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��e�s�..� . . . I'r^�R�[�i�r�wwswr/T�ftwf.^.�/J._) . <br /> �.:�i_Y , • . �.wAn�prs•a�tiWYeMl+�wrMr.:'�z� �.. <br /> �'_'� . � .�.., Y�V� - . ,i -���.'..e.'it :'J.S�-e.e:�: <br /> . � <br /> • .1 i �F�ayq hoy.�'• . � . . ... 5 <br /> , . . ... � � '�t <br /> y� �� <br /> , ..� .�.. , . -,. . ' p.r._i' <br /> �.�..�..'_"_.'.'.�.�....__.._...._....__.___..�. '__-' � ��� ' <br /> ' "� _ ""�'"— <br /> _ --__'__ . ..,_^—_. __ . .__ <br /> , �� �. Ml t'r...'rh�.-'���.��.�.__—.___—._________—_— __ _—_— <br /> _..�`.... .L:Ft...1''-.�.....'..�.�...___.�' ---_ <br /> r <br />,:�.-.,�...L� - <br /> ._—_ �"""n'+rr'r,p_'i=�x.��a��_-_.,�._-��..._�__""__.. __ ... <br /> � . EXki1B1�' � •:: <br /> IIIIf�F�`I°�iA►�i� Af[���fVil!!�i 9�"' �11���,� �, <br /> TPio lollowlnn oro addendo to th�Modpac�o. Plenao chech Iho uppllcnblo nddendum. Tho nddondum chacked almll bo Incorpurntod <br /> into,and recorded tvllh, llie Mortr�age. The term'MoilgAgH'eheil bo deemed lo Include'Doed o} Trust,°II appiicabin. <br /> � FHA,REc%U�nJ HUD AGDENQUM ONLY <br /> THIS TAX•EXEMPT fINANCINa RIDEi1 Is made thls 6t11 day of Dpc� ber . 1896 _�. nnd Is uicorpo�utad <br /> Into nnd sha�bo doemod to amend and supplomcnt lho Morlgaga. Ueod of Trusl or Securlly Doed("aecudty Instrumr.nt") ol Ihu sumu dalu <br /> c�iven by ihe undersiflnod ("Borro•Her')to secure Borrowei s Nota ('Note°► �o The Overland Natlonal �ank of Grand lsland _ _ <br /> ("I.ender') u1 Ihe snme data and coverin4 iho propetty describc�d In tho Socuriry Ins�rument c�nd locuted at: 7Q3 South S�cantore Stl <br /> Qrand Island. NeE�raska 600Q1 �r�,�,,,.��Y n���;�i -- - — — -- ----- - <br /> In addillon to tho covenants and agreemonte rnade In tho Security Instrumenl, Borrower and Lender luriher covenant and ayrae to unien�9 <br /> Paragraph 9 of the Modol Mortgage Fortn, entitled "Orounds tor Accelerctllon of QebY' e� by adding udditionnl grounds for acceler;�tlon as <br /> (ollows: <br /> Lendar, or such of Ita successors or assigns es mny by separata instrument nssumo re�ponsibihty lor ossuring complinnce by the <br /> Borrower with the provislons o1 ihis Tex-Exempt Finuncing Rlder, may requlre Immedlate payment In (ull of all sums secured by ihis <br /> Security In�trumcnt If: �� <br /> (a) All or paR of the Propertyr Is eold or othenvise transferred hy Borrower to e purchuser or other lransferee: <br /> (f) Who cannot reasona6ly be expected to occupy the property ns e principal residence within a reasonable time eiler the sale or <br /> transfer,all as provided In Saction 143(c) and (i)�2) of the Intemnl Rovenuo Code; or <br /> (p) Who has had e present ownerahip Interest In a princlpnl rosldenco during any part of tfie threo-year perfod ending on �ho <br /> date of lhe snle or transfer, ell as provlded in Section 143(d)and(q(2) ot the Intemai Revenue Cods(�xcept that "100 percent" sha11 be <br /> substituted for'95 percent or more" whera lhe Initer eppeara In Sectlon 143(d)(1)) or <br /> (i�) At an acqulsition cost whlch Is grealer than 90 percent of the average area purchnse prtce (greater than 110 percenl lor <br /> targeted erea restdences), ell as provided in Secticn 143(e) and (I)(2) 01 the Intemal Revenuo Code; or <br /> (h�) Who hna a�ross tamily lncome In excess of the epplicablo percentage of epplicablo median tamliy Income as providod In <br /> Section 143(Q and (I)(2)of tha Intemal Revenue Code;or <br /> (b) Borrower ialis to occupy the properry described tn dia 3ecudty In3trument without prlor written consent of Lender or its <br /> ��,����.e .,s o��ionu r�accrii�Pd at the beninninp of thls Tax•Exempt Flnancing Rider,or <br /> (c) Borrower omile or misropresents a fact that Is mAterial with respect to the provlslone ot Section 143 ot the Internal Revenue <br /> , Code in on appiie�tlon 1or tho loan�ecured by thls Securlty Instrument. ' <br /> Reterences aro to the Intemal RAVenue Code as emended an� in nHect on tfie date of Issuance at aonds, tho proceeds ot which <br /> w�l be used to Monce the Seeurlry Inslrument and are deemeci to include the implementfng reyulatlons. <br /> SY Sl(3NING BELOW, Bottowar�ccepis and aflrees to the terms and grovisiuns in this Tex-£xempt Flnancfnp Rider. <br /> . � �i � ISFAI) <br /> B�«pw��Jose C. Avila <br /> �I� u n a�aa '�,l°1� �S�a�, <br /> eo«o�,�� qynalda Avtia <br /> ❑ COhVEN110NAL MOATQAGE LOAN ADDENDUM ONLY . <br /> THIS TAX•EXEMPT FINANCINQ RIDER is mede thls day of , a�d Is I�cotporeted Into end <br /> shotl be deemed to amsnd and supplement the Mnttgage,DPeal of Trust or Security Oeed ('Securiry lnstrumenY) of the sama dato gVven by <br /> the unclerslgned('Borrower`)ta secure F3ortower's Note ('Note")to <br /> ('Lender") oi the same date and coverinc�the prapetty descdbed In the Security Instntment anci located el: <br /> "' (Property naaressj ! <br /> In addiilon to the covunt�nls and �gre�ments made in the Security Insirument, Bortower and Lender lurther covanant and agreo to nmend <br /> Paragraph 17 oT the Unlform Mortgago Furm, entlYlad 'Trnnsfer of the Property as a 8�3neiicial Interest In Borrower' as by adding additlonal <br /> grounds for acccaerption us to:lows: <br /> Lender, or suah o1 Its successors or nsslgns as may be separate ins9rument essume r�sponsib2ity far ussu�ing compllance by the <br /> 6ortower with the provlsiona oi this Tex•Exempt Financing Rider, may ►eyuiro Immediate payrnent in iuil of all sums secured by this <br /> Security Instn�ment Ii: <br /> (a) Ail or part o}the Properry is sotd or otherwise trans7erred by Borrower to e purchnser or other trenstQree; <br /> (i) Whu cem�oi eeasonabty be expected ta accupy the proparty a� n princip�l resldenca wlthin a reasonabte tlme efter the <br /> _u_ Y..u�.a b.a�L... �l�tw1.�v7 1:I191 n!Il�n pouom�o CnAa•nr <br /> .. ._�._�� �� ...........�.. ..� -.� �•�.-� _. ..._ ...._...�..._._.._' '__'• . <br /> � amo V� uana�.n.a�oo p�v..wv �-r � <br /> (ii) Who has had a present ownership Interest in u pdncipal residenco during any part ol the three-year period ending on ihe <br /> date ol tho sale or transier, uil es provided In Sectlon 143(d) and (i)(2) of the Intemal Revenuo Code (except lhat 't00 percenl' <br /> shall bo substituted tor"95 pereent or moro' whera tho latter appears In SecUon 143(d)(1�; or <br /> (Iil) At un acquisition cost whlch Is greater than the maxlmum Ilmiis estabiished by the Nebraska Investment Financa Avthonty <br /> (tho 'Autho�ily") in connectlon wilh Its Program,pursuant to which Progtnm thls 5ecurity Insttument is linnnced; or <br /> ; (iv) Wlio hns e gross tamity Incomo in excess oi tha manimum limits established by tha Authoriry In connectfon �vith ils <br /> - Progrum; or <br />.� NIFl1 2l98 <br /> - Ot/157i0b.: Pog�, t ot 2 <br /> - Fttl75.1M0 f71F3S1 <br />= PG177 <br />_� <br />�� .. . . . _.. ..... .. . . ._. . . __. . . <br />