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�0�10550� <br />Thence along the Westerly line of said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter a distance of 431.00 feet to the <br />POINT OF BEGINNING; <br />Thence deflecting Left 116 degrees 39 minutes and running Southwesterly, a distance of 232.03 feet, to a point of <br />curvature; ` ° <br />Thence running Southwesterly along the arc of a curve whose radius is 808.46 feet( the initial tangent of which <br />coincides with the preceding course produced) a distance of 294.74 feet, to a point of tangency; <br />Thence running Westerly along the final tangent of the preceding curve produced, a distance of 127.71 feet; <br />Thence deflecting Right 159 degrees 06 minutes 41 seconds and running Northeasterly, a distance of 1,128.59 feet; <br />Thence deflecting Right 90 degrees 00 minutes and running Southeasterly, a distance of 98.6 feet <br />Thence deflecting Right 90 degrees 00 minutes and running 5outhwesterly, a distance of 489.23 feet to the POINT <br />OF BEGINNING. <br />� <br />