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ur..� ., r; •,, . • .,...'--., : :t1j�r I <br /> ..i( 'i�i�,,,;:i�l• .-. ,.-.. •t..... �,i': . � ... ,�.,v _ _ <br /> . ...� �t . . ! . "T'� 1: .if'j. '1'-. . _� ♦V.Jr'- - � _- "'-_- <br /> `��r. � � .i1.. .-u:�lf���`S`I'.t�. ... ._ . 7a•�a'- __ — <br /> . � �� <br /> . <br /> : � . <br /> .• _ <br /> t . _. _ �.iw�' <br /> .. _. _ .e_._v y.._aa_.=.- � _ __. .. _r.. <br /> '_ . . -. - __ -__-. <br />. •. ,}�.�,,��T '_-_ .._....�W.�_ �� - �_ �_.��_����.- �. <br /> .._,:.�n.. " Y'._.::.7L..��il06• _ .�_._ . <br /> u _1tiT15�'.�T.,,..__-,..- . ..-......_�_-__.__- <br /> Loan Acca�ntA�: 173SO4Z168 <br /> �: <br /> D�ED O�" �.�COIV`Vl�'YAI'�IC� �:r- <br /> �� gg�- 1t�9�4'7 <br /> 1NNRRFAS,tho undcteignad,Fir�t B�nk 11T�tional Aseoci�tion Ns Suca�sQr�n In�erat to F'iraTier B�nk, <br /> Nallonv As�ocirtion of 1700 Ftrmam_Street. City of Om�h�, County of J�ouePay, �cate of I'1e�ras:c�, as enastc�. E <br /> undcr thc trust dced datcd 28 Aeril. 1995,oxccuted by D�levin �noad�ll AKA Delvin .Vanosddl •sin le <br /> peraon as trustar,in wlvch F, ir t B�nk N�tNond Assaciation FKA FirsTier Bank.Nationui Association is named as <br /> beneficiary,and tha undctsigned and ttustce�and recordcd as Instrument No. 95-1Ox801 in thc office of the Registcr of <br /> Dceds of H�al County,StaLe of Nebraska,has rcccivcd from First Hank N�tionel Associ�tion FKA FirsTier Bank, <br /> tion�l Associa i n the beneficiary thereundcr�a writtcn rcx�uest to rcconvcy�mciting that all sums sec��L^d by such <br /> tn�sE doed have been fully paid and tt�at such trust deed and the note securect t&ereby have peen surneadered to th� <br /> undcrsigncd,as trustoe for c�.t�ellation: <br /> NOW,TIFIEREFORE,in accordancc with such request and the provisions of such tc�st deed,the undersignod, <br /> as tcustee, does heroby recnaivey,without warranty� to the person or persons cntided th�r�'to, numely: evin W. <br /> V�noad�ll AICA Detvin W 'K�osd#11,a e�n¢le nereon thc estate now held by i3 Qh�rcunder,to-wit: <br /> Le�al Description: <br /> The Southerly One-hal£(5 1/2)af Lot�x���1),in Block Sixteca(16),in the Original Towu,a�ow City o�f(irand Island, <br /> Hall County,Nebraska <br /> Property Strett�ddres�: <br /> 516 North Wh�aler,Grand Island,Nebraska 68801 <br /> . In witness wbemc>.f, the undersigned has cxeeuted this deod of reevnveyanee at: I+i�,Bank NRtional <br /> i d 16 Ninth Ayenua Nortt�Hooldna.MN 55343.on Z9 No_v_ember.1996. <br /> � ����,���.: ' . <br /> .�"�� <br /> � �'' Firat Hpnk Nadonyd Aisociation FKA <br /> � '`�� . � FirsTier A�nk,N�tiond Associstion <br /> :'fA "�a• - <br /> �=�� � <br /> yr. . ��'� ,!1�' `� , By._� �,� �-- <br /> ••, ,•' �'.� M.Daniel� <br /> . � ,., ••f;� <br /> � . . . Oper�tions Officer <br /> S�ATE OF MINNESOTA} <br /> }SS � <br /> COUN1'Y OF DAKOTA } <br /> On this Z4th day of November. 1996, beforc+mc� a Notary P'ublic, dUly commissionod, qualificd for and <br /> resid�ng in sa�County,personal�Y cam�Lee M.A,tniel�lmown Lo me to bc tho identical person whosc name is affi.�d _ <br /> to the foregoing iu�stnuncnt and aclmowledged the exccution thereof 2o bc hisli�er voluntary act and dced. <br /> WI'fNESS my h�nta and notarial seal the da.y and ycar last above writtcn. <br /> � � . _. ' (� rl <br /> - �..1s�ria..iw� -— � v� . <br /> � Patricia Wordcn Nata�y Public <br /> • �(p�lppApAAA�AAMAlUAAAAAAAAAAAAAARA� <br /> PATRICIA A.WORD�N <br />_ ���„��+1 pOTANV PUI3LIC•ti1�P�NF.SOTA � <br /> $?i�'�;v` HFNNCPIN COUN�Y <br /> ?tid���rSy Comml raon @xpin+s Jai.31.2010 =: <br />:°� --�--r,....-. , .. �Notary Scal_. — <br />:;� <br />:� _ <br /> ,� <br /> +� _ _ - -- _ <br /> .,—��. . - _ <br /> ..___. _...,�,:._ s,�..�,W.�.�.Y--� - <br />