<br />paragraph or provision. The term "person" and words importing persons as used in this Deed of Trust shall include
<br />firms, associations, partnerships (including limited partnerships), joint ventures, irusts, corporarions, limited liability
<br />companies, and other legal e�rtiries, including public or governYnental bodies, agencies or instrumentalities, as well
<br />as natural persons:
<br />Section 6.15 Reporting Compliance. Trustor agrees to comply with any and all reporting
<br />requirements applicable to the transactions secured by this Deed of Trust which are set forth in any law, statute,
<br />ordinance, rule, regulation, order or determination of any governmental authority, and further agrees upon written
<br />request of Beneficiary to furnish Beneficiary with evidence of such compliance.
<br />Section 6.16 Beneficiary's Consent. Except where otherwise e�ressly provided herein, in any
<br />instance hereunder where the approval, consent or the exercise of judgment of Beneficiary is required or requested,
<br />(i) the granting or denial of such approval or consent and the exercise of such judgment shall be within the sole
<br />discrerion of Beneficiary, and Beneficiary shall not, for any reason or to any extent, be required to grant such
<br />approval or consent or exercise such judgment in any particular manner, regardless of the reasonableness of either
<br />the request or Beneficiary's judgment, and (u) no approval or consent of Beneficiary shall be deemed to have been
<br />given except by a specific writing intended for the purpose and executed by an authorized representaxive of
<br />Beneficiary.
<br />Section 6.17 Trustor. Unless the conte�rt clearly indicates otherwise, as used in this Deed of Trust,
<br />"Trustor" means the Trustor named in the appearance clause of this Deed of Trust or any of them. The obligations of
<br />Trustor hereunder shall be joint and several. If any Trustor, or any signatory who signs on behalf of any Trustor, is a
<br />corporation, partnership or other legal entiTy, Trustor and any such signatory, and the person or persons signing for
<br />it, represent and warrant to Beneficiary that this instrument is executed, acknowledged and delivered by Trustor's
<br />duly authorized representatives. If Trustor is an individual, no power of attorney granted by Trustor herein shall
<br />terminate on Trustor's disability.
<br />Section 6.18 Successors and Assigns. The terms, provisions, covenants and conditions hereof shall be
<br />binding upon Trustor, and the heirs, devisees, representatives, successors and assigns of Trustor, and sha11 inure to
<br />the benefit of the Beneficiary, its successors and assigns, and shall consritute covenants running with the Land. All
<br />references in this Deed of Trust to Tntstor shall be deemed to include all such heirs, devisees, representa.rives,
<br />successors and assigns of Trustor.
<br />Section 6.19 Modification or Termination. The Loan Documents may only be modified or
<br />terminated by a written instrument or instruments intended for that purpose and executed by the party against which
<br />enforcement of the modification or termination is asserted. Any alleged modification or termination which is not so
<br />documented shall not be effective as to any party.
<br />Section 6.20 No Partnership, etc. The relationship between Beneficiary and Trustor is solely that of
<br />Beneficiary and Trustor. Beneficiary has no fiduciary or other special relarionship with Tntstor. Nothing conta.ined
<br />in the Loan Documents is intended to create any partnership, joint venture, association or special relationship
<br />between Trustor and Beneficiary or in any way make Beneficiary a co-principal with Trustor with reference to the
<br />Mortgaged Property. All agreed contractual duties between or among Beneficiary and Trustor are set forth herein
<br />and in the other Loan Documents and any additional implied covenants or duties are hereby disclaimed. Any
<br />inferences to the contrary of any of the foregoing are hereby expressly negated.
<br />Section 6.21 Power of Attorney. Trustor hereby appoints Beneficiary as its attorney-in-fact and upon
<br />any default hereunder authorizes Beneficiary to endorse Trustor's name on all instruments and other documents
<br />pertaining to the Obligations. In addirion, Beneficiary shall be enritled, but not rsquired, to perform any action or
<br />execute any document required to be taken ar executed by Trustor under this Deed of Trust. Beneficiary's
<br />performance of such action or execurion of such documents shall not relieve Trustor from any Obligarion or cure
<br />any default under this Deed of Trust. The powers of attomey described in this action are coupled with an interest and
<br />are irrevocable.
<br />Section 6.22 Collection Costs. If Beneficiary hires an attorney to assist in collecting any amount due
<br />or enforcing any right or remedy under this Deed of Trust, Trustor agrees to pay Beneficiary's reasonable attomey
<br />fees and collection costs, including, but not limited to, costs incuned for copying, title reports, surveys, title abstract
<br />and all other costs incurred by Beneficiary in collecting the debt.
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