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' ^'2 ' . . <br /> Ai: <br /> �.,s� .��..-: .. , . <br /> - ...a., .. . <br /> "�._ . .. _ . . . ' . . _ - r.Y�ear�!'!r."�._. <br /> .., ', . ., -- <br /> � <br /> .nt' .'�� ':e . . �y�__, <br /> ' mMf��r .�. _'�� �y.•Mtl-�'tMw..y...J_.... n�us+P.WI��A'.l.�au�t:r.a.�J__.a._.... . .�........... ..........._..__._'�........ .. ... �_ __"_ <br /> .._ <br /> � :�' ' <br /> . .. .. .. .hl <br /> . . . . - '' "_'"'' ""..:�'.:._.�__.�.,_.__. <br /> _ �._._..._..._ pz ' <br /> C <br /> , � � <br /> ——___":__-- . covENaNr� 96— 1U9�"/� ['� <br /> 1. Puymcsz4e.Qorrowcr npr000 to mmko C�I pGymonta on tho oocurcd dobt wh�n duo. Untoaa Borrowcr enA Londar eproe atheiwlae, eny <br /> paymonte i.en9e► rea�lva�from Borrower or for�8orrowa'� bnnefit wlll 6e �ppIlad firot to any emounte 8orrowor owos on tho aocurod doWt <br /> „ , not�roducs or oxcu,e�iny�echsduied piYm�nt mtll th�ticnred debt la pji!d In}�jel propayment of the eecured de6t occure for ony reeson,it will <br /> ' Z.CINroe A�Inst Titl�.8orro�ruer v�ill pey sll t�xee,aste�iments,�nd other chuye�erirfbutable to the property when due snd wIN deCend tltts <br /> . � defeniei wh eA�earrower m,y�havs ipiln,t pani,i whoiupplY Isbor or miterlili to Impdove or milntsln t e�propertyeaelpn arty ripht�,claimt or <br /> 9. Insurence.Borrower wtll keep the property Infured undar term�ncceptable to Lender e4 Borrower'e oxpen�a n��d for Lender'e benefit. All <br /> Intursnce policls��h�ll Inciude��t�nderd mortp�Bs cisute in fevor o9 Lnnder.Lender will be namud ac locs poyca or na 4ha Insurod on any cuch <br /> "". , y,� Iniurence pollcy. Any Insur�nae proc�ed�maV W�pplled,wlthin Lender'�dl�cretion,to elther the re�YOration or repalr of the dem�ped property <br /> :• � or to the secured debt.If lender nqulret mortp�pe inwunce,Bartowe��preaa to mainteln weh Inaurance for ef lony n L�nCer requlres. <br /> ��3 4.Ptop�r4y.Borrower will keep the property In good condition and meke nll repairb reesonably necaeaary. <br /> � <br /> �+++�+�°�i 6.Exp�n���.Borrower apreec to pay�11 Lender's expeneea Inciudinp rea�onable attorneyo'feea,if Sorrowor breeks eny cavenents In thfe dsed <br /> • of uust or in eny oblipation secured by th18 dned of trust.�orrpwer wilt pay these amounte to I.onder es provi4ed In Covenant 9 of thfe deed ot <br /> • - F trust. ' <br /> • B.Pdot 6�curity IM�rata.Unlese Bnrrowot Hrot obtelna Londer's wrltten consent,Borrowet w(II npt meke or permft any chmge�to any prior � <br /> eer,urity Intereite. Borrower witl perfo►m att of Borrowor'e obitpetfana under nny prior mortyape, deed of truat as other security egroemsnt, <br /> Includinp Borrower's covenents to make peymente when dua. �= <br /> ' T.A��nm�nt of R�nU snd ProtfN.Bbrrower e�sipne to Lender the rentc and protlt�of the property.Unleaa Borrower nnd Lender heva epreed P:`T, <br /> y5• o t h e r w f a e I n w r i t i n p,B o n o w e r m�y c o i l e c t u n d r e t a l n t h e r e n t e e e l o n p es Borrower is not in default. If Borrower defeulta, Lender, Lender's �t;.'. <br /> epont,or a court appointed receiver maV taka poasesdon end manape the property and coliect the renta.Any rante Len der co l loc ts s ha l l b e <br /> �� , eppNad firet to the coats of mm�flin the property, Includlng court costs and attorneya'feei, commlaslona to rontal egente, a��d any other �r' <br /> , j�,`: neaeas6ry rol�ted expensea,The rema�nlny emount of renU wlll then spply to payments on the tecured debt aa provided in Covenant 1. -- <br /> :..a�;.. � - <br /> ,r+ 0.L��»t�oldr Coodon�irdums;F1�nn�i Unf¢Da�afopi�ic�'�ta.(3orcowor agroas to comply eifth ths provinlons of eny lease if thia deed of truat la an - <br /> 'r�� e ieasehold.I�thii dead ot truit is on a unit In a condominium or a planned unit development, Borrower wiil perform ell oi Borrower's dutlea _- <br /> , , �.���r;; under tha covensnt�,6ylaws,or repulationa of the condominium or planned unit development. __ <br /> • i,:::t.;�, ° <br /> '���r,•., 8. Authority af l�r to P�rform tor Barow�r. If Borrower faits to perform any of Barrower's dutiea under ihia deed of trust, Lendor may __ <br /> •::'r;'.•, - <br /> , ,�:•;� peKorm ttse dutfer or cause tfiem to be perl�rmed. Lender may elgn Borrower's name or pay any amount R necessary for pe�formanco.If any _ <br />-° • ..'K. ��% construction on theproperty is discontinued or not canied on In e reaaonable menner,lender may do whatever la necesnary to protect Londar's <br /> , oecurity Interest In the property.This msy include compteting the const�uctlon. <br /> =�i:•:'' ' �' Lender'c failuro to per/orm will not prectude Lender from exercisiny any of ita other righta undor the law or tMo daed of uwt. - <br /> s_, - � : <br /> �'��`"� anU wf9 bcir�inte�reai trom the dape of the paym nt until pa dtin full etf�the interaattlate in+eftect on the secured debt unts will be due on domand _ <br /> ���;��"' 10. D�fauit w►d Aec��don. If Borrower fsila to rnake any peyment when due or break� any covenants wder th�a deed o4 trust or any <br /> �����'� .4� obiipation secund by thls deed ot trust or any prior mortpape or deed of trust, Lertder msy eccelarate tM mnuriry of the �ecured debt and <br /> =: '�+ demend Immediate p�ymen4 and may Invoke the power of sde and eny other remediea permltted 6y applicable law. <br />�:..1��L�.:i'�.y.�r� <br /> -'" `-' 11.R�qu�stfa Notfc�ot o�tauit.It ie hsroby requesied chat coproi oi i��o��otitoe�i��suit a��d o'w C:,s:s.".:a s��rson Wh�!� n pe!ty <br /> '������ �� y heroto,�t the�ddross of each tuch penon,ai set torth hereln. <br />::���, `;' • <br /> ';t'=,;, <br />'°-`Y''�:'����"��� 12.Pow�r of 6M�.If the Lender invoket the powar of este,the Trostee chell lirat record in the oftice oY the npister of deedt of e�ch cuunty <br /> "T`�=•'•��`��( 4 whereln the trust property o►some part or pnrcal thereof Is�Itu�ted s notics of dafeuit cort[elnin the iniormatlon requfred by law.The TNatee <br /> ti,;�4{�=��K(,��;'�ft" roto,end to other pereons�s �►reacNbed by <br /> � i shdl N�o mdl copin of the �atice of dateult to the Bo►row�r,to each person who is�party� <br /> �% eppllcibl� I�w. Not I�ss then one month after th�Trustee record�th� notice of defauR or two manM�IT thu uust property la not In �ny <br />''f incorpasted city or vill�ys end I�uQed In fa�min�opentiana asrrlad on by ths uusta.the fruatee ehell piw publia notice of sale to ths per�on� <br />;'pr�� '^� rnd In the mmnx prescrfbed bV e{�pplioebte I�w.Truatee,wfthout domand on Borrower,shnll oeti tM p►operty et publia�uctbn to the hlpheat <br />:�m,�9:�E� bldda.If v�qulnd by the Farm Homaste�d ProtecUon Act,Trustae ahnil oHer the property tn two oep�r�te���u sa roquind by eppiicsbfr law. <br /> �'_"•.�+.iw L�nde�pr�iti des y�neMa miy purchaie the�operty�tinyiile Dy publla�nnouncam�nt at the time and pUcs of sny previoualy scheCul�d��I�. <br /> ��'M.."yL;��� Upon ncsfpt o�f p�yrMnt ot tM prics hid,Trutt��sh�ll ddivsr to th�purchasw Trutt�e's d�ad conveyin�the property.The rocftlats co�talned In <br /> YruatN'a d�M shall bs prims faci�svidl�ncs of 4he uuth of ths sutement�containad thereln.Trustde sha11�pply the proceeds of tM sak In tM <br /> -�-�'�� rt{n�i te�rn��si��Ibj to��II�ums��ocured by thii�deed of�tru�t end(o)thet balartce if eny t�o t e psrions bDslry entitied�to recefve it.t�� �� <br /> /3.FoneioKK�.At Lsnder'� optbn,thU dsed of truat may be forecloaed In the ma�ner provide by sppiicebte iaw ta torecloaure oi mortpp�� <br />—-- on►eel p►operty. <br /> ���- '�� 14. Undv may entsr the property to Incpeat it I} Lendsr pives Borrower noUce beforohand. Tha notice muet state the raaaonsbb <br /> '-= --����L7�=• c�uce or Lcndar'c Inapsctlon. � <br /> `� 16.Ccnd�nnWon.Borrowsr asaipns to lsnder the proceede oT any eward or clafm for dama�gea connected with o condemnatior+o►other tekinp <br /> of ell ar�ny part of the property.Such proceeds wlll be�pplWd ea provlded in Covenant 1.This asstpnment is�ubJect ta the terms of any prlor <br /> =�w�� security�pnement. <br /> � — 16.Wdwr.By exerdainp eny romedY�vailabia to Lender,Lander does not yive up eny riphte to later uss�nv other rnmedy.By not oxercislnp <br /> _��. — �ny r�m�dy upon Horrower's defauit,Lenclet doe�not walva eny ripht to IMet considsr the event�det�ult If it h�ppem egain. <br /> � 17, Jokft �d S�wnl ���y, Co•sig»rsi 6uCO�ssaa �nd Mslptl�BaJnd. AII dutiea u�der this deed of vust ue Joint and eevenl. Any <br /> �� Borrow�r who co•sipne tAi� deed of tru�t but does not co•sfpn the undertYinp debi infVUmsnt(t) doa�so only to qrent�nd com�av th�t <br /> °''�"°�� BOrrow�r•e Intere�t In the property to the T►ust�e un�lor the terrne of thla deec!of trust.In eddttlon,iuch a Bonower apreea that ths Lender end <br /> --- �ny othsr Borcower under this deed o�f trust mey eMend, modi�or m�ke any other chenpe:in the termi of this deed of truit or the �ecured <br /> ---._.- == debt without that BorroweY�conant and withnut roleasinq thet orrower from tfie terms ot thla deed of trust. - <br /> _-- -- TM duties md bensfit�of thfa deed of trust ahell bind end benefit the euocasaora mA ssaipns of Lander and 6orrower. <br /> —..:-_.?°._�._'�iS 1:.-;., <br /> � - ;.�, 78.Notieo�Untets otherwi:e required by law,any notice to Borrowor ehell be given by dolivtrrinp tt er by mailinp it by certified mail addreiaed to <br /> �;"�:.` 6orrower �t ths propertY addreu or any other addrou that Borrower has given to Lendor.Bomov�er wiil pive eny natlno to Lender by certified <br /> :.;{,��-�+�M j mail to Lend�r'��ddnu on papa 1 of thlt deed ot tru�t,or to any othor eddreas whlah Lendur hoa deatpmted.Any otnor notice to Lertcer shUl <br />—.�;�, • . {r be sent to Lender'e addrou a�steted on pape t o f t h i�doed of vuct. <br /> - - �•��:;.;,, ! Any notice shntl be deemed to heve been given to Borrov�er or Lendor whan piven in tha menner stated ebave. <br /> -��r��'4�..�..:� •• 18.Tnnafe of Lh�Prop�rty a�B�Aci�l Intor�st tn tf�Qorrowa. If all ot any poR of the propertv or any Inrore�t In it la aold or tconsferted <br /> - `:.;,:�iy'. ;., wltlwut Lendw's prior wdtton consent, Lendar may demend Immediate payment ot tho securod debt. Lender mey etto demand immadtate <br /> " .r... �-..M., paym�nt If the Borrowtr ic not a netun) porton 0nA a benuflcfsl inturost In tho Borrov�e� la told or u�nsterrod.Howaver, Lendsr may no4 <br /> _��;:.�'•:,;.:�: ' dem�nd payment In the aDova eftuetion�If it le prohlbitetl by tedorul lew ea of tho dato of thlo doed of trust. - <br /> -'.�.:5 h_ •.�,C._:. � _ <br /> =�_�=-`+�-t-�-- 20.8�cw�wYanr�.Whon the obUy�tion secured by this deed of ttuet has baen paid, end Londor hoa rw furthor obligation to meke advenceo _ <br /> ``��w 1� under the IntVUments or egraemenie aocurod by thls deed of Vuet, tho Truntee sheil,upon writcan rtquoet by tho Lender,recanvey the truet <br />