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<br />8erdnp
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<br />N.6 Cor. NWl 4 Sec.
<br />3J, 7/1 N- l l W,
<br />Ced PN Hm7 In � 0 Suroey Aladrer
<br />_��� A a ��?� E "_ '
<br />�Se�7on l6u -•
<br />Rhe SouAml/ 7.0' 0/ /Aa 40' OJ 8'q
<br />Ad�areat ro Lot J, CaQw Pdres �� Has
<br />Beea Oe�ated WRh 71re Ykt M Codai Ylaes
<br />s�uarotua, a, r,�d m nre a a o��,
<br />Oftlte Aa Oaumertf Na O70I OIB�1, Qcfed
<br />� YO/I.
<br />A S �'431�' f
<br />(4.71� )
<br />�-n aafes 5 8° Rod w Cop dforked 6B3 Found Un/ess Olderwlse Nofed
<br />A-/ndlcafes AC7UAL D/slance��Survey Cop pfaeed Un/ess Olhe�w/se Noled
<br />w
<br />R-/ndioafea RfCORDEO 0islanee
<br />LegaJ Deacrl t lOA ' �
<br />A troct o/ lond comprising o!I oI Cedpr Pines Subdivlslon and o part o/ fhe Naithwest
<br />Quorter (NW1/4), a// !n Section ThLty liuee (33), Township Qeven (I1) North, Ronge pevan
<br />(11) West o/ the 6fh. P.M., !n Holf County, Nebraska, mae parGcu/orly desc»bed os /ollovrs:
<br />8egirtning o! 7he northwest corner o/ said Northwest Qua�te� (NWI/4),• thence iunning
<br />easterly on fhe noifh line o/ soid Norfhwest Quorter (NWf/4), on an Assumed Beanng o/
<br />S89'55'S3"E, a distance o/ One Thousand Fifty Nlne ond Six Nundredths (1059.06) /eet, to
<br />the AC7UAL point ol begianing, ond fo the northwesl come� o/ Cedar Pines Subdivision;
<br />fhence continuing S89'5535'f, on fhe north rne o/ soid Norfhwest Quoiter (NWl/4J, o
<br />distance o/ Two Hundred Qeven and Thirfy Hundredths (2II.30) feef,• thence running
<br />S02 33'11 E a dlstonca o/ Four Hundred Six and Ninely Six Hundredlhs (4�6.96) /aet,•
<br />Utence runnfng S89'45'S2 E a distonce o/ One Hundied Thlrty Nine and Seventy One
<br />Nundredths (139.71) /eet to The nostheostedy corne� o/ soid Cedor Pines Subdivision;
<br />lhance ronning SQO'3l'0794; a distonce o/ Three Hundred Twenfy Frve and Ninety Six
<br />Hundredlhs (325.96) /eet, to the southeost corne� o/ said Cedo� Pines Subdivisrbn; thence
<br />running S89'04'90'W on fhe soulhedy line o/ said Cador Pirtes Subdivision, o distonce ol
<br />Frghty Th�ee and Thiity Two Hundredths (8J32) /eeh, thence ronning 56231'27"W on the
<br />southedy line o/ soid Cedor Prnes Subdivision, o distonce o/ Foity Six (46.00J /eet; lhence
<br />iunnlnq 58939:79 on the soufhedy line o/ said Cedor Pines Subdivision, o distanca o/
<br />Tvro Hundred Thi�ly Six and Fighty iiundredths (236.80) /esl, to the southwest corner o/
<br />soid Cedor Pines Subdivision; thence running N00'23'52 on fhe west llne o/ soid Cedar
<br />Pines Subdivision, o distonce o/ Seven Nundrad R/ty Seven and 7lrirly Nine Nundredths
<br />(757.39) feeG to the ACTI/AL po/nt o/ beginning ond contolning 4.909 acres more or less
<br />o/ vrhich 0.033 acres mae or /ess was previousfy dedicoted as public rood right of woy.
<br />Nat 4.876 acres more or /ess.
<br />A k R S BYJP"17' {Y
<br />!!Y/ IYY/ 0�� y��� c eY dJ y (! U U U1Y °� 0!l IYG
<br />Q/llrD�J���d��
<br />Surveyor's Cer!lticate
<br />l hereby carti/y thot on June 3, 20/1, l canpfeted on occurote survey o/ CEDAR P/NES
<br />SECOND SUBtlNlSION; Nol1 County, Nebrosko, os shown on the accanponying plot fhereo%
<br />thot the /ofs, blocks, sbeets, ovenues, adeys, porks, commons ond ofher giounds os
<br />contofned in soid subdivisian as shown on the accrompanying plot thereo/ oie well ond
<br />accwotely stoked o// ond marked,• that iron markars vrera p/oced at op lot comers; that
<br />lhe dJmensions o/ each lot are os shown on the pfat,• thot each fot bears !ts own number,
<br />and thot said survey wos mode with re%ience to known ond recoided monumenfx
<br />������ .
<br />�
<br />p�� o - De���? e�urvayor ITlo. ,�`i�$
<br />''���� 0 ���`�'
<br />A�Dp 8/3
<br />Submitted to and opproved by the Regionoi P/onning Commisslon o/ HoII County, Grand
<br />lsland, lNood River ond the Viiloges of Afda, Cairo ond DoNphon, Nebroska.
<br />- " o �
<br />_ � zoi �
<br />mimon
<br />*
<br />Approy and accepted by ths Holl County Board o/ Supervisas, thts�
<br />c 20��.
<br />� � y � � �
<br />avmo e oar ou y ei
<br />(Sea!)
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<br />Dedlcat/on
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THES£ PRES£N1S, that SYLIRA J. MCTAV/SH, on unremorried wldow
<br />being !he owner ol tha land deacribed heieon, has coused same to be surveyed, subdivlded,
<br />platfed and designoted os CEDAR PINES SECOND SUBDMSlON; Ho/l Counfy, Nebrosko, os
<br />shown on the accompanying p/at thereof, ond does hereby dedicote rhe road Rght o/ way
<br />os shown thereon lo the pub/ic /or thei� use /aever dnd fhe easements, i/ ony, as shown
<br />t�ereon !or fhe location, cortsHuction and moinfenonce ol public service ufiliGes /oiever,
<br />togefher with fha right o/ ingress ond agress thereto, ond heiaby prohibiGnq the p/anGng o/
<br />bees, bushes and shru6s, or placing ofhar obstructions upon, over, along w undesneath the
<br />sur/oce oI such eosements; ond thol 1he /oreyoing subdivrsion as mora poificulody
<br />descdbed in the description hereon os oppews on fhis plof is mode with the Iree consent
<br />ond in occordance with the desires o! fhe undersigned owner and proprietor.
<br />� WITNESS WHER£OF, l hove o/rxed my signafuie heieto at Grond ls/ond, Nebroska, tiu's
<br />� ,___� day oL$�..ko�- 2011.
<br />S v�a . c rnn�on�arrie d lfldOW
<br />Acknow/ed�ement
<br />State O1 Nebrosko �
<br />County 01 Hall
<br />On the�day o/�e• . , 2011, ba/ore me ��-y1'1ae�J�e_�ee+nla
<br />a Notary Public xrithin nnd /or said County, persondly oppeare SYLIIIA J. MCTA �v"
<br />umemonied widow, to me persana/ly known to, be the ldenticrol person whase signature is
<br />o//ixed heieto, ond fhat she did acknowledge the execufiw thereo/ to be her voluntory ocl
<br />ond deed.
<br />IN WITNESS WN£REOF, f hova hereunto subscribed my name and o//Ixed my o/lieio/ seal
<br />ot Crond lsland, Plabroska on the date lost obova w�flen.
<br />My commisslon expiies���3.. a7oiSl .
<br />.ianuem�,wuowrs
<br />wm n
<br />��_`����� (Seol)
<br />oaryPurc
<br />NfBRASKA SheelNo.
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