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-�'�s � .� . `' ,. <br /> : <br /> �� <br /> . . ;.;-. <br /> . ��ii�'�.,, _ _ _ ._._• - <br /> - ---- - -------- . <br /> � <br /> . , . �...,,. . . . ...�..,.,,;�t4+ry 4 • , .,. .. <br /> . • ���� ---�.�R `....,!. <br /> - , . . � hc+se. .v 4, -��fY41':..� �•�+u�fo-�sur.. 1���'.., str.r_!r'... ... . . ...... ... .. .. . . . .,. .,�If�� <br /> . <br /> . <br /> �t . <br /> �. - e �� .a............._ .. —__._. ..._.. .'""__.... . ' - � �y ��� �A <br /> . '` � 1*��• (� a11=_-: <br /> ' ..c.� .. ..,� � , . • � �����7 <br /> •� paymenGV mny no lon�er be required,nt the opdnn of I.ender.i(mongngo insurunce coverago(in the amount wid for ihe perlod <br /> tl�at Lcnder requirc9)provided by aa lnsuzcr approved by I.cndcr again 6ccomcs avnilnblc tuic�is obtninecl.Barr�wcr shuU pay dho <br /> p;emiums rcquired to m�intnim m�rtgngc insurance in etfc:ct,or to provide n loss reserve. unt�l tt�e requirement[aT murigt►go <br /> insnranca ends in accordnnce wlth any writccn agrecment betwecn Borrowcr and Lender ar flppAcablo luw. <br /> ' � . 9.Inspectwn. L.ender or [ts n�ent mny mAlco reason�ablo enulc.c upon ond inspccuons of U�a Propeny.L.ender shall givo <br /> � , i Horrower n�dce at the tJma of or prior to un inspectlon specifylnA reasonable causa fcrc tho Inspadon <br /> � 10,Condemnatbn. 71►e procecds af any awatd or cluim for dnmugc,9, dircct or consequenti�il,in connccdon wit3►any <br /> cdndemnaitfln nr odler tnking of nny part of�ho Propcny,ar for convayancc in IIcu of wndcmnadon,arc hcrc4�y n�signcd nnd <br /> , � shall bc paid to i.cndcr. <br /> ; "'�� In the evcnt of u totnl takltig of thc Pmp�rty.tha proceeds ahall bo applicd w the sums sccurcd hy t�is Security Instrument, <br /> whether or not then d.;e,with nny eac,css paid to Bortower.In the event of u p.�rdal wkii►8 of tho E'toperty in whlch the fair muricet <br /> .���� value of Iho Propezty immedIutely�eforo the tnktng is equol to or gces�tet thF►n the amaunt ot tho sums secund by 1�'tis Security o- <br /> � � ,�.� Ins�ument Immediatcly beforc the tnking, unl�ss Boreowcr ond Lendcc otherwisa ctgrea in wridng. tho sums sccurcd by this __ <br /> Securiry I�strument shall ba reducect by tha nmount of the p�viceeds muldplied by the following froction:(u)the wtnl umount of c <br /> �f . tbo sums securcd immcdiutely lwforu the tnking, dlvided by(b) Ihe fair mnrket vnlue of tho Pcopc,rty immediately befots tha <br /> � .. '* tnking.Any balanco shall ba pald to Boirnwer.In the eve�t of n pardel talting of tha Propaty in which the fnlc market valus of the <br /> Prope,rty immedietely beforo tha taking �S le:s than ihe amount of Bte sums secureG immediatcly before the ta}cing, unless _ <br /> � , �� ` Bo�rower and Lendcr othenvIse n�ee in wciun8 or unless npplicable Iaw atherwise provides,the procecds shall Ue applled to 1he <br /> :�. :•� �•. sums scc�rcd by this Scxuriry Insnument whcther or not thc sums cuu then due. <br /> " . If the Pmperty is abandoned by Boaower,or if.after nodca by Lender to Borrowu that the condcmnor offers W inake an <br /> ���,~�;,^.�." award or seule a claim for damages.Borcowe�feils co respond w Lendr,r��Ithin 30 deya eft�s the da?a the nodee is given,Le�►dv �- <br /> -"'��.+�•-�� is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds,et its opuon, either to restorndon or repair of Ihe Property or w tho sums secured _ <br />-z:i�,r.,.�;..,..: <br /> � by this Security Instniment,whether or not then due. <br /> _.,.. �. � ' Unless I.ender nnd Boaower otherwise aBree in wntin8. a.�Y appucaaon of proceeds w principal shall not extend or postpono <br /> -1..,����:�'.y� 1' <br /> - .; the drue date of Ihe manthly paymcnts rcfr,ned to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change tho amount of suc paymente. <br /> �F�^,,_� :.,;;,.:•;;;, il.Barrower Not Released;Forbesirance By Lender Not�Waiver. Satension of tha dma for puyment or rnodification <br /> _ " "• • of amactia.ndan of the sums secured by this Security Instrument�ited by L.ender to any successor[n interest of Borrowrr shall <br /> '�'"''�'� not oPerate rn releuse the liability of the originul Borrower or Borrower's successors in inteies�L�ndet shall not be tequired to <br />',";�.•; <br /> •,rs,,,�;�J;c' common�e proceedings against nny successor in interest or refuse to extend tirne for payment or otherwise modify emorti7ation of <br />=�F"'-:'�•' ' the sums sr,cured by this Securiry Instrument by re�son of any demand made by the origtnal Borrower or Bormwa's succ�ssom <br /> -':�?::�� in interes�My forbea�ance by I.ender in oxe.rclsing any dst�t or remedy shall not be a wniver af or preclude the exercise of�ny <br /> •,.��-�i; rigbt orremedy. <br /> -�=r`i3i�:;1 ' 12.Successore aud Arslgns Bound;Joint und Several LiabIDty; Co-signern.'Rie coventu►ts and agreementa of thls <br />-_�"'��"'�• ; " <br /> :.�;�U;�i:�� SecusIty Inswment shull bind and benefit the succassors and assigns of Lerider nnd Bocrower,subject w�ha provisions of <br /> :;�� paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreemente shall txi joint and sevesai4. Any Borrowu who co•sibms tt�is Sccucity <br /> '�'"'�""�`�" Instrument but does not executa the Note: (a) is co-signing this Seciuity Inswment only to mortgage. grant and convey C�tat <br /> -�'""`''�''`"'`� Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instcument;(b) is not ptssunnlly obligated W pay tfsc ecams <br />_-._.=�S.i;': <br /> _____ ...� secnred by ttds Security Iaswment;and(c)ngrees that Lendcr enc�s►ny othcz Boicower may a;gre�to extend,modiCy, o or <br /> '�� malce nny accommodadons with regard tc the terms of�hi�Security Insuument or the Note without lhat Borrower's consen� <br /> �' -•------ 13.Loan ChArges. If the loan secured by this Security Ins�+�ment is subject to a law which sets maxlmum loan cl�arges, <br />--=---- and that law js Cnally intetpreted so that the interest or other loan ct,suges collected or to be col�ected in connection with the toan <br /> - exceed�he pesmiued Wnits,then:(a)any such loan cherge shall be iedueed by tha etnaunt necrssuy w reduce tho charge to the <br />------ permIual timi�and(b)eny sums elready collected from Sorrower which exceeded permittecl Gmils will be red'un de4[a Boirowet. <br /> x.ender may choose w make this refund by reducing the principal owed nnder t}se Nota�r by making a d'ucct payment to <br /> � Bomawer.If a refund redaces principal.U�e reduczion will be treated as a pardni pzepayment withaut uny prepayme�u charge <br /> - '""� undec the Note. <br /> • 14.Notices. Any nodce to Bouower pravided f�^�r:in�17aiv S�curily InsRument shall be given by dellvering it or by malltng it <br /> by f.irst cL�s mail unless npplicuble law rc:quires use of another methpd.'ilie norice sl�all bc directed to the Praperty Address or <br />_- —�----� any othec address Borrower designates by nodce ca:Lender. My nodcu lo Lender sh�ll be given by Cust class mail ta L.ender's <br /> __- address stated herein or any other address Lender ilesignates by nodce to Borrower.My noticu pmvlded for in this Secutiry <br /> Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given a�pmvided In this paragraph. <br /> rz.����� 15.Governing Law;Severability. This Securiry Insuument shall be governcd by federal law and ihe l��r af the <br /> -- _—= jurisdicuon in which the Property is located.In the evea►t thut any proviston or clausa of this Seeurity Instrumalc or[�io Rtote <br /> --_ �� conflicts with applicabla luw.such wnflict shall noi affect other provisions of this 5ecurity Instrument or the I�iute which can be <br /> �-- given effect without tha conflicdng provlsion.Tm ulvs end tho pmvisions of this Securiry Inswment and the Note aca declared tn <br />— —--�� be severable. <br /> - ""� Form 9028 9180 <br />��,•�y:..,,,. <br />- -=���"� �•eR(NE)roz�z�.o� Nap•sois imiiau: <br />--__��_�":.�,��:�. <br />- ----::��-3�� ' <br /> �L�'A 7. � __— ��:�- .h.. . <br /> 1 ��' � . � . , , _ ��rt q7�'Ii. )? `.i�� :�i,�V����,(�,: - ��f t;��T•_.rS y�-,. <br /> +i �' , � t - , <br /> , � �, � <br /> � � . <br /> :: <br /> ,, . ._ <br /> .f, •- , -,�Gr • �; _ . . 4- F ., +�� `� (� J , ., _ � �i.-.� . <br /> • .�- M1 <br /> . •. <br /> .^ <br /> ..r:..-.. - �' ` � .. i.1 t� , . . �+s�t t_�,- Ri�1'.i ---- j - - - :!.- -.. <br /> _ ��,�� - .-- _ __- _- - . _ --_ �-.� --��m.� _ -,_ _ <br /> . _ �-� �� . <br /> ... - : �. }:;`,`,; � , .. ,, .. : . . .. , ' <br /> . ��:; , .. <br /> . r. <br /> _ .� . .. .. . � , v .. . � <br /> -� .. '' 1 .� �+.. _ _ �.. , .. .. '. ' ..r 5�,, i " . ,v � . <br /> 'r_ ,�, . . . . - � . "� � .. ' <br /> _ � � >.. � . .. " . . . .� „ .. .. :' %'. - . I . . .. . <br /> .t• ��,�f�, <br />— .. .,b. ;? ;,�1'; <br /> ., <br /> ' - - � . .. �� - . <br /> .. . <br /> ,, � . . <br /> �. . - . • _�._. <br />