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<br /> -- - � I app8cabie !ew mey apectfy for n+�atetement) before sale of the Piroperty pureuant u► any power of selc conteined In this
<br /> - conditions aro that Horrower: a
<br /> se
<br /> Secud Inewment•or en of a ud ent enforcin lhie Secu�i
<br /> Insuument. Tho ( )
<br /> . (b) Bm B �Y
<br /> -- ty �v J
<br /> �
<br /> �_ _,_ __ p+y, t PR,�•���� .�,�.� which tlr�st would be due und-r sltis 9ecurity lnstrumcnt und slte Note tu !f no nccelerndon had
<br /> - , � occurmd;(b)cures any default of any other covenante or agreements:(c)pays all expenses incurred in enforcing�his Security
<br /> '.' �' � lnstrumcnt, including,but not Nmited to, res�sonable attomays'fees:and(d) takes such action as L.ender muy reesonably
<br /> � —� require w assure Ihat the lien of this Securiry(nswment,l.enderk righta in the Propeny and Barrowark obligotlon to pay thQ
<br /> '��� � sums secu►ed by this Security Insnvment shall continue unchnnged. Upon reinstatement by Bortowcr, thia Security
<br /> insdument and the obligations eecured hereby shall�emaln fully effective as if no sccoleration hwd�xcuRed. �ow�v�r,thi�
<br /> ri�ht to minstate�hall not appty in the caRe of acceleratian undor paragraph 17.
<br /> ° 19. SAIa ot Notei ChanRe ot I.oan Servker. The Note or a putial intcrest In thc Note(tugether with this Secudty
<br /> ----'� � Insuument)may be sold one ar more'time�wlthout prior nodce w Borrawe�. A sok may reault in o chw�ge in the entity
<br /> __ ���^;�,-------s-- (knnwn na the"I.nan Servia�r")thet rnllex:la tncmlhly j�aymenix duo untler ihr.Nnte anA thia Security Inalrnmrm Thr��Alc..
<br /> _��:;:�, may be ane o��more changes of�the Loen Scrvlcer unrelaled to n sale of the Note. If thei+e iR a change of the Lou�Servicer,
<br />����!��, t3otrower wfll be given written natice of the cbange in accordunce wi�h paragrnph 14 above und applicuble law. The noticc
<br /> ,_��_--_--�� wlll slate the namo and uddress of the new Loan Service�and the address to which puyments should be made. The naice will
<br /> �j_�; :,,� also contain any other lnfortnatbn required by applicable law.
<br />_ 20. Hnz�rdoua 3abatancea Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence.use.disposal.storage,or relcASC of eny
<br /> Hazurdous Substances on or in the Property. Bortower shall nat do,�or allow anyone cise to do.unything affecdng the
<br /> Property that is in violation of any 8nvironmental Lnw. The pmceding two sentcnces shall not Apply to the presence,use,or
<br /> —�u,-� stotage on the Property of amall quantities of Ha7ardous Subatances that are generally recognized to be appropriate to nomtal
<br /> -- ` a residentiel uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> 9,� - ' h �.=�� Borrower shall promptly give L.ender writren notice of any invexdgation,claim,demnnd,lawsuft or other action by any
<br /> � governmentel or regulatoty agency or prfv�tc party involving the Praperty at�d any Hazardous Substance or Environmental
<br /> •.�"�"�r • Lsw of which Borrower has aclual knowledge. If Barrower learns, or is notified by uny govemmental or regulatory
<br />- • }�.�k� �•".'�y'' authodty,thet nny remova!or other remedietion of any Nazurdous Substance affecting the Propeny is necessary, Borrower
<br /> , , �=';.a;>� •����rs�`, •' shall promptly take all necessury remedial actions in accordance with Environmentu!Law.
<br /> � "- •y'�� '�"'�;;,�� As used in this paragraph 20,"Hazardoua Substances"ure those substunces defined as toxic or hazardaus subctances by
<br /> r: •
<br /> `��"� f' Environmental Law und the foliowing substances: gasoline.kerosene,other flammable or toxic petroleum producis. toxic
<br /> :�. �' � pesticides and herbicides, volalile solvents,materials containing asbestos or fortnaldehyde, and rndioactive materials. As
<br />_ ,,:,�;.�., �,,��,,. ���i! used i�this paragraph 20, "Envlronmcntal Luw"means federal Inws and laws of ihe jurisdiction wher�e the Property is locatcd
<br /> • w�,��.�;;��, thet relate to health,safery ar environmental protection.
<br /> , :.;r : . _ - NON-UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Borrowcr And Lender further covenant and agrce us follows: �
<br />_ • . ; �_t�,�:►�°v�>r••;;.'" 21. AcceterAtion; Remedies. Lender shall give Aotice to Borrower prlor to acceleration Pollowing Borrower's
<br /> _... ��,- brepch of any covenant or agreemeat in thts Security Instrument Ibut not prior to acceleration under paragraph 17
<br /> �" ;�- -=- �.��;-,ri--- ° uniess� 3r�bie Ipsz ray�ties otherwise). The aoilce shaii qulrc�tu curt ihe
<br /> . •v�wr� .,. Pi� P specif3': (a)the defauit;tb)the artloa rc
<br /> ,.; .„ .; •. , deiault;(c)a dete, not less t6an 30 days from the date the nottce is given to Borrower,by which tbe dePault mus!be
<br /> . , cured;And(d)that Pallure to cure the deiault on or before tbe date apeciRed in the notice may result in acceleration of
<br />- ' ���� �•�-'�,. r, the sums secured by fhis Securlty Inst�ument and sale oP t4e Property. The notke shall iurther inPorm Borrower of
<br /> "�r� �� the right to reinsGtte af�er accekratfon and the right to bring a court action to assert the non-existence of a deiwult or
<br /> �:,:;.,,.._ any other defense of Borrower to acceleralion and sale. IP lhe default Is aot cured on or hefore the date specifled In
<br />---.----; = - Q. !hc nat3cc,Lcadcr a!!L;upttoa asa�rrqulrc isssssscdlatt pas��scnt!�fa!!af�!!�usns sccurcd b�lhfs 3ccurEly IRSlrument
<br /> . ' without further demond And mey invoke the power of sale and any otBer remedies permitted by Applicable law.
<br /> 5 , ••�� ;,��. l.ender shall be entiUed to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedles provlded in this paragrwph 21.
<br /> . d.;�. ,�. including.but e�M limlled to.r�asonable attorneys•i'ees and costs of title evidence.
<br /> � ' IP the power of sAle is i�voked,7Yustee shall record a nallce of defaull in each counly in which any part of the
<br /> ,�;r � � •7�'=�� Property Is IacAted and sh�ll mail copfes of such notice in the monner prescribed by applicable law to Borrower and to
<br /> � "`y'°- . � the other rsons rescribe�f b•a Itcable law. After tl�e thue r uireJ b � kable lew,Trustee shwli rve ublic
<br /> Pe P f pP C4 Y P1� R P
<br />�� ; ,�^'', .: noNce of sale io the persons s��d in the manne�prescribed by �ppltcable luw 7Yustee.without demand on Borrower.
<br /> shall sell the Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the time und pluce nnd under the terms desi�nated in
<br />�,„ ,° ..,� ..,,,,,,�, the notice of sale In one or more parcels and in uny order 71�ustee determines. 7Yustee may postpone sale oP all or yny _
<br /> parcel of the Property by public Announcement at the time and place oP any previously sche�luled wde. Lender or ils
<br />�'e1 r , , desiQnee may purchASe t6e Property at ony sale.
<br /> o �;; • Upon receipt of paymenl of the price bid.'I�ustee shall deliver to the punhoser 7lrustee's deed conveying the _
<br /> . Property. The recitals in fhe'il�ustee's deed shall be prima Pacie evidence oP the truth of the stalements made therein. -
<br />, ' ° � 'IY�ustee shall opply the proceeds of the sale fn the following order. (a)to all rnsts and expenees uf exercising the power _
<br />.. �..- �;;�'�.�_ -
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