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_-lr.Nr�r . -�,.j�•� . . � �{,��'`� � ��.' � �� <br /> �}�.5� �-Ir''' � .. � �:,... .. . �_. ....._:, <br /> ,. . <br /> :., .. .�., <br /> . �. <br /> ::.��..�_ . , "_"'__ __ <br /> . . ,���.�Pl1��•7al..� ' – _--.._ . �_ �.-•---.--...�....:a..�• � a -r . �__,..._._- ---� -- . ������—.,�,�,,,�,,,r. <br /> �� � ... ..i�^5�.�.,,_..._wniMnrM. wrwiw.. . .;c.. e�.L-r L "-'^�fs ?1S!'Fl/T�w���:"- <br /> ' i �!'�. .,_. i�'��"._...._._. . . . _ -... . �os�... . ..�_....... . .. . ' __. <br />. •dr�lk�''e _ <br /> ..., ,d , <br /> , . ' , • ' ' 9�w�,,r �__ <br /> ,. . ���r,��� - <br /> � �s� i��s�o <br /> ' ' WHEREAS,by virtue of and as a result of nn agrcement o�mergor'which bccame cffective March : <br /> ::;� "�,� 2, 1970� Chicaga, Burlengton and Quincy Railroad Company. thc Mortsagor named in said First mid <br /> Refunding Mortga�c,nnd oreat Northern Railway Company, the Mortgagor named in said Qe��cral Oold <br /> � Bond Mortgage�were mcrgcd into and with Greae Northem PaciRc and Buelington Lines, Inc.the namc of �, <br /> whicl�compauy was changed to Burlington Northern Inc.on March 2, 1970�and - <br /> -••��K='�.y- . <br /> .i1'�'1••� ' <br /> �� WHEREAS, by Supplemental Indenture, dated March 2, 1970, to said First and Refundins < <br /> - ' "`� Mortgage ofthe Chicago,Burlington and Quincy Railroad Campany,and by Supplementa1lndenture(No. �`:_: <br /> � '� � 11},dated March 2, eaid(�eneral Gold Bond Mortgage of the(3reat Northern Railway Company, = <br /> C: <br /> �' ''�. � Burli�ngton Northern Inc. asswned and agreed to be bound by all the covenants and conditions of said <br /> �.".;_... , mortgage tD�erein agreed to be kept and porformed by Chicago, Hurlington and Quincy Railroad Connpany <br /> _:r,.:'-1::;. <br /> ,,,,,,..;: ;, and Great Northern Railway Company, respectively, and succeeded to and was subsUtuted for 'cago, <br /> '''� �•�• Burlin�ton & Quincy Pailroad Company and Grcat Northern Railway Compv�y, respectively, in said <br /> `�.:�`,r�, mortgagcs;and <br /> ,;}�.; � <br />�;::;s�,��;�� .. �- <br /> __�n�;,:. � WHE�iLAS,by Supplemeatal Indenture (No. 12), dated as of March 2, 1970, to said General <br />-�=�'"'�'''�� � Gold Bond Martgage of the Crreat Northern Raihvay Company,the lands, property and real estate of die — <br /> ������r,;,t:� . <br /> ;'�w� former Chicago,Burlington&Quincy Railroad�Company were subjccted to the licn of said Genernl Qolcl <br /> J,..�.�a�' Bond Mortgage,subordinate to the prior lien of said First and lEtefunding Mortgage;and <br />�_-.�:.�,.:.: <br /> :,-;�.�?�� WHEREAS, by Supplemental Indenture, dated as of March 2� 1970, to said Consolidated <br /> „�-�.,� Mortgage, the lands property and real estate of the former Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railrc�d <br /> �;�=,�,1� Company were subj�to the Gen of said Consolidated Mortgage,subordinate W the prior liens of said <br /> �:y� First and Refunding Morigage and said General Gold Bond Mortgage;and <br />� � --- = WHEREAS,suhsequent W the name change of Burlington Northern inc. to �iurungwn Northem <br /> ="�`r'`i+� Rlilroad Campauy on May 14, 1981, by the three Supplemental Indentures. each dated May 14, 1981, <br /> Burlington Northem Railmad Company has assumed and agreed to be bound by all of the covenants and <br /> conditions of said First and Refunding Mortgage, said General Oold Bond Mortgage, and said <br /> ___�� Consolidatod Mortgage and supplements thereto;and <br /> `;;��4�� <br /> WHEREAS,Burlington Northem Railroad Company,duly and in accordance with the provisinn of <br /> said three mortga�os,has mAde application to the'�rustees thereof for the release of said property from thc <br /> lien thcroof; <br /> "���'�--� NOW, THEREFORE, THI5 1NDENTURE WITNESSETH that Citibank, N.A., as Trustee of <br /> �_;=�;,��.� <br /> ,;;;�.� said First and Refunding Mortgage and said General(3old Bond Mortgage,and First Trust of New York, <br /> _ _ _'°'� Narional Association,a�Tcustee of said Consolidated MortAap,e,in consideration of the sum of One Dollaz <br /> (i1.00)and other good and valuable consideration,the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,do hereby <br /> forever releass amd discharge from the llen of said mortgages and all supplements thereto,respecrively�and <br /> -=-�'�:�� remise,release and quitclaim unto Hurlingtoa Northern Railroa.d Compauy,all right,title,intcrest,claim or <br /> -- demand whaisaver said Citibank, N.A., and said First Trust of New York, Nadonal Assoeiation, <br /> respectively,may have aequired in,through�or by said Trust such Trustees,in and to the <br /> property situAted in the County of Hall,xnd State of Nebraska,more fuUy described in said Exhibit"A", <br /> = hercto attached. <br /> _.—� <br /> —. -�� <br /> --�� -°�_: <br /> - --=S.7 <br /> -_':�.� <br /> -..-.. -__:��:.f <br /> a� i� <br /> 4 n_�'�.��r'.a� _— �— ��_�.� :�. �.�C �'t+�� . � �.. �...t� _ _ <br /> �� .t.,,. 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