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,.c. .,�„� <br /> y . • ' <br /> .. . - F�(I'r�� .`�� ��I�'`.. .. _ �7�=,... <br /> _1 I -,z.�- <br /> � <br /> ��.. <br /> ` I _ <br /> . _� <br /> ' . . *. . ——---- — _.. <br /> . i <br /> _� . _� 'c,•:.� . --- <br /> --- _��...a.iri . <br /> - _- -_ ' �1Wr1S�TAB�.�i YtA'1'� RY�1�`��- � ___ <br /> � (I Y�u TrMwry U�dnaRaw Gp) � <br /> -_—,__ <br /> ,�,_ <br /> _ - -._,. _____ _� j�{g ADfUSi'AQLQ RAiL'RLDCR k auut.tGla...�-daY cf JLl V .---- .19 ��--• <br /> — - - - �nd u InoorPo►M�d Into uid YNII M d�Nd to anNed ad�uppinnrat tM Mott/�{��I)aC ot Truq,or SrcudlY�d pqe"SrcuNly leanwnent")of - <br /> �M wM A�a�Ive by tlw und�ard(�M"�")10�ecur�oorrowtr'�AdJwtabb Ratt Note(1M"Na�")w <br /> �R(un��t...a�r��or�r..waaa�a o�u�t�a�r a.�c�aa w�uN s.anur uwn�.0.�a wea.e�: <br /> _g � -- -_�=� <br /> _ -- 3027 � IY2IVE � I�RASK�I 6H�Q3 <br /> :'P' (Property Addrea) <br /> - - -_-- --� 71da�nM ra�W���Yiw w�MN� tK eY�AM I� �!r{NK�sI 1�M Yi�'/IMtW . - <br /> � pyMw.1'M4�ot��Yo Mwiu 1M uw�l nr I�t�l nl�a�eM�e n wf'oM IIM�M <br /> .w au.W.w.w w.�w�.a I..a wi. <br /> - �- ADDITIONAL COVENAIYI'S.In�dditloa w the covm�nu�nd+�{raemena mada in IM SeewitY Instnumat.Bonarva�nd Lwndw <br /> ---- funha oovmwat aad yroe�u followt: <br /> A. IN'iF.RE�7'RA7'B AND MONTHLY�AYMEN7'CNANC&9 <br /> - The Nott provWa tor�n WtLI iiwrrat rate ot 6.0 4b.SxUon 4 of the Nott providea fw ch�n�a In Iha iaterat rau�ad th� <br /> -� �—-- ---� awntWY PaYo�e+m.a�followr. <br /> _�tiwac�e�� <br /> —_-- _--— �. /MI�REST RATE AND AlONTHLY PAYM6N7'CHANIJES <br /> =-`T ��:ir..°`.�.. (A) CM��I+DdM <br /> � The intaat nte 1�rill p�y may ch�n�o on the flnt day ot ��m .19 93 .and on tp�t d�Y�Y <br /> ---- 12 months thercatur.Gch d�te oa which my intaat nte cauld chu�e is alled�'•CA�n�e Due.•• <br /> __L`, ,:��, (�) TMi�da� <br /> -�� Bqlnnin;wltb the fint Chtoje Due,my inurest rote will be bRSed on�n IMex.Ti►e"Indac"i:the wakly avera4e yleld on Unitad Sata <br /> Trcuury iecudtia adjwted to a consw►t muudty of I yar,aa m�de avdlable by the Federd Reierve Bavd.The mat reaat Inda�ti�ure <br /> ��l' } ,r` avWabk at oP the data 45 days befote eich Chlln�e Diue is�wlle�l thn"Cunenl Itidex.° �- <br />_ � <br /> _.'�. n � <br /> If tha Indac I�no lonyer avallable,the Note Holdet a�ill choose a new index which i�based upon compu�bk intom�don.The Note <br /> -- Holder wUl�ive me notia otlhi�cboice. <br /> �-"'� � ���� ,. (Cl C.dc�MUo�ofCM� <br /> � ��.`���4 ,-.�:`'.�Y� Betorc each Chu�e D�te.tha Nate Hdder will calculate my new loterat rate by addin� '� ��-�� percenu�e <br />� f� poinu( 2.50 qri)to the Cunent tndac and roundin�to the nearat 1/8th of I�Y,wbject to the Umits�Wted in Section 4lD)below. <br /> � ` ;� �r� '�•.. .e 7bit roundod amount wlll be my new inurat rate unUl the next Chanae Date. <br /> .. r... i <br />__- ' ` . .4 The Note Holder will then determine the amount of the monthly payment that would be aufiicimt to repay in full the pdncipal 1 am <br /> _- �,;ti''" ; •�r acpectal to owe on that Change Datc in substantfally oqu�l paymeme by the mawrity date at my new intercst rate.Tha rault of tAia�akulation <br /> _ ��:�:.:.' - wfU be the new amount of my mon WY psyment. <br /> '�; , •'":` ," . ` ' (D1 LWd or loteral WIeCYu�a — <br /> - ''�� �"�'�"K � 71w interat rate 1 am rcquired to pay at the fint Chnnye Date will not be greater thon _.$�.�_�Fi or las than <br /> �.•,.. J 5 a . ., 4_0� �.Therwfter,my interat rate will never be increased or decreued on any sinQle Chan4e Date by more thAn '� � <br /> �a,:;^, .��:.:. - � <br /> �� �,�;� ';., ' "a;-. (�-��) from the r�tte of tntaest 1 have been paying for the precediog twelve montha.The minimum interc�t rate on this ioan wfU nevu bo <br />• L. .y. •. <br /> � '�s�.�.,; ::�•,.'.: �,p� 4.00 9i and the mueimum interat rate will never be�reater than 11_00 qi. <br /> .i��� . ..-��r_w tn,'�^'� �_ <br /> :A�,,, �„Y.�,,,,. , (C'I EHKMIYlD�IlOfCIYOjlf <br /> • .�� �'?'•"• My new interat rate will become effative on each Change Date.I will pay the amount of my new mon�hly payment be�innina on the fint <br /> 7. .•: �'��... _ .. <br /> �• ' - mon�hly payment date after the ChmQe Date until the amount oi my monthly payment cFwnQu aQain. _ <br /> - µ��Y1:rr.�., :. � <br /> ,MJ• ' (I�) IVONCf Ot CM���M <br /> a <br /> � ��'"'''' � `� '1'Fie Note Hofdcr wfll mail or dcliver to me a notice before each ChanQe Date.The nafce ail!advise me of: <br /> .�,.ou�.. ......N ,_.. <br /> - ,.' (i) the new intaa�rue on my loan aa of the Chw�e Date; - - <br /> _,'�„\r ��� ,J-"�k, (ii) the unount of my monthly payment PdlowinQ the Chu�Qc Date; __ <br /> - . � _.,` •,r::•� :- (tii) any additfona)m�ueri�hich the Note Hdder is required to disclose;and � <br /> ;� :• .: (iv) the�ddra�of�he�swdatlon you could contact rey�rdin�any quations wbout the adJtutment notioe. �-`''` <br /> � � <br /> ' ' �' ' � d. CNARGF3i LIENS <br /> .. '.y'^+�e'�:'�• ^ Uniform Cwenant 4 of the Security lnstrument i�amended a rwd as follows: _v <br /> • Y " �, CYu�a=lJe�.Bonower sh�ll pay�II uxes,asseumen�s,and other charQa,tines,ond impositfon:attributable to the Propeny which may ---- <br /> ` � �ttain a priodty over this Security Instrument,and leauhotd paymenta of pround rents,{f any,in the manner provided under pva�aph 2 Aereof �'` <br /> '..� A or,it not paid in such manner,by Borrower makfn4 payment.when due,directly to the payee thereof.Botrower ahvll promptly furnish Lender <br /> �` � . .. <br /> - •'�' o • ail notfas of amounts due under this paraaraph,and in�he event Borrower shall mnke payment dfrecUy, Borrower chall prompUy furnish to <br /> :.�""�.:�.. ' - <br /> „ Lender reaipta evidencfng such paymenta. Borrower shall prompUy diacharge any Ilen whlch hu priorlly over this Security Inslrument; <br /> ° ' however, Borrower shall not be rcquired ro dischar4c any such Hcn so lon�as Borrower: �a)shall agree in writinQ to the payment of the F_� <br />° •�' ' obllaatlon secured by such Ilen in the manner acceptable to Lender;�b)shall in good falth conust such lien by,or defend against enforcement of <br />„ o _ . such llen In,kge!proceedings whtch fn the opfnion of Lender operate to prevent�he enforcement of the Ilen or forfeiture of the Properry or any �-` ' <br /> ., ''`.' part thereof;or(c)sh�ll secure from 1he holder of such Ilen an a�rament in a form salisfactory to Lender subordinatin4 such Ifen [o lhis --- <br /> _a�_ _ �jLw;,���-�.= SecuNlY Instrument. �i� :_ <br />�.::r. -w� �� If Lender determines that all ur any part of the Property is subject to a Ifen which may auain u priority over this Stturity Insuument, � <br /> - ' ,. ; Lender shall give Borrowcr a notitt identifyfng such Ifen.Borrower shall satisry such Hen or lake one or more of the actions set furih ylwve �� ~ <br /> ° �, �� within ten days of the 41vInQ of the notltt. <br /> ��;:. <br />, � ' �";•' C. NOTICE � . <br /> �*:_�- - r Untiorm Covenant!�oF tht Stcurlty Insttument fs smtnded t^read as fcUcws: �`.`� <br /> � - • M <br /> �` . � � 1�. Nollce.Except for any notice requlred under npFticable law to be Qiven fn another manner,(a)any notice to Borrower provided for in this � <br /> . ;�. �.; � Security lostrumem shall be given by dcllvering i�or by mailing it by flrst class mail to Borrower at the Propeny Address or nt such other address <br /> ''. , as 8orrower may deslgnate by notice�o Lender as providcd hcrein,and(b)any notice to Lender sholl be given by first class mafl�o I.cndcr's . <br /> ,,�,,,;,i4,�}' address stated hertfn or to such other address as Lender muy desigaate by no�ice�o Horrower as provfded herefn.Any notice provided(or in thi� <br /> �� , Security Instrument shall be deemed to huve been given to Borrower or Lender when given in t he munner designaud herefn. � <br />.�4r�. � _v:'. � <br />��_ ,� . <br /> � � � � <br /> .1 - <br />