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<br /> �4[���..W f. Cond�mnWO�.Ttu pracesd�ol anv�w�rd or cl�im for dsmagee,dirxct or consequentlel,in connaauon with onY �__ __:-,__ _ ,_ __
<br /> -` � cond�mnaGon or oth�r tekinp of Ih�Prop�rry,or paRlh�r�oto�br conwyanee In liou of condomn�tlo�,an h�r�by usipn�d - -
<br /> and shall b�psid b L�nder.
<br /> . „ , In!hs avent of a totsl takinp o1 lh�Propert�r,the proceed�sholl be appIled to the�ums aecured by this Deed of Trust�with
<br /> � ths�xuu,if�ny,pNd to BOnowsr.In fhs ewnt ol a portfal fskinp of fh�Propsrty,unl�Borrower and Londer otherwise
<br /> .:, aflroeinwdNnp,the►e�hellb�•ppIfsdtothssumssecursdbythiaDeedolT�uetsuchproportlonoftheproceed��sisaqwlto
<br /> ,� lhatpraportionwhichthoamountotihesumaeecuredbythiaDeedofTrustimmedfetetyprforrothedateoftakfngbeusWths �..._.�_ _ ,r�
<br /> " �•� ° hir madcet value of th� op�rty Imm�dl�td prlor W the dats of tskin ,with Ihs beance of the p►oceeds psid to Borrower. --�-
<br /> If th�Prop�rty Is�b��doned by 8orrowe�,or If,�R�r notice by Len�er to Borrower that ths condemnor ofle�e to make an �� �
<br /> aw�rd or tsttl�a Claim tor damapss,Bor�ower falls to re�pond to L�nder within 30 days after ths dete aueh nodce Is maNed, -
<br /> Lender le suthorizsd to collsct and apply d�prx�ds,at L.�nd�r'�optlon,�Ither to rostoratlo�or ropalr ol th�Properfy or to �i' _•'' ==`
<br /> - :.-.. tlw aums sccurcd by thla Qeed of Truat °------- -
<br /> „ � Unlea Lendsrand Bo►rowerotherwise apree fn writin�,eny euch epplicatlon of proceeds to principal ehell not extend or _
<br /> �stpens th�due dab of tha monthly installnwnb referred lo in perapaphs 1 and 2 horoof or chonpe the amount ol wch
<br /> natellments. �."�_ _
<br /> ,r i ; 10. BonowwMolRNNS�d.Extenaionofthetlmeforpaymentormodi8cetfonofamortizetionofthesumssecuredbythia �° -
<br /> - . Deed oi Truat pranted by Londer to any suacessor in Intereat of 8o►rowar shell not operate to releaee,in any manner,the ���' =_�==;---
<br /> � IlabiUty o1�e orlpinal BoROwer end Borrower's euccesaoro Interes�Lender sha11 not be required to commence proceedinga ��'r=
<br /> ; � """ e�einat�uch wccesaor ar refuts to extend tkne for payment or otherwlse modiy amoNzatio�of the sums aecured by this �= '�`-"'
<br /> ;:� . Deed of TruM by reason of eny demond made by the oripinal Borrower end 8o►rower's successora In Mteresl _.—
<br /> � 11. FabNane�bY L�r Not�Walr�.Any b►bea�rnnce by Lender in exe�clefna any ripht or remedy hereunder,or
<br /> . � otherwl�e affo�dsd by epplle�bla IAw.�tudl not be a walver of or precluda the exercise of eny auch right or remedy.The �_
<br /> prxurament of insurance of the peymsntof taxes aother Ilens ar charpes by L�nderthell not be a weiver of Lende�'�ripht to !�'���
<br /> � eccelerate lhe meWrlty of the Indebtedneos aecu�ed by thia Deed of Trust �w�`''�-:
<br /> � 1Z. RMn�dl�s Cunlulatiw All remedieaprovided in this Deed ol Truet a�e disfinct and cumulative to any other right or '�•"'�_�._��.m.:
<br /> remedy under d�is Deod o1 Truat or aHordW by lew or oquily, end mey be exercisod concurrently, Indt+pendently or �i
<br /> euccessively. ''- •-�t'''-.._
<br /> :,�::��..,....
<br /> 13. Suacasoh andAs�ro Bound;Jolnl and Sw�rd LlabWty;Captlon�• The covenants and ag�eements herein �.••_
<br /> conteined ahall bind,and the rTqhb hereunder ahell inure to,the reapeclive auccesaors and asaipns ol lender and Borrower, _ '� •: �
<br /> � subject to the proviaions of perapraph 17 hereof.All aovenante and agreementa ot 8orrower shell be joint and several.The . ""�R�
<br /> � captions end headinpa of the para�►ppha o1 this Deed of Truot are far convenfence only and are not to 6e u9ed to i nterpret or
<br /> ` define the provislona hereol. ' -----
<br /> 1�. NoNa�.ExceptforanynoUcerequiredunderappIiceblelawlobepiveninanolhermanner,(a)anynoticeto8orrower =�•.�
<br /> provided for in this Deed of TruatshaN be ylven by meilinp such notice by certilled mell eddressed to 8orrower althe Property •=
<br /> Address or at euch other eddreaa aa 8orrower mey deaipnate by notice to Lende�ea provided hereln,and(b)any notice to ���°'__
<br /> lender shell be ptven by ceHiNed meH,relum recefpt requosted,to Lender's addreas stated hereln or to such other addreas as �Y':.�,
<br /> Lender may desipnate by nodoe lo Banowsr e4 p►ovlded hereln.Any notice provfdedtor in this Deed of Truat sholl bedeemed ,_ ,
<br /> ___ --- - to heve bew�givwn to Borrower or Lender when glven in the menMr detlpneted herein. � �.
<br /> 16. UnMam ONd ol TruN;Gov�minp Law;Sw�r�blNh.The fo�m of deed ol trust combinea uniform covenana for r
<br /> nationel use and non-uniform covenanta with Iimited variallons by Juriedictian to conatitute a uniform aecu►ity instrumenl • '�`"'� :
<br /> �� coverinp real properly.Thla Daed of Trust aholl be yoverned by ihe lew ol the�urfsdiction in which the Property is loceted.In `%%'
<br /> the event thet any provlelon or clause o(this Deed of Trust or the Note coniNcta with eppIlcable law,such conllict ehall not � ^.: �.�r
<br /> . • atfeat other proviafonsof this Deed olTruat orthe Note whichcan begiven eHect without the contNctiny provlaions,and tolhis
<br /> end the provisione ot the Deed ol Trust and the Nate are declered to be severable. �
<br /> • • 18. Bo►►aM�r's Copy.Borrowe�ehal l be turniahed a conlormed copy oi the Note end of thfs Deed of Trust at the tfine of '`� —`- -
<br /> execuGon or after recordeNon hereof. ' `°
<br /> 17. TnnH�r of th�Prop�tty;ApumpUoe.If all or any pe�t ot the properly or en Interest therein is sold or trenslerred by i • �
<br /> Borrower without Lender's prlor wrilten consent,excluding(a)the creatlon ol e lien orencumbrance subordinate to this Deed �
<br /> � ol Trust,(b)the creetion of a purchase money aecurily intereat for household epplfances,(c)a transfer by devise descent or by � �
<br /> operationoflewuponthedeathofajolnttenantor(d►theqrantotanyleaseholdinterestolthreeyearsorlessnotconteininpan ' ;
<br /> . � optfontopurchese,Lendermay,etLender'soption,declerealltheaumaaecuredbylhisDeedolT�usttobeimmedietelydue . .� ,
<br /> � � end payeble.Lender ahell heve weived such option to accelerate i!,prior lu llie sele or iranaler,Lendn�and Ihe person to _ +�
<br /> � ' whom the Property la to be aold or treneferred reach epreement fn wrlting that the credit of 9uch person is aetislactory to � �;
<br /> � " Lender end thatthe interest peyable on Ihe sums secured bythia Deed of Truat ahall be at such rete ea Lender shel l request.If � •-
<br /> lender hes walved the option to accelerete provided in thls paregraph 17, and il Borrower'a successor in iMereat has `.'_
<br /> � executed e written asaumptlon apreeme�t accepted in writirp by Lender,Lender shell releose Borrower from all obllpatlons � ,.
<br /> under this Deed of Trust and the Nole.
<br /> • If Lender exerclses such optlon to accelerate,lender ahall mail Borrower notice of ecceleretion {n accordance with
<br /> parepraph 14 hereol.3uch notice shall provide e perfodol�ot lessthan 30deys from the date the noUce fs malled within which
<br /> 8orrower may pay the suma decla�ed due.If Borrowerleilsto pay such sums prfor to ihe expiratlon ot such period.Lender •„�•;
<br /> mey,without brther noUce or demand un 8orrower,invoke any remedies permitted by paragraph 18 hereof. ; •
<br /> • NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS.BorrowK�nd L�ndK fuAh�r cov�n�nt and aprN a�lollow�: ' -
<br /> 10. AccN�tation;R�m�dl�t.Except es provided In paragraph 17 hereof,upon Borrawer's breach of any covenant or �
<br /> � agreement of Borrower in this Oeed olTrust,fncludiny the covenants to pay when dueany sums secured by thls Deed of Trust�
<br /> Lender prfor to acCeteration ahall mall notice to Borroweras provlded in paragraph 14 hereof specifving:(1►the breach;(2►the
<br /> ectbn required to cure such breach;(3►a date,not less then 30 deyatrom the date the notice Is maiied to Borrower,by which
<br /> ' such breach must be cured;and(4)Ihet Tallure to cure such breach on or belore the date specified In the notice may reault in
<br /> ecCele►atlon of the suma seCUred by this Deed oi Trust and sale of the Property.The notice shall further fntorm 8orrower dfhe
<br /> ' rfght to relnstete aRer ecceleratlon and the rl9ht to bring e court actlon to assert the non-existence of a defaull or any olher .
<br /> defenae of 8arrowerto acceleratlon and sale.11 the breach fs not cured on or betpre the date specffied in the notice,Lender at
<br /> Lender's optlon moy declare all of the auma secured by ihis Deed of Trust to be immediately due end payable withoul further
<br /> " demend and mey Invoke the powe�oi sele and any other remedles permltted by appliceble law.Lender shell be entltled to
<br /> 1 collect all reasonable coats and expenses incurred In pursulnfl the remedfes prov�ded in the parayraph 18.includiny,bul nol
<br /> limited to,reaaonable aftorney's lees.
<br /> If the power of sele Is Invoked,Trustee shell record a notice ol defaulf in eoch county m which the Property or somepaA
<br /> thereof fslocated and shell mafl copiesof such notice in the menner prescribed byeppllcable law to Borr�wer and totheother •
<br /> persona preacrlbed by epplfceble law.ARer the laps�of such time as may be requ�red by applfcable lew.Trustee shall give �
<br /> publfc notice of sale to the persons and in the manner prescnbed by applfceble law.Trustee,wdhout demond on Borrower.
<br /> shall sell the Property at publlc auction to the h�ghest bfdder at the t�me And place and under the terms des�gnated in Ihe notfce
<br /> of sale fn one or more parcels and fn such order as Trustee mey determine.Trustee may postpone sele o1 all or any parcel ol
<br /> ' . the Property by public ennouncement atthe Ilme and{,lace of any prewously scheduled sale.Lender or Lender's deslgnee
<br /> mey purchase the Property et any sale.
<br /> -r- _�..�.�.. ..�ti.,o. ...a.....�.�
<br /> uponreceipioipaymenioimepricvoiu.1�YOiCebiuiiiva�voiiJu�vMuiGivaB� i�uaiwouvo��.v,i�a��::i .. ..vj.v..�+.....
<br /> The recltels in the Trustee's deed shall be prima fecle evidence ol the truth of the stateme�ts made thereln�rustee shell apply _
<br /> the proceeds ot the sale in the following order.(a)to all reasonable costsand expenaes of the sale,includmg,but not I�mited to.
<br /> Trustee's lees of not more than %of the grosssale price,reasonable attorney's fees and costs of tdle evidence.
<br /> (b)to all suma secured by thls Deed ol Tiusl;and(c)the excess,if any,to the person or persona legally entftled thereto.
<br /> 19. 8o►row�t's Rlpht to RNnsIN�.Notwlthstending LendPr's acceleral�on of the sums secuted by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Borrowershellhavetherighttoheveany proceedingsbegunbyLendertoenforcetheDeedofTrustdiscontinuedatn�ytime
<br /> , p�ior to the earl{er to occur oS(Ij the fifih day betora thc�a:c c':hc f'rcpcfi;pu:auart to:hc poti:cr;.;�atc c:.;;a:;c1:::�;,Occd
<br /> ol Trust(f�)entry of a�udyment enfarcing this Deed ot Trust if:(al8orrower pays Lender all suma which would ba then due
<br /> under thfs Oeed of Trus�the Note and notea securing Future Advances,d any,had no acceleration occuredlb)9orrower
<br /> cures ell breaChes Cf any other covenants or egreements of Borrower contained in Ih�s Deed ol Trusl.lc)Borrow�r pays all
<br /> reasoneble expenaes incurred by Lender and Trustee enforcing the covenants and agreements of Borrower conta ined m th�s
<br /> Deed of Trusf and fn entorclnp Lender'send Truatee's remediea es prov�ded in parograph 18 hereof,�ncluding,but not I�m�ted
<br /> fo,reasoneble attorney's leos;and(d)Borrower takes such ectf un as Lender mey rensonably requf re to nssure Ihat Ihe lien o�
<br /> fhls Deed of TruBt,Lender'e interest In�he Propetty end Borrower's obligation to pay Ihe sum�cncured hy this Deed ol7rust
<br /> shell continue unimpalred.Upon such paymenl and cure by 8orrower.Ih�s Deed of Tru st�nd the obl�g:�t�ons secu red he�eby
<br /> shall remafn In full torce and eNect es ff no accelerat�on had occurred
<br /> � ' _
<br /> �� .� � �
<br />