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. t ' ..i4i:TQ{ !.i• ...,,i . <br /> ' �,.j,?:,y• � ' F___ <br /> - �'y . .., <br /> . . . <br /> r .. ' ,_ _ <br /> _' __ _'—__...._ ...__.. ..—.... ."" '"""___ �. ."___.'_—_—_'_...—_.... .. .. . .—_"'__"_.__.�.__.—.......�y.�.��a. —._:1}•_-._�.J. <br /> ... ' . .. " - . , .. . _ .. • , _... .._ --I��V�i.l� _. <br /> , �' .. .�'�� }, . .. � . . . - . ' .• .. ...t � :PY�F'+/R�.i. <br /> .'..:.._..::L'Y'J�!�vv__"_','.. . ....'..._.... .. ._�—.—._._. ._ .. ... :. _ . ... • ' .i. <br /> ...... " " ' ..t(5"��c� <br /> • __yy_ <br /> � �6- �095�3 , ;:.��__-`- <br /> .�".�'L <br /> 'POGBTHER WITH all the improvcments aow on c�rcaftcr crectcd on t�!�property,and nll cascmcnte,nppurtcnunccs,nnd • <br /> Ciatures now on c�ee��ft�r n part of ih�pro�.rty. All repluccincnts mid addldons shnll t►Ico be covcrcd by Uiia Sccuriry[nsuumcnt. : <br /> AU of thc forcgoing is rufcrrcQ to!n U�ls Sccurlty lnstnimcnt as llic"Froperty." � <br /> BORROWBR COVBNAN7'S that aonowcr is luwfuily sci.scd of thc�cstntc hcrcby convcycd nnd has ihc Pigh1 to grant and - <br /> . comcy tho Propeny tu�d that thc Propcny Is uncncumbcrcd, except for cncumbtanccs of record. Bonowcr wnrrants und will � <br /> defend generally the dde to 1he Properry ngainst all clalms and demands,subject U�any encumbrunces of rccord. �- <br /> . I 'THIS SECLJFtITY INSTRUNBNT combincs unlform covcnants for nadonal us� ond no�s•uniform covcnunts with Iimitcd ' <br /> vnriudons by jurisdiction to consdwte e uniform sccnrlty instrurnent covcring rcul property. <br /> iJNIFORM CAVfiNAN'TS.Borrower and Lender covenant suid agrcc ag followa: <br /> 1.Payment oY Principu!and Interest;Prepayment and Late Charqcs. Borrower shall prompily pay when duo the <br /> .r,:.:� princlpal of end lnterest on tho debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges duo under�he Notc. „ <br /> � �� I 2.Funds for Taxes aad Idsurance. Subject to sppQcable Isw or to s wriuen waiver by Lender. Borrower sliall puy to , _ <br /> Lender on the day monthly paynzei�3s nre due under the Note,untU tiie Note is paid in full,a sum("F�nds")for:(a)yearly taxes <br /> • � ant�lssrs.e�►�Ents w�ich mng a�t�in�:r,".eR�r oves this Sectedty��ns�,n�nent as a Uen on the Property:@)Yearly leasehold payments : <br /> ' or gro�n�a�n�s�n tfi�E&*a��zmy.o�'amg,�c)5car�y P��s,�or p��erty insurnnee premiums.(d)YeArly flood insurnnce premiums,if <br /> any;(e)y��ly m�r����i�sivanca�nxem�ums. if any;and(� anY sumA payable by aorrower w I.ender,in acr.ordr,nce with the � .:.�:':. }�,� <br /> �'.��� rovisien� af 9� �, ir, 3i��� of the a ena of mort a e insurance ramiums. These items ate cnllecd "Escraw Items." `t '�+��;���','�� <br />-.; '•,i,.J„�y', „�t,�' P ���' A 3'm H S p . `, + :• ; <br /> '���,:';;:;�-;'•:,',•.�q�;�' L�nd:s en:�y,aY any¢�r�a,callect and hold Fundv in a��a�imount nat to excer.d thc maximum amour:t a lender for a fede.rally related ,.. ,,,___. _ __ <br /> � �'�'��'�� mortg�e Dn.nn may require for Borrmwer's escrow account under r,ho federal Real Estate Seulement Procedures Act of 1974 as . , :?.�,�,r"�+:: <br /> '. {�,'..;:•�_•_ <br /> ' ��'.°_;�'� eniended fmm dme w tlme, 12 U.S.C,Secdon 22C�01 et se�. C'RESPA"). unless another law that applles to thc Funds sets a lesser •;•;,s.�r_= <br /> eri�ount If so, Lender muy,at any tlme.collect snd hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the lesser amoun� I.ender may . ,,_ _ <br /> � estlmnto the amaunt of Funda due on�he basis of current datn and eeasonable esdmaces of expendiwres of future Bscrow Itema oe •?f <br /> ,._,--�----__ <br /> � otherwjse in accardance with nppltcabk law, �},�- _. - <br /> - 'It►o Funds shall be held in un insdtudon whose deposits are insured by a federal agency,instrumentatity,ar cndty(including :; � �_— <br /> •� �� � Lendu,if Lender is sush an insUwdon) or in any Fcdcrol Homo LAan BeNc.Lcndcr shall apply tho Funde w poy tho�scrow °.'-�--`: Y� <br /> � ��"� '--� <br /> It�ems.Lcnd�er may not charga Borrowcr [ot holding snd spplying tho Funds�annually enalyztng the cscrow account,or verifying <br /> tho Ascrow Itcma,unlcs9 I»cndcr pays Dorrowct lntcrest on tho Fund�and applfc�blc law permlt�Lendcr to maka euch w chargo. <br />, Howovcr, Lcndcr mAy roquiro Borrowcr W pay p onc-dmo chargo for wn indeper�dcnt ratl catrUO iax ccpoeting euvtco ueo�by �.r�� <br /> � �• Lencl�r in connxdon wtth this{oan.unlca+applicabb law provides��ficrwiso.Unless an agroemcnt is mAda or e�plicublo law � ,, <br /> � ! ' roqufrea intcrest tc�ba pAtd,Lcndcr shall not bo roquirod W pay Bortowu any intcrest or camings on thc Funde. Horrowu md <br /> ' � Le,r►du may agroo in wdting,howcva,that Inttrest shall bo pa�d on�ho Funds.Lcndcr shall giva to Borrowu,wfthout chatga,an <br /> ;� :Ftrua!!�ousssfssg�f she Fsutd.°.°.t�•.!'l�p°rrr�li�an�1 tlnhity In Iha Furtds ertd IhC purpos0 f0[whiCll CeCh dEb1l I0111C Fulld9 Wa9 = <br /> maclo,'Il�e Funds are plodged es edd.idonal securlty for all sums soc�reA by this Security Insirument ,, . <br /> • If the Funds held by Le�►dor oaceed the emounts permfued W be hald by eppllcable law,L.endu shaU account w Borrowu for <br /> the excess Funds in eccordance with tha requiremenu of applicable lew. If the amount of the Funds held by Lenda at any tLna is <br /> � not sut�icient to pay the�scrow Items whe�dae,Lender may so notify Horrowe�r in writin8,and,in such casa Bocn�wer shall pay <br /> . to Lander tha amount necesssuy w mako up the deficienr,y. Borrowrr shall make up the deficiency in no more than lwelve <br />. monthly payme�its,at Lender's sole diacne8on. f. <br /> :...,. . <br />- ,;�;;, Upan payment in full of ell sume ae:cum,d by this Socurity Instrument,Lendu shall promptly rafund to Borrowa any Funds <br /> ;��.,� <br />��� , � �•t held by I.,cndca.If,under paragcaph 21. Lcnslar shall acquus or scU the Propetty.I.ender.prior to tho acquisidon or sale of the �� <br /> • • ���:��;; � Praperty, shall apply any Funds held by Lender nt the dme of ecquisidon ar sale as n credit ageinst the sums securecl by this <br /> . ' : � Securiry InsuumenG Q—�� <br />'_'`'_i•:•. I,. 3.ApplkAtbn ot Pag�ments. Unless appllcable law provides otherwise,aU payments re,ceived by Lender undei paragraphs ��- <br />-�'`'`"zr'��`;r' ' 1 end 2 sit8ll b0 BppHed: fu'st,W anY P�Ym�t charges due under the Nou;socond,to amounts payable under paragraph 2; <br />�_T,:_.�., .::!::�li _. <br /> "�� �• '� third,w Interest duo;founh,to ptincipel due;and last,to any late charges due under the Note. <br />�;;::�:� ';';(:;: .. .� e �.���---- _ <br /> ,;�.,. 4.Chyrgrsi Lteus. Bo�►owe+ shall pay ull taxes.a;sewmen..,,ch..rges� fines a�id imposidons emibutablt tn the Pro�ty► <br /> -__'�'�;`' '`'3�`` which may auain priority over this Sxurtry Instrument,end teasehold payments or ground rents,if any.Bonower shall pay thesc <br />��`N'` ����'� obllgudons in the manner pmvided in parograph 2,or if not paid in that manne�,Bocrower shall pay them on time direcdy to the <br />-"`' - :;;;;5:, • pecson owed paymen� Bormw�r s2�a11 promptly fumish W L,ei►dea ell nodces of amounts to ba paid under this paragraph. If � <br />�°r.�. � "�'°'� Dorrower malces these payments QirecUy.Borrower shall pmmptly fumish to Lender receigts evidencin�the payments. ��w <br /> -:"�i���•.:-'•�rJ�-�! — <br />;p•a-:• ;�j-%��" � Bonnwer shall prompdy clisc?�arge �ny lian which has priority over this Securlry Instrument unless Borrower:(e)agrees in � <br />��,,:;ati:.-�.i.��'H` wridng to the payment of tha oblig�ilon secur�ed by the Hen in a menner ecceptable w Lender;(b)c�nusts in good faith tha lien <br /> ^' ''�"���� b or defends alnse enforcement of the �ien in, legul proceedings which in the Lender's opinion aperate uo prevent the <br />_�,�,...,..•_ y, � .��_-_. <br /> ., a"'n enforcement of the lien;or(c)sec�es lran ihe holder of the lien an agrcement satisfectory to Lender subordinating the licn to _ <br />_e�,h,���_•;... . . <br /> - . "�':. this Sccuriry Instruiment If Lender determineg that any pxrc of the Proprity is sabject to a lien which may attain pdority over this ;��,;�:;-_.,=-� <br />� rt � <br /> k.��" Security Instrument,Lc�►der may give Borrower a notice idendfying the lien.Boaower shall sadsf the lien or take one or more '��'�`���°"` <br /> y ,,K��- ��; <br /> �� ' of tha acdons set forth above within 10 days o2 t�e giving of notice. �-��. <br />-_ � • �� Form 3028 OloO <br /> . � �•8R(NE)coz�z).oi Pa9�zoie innau: ~�'i�.,, , r`. <br />_ � '.�c.:�'�.e` '7:i- <br />- : + ��:' ".�`•�'��1,�`' . <br /> r� � . .... ,��. <br /> s- . ��� '___._.�-_._......_"'..'___'_— '� • .. . ^� . .. '_. ... _ <br /> t,- _ . - .. . .. . ... .. <br />- :..,': i - . .. . "'__r _ .. .. .. � ', ' . ..... , <br /> . . .. <br /> .____''..�.. ____- t. _ �_ —"___—__'___'-"'_'____ -_'_ '__"--'_"_. . . _ _ . __- . __. --- _-__°_.._'__'. .� '� . ._ ., __._. _..,.__..__,_�._.--_---,--, .. <br /> _._._-. ____ _.____'___""_....... . ......_'_ """__ ' _'_.. . . ."' "' " " "'__' "___._ __. _ -- . _.. _ .__ ... . _.__ . ._'_-_'_ ______"_. _ .. <br /> _. ' ..; ' s � . <br /> .' ' � . • � ' "�.�r.�' _ . , .� - . <br /> • _ . . �! _ ' . � . <br /> . . :��+- . . ,. � .i t � .. . ' 'i;,.�' - .. � . „ ' ' � � : <br /> � - . . _ 'tr. ,. <br /> - ,-.1�`t�:�;,:° � .i'.� ,� .. , . .., , ..`.. . . . <br /> ,�I�f r�r��! ,1 -f�,,f( ' ' . • ' .; ' :'' . :t.�r .�� ' ` . . . . • . . .. . . <br /> >t , <br /> I ^ ' <br /> .i � <br /> � _ . <br />