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,� . �t . _,��� . <br /> 5 . � ' �.}! •� -_. <br /> .'�Fj �� �a, "����.• • =,—� <br /> i� w . <br /> � . , .- .. :, . ., <br /> .. .. �- --.._�_ <br /> '�., , '. _ _._ --- <br /> - . . .. . ... — - - _ <br />- �. . , - -- --- ----- -� - ---- <br /> - . , <br /> . , . <br /> uyi� . <br /> -�� -._----_-�:�;:� . 92-. ia� - <br /> , payments.which wrc r+oferr+al w in Pnragrap�2,or chonQe th,. amount of such payments. Any e,ccesr proceal�over wn <br /> wnount r�uired w pny oll oWswndin�lndebudneas uMer the Note und thi�Secwity In�lrument eh�ll bc pafd to tho rnti�y . <br /> — --- �esyauy enauw menw. <br /> - ��•�a. 8. F'ees. I.ender mAy wlleat fces and chargea authorlud by tho Samct�ry. <br /> - �� ' 9.(�rounde for AccelerNioa otlkbA <br /> -- ��---- (a)DefeW� Lender mwy.except As limited by reguladons iscued by U�c Secrctnry in�he cace of paymcnl dcfwltr, <br /> "�� ���.1 roqwre imrnediatcpayment in full of aU swas�ecurcd by this Secudty Inawment if: _ <br /> �+ (i)Bormwerdefaulta by failing ta pay in full any monthly peymcnt requlrcd by ihi�5ecwrfty I�utrument prior <br /> � to or on the due datt of the next monihly payment,or <br /> ��.___ (ii)Borrower defnulta by failin�.for a period of thirty day�.to perform ony other obligationr canuiined in IhiW <br /> = Security InswmenG <br /> -- - ______ (�b3�S�ale Wiihaut Credtt Appraval. Lcndcr shnll,if p;,rmiKcd by applicnble iaw ond�vlth the prior approva!af the <br /> �� tary.requinc immediate payment ir�full of all the sums secured by d�is Securlty Inatrument if: <br /> ,� - (i)Al! m part of the Praperty.or a beneticial intereat in a tmat ownin�all or put of�he Property. i�sokl m <br /> ° ------�-����9 otherwise tranaferrul(other than by dovise or d�scent)by the Bomower.and _ <br /> (ii)The Property ix not accupied by the purchaser or grantee us his or her principul residence,or the purchuser <br /> -- � or grantee dces so accupy tho Property but hie or her credit haa not been approved in accordance <br /> �---�mY'�.�yF� wlth tha nequu+ements of the Secr�etary. <br /> -==__--= (c)No Wviver. If ci�umstances occur that would permit l..ender to require immediete payment in full.but L.eoder <br /> _____-__� daea not�quire auchpnnymants,Lender daea not waive its�ights with respect to subsequent events. <br /> ------- (d)Re�aladons ot HUD 3ecretary. In many circumatances rogulationa Icsued by the 3ecretary wlll limit Lei�derh <br /> ----.--,�� . rlghts, in the case of payment deiaults, torcq uirc immediata payment in full and forcclose if notpa id. This <br /> ���_�':� 5ecurlty lnatrument dces not authorize acceleration or 4'oreclosure if not permi[ted by regulutians of t6e Secretary. - <br /> �s�=z,��=y°a- (e)Mortgpge Not Insered. 8orrower agrees that shoutd�his Security Instrument and the note cecuad thereby not <br /> � be eligible for insurance under the National Housing Act within 8 mont hs f�om the <br />`'�T������ d a t o h e r e of,L,o n d e r m a y.a t i t s o ption and notwithstandin g an ythin g in Para g ra ph 9.r e quire immediate pa yment in -- <br /> tV W0�lR`JILl1.1.(.-.'l��a <br /> �-il�1��-: <br /> ,..T,.w.:,_,- - full of all sums secured by this Secudry Inswment. A wdtten statement of uny uutho�ized agent of the Secretary <br /> _ : �y ,4; dated subsequentto 8 months from the date hereof,declining to incure this Secutfry <br /> —��d�r:':�.,.,.�.� , Instrument end the note secured thereby,shall be deemed conclusive proof of such ineligibility. Notwithstanding <br /> " ' �a� -S�`.`���:::r thc fo�egoing, this aption may not be exercised by Lendcr when the unavailability of insurance is solely due to <br /> i:-�����.'��,��:••�_- Lender+s failure tu nemit a mortguge insurance premium to the Secretary. <br /> _-�_,3„L;,;;.;�':,�,.„:,� lA. Reinstateme�� Borrower hus a right to be reinstated if Lendcr has required immediate payrnent in full because <br /> *�'^r'�`�"":'� of Barrnwcr's failurc to pay an amount due under the•Note or this Security Instrument. This right applies even after <br /> — � �` foreclosun proceedinus are instituted. 7b reinstate the Securlty Instrumcnt. Borrower shell tender in u lump sum all <br /> - -..i:ti.�•� r, �� .i-R> <br /> � ,;:, �'�'.'�' . ;� amounis required to bring Borrower�s account current the extent they are obligations of Borrower under this <br />`j_.� °��•'`��,�;r, Securlty Instrument,foreclosure costs and reasonable und customtvy attomeys'f�es and expenses properly avsaciated with <br /> Y' -�"'�--�•-• � the foreclosure roceeding. U n reinstetement b Borrower,this Security Instrument und Ihe obli ationa�hut it secures <br /> ........ .. ;.w, P P� Y 8 <br /> ._: �. . � shall remain in effect as if[.ender had not required immcdiatc puyment in full. However,Lender is not required topermit <br />-- �.u��' reinstatement iF. (i)Lender has accepted remstatement after the commencem�nt of foreclosure praceedings within two <br /> years imrnediutely preceding �he commencement of n current foreclosure proceeding, (ii) reinswtement will preclude <br /> __ : �r;=:' .:,''�� foreclosure on diffcmnt grounds in the future,or(iii)reinatatement wlll adversely t►ffect the priorlty of the Uen created by <br /> -. �„�� , ,.. thia Securiry Insuument. <br /> ; • � 1L 8orrower Not Relea�sed: Forbearance by Lender Not A Walver. Extension of the time of puyment ar <br /> modiflcation of amortizntion of the sums xecured by thi.K Security Inatrument grunted by Lender to cmy succegsor in intereat <br /> �� � , ��"�''�'' of Borrower shnll not operate to relense the liability nf the ori�inal Rnrrower or Borrower's successnr in interest. Lender <br /> _. � ,,,�;r�,;,,,;,-2.;*� shall nat be required to commence proceedings ugain4t anx successor in interest or refuse to extend time far payment or <br /> .�. • � " � � , otherwise modify amorti�ntion of the sums secured by this Secunty Instrument by mavon of'any demurni mude by the ` <br /> -.. '��'".�'::,:;,���;,:' odginal Bortnwer or Borrowert�uccessors in interest. Any forbearnnce by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall <br />__ .�;.,,�v.:,�,,,,,,qn not 6e a wuiver of or preclude the exercise of uny right or remedy. <br /> - ;- lE. Successors and Aaslgns Bound;Joint and Several Liobility;CaSigners. Thc caven�ms and agreements of <br /> e <br /> "' "•� '� this Securlry inswment shall bind and benefit the successors und s�ssignti of Lender und Borrower,subJect to the provisions <br />�` 'ti':: '� .'� . of Paregraph 9.b. Borrower's covenants and agreemems shull be joint und several. Any Borrower who ca-signs this <br /> :`' ,. Securiry Instrument but does not execute thc Note: (u) is co-signing�his Security Instrument only to rnortgage.grunt and <br /> �� •• convey that Barrower's interest in the Propeny undcr�hc tcrmn af this Security In�lrument:(b)is not personally obliguted to <br /> ' ' �"'� �°`°":ct puy the sums secured by this Security Intitrumenr nnd(c)ugrces that Lendcr and any othcr porrowcr muy agrcc to extcnd, _ <br />- �:�'�' � " ' modify,forbesu or mnke uny uccommodations with regurd to the tcrtns of this S�:cunry In+trumrnt or the Noto without that <br /> �: " � Borrower�consent. <br /> � '' �'""' `�� 13. Notices. Any notice to Bortower provided�or in Ihis Security Instrument sh•rll tx given by dclivering it or by <br /> �� . . • muiling it by first class mail unlesx upplicuble luw reyuires use of unothcr method. The notice xh•rll be directed to the <br /> � �,� ,, Property Address or uny other address Borrowcr dcsignutes by noticc�o Lcnder. Any noticc to Lendcr shnll tx;givcn by <br /> �fr''•• ' fi�st class mail to Lender; nddres, stuted hercin or an rdJress Lendcr dc,i mrtr.r h nutirc ti► B�ircnwcr. An noticc f <br /> , x_�.t.,_.... . Y ' 6 ' Y Y <br /> _ ,-� � , Provided fbr in this Security Instrumem shall be Jcemed�o huvc t+cen�ivrn lu H�ttrowrr or l.cnJer when given as provided <br /> • � m this parngrvph. � <br /> ,, 14. Coverning Lew;Severability. This Seruriry In,trument tihull t►��;uvc��ieJ by f�rJcrul luw uncl the luw uf the <br /> ° jurisdiction in which the Propeny iz kxuteJ. In thc evrnt thut uny provixiun ur cluuu�►f thi� Srcurity Instrument or thc <br /> ' .,: � Note conflicts wilh uppliaible li����, surh rontlirt �hull nut uffcc�other prcwisionx oi Ihis Security Instrumem or the Note � <br /> , ,�. ; � which can be given effect withou�the conFlictinE pnwision. Tii thi�end th�provi�ion�ul'Ihi+Srcurily Imlrument t�nd Ihc ' <br /> � Note urc declureJ to be.scvcruble. <br /> ` 15� Borrowcr's Capv Borrowcr shall hc givcn onc conformed ropy uf Ihis Sccurity Insirumrnl. � <br /> • � 16. AsciRnment of Rents. Bormwcr unccmdition:dly astiign�und tran, LcnJer ull thc rent.and revcnuc.ut'the <br /> . Pro�xny. Borruwer aulhuritc�LcnJer ur Lc��Je�i agcnt,w cullcrt�hc icn�,anJ�cvcnuc�and hercby Jirerl+rach Iciumt ul' �. <br /> �. • . the Prop�rty to pay�he rent.�o Lendcr or Lrnderi aF�cros. Huwevrr.priur tu LenJer:notirr to Hurn►wer uf�3�irruwrr: -- <br />, .; • brcuch of uny covcnant��r:�grccmrnt in thc Security Intitrumrnt.Hurrawrr�hall collrrt�nJ rrrcivc ull rrnl�anJ rrvcnuc.ul' ��` <br /> ,�- . thc f'raperty us wstec fur thc bcnclit ut'Lrndrr and Nurrow�r. 'I'hi.tis,i�nnt�nt uf ren1�ran�iitu�rx�in uh,�ilwc i�rsi�!nmrnl �° <br /> �_�_:_• lind not an ussi¢nmem for udditionul sccuritv onlv. ` <br /> _- - - If Lender give+noticc of hrenrh tu li�irn�wcr. (ul+dl rrnt+rcrcived hy lic,rrowrr�hull tx hrld h� liurn���•rr i�,tru+trr <br />- --�Y..�--��---� � <br /> -- �----ar fi�r i�eueii�uf Len�ler unly, iu hc upplieJ tu dic +um+.ccurcJ hy�hc Securirv In.�rumeni: �M� LenJrr +lixll hr rmi�led �u <br /> „ ., collect und mcrive ull of the rentx ot'Ihe 1'ru�xrty: +mJ(�1 c:�rh I�nunl��f Ihr I'�o�x rly.h:dl puy all renl.dur:ind unpiiiJ lu <br /> Lcndcror Lcndcry u�cnt on Lrndcr's written dcmm�d tn Ihr trnant. �� <br /> � Hnrcowrr has n��t cxrcuteJ +my priur utisi�nmcm uf 1hc rcnk :mJ h�is not and will n��t prrfnmi any art Ihut �•uuld E <br /> t . prcvcnt Lendcr I'r��m its rightx undcr�hi�Parv�raph I(,. t <br /> ---._ - - i.cual�i �I�ull uul IK�cyui�cJ Iu c�d�� uEnni. tu�c wnliu)ui�ui �uwuluin li�r f'�u�k�Ir Ixfuir ui :d�tri �;iomp uui�cc uf , <br /> ' brcuch lu Borrower. Howcvrr. Lrndcr ur u judiri:�lly uprainlcd recrivcr nwy Ju �u at uny �imr thcr�•i. :i hre:�ch. Any , <br /> uppliraiiun�d'nnt��hcdl nut curc or wi�ivc uny drfuuh c�r m��alidutc any uthrr ri�:hl ur ren►rJy uf l.rnd�•r. '1'hi.;i�.f�nmrni <br /> „ ol�rcntx of the 1'm�xny+hull tem�inu�c when Ihe drM securcJ by�hr Srcurity In.Irumcnl�.p:�iJ in full. <br /> ,,. . ` , r <br /> . .� � 1IwKr 7 r/J/rug�•.�1 . <br /> , ; . <br /> f + <br /> '� <br />