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` . <br /> � ., <br /> . ;", . . .: :,.:_ <br /> ..� _..._.— -- .- --�---_--- – ---.... .._ .------ � ir,:�:.. <br /> •,ti�r.raw.: . .. .. . ,yw�ry -�-...,.�: - <br /> . . , r.. �.: , .,..,....,i�-rr .. � - .. � . . . .._��.,..t..v�i� �...._.. <br /> . � .._. ,. � .. � _._.._... . <br /> ._. ..� <br /> �. �.,-. <br /> � <br /> � . �..N <br /> . , � �. ...,.. _ . . .'_" ' •'r+�. <br /> ..._,_.. <br /> .._. �— <br /> .-iwar...�rW� . . _ . <br /> , . .: - <br /> .. . ..-.:��- <br /> � ...� . .-__. <br /> ... <br /> _ a.n...."...._'....._. - . .. .t_--=-_-.—... . <br /> .. . � . \ ,l J - ;:$.wFY,,_._.�:._ <br /> �.E�„�—���,�ao�t�a��v � '� . . .,.::-i,; <br /> ���ip i ell compen�ation,awird�,d�m�pe��nd other p�yment�or relief(horeinefter"Proceed�') <br /> fn conneotlon v�i4h condsmnatlon or oiher t�ktnp of the Froperty or part theroof,or for convcyanca In liou of aondemnetian.Londer�hnll <br /> t�kx�or dtm�yed,L�nd�r�hdl hav�th�option in ite�olo end nbuuluto diaorction, to onptv nll¢uch Procoodo, ottor doduotinp thoro}rom : <br /> �II ea�t��nd axp�rt�e� incurred by it in connaotlon with �uch Praoeed�,upon any indebt�dne�o e¢eurnd herob•�r end in �uch ord�r�� <br /> L�ndv m�y detarmin�,ot to�ppN�II�uch FYoaud�,dtsr�uch deduotion�,to ths re�tontion of the Prop�rty upon wch conditiam e� <br /> Lsndv m�y datmmin�.kny�pplioitio�of Proee�de to ind�btadnes��lull not�xtend or po�tpone the due d�4a of any p�Ym�n:�und�r <br /> thoNot�,or cun�ny d�}rult thereundRr ot haeunder.Any unapplied fund��holl be pafd to Tru�tor. . <br /> 8. P�iomtatto� by L�nd�r.Upon th�oecwrenc� oi�n Ev�nt o� D�irult h�rwndor, or it �ny �oi i� t�kon or I�pd p►oceodinp „ <br /> oomm�nc�d wh4ch materlally�fieat�LenJar'e interost in th�Property,Lender m�y in it�own di�cntion,but without oblipatlon to do�o, <br /> • �nd wiYhout notic�to or d�m�nd upon Trwto► �nd without relo��inp Tru�tor irorn any obliQatlon,do cny oct which Truetor hee efl►eed . <br /> but}�il�to do�nd m�y d�o do any otha�ot it d��m�n�cN�ary to ptot�ot th���cutiry h�nof.Trustor�hdi,imm�di�t�F�l upon der►end <br /> th�ntor 6y Lend�r,p�y to Le�d�r�11 ao�t��nd axp�nse�incurred�nd�ume oxp�nd�d by Lsnder in conmotion with th�sx�rcl�s by <br /> L�nda of th�fonpo(np riphto. top�th�r with inte�e�t th�teon �t the d�}eult nte providsd in the Note, which �h�ll ba idded to the <br /> �M%"'"�`� (nd�bt�dn�sr a�cund heraby.Londsr�hdl not ineur ony li�bility bea�usa ot�nythinp it m�y do o�omit to do herwnd�r. <br /> �* �� 9.H�s�rdous MatNi�b.T1u�tor�hall keep ths Propsrty in compliancs with ell appliabb I�w�, ord{nence�snd repulation�reletinp to <br /> indu�trid hypl�na or snvironmental proteotion lcollaotivety roferred to herein a�"Envlronmentet Law�"1.Trustor shdl keep the Property , • <br /> fn�feom ail�ubst�nce�dtumed to be haisrdoua or toxio under eny Environmentel Law� (collaotively reforred to herein n 'Haznrdous � <br /> M�tvial�'1.Trustor hereby warnnt��nd repre�ent�to Lender thet thore nre no Hezardou�Materfal on or under the Praperty.Tru�tor <br /> h�uby apre�t to ind�tnnify�nd hold hartnless Lender, ito diractorc, officers, employees and apents, and eny suooasson to Lender'• •; _;., <br /> intere�t,ftom and apainst any end ell cleims, damapes, losse�end liabilities arisiny in oonnaction with tho presence, wa, dicposei or . ,,.,�A-` <br /> ; tr�n�port of�ny H�:ardou�tJleteriel�on,under,(rom or about the Property.THE FOREQOINti WARRANTIE3 AND HEPRESENTATIONB, _:��',�r� <br /> '�',»;_ <br /> AND TRUSTOA'9 6BU�ATION9 PURSUANT TO THE FOREGOIN(i INDEMNITY, SNALL SURVIVE PECONVEYANCE OF THIS DEED OF _i ,__ <br /> ., . � TRUST. y,.•,:..:�_.. <br /> 10.M�ipnen+�t of R�nt�.7ru�tor heroby nslpn�to Lender,�nd pront�Lender ��ecurity in4erest in,ell pre�ent, futuro md �fter �;�'t'!�+—'" <br /> � rimp rent�,i�wH Mrd proilio of tho Praparty;prov!decl thet Trustor�hdi,until ths occu►rMCe of�n Eva►t o}De}ault henund�r, h�ve -�` <br /> � ' th�ripht to colleot and rotair� aueh ronto,laauot ond profite e�they become due and piyabte. Upon the occurrence of �n Ev�nt of ���;_:: <br /> Deh�lt,L�ndsr may, �ither i� psnon or by aipant, with or wkhout brMpinO�ny �otion or proceedinp,or by e recdver�ppoint�d by■ <br /> court�nd without rop�rd to the adequany of it�tecurity, ente►upon end teke pos�sR�fon o}tha Property,o►any pert thareof,tn ite own '*,r,�ti;�_ <br /> �� � nrn� or In th� n�n�of th�Yrutt��, and do my �ot� whfch it deemo nsces�ary or de�inble to preaarva the wlus, m�rketnbility or -�i�_=_- <br /> nntability of tho Property,or any part thsrsof or interest thsnin,or to iner�a�e ths fncom�th�ref�om or prot�ot tha�ecurity h�roof and, �":-9-"- <br /> ,� with or without t�kinp posaeufon of the Property,we for or otherwiae colleot the rentt, isaue�end profit�theraof,includinp those past �����_„_� <br /> dw�nd unpaid,by not(fyinp tenant�to m�ke p�ymsnte to Lender. Lsnder may apply rsnt�,f�ws��nd ptofit�,law co�b�nd sxp�ntn - <br /> o}op�nUon and colleotion inoludinp�ttomey�'fes�,to eny indebtedneu�ecurod hereby, all In�uch order��L�ndor may determ(ne.Ths Q�,,.__,___ <br /> ent�rinp upon aiid takinp posunion of ths Property, the colleotion of auch rent�, i�sua�nd protit�,and th��ppliatfon thsnof�� w y� <br /> �� �forould, �h�li not cun or w�iv�or►Y defeult or notics of def�ult heraundor or invdid�ta my ect done in re�ponn ta wch d�hult or �.,��iR <br /> �� . p u n u a n t t o w c h n o t i c s o i d s f�u l t a n d,no twilhst�ndin p tht oontinu�noe in pasa��ion ot the Property or the collectlon, naipt�nd =-� <br /> �pplication of rent�, faua ar profito, Truatee�nd Lende► �hdl be a�titlod to exercise every ripht ptovidsd for in �ny of t h s L o a n ��- <br /> - ___ �r�����:Qi tiy l.,,,.,��,r eccurrenc�of arn Evant of Dsfault,inoludinp without IimiL�tion the dpht to exsroice the pow�r of ul�. � <br /> � ��� Furthsr,L�rd�r'�rlphto x�d rom�di��under thl�p�npnph�h�ll b�cumut�tivs with, �nd m no w�y e iimitacion on,Lend.r'.��o�::��� <br /> r«n�dlw und�r �ny �wipnmer+t of I�ue�end re�t�reaorded �p�tnst the Propsrty. Lendar,Trustee and ths roc�iver �hdl b�li�bl�ta —_ <br /> � account on:y Tor thos�rent�aotudly recdved. ;�°°"■� <br /> 1 1.Ewnt�of D�fwdt.The foltowinp�h�Il constitute�n Eve�t ot D�fault under thf�Deed of Trunt: � <br /> ' (�)Failure to p�y�ny i��tdkne�t of principal or Interest of�ny other�um secured hereby whon due; — <br /> (b)A b»ash of or d�twlt undet�ny provision aantdn�d tn ths Note,thi�Dexd ot Tru�t,my of ths Lom In�t�ume�t�,or dny <br /> • othsr li�n or�ncumbnnc�upon th�Property; <br /> �• ' � lo)A wrk of�x�cution or �ttachm�nt or any simil�r �roon�shdl b��nt�nd�p�Mst Tniator which�hdl b�aom��li�n on th� <br /> - - � Prop�rty or�nY Ponion th�r�of or interest there(n; <br /> - +�; (d)Th�r��hdl b�fil�d by or�Qainat Ttuttot or Borrower an�otlon undsr�ny present o►future federal,atete o►other at�tus,I�w _ <br /> � or repul�tton r�lattr+p to bankruptoy, Insolwnoy or othor relisf for dsbton; or thero �ha11 be�ppolnted �ny trustN, recefvsr or <br /> Y r • Itqufdator of Trustor or Borrow�r or of dl or�ny part o}th�Prop�rty.or th�r�nto,losue�or profit�ther�of,or Trustr�r or Bortow�r <br /> ' ' �h�ll m�k��ny p�n�nl u�f9nm�t fo►th�b�n�fit of cr�diton; <br /> � (e)Th�wN,trM�f�r,l�,Msfpnm�+t,¢onv�y�rsc�or furth�r s�cumbranc�of�II or�ny D�r!of or any htK�st in th�Ptopnty, —� <br /> -���;�-Y�.,V.+.!.-• �ti�of th�•ProPutY t�t dew nottconiafn�nxoption to'pu oh�so�d h etertnr�trwhlch do��n t�xcMdlon�y�s ;r(ned to�x�cut� -- <br /> "��""�-'" (f) AbandonmMt of th�Prop�rty;or -- <br /> _.��....,`..1 <br /> ""�-�,.' (p) I}Tru�tor f�not �n k�dividud,th�t�w�nc�, �al�, tnnsf�r, as�ipnmMt, conveyanrn or�ncumbtanc� of mor�thx�(if � <br /> -.�.�.IY.;,��, . <br /> ;';,� corpontionl�tot�l of p�rc�nt at it�I�w�d ond out�t�ndi�p�tock,or lii�pyrtnenhip)�totd of N�� p�rc�t of <br /> - ' � petn�nhip int�rMt�,or • xnited liabiliry companyl e tot�t of x/� percent of the limit�d liability eompmy i�tK�st�or votinp _ <br /> - � ��' ����`�y rlpht�durinp th�p�riod thls Dssd of Trort rMniin��li�n on tho Prope . --- <br /> 1 y,Rw�diM;Aoo�Mntlon Upon[1ein+tt.In the evsnt ot any Eve�t of Oet�ult Lendet m�y,�vithout notic�exc�pt��rsquirad by I�w, _ <br /> "'"'y':��x�� declara dl indebt�dna����cund h�nby to b�du�and pay�ble�nd th� s�ms �hall thenupon beooms dvs�nd pay�hl� whhout�ny <br /> � �,�,� pns�ntm�nt,d�tn�nd,pret�st o►no41c�of any kind.Thensft�r Lmder may: <br /> -�_�`a��� (�)D�m�nd th�t Yrust�e axeelw the POWER OF SALE pnntsd heroin, �nd Trustee ohrll therafta owa Ttusto�'� inter�at _ <br /> '`�'�'" in th�P�oputy to b��old snd th�proe�sd�to b�dlstributsd,ell in the m�nn�r provid�d in th�Nsbnsk�Ttust ONds Aot; <br /> -�� ��,�''.' --- <br /> .. L�. :1� ; (bl Ex�roN� �ny �nd �II rlpht� provld�d tor in�nY of th� Loa� In�trum�nt� or by Iww upon occurr�nc� of �ny Eve�t of <br /> ":"f.,R�y,.t,.... Dof�ult;�nd _ <br /> �-.•: to)Comm�nc� a+�otlon to foraclos�thi� DNd of Truat�� �morty�pa, �apoint� rec�iv�r,or�p�oiflcally a�torc��ny o4 the <br /> . .. COVMMt�FIN10}. ".-�_�� <br /> No r�m�dy h�nin conf�n�d upon or ra�arved to Tnirtee or L�nd�r i�int�ndod to ba exclusive of sny other remedy he�in, In th�Lo�n �;i-_=_v._�._ <br /> Imtrum�nt�or by I�w providsd or p�rtnitt�d,but eech shell bs cumul�tiv�,�tull b�in�ddltlo�to wery oth�r ramedy piwn h�rwrtd�r,in . ,.---, _^ <br /> � th�Loan Insttumant�or now or hero�fter exi�tinp at Isw o�In equity or by�t�tut�,�nd m�}►bs exvoi�ed concurrontly,hd�pMd�ntly or ,���„��,, ^ <br /> wccNShrefy. 1 �`�-=:;-_ <br /> '„��w.m- <br /> , , " � 1 S.SNKN.TFte TN�1N m�y resipa at �ny tim�without cewe,nnd Lender mey�t �ny time mct without oaun�ppoi�t�oubcsstor . �;•;T;V:,,,.� <br /> or aubatitut�Tni�tw.TruatN�F+sll not be IiaDl�to eny party,imludinp without limitetion Lender,Borrowsr,Trustor or my purof�Mir o} `�`�-������ <br /> � `��;�-� <br /> f[fi�-..��-.:�._---_. <br /> th� Prop�rty, for �►y low or dam�p�unl�M du�to nckle�� or willtul miscanduct, �nd �hdl not b�r�quired to t�k� �ny�cLion in ��,���,_-_ <br /> � tot�nection with th��nforo�rn�nt of thi�D�sd of Trust unlaw indemnifi�d, in w�ith�,Eor dl cost�,comp�nsatlon or expm�m which mry �'��,�«?�T�: <br /> • be essociated therewith. In addition,Trwtae mey becoms e purchese►et eny �ale of the Property Qudicial or under the powor oi sele � -�F,:,� <br /> ` pwnt�d heroin);postpone the sele of all or any portion o}the Property,es provided by lew;or sell tho Property e�a whol�,or m oeparala -�':�:_'.�?'.i� <br /> r-�__� .....��...�..��.��'�diicr�tion. :�x:.i':. <br /> ° --`-=_ <br /> - -_,�.___ � <br /> �..��-.._�_..---'-- _=-----� . . <br /> �q,Fw��nd Exp�n�t�.In the event Truetee tell�the Property by sxeroise ot power of sNe,Tru�tee�h�It be entRtsC to appiy eny�e�a . <br /> • • , proeeed�first to paymant o4 �II coot��nd vxpons��of exarcisinp power of oale,includinp stl Tnutee'�fee�,�nd Lsnder'��nd T�vstse's <br /> �ttom�y►'�fee�,�atualty�ncurred to axtent pertnitbd by�pplioablo lavv.In th�event Borrower or Trustor sx�rcise��ny ripht providsd by <br /> I�w to cun�n Event o}Dsf�ult,Lend�r�hall bs�ntitlad to ncover irom Tnastor dl cpst��nd expsme��otudly incuned ���rewlt of , <br /> " Tiustor'�duf�ult,(ncludinp without limit�tion dl 1'rutts�'��nd�ttom�yi s fe»,to the extani p�rmitt�d by applicabl�I�w. <br /> ' 16.Futun 11dv�ncN•Upon request of Borrower, Lertder m�lr,at it�option.m�k��dditionel�nd futu�e�dv�nce��nd r��dv�nas to <br /> 9orrow4r.5uch�dvances�nd re�dv�nca�, with intsrest th�reon,�fnll be�ec�end by thi�D�ed of Tnut. At no time�hall the principd � <br /> �maunt ot th�indebtsdne�t�scured by thi�D�ed of Tru�t,not inaludinp �umr�dv�nc�d to p�otwt ths��aerity of thi�Qe�d of Trust, <br /> exeaed ths oripin�l principal�mount�t�ted herein,or b SO 00 _,whichever is pro�ter. <br /> � r+ecasua tw«+�c��+��•+o.w�r�.ew4 <br /> � 1BEB N�UaW 6erk e}Commra Trwt tnd 6�v4�ps AwtxiNO�.llnsatn,N�lrM.t .. <br />