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.-,-- ;--------r---- �,- �l <br /> t._, � .. 1�......:h..,�.,,� _ ,. . . - - <br /> l� ' �H°'�"-���,�c ii'-> ,M.ao_ c _�:�.�';=�;y, .s.� � �_ .�. <br /> q i,,��;�;o.,.�...r. „� , �,7»� r �''i..r--- <br /> ' � �. ___._ _.___ _--_ —_—__ '....c.:1A��+�mamvscra <br /> ... �.�... _"—_—_ —._ . . . _ - _. __—... <br /> . �- ..�.�_. .�.. y. .__�a . .__—_ <br /> " _ _ _ _ ._ _... . __.� .��.. �'"'" __ - _ <br /> ..�___:— ---. �f...�-�..__ _ . �.�......._ - _ ... __" _ . __" <br /> _ �_.. . �.e .�.�.�� . ..���_ .=ri'--•�-J_ i .."_��'� --_ <br /> ���r. <br /> �� <br /> � ...N <br /> If 1 .... ... _ . . _. .._ .. �-�--���.rww���....�. .�^��"^��r.�.�..� . —.. <br /> _"_._ L__��.�r���.����� .� .�-��. .�.��• �....� ..�....�.��r.r. <br />" ... .�'�.�.�.�wv�� <br /> �I _�v� �.Z Hullmen end 6elton 6 Woit W�Itou.Re.fiS463 _� -- .__-. <br /> L ____^.._.__._�.__._.._�__ _.�_._.__...__--•_._.......�..._---,�_._--___---...._.�__. .. __....�.._._.._.._. _:...,..._...�._.,..�._..� <br />- i =--- <br /> L�]:iL'�1.,� ����L`i�`�1.�i lYl��y���vl�� �V�7�(�� �'- <br /> AYANSO JA�110, A SINGLL' PERSOii , hexein called the"Mortgagor"wliether one or more, <br /> in coneideration of FpIIR THOIIS.l11iD AND Ii0/1O0T88 DOId,!lRS----------(=�5.�•�)---- <br /> recoived irom anorigsaee, doea mortgaga ta VICSNiB �AI.ADBZ herein called the "Mortgagee", <br /> the followic�c�eacribed reral eEtate: The North FifCy (50) feet of the SouCh One Hundred (100) <br /> • Fse� a� Lot 3ts�nty Five (25) of the Count> Subdivision of part of the Woet Half of the <br /> � Soutltwaet Quarte� (W}SW}) of Section Ten (10), Township Eleven (11) North, Range <br /> Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall Gaunty, Nabraska <br /> Aad tho niortgsgor doea biernby covenant with tl�e �uortgngeo and �vith mortgageo'x heire �nd <br /> assigne tliat inortgngor ie lnwfully seised of eaid Nromfeee, tlint tl�oy sro lr�e from onaumbranco, tbat <br /> mortgngar hne gnod right nua In�vful n�ithority to aonvr.y tl►o xsmc, mi�l thut mortgagor wncranty and <br /> will delend the titio to Hnfd Nremincs ngehiRt tho la�stul olnimx of nll perxaux wlimneoovor, <br /> ThiH mortgxau iN givon to HCCUPe thc pnyiu�nt of the promib»ocy untc oi thiN date n�nde by � <br /> mortgegor for � 4�UUU.00 pnynble MAZ�ch l, I997 I <br /> biortgngor rshull po)� nll tuxeb nnd t189C8BI11Qllt9 le��icd u��on xnid renl proporty nnd ell ottter tssee <br /> levied oii thi�; moMgxga or the note whiol� tltie mortgxge ia givcm to�enure beforo thc same becomo delin- <br /> quent nud sh+ill uaaintnin fire, �vindstorm and extend�ed covernqc ineurnnee «•ith a mortgage cleuse on <br /> the bnilding, m� yuid prewiece in the nuin of :y� 7.000.00 , IP mortgugor fails to puy auah t+utea <br /> and nsqe�4meuth or prooure euch inaurnnce, raortgeigee may� p�y sueh tnxes snd purchase euoh insuranco <br /> and tlie umount ao ndvnnced «itli interest at 8 percent per nnnum eliall be seaured by thie mortgsge. <br /> In ensn o4 defnnit in the pnyment of the prineipHl s��m or any installment thereof or of eny intereat <br /> thereon �vlien the eaine sl�all become due or i�► ense mf tlie no�i-poyment of any taxen o� sseesaments or oi <br /> the foilure to mnintain inFUrancc as herein provided, mort�egee may at thn o�ption of mortgagce, with- <br /> out notice, at any time during the contiminnce o� kuon defauii ur Lreuch,un63a�e Lho �l�al� 3sht o��:::'�d <br /> by tliis mortgago to be immedi�►tely due and pnvnble a»d may 4orecslose thie mortgnge. <br /> In the ovrnt of defanit in the performanee of Nny of tlie term�; nnd aonclitions of tl»ca mortgage or <br /> the note necured by it, the niortgngec xhull be entitled to imn�ediute possesaion of the property abova dm- <br /> seribed �nd all the rents, revenne and incomr derived therefrom during such time as tlid mortgsgo in- <br /> debtednes9 remaine unpaid eliull ba npplied by tho tnortg:t�ee to the payment oi t]ie nuto snd e�ll other <br /> surns securad hereby nfter deduetioii o4 nny necesqAry cost� af collection. <br /> ARtad � • C.�9 lg�� <br /> ��E�'�" ...........c'���.......................... ..............................................................................,............ <br /> ................................ <br /> �ALONSO JACOBO <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, County of.....�all , <br /> ......................................... <br /> Z'he foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me ......................�L..,."!�•....�.g.....-••......................... 19.�.�9. - <br /> by ..........A�V.�f84...�7AG.4�?o.....�,..g��lS��..p�Fg4fl............. ......... <br /> .... ... <br /> -,,�fC�C.�../•I.e����f�9��...�. .................. <br /> fifM�iRAI ttOTARY-StAtE of Nt6L3S1� S' nature of Psruon Taking Acknowledgment <br /> DtANW�d,. ���L�,1� <br /> , . 11y Canm.EaM�-ir�� ....................................................................................................... <br /> ; Title <br /> i <br /> ' I . <br /> � � �T9.TE OF NEBRA$KA, County o4 ........................................................: <br /> F�led for reoord and entered in Numerical Inde:on <br /> .............................................................. ot .:.............. o'elook ................ M., <br /> � . . <br /> azid racorded in Mortgoga Record ......................... Pnge ........................ <br /> ............. .. . .................. By ... ........, .....,, ............. <br /> �County�Clerk or Deputy�County Clork or <br /> Regixter ot Deeds Deputy Register of Doode <br /> I I I <br /> -- - - ,-,. <br /> _�u �----- - �-�I <br /> � - II I _ _ <br />