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•.1!1�r..� <br /> °� � , <br /> �� . <br /> . <br /> j1y�() '> y'�.�1. �{• <br /> '_ —_ ____`_ _ _ _ _ . ..__ <br /> � <br /> .�. <br /> . • <br /> - ., � r�i * �w•. ., � � ..r . .c,,.�.nazlai ,�wn �,--- . . �n �-:lo.�,.KIRY�O�V�{'�. ' _ <br /> .. •• � >nMM51N1Gil'I�N <br /> �. ' .. WI►KsYY.eww.: �.....�� . .. . .• . . . .. � . . . . . . _� <br /> i _ . ... -. ... ... .. . .. . . . . . . . . . <br /> .... �_ •'i�,-.: <br /> „ . �_! <br /> , � 96- �.U��t39 : <br /> 'TOGQ'tHE[2 W[TH n!l ti�e innprovemcnts notv on c�rcafter erected on thc prapetty,and all ca�emcn�v, appurtennnces,and , <br /> fixwre.v now or licecaftc��u p:�st of the prap�frty./�II rcpicccments nnd additions�hap ulso be covered by this Security lnstrumenG <br /> All of tho foregoing is rofcrred w in thls Security Insh�ument os t�o"Property." <br /> • DORROWIIR COVBNANTS that Borcowrr is k►wfully seiscd of d�c estntc hercby convcyed und hns the r�ght w gmnt nnd <br /> � convoy tho Fropany anQ �iat Iho Pm�eny Is unencumbcred, oxcept for encumbrances of recard. Aorrower wa�rwits and wili <br /> � dePenA gcncrally tho dtlo ta tho Property ugninst all claim5 m�d dcmunds.FubJect tn any encumbrances of recnrd. <br /> THIS SECURITY INS'PRUMBNT wmbinrs uniform covenan�� for nndon�l uso and non-unifomt covenAntv with l�mited <br /> . �� vorindons by jurLsdiction t�constitutc u uniform sccurity iusirwuejn cove�inK rcal pmP�Y• <br /> � �. � UNIFORM COVBNAN'fS.Borrower and Lendu coventu►t and egree av follows: � <br /> ���i 1,Payment of I'rinclpal ond Interesh,prepaynlent c+nd Lnte C6arges. Boaowcr shall promptly pay whcn due tho <br /> ���,� principul of ar�d interest on the debc avidenced by tl�a Noto and my prepayment and latc ch�cges due under the Not�. <br /> 2.Ftinds for Taxr�and Insursrece. Subject to npplicnbla luw or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shali pay to <br /> y " ; Lcndcr on tha d�y monthly payments arc d�to u�dcr tha Note,undl Ihe Notc is paid in full,a sucn("PUnds")for.(a)ycacly wxes <br /> � � und nsscssmcnts which mny nttain prioiity ovcr diis Sccurity Instrwnent es u licn on thc Property;(b)yearly leasehold payments �•:� • <br /> .. � � or ground rents on the Property�if any� (c)Ycarly liazard or prope�ty insurance pte�rmiums:(d)Ycarly flaod insurance premiums,if .:,* <br /> ���.:� <br /> ' • nny;(e) ycariy mortgagc incsuance prcm{ume,if nny;and(�any sums payuble by Bonower to Le��d�r,in accarclance with the �, <br /> :i•. provisioas af parngmph S, in Iteu nf ihc payment of moRgaga ir.civancc premiums. These itema uras cxilied "Escrow Item9" �;�t;r. <br /> ' Lcndcr mny.nt any dme,collect rind hold Funds in an am�unt not to exceed thc ma�cimwn amouaE a lcndr.r for a fedeniliy rclat�d a --- <br />� • '� morigago loan mfly rcc{uire for Boirower's escrow account under the federal Rcul&ts�te Sealement Procedures Act of 1974 as =- <br /> amended Fram dmo to time. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et scq. (RESPA ),unless anothr.r law that applles to the Funds sets a lesset <br /> �� r <br /> '�� nmount. If so, I.ender mny. nt any dme,co�ect and hold Funds in an amount not eo excced the lesser amounR l.ender may � <br />- ' esdmatc the�unonnt of Fundv due on thc b�i�of current data and reasonable estunates of expeadiwms of future Lscrow Items or <br />- ° otherwise in accorclnnco with app�icuble law. _�- <br />��"'�. • - 'Ih�Funds Rha1!be held in en insdtution whose dcposits ere insured by a federal agenc:y,instiumentality.or endty(including <br /> - � Lender. if I.ei►du is such an institudon)or in any Fcderal Homo Loan Bank.Lender shall apply tho�unds to pny tho Escrow _ <br /> � � ��� Items.Lender may not charge Bozrower for talding and applying the Funds.annnat�y analyzing the escrow accouc►t,or verIfy�g <br /> '�"f,,,� • Q�e.Escmw It�ems,unless►der pays Bocmwer intetest on the Fhnds and applicabl�!xw permits Lender w nu�Sce such a charge. <br />- � H�wever,Lendu m1y requira Borrower to pay u one-bme charge for nn independent real estate taa nporting srlvice used by __ <br />-- ' I.ender in connecdo� with this loan,unless appllcabla Inw provides otheiwLse.Unl�ss an agreemcnt is n�ade or eppucabk law <br /> . reyuires intcrest to be paid,Lendcr shall not be rcquired w pay Borrowc�any inLenst or eaminge on tha Funds.Borrowcr an�] <br />- ' - Irndrs mav�eree in writin�.however. that interest shuU be paid on thc Ft�nds.Lend�s!►all give W Bottnwer.without <br /> ' � annual accounting of the Funds,showing credits end debits to the Funds end the putpose for whkh each de"vit co[no i�unds wa4 <br /> ��� ,.: � �: mada.'The Funds ere pledged av addipona!security for all sums secured by this Securiry Yrsttument <br /> �. �. <br /> ,_a:;,;::. � If tha Flmd9 held by Lendu eaceed the amounts pem�iued to bo held by npplicable law,I.endzr shall account to Borrowa e►r <br /> -_��'=`'4'�'' tha uxcoss Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicable laev.If tt►e amount of the Funds held by L.endea at any ticna Is <br /> ,� . <br /> �n fn"��•'� not cuf�ieient to pay the Bscrow Icems when due.Lender may so notify Borrower in writinB.artd,in such ca�e Borrower shal!pay ; <br /> -���` '"���`� tn Lendor the amount necessary w make up tho deficiency. Borrowu shall m�lw up the deficiency in no mom�n tarelve - <br /> - '�__��'�� monthlY PeYmenis,at Lender's sole discntion <br /> ��:'_�`.'..'�:fh�� <br /> _„_,�,�r,� Up�n puY�nent In full of eil sums secured by this Sec�uity Instrumeru,Lender shall pmmptly refund w Bocinwa any Funds <br /> - °��+�..�;-�—�- held b�r Lender.If,undu paragcaph 21.I.ender shall oaquire or seU tho Property,Lenda.prlor w the acquis[don or sale of the <br /> �-'�� Proparty,shall apply eny Funds held by L.ender ac the time of acquisidon or sale as a credit ngainst tho svms securid by Wis <br /> ---�±�`�`� Security InsirumenG <br /> '!' 3.ApplicAdon ot F�ymeate. Unless applicable law provides otheiwise,all paymcaita received by Lendu unda para�graphs <br /> - -•- 1 and 2 shall be apptled:first,to �u►y prepayment chaxges due under tho l�iote:second,to amounts payable und�paragraph 2; <br />- :� _._._: �hird,to inierest duo;fow� principr.fl d:►e:en�lasi,to 2ny late charg�s d�e«nder the Note. �--, <br /> _ 4.Charges;Lkas. Bonower ahall pay all taxcs,assessments, charges, fines and imposidons aun'butable to the Propeity <br /> ���� which may attain priority over this Securiry 1nstYUment,and leasehold payments or gmund rents.if any.Bomotv�r shall pay these <br /> --- obligations in the munner prnvided in para�raph 2,or if not paid in t�at m�tnner.Boirowei shall pay them on time directly w the <br /> — -- person owed paymenG Borrowrr shall pro�nptly fumish to Lcnder all notices of emounts to be paid under this parogcaph.If <br /> _._- -�; .Borrower m�lces��ese payments direcdy�Htoaowe�shall pmmpdy fursi�sh to Lender r�eipts evidencing the payments. -- <br /> -- - Bflirowa shall pmmptly dischorge any lien wl�ich has priorlry over th�s Securiry Instcument unless Boimwer:(a)agrees In <br /> - -��e��� wridng to the payment of tha obligadon secured by the lien in a manner acceQtable w Lender;(b)contests in good faith the lien <br /> -�;�:;:,�� by,or defends against enfom.ement of thu Hen in, legal proceedinge which ira the I.end�'s opinion operate to prevent the <br /> -�,�,�';'"� enfoccement of the lien;or(c)secums frnm the holder of the lien�n ageemont sadsfactory to�.ender subordinating the lien to — <br /> --�--k"!!�-"Y'="°"'• this Security Instrument If Lender determznos thnt any part of the Proporty is subjECt w a lien wbic9�may at�ain priority over this <br /> ""A"�`�`' Sac�uity Instrumer►t,I.ender may give Sorrower a aotiee ident�ffying tho lie�i.Borsower st►all satisfy the lien mr take ono or more <br /> :,`� �=~ 04'the sx�ons set forth nbove within 10 days of thu giving of notice. <br /> =.�:�_�;. Form 3028 9/D0 k'_ <br /> '-:;.� . <br /> . . . (�-BR(ll1�Dlma�zlA� Paq•2oie InIUaU:.r __- <br /> --�': - <br /> .�a� . _' .t..� ��: <br /> 6T«'. <br /> :? �.i . �' . �^I__ - ' `�— .. ._ �, . <br /> „ .;}24:, ,'k='j• `tr ' � <br /> ' J�..� . ' . .. -." . . � . ' `.t;,r. �ti,�+ J �N r�:ti' - l.' . ' _ . �`: <br /> _ .. . <br /> , � . <br /> . <br /> ..4�k-i' , � ' " 1\ti�._ .� ..-. r �. ,..� �:I • ' , <br /> .___. —:°— �:___ .:_:_ __ -..�_. . ._.-. -_ _ _ . _. _.:.�_�.. _-:. __.._ ___ .__.__-_ _ .-_ _— .T �— . . -__-_ _____ . _.__ __ __-` z __ . <br /> __ _ .�_ � _ _ _ <br /> __�.... .r.-•�r� - � ( <br /> � ` ` ' ' '' ' Al . . - t, . _ . <br /> - - ' . . , .. .. ,� - � .Y.: .. <br /> . ,. ...... .. , _ <br /> .. - � „ , ,. . . t7J ' _ ' _ .. <br /> T . . .. ' , . .. . N <br /> . .. it�' .` ' , � <br /> ., . ' , � a - .. �ff , . . . � .. <br /> .. _ ' _ . .. - .� }� . ' _ . <br /> ' . � � . . . .. .. '-�� . . � - - .. <br /> '_ � .• . - .� n � .. - ,• � <br /> _ <br /> . .. .� - � .. 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