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.. ..� <br /> ��,; r <br /> ,. <br /> ; <br /> ,�. . _.._._ _._.._..-- -- _ ----- ---.._ .__ .. _ _.. . . . ._ . _.----- - - -• - - .. <br /> _ _ _,.. _._... _ . __ -� . <br /> ._• ' M���''i :i1 -•. <br /> ,.ft., ' . .. . . ;� . �:��-��r . .,;i:,�;�.. <br /> ._,..5.�...�:T,o�•--==• -�- . .. PAUE 4 OF 4 ... ���v-�r-;-..._::: <br /> " �! 9.U9S4� AQDITIQ�IAL TERMS • '.•,�;..�'`'`'�T=-�; <br /> � � . .i�n� <br /> IIMITEO iMARR�NTY:M�sole and exclusire reRedy ayalnst rou or your eulQnce s�ail 6e Ilmite�to my rights and remedles unde�the exyress LIMITEO W�flNAMTV rou aitend ta <br /> no at Iho tino I slqn thls Contract.My exctuslue rlgAts and rem:dias unQer lhe Nur�nty shall 6e In Ileu ol all ot�er rlg�ts or remedlas, al law or In equlty,where O�rmitt�d � <br /> � DLa�ica�la stato law. ! <br /> All �dA!lUFACTUREO WINOOW PRODUCiS ARE NOT GUARNNTEEU AC�INSi CONOEN5Ai1011, MOISIUAE FORMATION OA FAOSi. PROOUCiS�IIE HOT GUIIHAHiEE� AGAINSi CORROCIO�i OUE <br /> 10 ADYERSE CIIMAIIC CDNQITIONS. - <br /> BU�ER,READ iHE SEPARAiE"LIMIiEO WARRABiM"WNICH IS A SEPAR�IE WflITTEN IMSTAIIMENT VERTAINIMG SOLELY i0 M�NUFACTUREO PP,OOUCiS OF iHE PACESETiER COAPOR�TION �• <br /> • �N�NNICH"LIMITEtI WAARANIY"HAS BEEN OELIYEREO TO EAL'll RESPECIIYE BUYEA IN COIiMECT1011 WIiN THIS S�IE.THE FOAEGUIML'PROYISIONS R[OAROINC COMQENSAII�N DO N�f , � ' <br /> IPPL710 SIUiMG. <br /> Further,The P�eesetter Gorpoqtlai�m�kes MO REPAESEkTAiION OA WARNIINn OF�N9 AINO OA NATUAE WHITSOEYER, EflPAfSS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE EMERGI � <br /> • S�VIqCS I COULD OR MAY ACHIEYt 81 USE�'�nsuH�tfonOnUmT(Shame nfhe p�itculai tlte�ndrstylaYOlan�l hoaraelhe�(ypo Ic�u�l�lty�of eca tructicnrotlr�y h�a.I�Cylp]rt�ceO�r Ille - <br /> Ilmittd t0, the lyp0,�u�ltiry�1Q,�W� f .. _ <br /> styte,Ihe number ol�p�ninit Nr mr Mme, pro�cr�onitorin{01 tharn�ost��settle�s, clln��tic candittons and locitlan ct my home, �nd eren the trpe ol anern consum�A lor <br /> heating and�Ir conditlunina purposef. <br /> '•" 'ra PREPAYAfl�:NT ANa.iCCRUAI.OF'fHE FINANCF.CHARG�:G�•cn thaugh 1 do not hmc tn pay nwR ihan thc rcgul:�r xhcdulcJ monthly paymen[,1 h:nc thc right � ' <br /> •"• to prcpay Ihc��hulc amuunt uwint In you in ftdl nt any lintc nr in p'.�n fmm�imo W timc.1 undentand that thc fin:mcc charpc lintcrc+tl i4 mmputcd Ju�iy.I kn�i�v my „ <br /> finanee churge will be Iesti�f I muke an euriy payrt�ent,and it will 6e higher if I pay late:l�dsii n�cugniie that any nccetitiary ad�u+tment[n my Iotal Rnanee charge tvill <br /> ' hc ret7rcted m nry fin:d bill:1 also knuw that the umounts shown on page?for ihr Finunce Charge.Tu�al of P�ymenh.and�hc Tu�al Sale Price arc c,timatcs basnl un <br /> � the atisuroptiun that you will rc.eive each nf tho payments exactly on its due date;nnJ I know that Iherc�vill Ix no RfunJ if 1 prcp•iy herauce there i+nothin b�to mfund • <br /> when 1 am chargeJ on a daily ha.iti.I know that�f all rebateti,rcfunds nnd credits to�vh�ch 1 m�b�ht hc cnuded arc Ic�+than nnc Jull:v(51.00).no r�fund will b�made. I ` <br /> mav vulunt.uily prcpay thc umount I oa•c or in part,at any timc.If 1 m:�kc u partial prcpaymcnt.I mu.t cuntinur�o mukc my rcgular p_yments until 1 havc ���. <br /> � p�iil ull amount�o�vcd.I know that it 1 prcpay thc whalc amuunL you may collcrt or n�tmn(rom mc a mfnimum rharge not grcatcr than SIU.00. � _ ; F,�k�� <br /> tiPF.CIAL-ORDER COODS:I know that you have me:uumd my house and its openings,o th.0 you ran make the Pnxlucit to fit my particular houu and thal ttte goais ;,;•�:, <br /> � probably will not fit any other houses,so i know that 1 cannoi caneel this contract at any time aRer the perioJ of time given ro me by law m which tu cancel.After Ihut ��' <br /> 1 Icgal pcnod of timc,l know that!havc th�obligation to pay you in WII thc amount awcd. �'��m+—�--- <br /> ;I;.a�ru.,.-�mv,.y.. <br /> COb1D1ENCF.DIENT OF THG FINANCI:CHARGE:The finance charge(intere+p i+ctitimared to atart within 30 days of the dute of this comract,exeept in the ecent _ ,.. <br /> ':.� �ha�you complctc thc iu.tall:uion of thc gucxls anJ,crviccs un anu�hcr Jiva�hcn thc finanrc char��Ifnlcrc+U will txgin tu run��n�hc Jatc that I�ign thc Complction ..,'Y�:._�- � <br /> Cmificaic.Thcamuuntutfinancccharge(intcmtipro:rybcmorcurlc.sthanlhcumuuntdi.rt�ncdJcpcn�ingunthcanwunt,IpayyuuanJmy�inmlinestii�unrkmgpa�ments. ���ti, �, <br /> ;:• <br /> ` ± . " ---- -- <br /> DEFAULT:1 will tk in�fault under this cnntnct if: 1.I dodt m�ke a payment�vhen due:or 2.I hreak any promise 1 made to you in tl�i,cuutr.:ci:o�3.Sum:ti�+ngelse � _ <br /> � happcns�vhich cau+es you w helicve in�;w�il faith that I Ju not int�ud ta as promixed;or 4.1 Jefauh on any nbligutionti for which I am u.i2e my hor.0 fls a:llateral: � _,n._ �,_ <br /> or 5.Something happem�o my housc��•hrch thrcatem your rights,if anY•m a• :�'''�F►�'- _ <br /> � COJ.LECTION COS15:If 1 am in deFnult of this convact anS you demand full payment,1 unJentand that you havc thc right to forcclosc th:mvttGel^,e A hm•e gircn to " :,. <br /> i you nnA lo havc my housc�old to rcpay any amounts I mvc you. Bcforc my housa is sold,you will do all that thc law rcquiocs.l unJc�vwnd ih�t if�oa 4�ir2 an attomey -`-J M.2,;---.--. <br /> to assist you in the cnforcement of your nghts,including the sale of my house or u lawsuit,l ngrce to pay you for reasonable attomrys'fees an�tur otlxr rolated expenses _� _ <br /> r�j such:u an�rt costs,tiQe tiearche�and muney you expenJed to pratect my house.if you arc allowed to callect cuch umcunts by In�ti. � :°qT.,- . <br /> OTH�R IZ�GN7'S:You can choose not to enforce any of the rishts unde�this contrect as often ns you wunt without losing them.Or,you can drlay enforcing nny ot the a <br /> ..�f:_ <br /> " right,a'ithuut losing them.You can also usc any ri�hts now or m thc funim givcn m you by law. �i <br /> DELAYS:1 knuw that you will use your best efforts to install the Products I um purchasing on my house,but 1 nlsn underst¢nd that in some situnrions you may encounter __, <br /> ddays that arc causcd by strikes,�vcathcr conditions,dclays you havc in obtaining matcrials,or for othcr rcasons that are bcyoed yaur conuol.1 will not hold you liablc —_-- <br /> for such delays. <br /> � R�QUFST FON FULL PAY11fFNT:If 1 am in dcfault undcr this conuact,you can doclarc all thlt[owc undcr this contract payable nt oncc.1 agrec to p�}r ynu intcrcst <br /> on ihat amount�t the maximum contmctual ratc ullowed by Iaw until the umount I owc you is paid.1 also know thut you can forcciose the mortgage 1 have diven to you. <br /> -- �oy�To:�rs��r;rr�p��a�n�������or�laim wi�h vou concemine the quantity.quality or performance of the Products,t understnnd that my dispute may be submicted _ <br /> �� to nnd settled nccording to the mediation-arbitration Progrum that may have developrA in my commumey.t at:o knaw[nat nny tiecision made oy an w'viim�urisi Wuuiv i,e <br /> '; • cntcred in the coun having junulIction over mc nnd you. � <br />=.�'���' ' SALVAGE VALUE:(know that thc windows,woodwork.siding,brick und other materi�ls that hnvc to bc removcd by ynw for this installaticn hnvc NO salvag2�elue. • <br />-��'� ��� Whcn you mmove can havc them for whatcvcr purpose you want. � <br />_i,<.i��' �..;,...�. <br /> ;�;,�,;< < � ;��i�:t��; SPECIAL the uniqueness of somc of the Produe4c that yuu sell,l understand that in spccial situations your Regionul Officc may have Ics rovie.v 't <br /> . � and approve this contract.1 ulso undentancl that this sale occurnd in my home and that you and I may not have had al1 the correce�nformation important to this irunsaeuon <br />_';�;, at our iR,r.ertips;I give you my consent to co�mct any obvious ercors that muy have occurted when the blanks in this contract wtre completed. r. <br />' INVALID PROVISIONS:If any provisinn of this contract violates�he law and is unenforceable,the rest of the contraet will be vulid.If nny pan uf this contract tequircs 4j- <br /> . paymem of morc intercst thnn�he Inw permits,then you witl only have tl�e�ight r.o collect from me the amount of intecest which the law nlluws you to collect. <br /> ' � �• COMPLETENESS OF THIS CONTBAC7':This contract can only bc changed if both you und 1 agrcc in writing. _ <br />�.>� .�.. .,'.. NOTICE <br /> T}""� , ANY HALDER OP TH15 CONSUMER CREDiT CONTRACT IS SUBJECT TO ALL CLAIM3 AND DEFENSES WMi1CH THE � <br /> �; ,� ' ^ DEBTOR COULD ASSERT AGAINST THE SELLER OE GOODS OR SERVICES OBTAINED PURSUANT HERETO OR WITH � <br />�?�""'� � �' 4 THE PROCEEDS HEREOF. RHCOVERY HEREUNDER BY THE DEBTAR SHALL NOT EXCEED AMOUNTS PAID 8Y T?IE ��:— <br /> _.-{,''"�..;.�:; . <br /> - �---r-!�`��� OEBTOR HEREUNDER. <br /> �"�"`��'"''" " INSURANCti CANCELLATION:If 1 hnve rcquested insurance in this purchase,l mny cancel such rcquest for insurance for any rcason within fiReen(15)days from <br /> -..1��:'. ' " <br /> -�••a,.+r'^�, the date oF this contract by notifying you or the holder of this wntract in wnpng.l know th�t the cancellation of my coverage will bc airanged with the insurance eamei�(s) <br />;;�.:_•_,.`;: ;,� : � and:►full refund of my prem�um(s)together with npplicnhie finance charge will be cmlited to thia cun�act. _ ---- - -_ =- <br />- '''r' '� pL£ASE NOTE:If I have rcquested insurance in this purchase,l will mceive with?n thirty(30)days u cenificnte of insurunee more fully describing the insurance eaver�ge. <br /> �r�:.� t '��� I know thnt if them is any confl�ct in the coverage or the IanguaEe of the certificute of insurance and the following Notice of Ptoposed lnsunnce that l am co�eted only to <br />_'''' t the extcnt ctatcd in thc following Notice of Proposed Insurancc.I also know that I have insurancc covcragc only if 1 have Cecn charged for it. - <br />=i�?��°'{� '•." � NOTICE OF PROPO�ED INSUNANCE �'` <br /> ����� ��sYh�`;{ 1 t�ke noNce that either Crcdit Life or Credit Accident and Hcalth Insucance,or both,will be npplicable ro this Installment Sales Contmct only if 1 h�ve cho�it by `� <br /> i�`�"'`"•�'�'�'�•`•���y signing the rcquest for such insurance.This insurance will onty cover the person si�ning the reyuest at the cost for each type oi insurnnce shown.Subje�:t to aceept�rtce <br /> ..,���;:. <br /> --`��,E.,;E,,� by the Insur•mee company,the insurance will be effective xs uf today and wfll con�mue oa7y for the number of months aY�ter�he effective date equnl to the nurn er v <br /> -- e _ <br />:�;r,,v;�.:'{ . nwnttily payments.1 undcrstand that this panicular insur,uice may not providt coverage for my luct few payments,und that dudn�that period of time!wil!not have nny _ — <br /> insurance cavemge.All bene6ts:+nd proceedc of the insurance w�Il be paid tn you or to u financial institution if it purchases the nstallment Sales Contract to the extent �,.� <br /> _,.�,;••�- � '° o!its inte�rsu nnd nny balancc will t+e payable ro me.'fhe initial amount of Crcdit Life Insumncc is t1x nmonnt requircd m ecpay the Total of Payments;thcrenfter,the <br /> - ''-'�''• insursnce decrcases by the amount of ea�h monthty payment on u ticheduled 30 day basis.lf I am joi�uly obligated on�he Instullmen�Sales Cur.irst with a Co-Buyer,and �'� <br /> �-'-- � ti;���} we ha��e both signed the requcst for CreJit Life lnsurartce,death benefits will be payable nnly with�espect tn Ute first one of us m die.Subject to eaclusioas,elimina�ions �.�� <br /> " �^� �r���.�'� or�v:si�ing period stated m the insuranee policy or cenificute.Credit AccideN and Health Insurance is for the benefit anwunt of I/30th of each month's payment foreael► _ <br />- • �1`+��,'` day thai f am rotatly disableJ due to an in�ury or s�ckncss whilc 1 o�vc any payment iu yau:howevcr.1 undcrstand th.0 1 have io bepreventcd fmm workm¢due rosuch --_-___ ---- <br /> ;�'�;�� . rotal dis�biliry for morc than fourtccn(14)wnsccutivc days bcforc thc insunncc bcncfit i;paid back ro thc first day of my total disabiliry. 1 also know 4�at I wnnot <br />_- obtn3m uny insur.+nce from you iP 1 am ovcr 65 yenrs of uRe loday,and I also know that thc Irtsurrrtce coveregc provided tc►me may cuntatn a maximum emount �-�;,;.-; <br /> . �e of eoverage whieh wlll not pay in some casev.the entlrc umount that I oxe you.Due tu the m:ucimum;mount of coverase stuteA in the insur�nce policy,l kno�r that �r <br /> any unpaid amount in excess of the insurance coverage will still have w be paid.If the Installment Salrs Contract ix prcpa►d in full prior to the last payment date,any <br /> • � wearned msur�ncc prcmiums wil l bc rcfunJed ro me in the manner prcscribed 6y la�v.W ithin thirty(301 days,I will rcceive�hc cenificate of insurance mox fu11y describing '%- ,�i: <br /> - my insurnnce coveragc.If the imar.mce is not uccepted by the insurance company,1�vill rcreive a rcfund of the insurance�semiums I have paid. •'� yti'�,; <br /> "r .. <br /> �..� �y,���:�!�q=^ <br /> � � 703V SM•101-Nt�H�IE PAGEJ wJ�'•_ �,���f15x�S.. <br /> �,JJ��f;��l?;��. <br />- '`•'�:'���°�;t.� <br /> . �,.'.�:�:i„Y.'„ <br /> , --y�,�r.�.�- ,�tr.-�uac.:�: . _ :� i.�:.,r i-. - <br /> " _ 'v , ,. • _ . . ,.��ny1f'S}�lr. <br /> •.` �', <br /> �- - - .. • � �,v � .. . ;t.: ri. . <br /> .. � .. . • ':�}s. <br /> --,., _ ._- ' _ '_ ' ' " —.__ _.—. ___ ' __ —___ —_ __ _ __ --- _-_ ._ <br /> . 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