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NE 68801 ("Lender"). <br /> 8ortower owes Lender tha pdnclpal sum ot Fortv F(ve Thousand and 00/100 - ` <br /> pollors (U.S.5�L5,OOO.QO_.___�. This debt Is evidencQd by Borrower's note <br /> dated tho same date ac thts Security Instrument ("Note"), whlch provldes for monthiy payments, with lhe fuli debt, if not patd <br /> earlier, duo and payabte on �Ia�t\11AN � 2027 . This Secutity Instrument secures to Lendnr: (a) the repayment <br /> ot the debt Avidenced by th�Nnta, �Hilh Interest,end all renewnls, oxtenslons end modificatlons oi the Note; (b) tho payment of <br /> ail other sums, wiih interest, ndvanced under paragraph 6 to protect the secunry ot thts Securiry insirw��rni, a��u (c) i�s <br /> pe�fortnenco ot Bortower's covenants and agreements under thls Security Instrument and the Note. For this purpase. Borrower <br /> IrtevocabH grents and com�Cys to Trustee, in trust, wlth po►ver ot sala, tho following described property looated in <br /> ���� Counry; Nebraska: <br /> L�+t �lgh! (8), in Block'3�hree(3), In South Girand Islatid. City o! Cirand Islorsd, Hatl County. <br /> ' ' Nebraska <br /> whlch has the Adc��oss ot 703 South Sycamore St Grand fsland, <br /> (suc�t] �a,y�, <br /> NebrOSka __,__ 68801 ('Property Address"); <br /> (Staro) [tip coau� <br /> TOGETHER WITH aft �the fmprovements now or hereafter erected on tho property, and all easements, eppurtenances, and <br /> fixlures now or heresfter a p�ri of the property. All replacements and additlons shall be covered by thls Securiry Instniment. All <br /> of tho forogoing is raterred to In this Security Instrument as tho'Property'. <br /> BORROWER COVENAN7S that Borrower Is lawfully selzed of the ostato hereby conveyed and has tho �ight to grant and <br /> convey the Properry and thpi the PrapeAy Is unencum6ored, excopt tor encumbronces of record. Borrower warrants and will <br /> de4end generally tho title to the Property agafnst all clalms and do:nands,subJec!to any encumbrances of rocord. <br /> 7HI8 SECURITY INSTRUMENT comhlnes unitorm covenAnte for natlonal uso and non-urdform covenants witt� Iimited <br />_ variatlons by JudsdicUon 4o constRute a unf!arm oecurity Instrument covedng real property. <br />— Borrower c�nd lender covennnt nnd ngruo as tollows: <br />= UNIFORM COVENAN'f5. <br />° 1. Payment of Princlpal,Interest and Late Charge. Borrower shali pey when due the principal of, and Interesl <br /> on,the debt ev►denced by the Noto und Ia4e charges duv under tho Note. <br />— 2. Monthly Pavment of Taxes, Insuranoe� and Other Charges. eonower shall include in each montt,iy <br /> pnyment, together v�!th lho princlpal nnd Inte�•cst ns Qot IoHh In tha Nuto ond uny Iato charqQS, o sum tor (a) tnxes pna speciai <br />� assesaments loviad or to bo lovfed ugainst the Propeny. (b) leuschuld puyments or ground rents on thcr Property. and (c) <br /> — premlums tor Insumnco requlred un�er Paragraph 4. In any year In which tho Lender must pny a mortgage fnsurance premhim to <br /> — tho Sacrotary ot tiousing and Urban Dovelopment ('Ser,rotary'). or in any year in which such premlum would havo been reyufred <br /> it Lendar stfll held the Security Instrument. each monihly payment shall ulso include either. (i) o sum lor lhe annu�l morigaye <br /> Insurancu prem!um to be pafd by Lender to the Socretary, or (il) a monthly chargo histead ot u mortgaye fnsurance premfum il <br /> = thls Security Instrument Is held by lhe Secretnry. in a reasonnble amount to hu determined by the Sacrclary. Except for tho <br />,`_� monthry chargo by tho 3ecretary, these ftems ure callod 'Escrow Items" and the sums paid lo Lender are called 'Escrow <br />.� Funds' <br />�"� F5tl7l.LM(1 1`!I`3b1 V'J f� i UI� <br /> �c <br /> � 96177 <br />