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<br /> --- -----_ , ' ' Home Equfty Access
<br /> -- -_--� . � .. 9�,— �i� 11ne �lder --
<br /> '�:;---- (Opo»a►►d crodrft wlth O tlioQd rateXO varlrble roro inta►vat) . °
<br /> �_ 7hls Home Equlry Ac�,�ese Llne Rlder!s dated_ and!s en amendment to Ihe
<br /> -- Alor�or OMd d Aast("Mo►�reQe"1 of a'he sa�►��l��en by the underaiQneai(„Bonawa�")to secura Barrower's Home
<br /> �•���
<br /> ; Equlry A�,�asss Lk�s Apreement wlth
<br /> ('�enare�"1
<br /> .-y�---= d fhe seme date coNarinp tho poparly descrlbed M the Mortpe�end bcet�ad et:
<br /> ---- w�.,y.mw QRAND ISLAND N� 68801
<br /> �-�sc�x�
<br /> �^'' ""'���� In additlnn ro the Co�enants and ayreementa made M the Matpape,Boirowar end lender further covenent and ayree ea fdlows:
<br /> 3�I
<br /> ��Y, ' '"'�' , °'� ��`'�"'� 7. The ward"Note,"es used in the Mortpeqe and thls Rldei refers ro the Home Equity Access Llne AQnaement
<br />._.4 .. v. L'•
<br /> . ��''��.��`�.'¢�'I 2. The Note evld6rnoes an open end nsvo/ving dne of cr+adit agr+aement between Bonow�►and Lender. The amount stated!n the
<br />'���. ;' , '�� �;," Matgaqe es the princlpel sum of the lndebtedness!s the credU llmit lor the Ilne o/credit. All edvances made et any dme by
<br /> ��"�' � Lender In eccaalence wJth the terrns o/1he Note,and al!inierest on the advences,shall be secured by the Mortgage.
<br /> �'����'"� Hawe�re�at no tlme shall the pdnclpal emount o/the lndebtedness secured by the Mortgage, not including suma advanced In
<br /> �!�'"' �'. . �:; aacordance with tha matpaqe to protect the secu�ty o/the Mo►tya�e,exceed the atatad credlt Ilmlt la the IMe d credlt.
<br /> �'��. !� �, � �=�- u ,."��,
<br /> ;����' 3. The Note provides lor:
<br /> . - - .�c��,; ♦..,.-:-_ ., - O a nxed rare a Inte�est ez�o►essed e8 a daily per;oaic ratr ul 34�. Tnls�arrssparrds ra an etsnuet ps�ttege
<br /> °'.;.'. .. . ,.. rate of 9�0.
<br /> � � � " L�. a ven'able rate of lnfer�st exp►essed as e da!ly padodlo rate equel to 1/365 0l sn annuel rate W �Yo plus
<br /> .` • •, X
<br /> �.. the"lndex Aate." 4.45
<br /> .�� . The deQy perlodk rate mey Incresse r THE 91-DAY TREA9URY
<br />.. .� ,
<br /> � � ` Y..,.�'•=. . � �� (the'Yndex Rate")lnc�eeses The inlNal darly perlodlc rete is %. Thls corresp��dls��nua�4�>>
<br /> ` , `�- ��� � -' percentage rate of %. The annual pencentage rafi�+nar be more than 9�0. The deily pe►lodic
<br /> :'�'°- '�"'��"`=�` -<� -. rate wl!!be adfus tho la�t buslnoss day e/every month,using ti►e Index Rate Ir�t 1i�af dey.An lncrease in the _.
<br /> �"r ..R,...., ,
<br /> F;3a; � dalty perJodlc rate mey lncrease the monihly peyment due.
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