ii __ _
<br /> _ B. Haurd lasun�e.So lon��s Ihe Owners A��aciali�m mainlnioa.wNh��enerdly tcrry►tal insurancc carricr,a
<br /> �` �="��� ••mWer"or "blanket"policy on�hc Conduminium Pn�Jccl which ia su�i�foctury lu L.an�icr�nd which pruvklca in�urancc
<br /> • �. . �
<br /> , „ , -� cover�ae in the amoums,for Ihe periais.�n�l��oinsl�Me h�.eds I.emicr rcyuf�e�. incluJin�fira�iai ha:orJs IncluJcd wi�hin
<br /> - '��,.;.::�:-::: ,: ...•'' the term •'extcnded coverage,•• Ihan: n���u��cr�rf��nc�twclfth��f
<br /> � �'`��'• _ (i) Lcmlar wAivcs�hc prnviriun in Unifixm Covcnant 2 fi�r Il�c nwnlhly My
<br /> '•� ' � ,,�. the yarly premium iesullmente Wr hozard in�uran�e un Ihc Pn�pehy;and
<br /> '. :, -�• •• pf) Borcower':obHguioo wKler Uniform Cuvcnant S lu mointain h�aord in�ur�nce cavcngc ��n �bc Pmpehy
<br /> " �� ' i�deemed ealidied to Ihe extent�h�l thc reyuircd cnvcra�c it �r�wWcJ My thc Uwncr�A�si�ci�tiun�xdky.
<br /> � _ „�.:� ' Borrower ah�ll�fve Lcnikr prom�l mNicc of ony lapse in �cyulrcd ho�arJ inaur�nrc cove��gc.
<br /> .n ,;�t.l• �'V�'�; In�he eveM of�di�lribWfon uf hn.arJ Imur�nee puxccd� In Neu uf tetluntiun o� rcpdr fullawing o I�ns li► U�c
<br /> -- ^���•z'�•� Propeny.ahe�her to Ihe unil o�ta eommon e kntcnl�.�ny pnxcc d s p�y a b l e t o B o n o w c r��h e�cb y�e�i garl �n�l �Iw��bc
<br /> _ ..�'��,�;;�:., •`.
<br />_ - -- ; -��;-f p�id to i.eader ior�ppiic�tion iu ii��uais �ccnrcd by t!x Secu:fly Ine�sut�+cnl,wUh�ny exc�ts p�ki ta&�truwc�. _
<br /> - � „� ., „ l C. Public U�billly In�tur�nce. Bur�owc��hall lake su�h actfun� �� may be �c��onoMle 1��inaure tb�t�he Ownera
<br /> - �,�;,�,;,��' Auoci�lian �nim�ins�public IhbilUy inauroncc pnlicy acccpiablc in fi�rm. �m�wnt. �nJ c�tenl��t ruvcragc N�Lcndc�.
<br /> D. Condemndlon.Thc pr�xecd�u(�ny oword ur cloim fi�r Jamagca.Ji�ccl��r am:�cyucmiol, payoblc lu Dnrmwc�
<br /> ' � '' in conneclion with�ny conJcmnetinn ur othcr�aking��f aU�K any pah nf the Pn�eny.whe�he���f Ihe uoil u�uf thc am�mm�
<br /> - ..:�,. . .
<br /> _ ,�;; . elements,or tor my conveyonce in Ifeu of conJemnndon. ore hereby assig�uJ�nd ahsll be p�id tv LenJer.Such proceeJs -
<br /> ' , �11 be �pplied by Lender to�he sums sccureJ by Ihe Securi�y Inslrumcn�as pnrviJcJ in Unifarm Cavcnmt IU. _
<br /> ' • � � E. Lender's Prior Contenl. Burrowcr ehdl nut, cxccpt oQe� nwice tu LcMler aml wi�h LcMicr'� priur w�iucn
<br /> 3„ . � ,.'� consant.eflher pahition or autxlividc lhe Pr�eny u�cnnsent u�:
<br /> �, (i) �he abandonmem or �etmine�inn nf the CanJominium Prnjcct. cxccpt for �banJonmcnt or Icrmina�i�m r�
<br /> • ° '����� rcquired by lew in�he ase of subsmntloi des�roc�iun by (ire �K athcr casually o�in Ihe cak ot o takin�by cundcnina�iun �-
<br /> �+� 4.�' " or cminent domoin; --
<br /> S� � • N (ii) ony �mendmcn�tn any pruvfsiun of�hc Cnnx�itucnt U��umcMs ff�he pruvis iun is fur�h c cxpress I+c n c f i�
<br /> �" . • oF Lender; -r
<br /> ' V� � ''''�' � (iii) tennfn��ion of p�nks�iunal manoQcmcnt�nd os�umptiuo uf ult•mom�eo�cnt of 1he Owncrs Aaaikiatinn: _
<br />. 4 , -. +'�. ,� :
<br /> - • �
<br /> •� � � (iv) my u�ion which would havc�hc cfkc�uf rcndcring tl�c pubNc Ifobili�y iosurance covcra�c n�ofn�oincJ by ��.
<br />' � the Ownera Association un�ccep�able to l.e�xler.
<br /> � F. Remedle�s.If Bnrruwer ducs not pny a►nd�HUinium duc�nnJ a�scasn�cnls whcn duc. thcn I.cndcr nmy pay Oicm• �_.`__
<br /> �`": �yr.,.._Y��.._.�. Any amounts di�burseJ by Lendc�undcr�bi�paragra�►h (�ahtdl I+ccun�e udditiunol Jcbl uf 1lorruwcr tcerurcd by�hc Sccuri�y t .:
<br /> �� Instrument. Unless Borrowcr anJ LcnJcr ogrcc to uUicr Icrms nf payuunt, these omouMS sholl bear interest from�hc datc �
<br /> ' ;, �w oidisburument at�hc Notc ratc mJ shall bc payabic, wilh intcres�,u�xm nalice trom I.emlcr to Bi�rrower rcyucsting paynknt.
<br /> .�,, .
<br /> � �� ° ` BY SIONINO BELOW. Borrnwcr occcpls onJ ogrcee�o thc �c�nix anJ pruvi�ions cuMained in�hia G+nJmninlum RiJcr. --•.
<br /> ., ' ,......`..5.l.11.t'r.4...9..�./.0;1^••'•`'..—.....,.. (Scall �
<br /> '•6a�a►« -
<br /> - �, CAROL J TORRES �;
<br /> ,�� ............................................................. (Scnll •
<br /> :earow« .�
<br /> „ p' .
<br /> MUITItiAiE CONDOMINWM 111DER—Slnple Famlly—F�nnN MuIFrMdI�M1e UNIFORM INSTRUIRENT Farm�1�0 lf90 �
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