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, . ...,, <br /> . �, ..'. ' <br /> -�►� ,..�cry!war:•'1� <br /> .:t-`t1g ' .. - .. . <br /> ....���. . ,. -- " • -.�"---- ,.".;"�5�9�;'.•. <br /> �.,,.�...•. . __,............_.�-- — - -_._ . __—�___ .. � ,.v.-rw,�t�t <br /> . . <br /> . <br /> .. <br /> , „ <br /> _.....-��_.�., ... . .. . --- . _ � <br /> � r-y,v. <br /> � � ---- -... _ ... .. ........ . . . . - <br /> _ � .._.,_ •�--��;�; <br /> APBLN 001-6a101001 �+��"=-.� °"'j'='-"' <br /> „ . , . ' MbN OOOOOOOOOU - � :=:���..��• <br /> , � �-109�5�� : ��.� <br /> �, . <br /> � �A,�.L��io1 RID��. . . <br /> • (COPIDITIONAL MODIFICATION AND EXTEN�ION OF LOAN TERMS) <br /> '""'°"� " 218T d8y Of NOVSNIDFR , 1996 , <br /> .,.•+n►� THIS SALLOON R1DER is msdo Ihis <br /> '. and is incorporaud into snd shall be damed to amend and supplemcnt the Mortgege.Deed of Trust or Deed rn Secure Debt <br /> (the"Secudty Inswment")of 1he same date glven by tho underaigned(the"Honower")to secure the Borrower's Note to <br /> � HOME FEDBRAY� 3AVINC38 & LOAN ASOOCIATiON OF aRAND ISLFIND ��e„�nder") . � � �~ 'v5�►; <br /> ��;�n.,�.l. ., <br /> j .! :an�.; t� <br /> of ihe same dat�o and covering thc properry described in tho Securiry Instrument a�id located at: � ��r;;,�a-�� <br /> � G 16 EAST MAGARTHLTR •�� •� <br /> � ORAND IBLRND� NBB1tAS1(A 68801 j:. ....::I�����:••- <br /> 5 �,,e_ <br /> � ,�r„- <br /> wi W..�,��_ <br /> . . 1 �3Jr.:- <br /> +' ., .:--__`------�- <br /> .. •� 'Itie Inurest rate ssaWd on th�Note is called the"NoteR A�te of the Note is called!he"Note Date.' I undersstand ��'• _.;��, <br /> � ►. the Lender may transfer�he Nou, Sxurity lnswmeat end lhis Rider.'ihe Lcnder or anyone who tekes tho Note, tl�e �'�=M��., _ <br /> Security Insnument and th�s Rider by transfer and who is endtled to receive payments under the Note is celled thE"Note �:�?�'���'��� <br /> � Holder." �r_.'��-. <br /> .,� ADDTi`IONAL COVENANTS. In addidon to the covenonts snd agreements 1n the Secierity Instnrment,Bocrower and i.,���--;. __. <br />� L.ender fucther covenant and e�ee ss follows(despite anything w the conimry contained in the Security Insaumen�ar the <br /> 4�=—�— <br /> . Note): -_- <br /> 1. CONDi'fIONAL MODIFICATION AND EXTENSIQN OF LOAN TEItMS — <br /> Ac the malurIty date of tha Nou and Security Instcument(the"Note Mawriry Dau").I w111 bo abk to extend the Note <br /> �; MaWrity DaUe W DBCEt�IDER iST � 2027 , (ihe"Extended Maturity Date")and modify <br /> �.rt���RntP tn the°Mc�dif'�ed Note Rete determined in acoordanca wiih Secdon 3 below if all the conditions prnvided in _ <br /> Secdons 2 and S bebw are mcR(the"Coadit�onal Modit'ication end Exteaston Option").If thosa conditions aro nat met,i <br /> ° � un�derstand tt�at Ihe Note Haldu is nndv no obllgadon o.o rofu�ar�co tbo Note or to modify the Nou.raset the Nate Rate or <br />� � extend the Nooa Maturity Data,and tl�at I wnll have to repay the Note from my own resources ar�'ind a leader wllling to <br />�l. lend rr�1he money to rq�ay tha Note. <br /> ,�„±. , . <br />_�,1� ^ 2.CONDI7TON5 TO OPTION ; <br /> �� If I want to execcise the Condidonal Modii'�catk+n and 6xteaision Option�cateir�wnditions must be met av of ehe Note <br />�;r.�:y'_ -..� sub t to the SeCUrity � <br /> z,�,,�-. ._;�. Mawrity Dota.'Iha9e conditioas are: (1) T must still be the oaner and occupent of the propaty jec <br /> . •.�:, ,. ,. • Insuument(the^pr�p�ty");(2)I must be current in my monthly pay�ents end cannot have bcen moce ttian s0 days Is�ta on <br />'"�--' ��;..+..:;� � any of the 12 schedu7ed-monthlY PaYments immedlately preceding the Note Maturity Dace:(3)thue ace no licns�defects�or <br />-'_°;,';:�.- �^. � eacumbre«ces�gai�►at the PropertY. or othca advclsa msitteis af#'ecdng t[de to the Property (oxceps fa taxes and speciai <br /> J.�!�'• <br /> �.J..:. ;�i"� ' essessmtnts not yu due and payabk)etising atter the Seciutty Instnunent was cecordod;(4)the Modified NW�e Reto cannut <br />:�*_�^�;� be more ihan 5 pacentega pm3�a�s above the Note Rote; and (S) I must mako a wrltt,e�roquest to the Nou Holder es -- <br />---�.�'•-��`�� pmvided ia Sxtion S below. <br />-''��"����� 3.CALGULATQ�iG TIiE 1VYODJFIEY!NUVfE MTE <br /> "-�_p,,;����] 'Iho ModiFial Note Rate wil1 bo a fua�rate of inunst equai to the Federal Homo Loan Moctgage Cocporation's <br /> - <br />