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D��A OF YRU�T �I'� Pe�e 3 _ <br /> (G�ntlnued) ��p� �.����� <br /> •��--=- - <br /> wh�ii�r PM NN�to IM Nls�hdd pr�mis�s,lhs basihdd estato,a any subMas�hdd�stito,wiN rtwrp�wilhoul LondYrs axprnss wdttan consYnt;rAther � <br /> NN � <br /> ih��sUttp will nrtwln Wputt�tnd dlstlnct,wen II thera ts a uNnn ol IMsv�sttt�s In the land;ad,aranta,Of o tnuu p�'w W�10 OIXCIidiYS 0� �,. <br /> olh�rwfs� aCqukes Iho a'.atb• Orantor(uRMr�preos Ihat II Qrnntw�cqutr�s tll or�porlion of'ne fes slmple Nlta,a any ofh�r I�as�hdd a . <br /> wbNa�hpld tlIM to tM P►opMtY��ha�nIN WHI�a���nd�a optlon,ImrtNdl�iNy Wcorn�aubJrct to i'N iams ol lhfs Dwd ol Truat,�nd(irtnta v��� <br /> execuN,d�llwr�nd recad a1 docurn�nh r»o�ssW or aPProprl�te b assun th�t such Ntb b t�cur�a by thb De�d of Trual, __ <br /> loan�rrNnAwhlCh�n�ta may�ntK nto wlth Lnderl�Lenda►,d L�ntder's�optl�onl�rrNY �qW e Oanta lo ex'ecute tnd dNiwr tonl�L�kl�tam . . ` <br /> � �ccaptabt�ta l.smfer, an asslpnrrNnl ol tny rlphb,clalms or del�nsBS whfch Gnnta may h��y�palnst puties who nupply kbw.mtt�ri�ls a arvkys <br /> .•=.,:Y" In Conn�ctlon wiR�tmprowmenls m�d�to the f'rop�rty. , <br /> "�' 7. DUB ON SALE-CONS�NT E1Y LENDER. Londa rt►� Its optbn,h�w tM dpht lo tcc�Nrat�,thaf Is,deckr�Imrt�tNy tlu�and payWA W , <br /> � sums sacursd by thfs[)eed olTrust upon tha saN a tnnsier,withaul tha LMdw's pdor wrltt�n consent,ot tll or�ny p4A ol Ihe R�el Rropaty,a anV ' - <br /> � int�nst in tM Reai ProperlY• IlGnnta selis or tnnsters 1he Rool Property withaui the wriBOn consent ol l.mtler,then,pda 10 accaNnNon l.�nder shall • <br /> ' fliw notla to Grantor. The noHCa 6Aall provlde a pedod o1 npl iess Ihan 18n(10)tlays hom ttw date ot ihe noliCe wlthin whbh(irantor m�y pay tha � ;� , , ._ , _ <br /> aums d�citrod due. If(iranta falis to pay those eums pnor to tha e�uptlon of such period,lender may,wlthaut furttwr notice or domand on Grantnr. A ..;�.. *.• <br /> Invoke tny romsdb!permitt e d In fhls DMd of Trust. A"sale or trensfe�'meani the ConveyancY ol Real Properiy ar any ripht,tlrie w InlYrest fherein; ty�i', ;�,.,.���I��_, <br /> �; whofM�r I�psl ar eqWtabb; wMther vdunlary or Invduntery;whelher by ou�lqht eak,dad,instaliment snb contrect,Ipnd corAract,controol for deed, �.,���,ro,�1_ � <br /> Ist�hofd InNra.t1 wilh a term pr�ater than thre�(3)yelrs,lenss-oP��on conUpct,cx by sak,asslpnrrwnt,or Mansfer ot any beneficiYl Interest la or to any .�. ��,.. <br /> land hU,t holdinp tflk b Ihe FNtI Property.o►bY any olh9r mathpd ot convay�ncs ol Real Froperty inferest. However,this oplion shpU rtot!te exercised ��;:��° <br /> by Lsnder U euCh exerclse F5 p�ohlbited by ledarel Iaw or by NLbraska law. �' �� ����,. <br /> � .��-. <br /> ..:�-%?`r".-�-- <br /> • ,. ,,,,.t._= — <br /> .. �. TpANgpEq pp pRppEqTY. TM toNOwin.provlslorts relatlnp to the htnsf�r of the 6i�cl Rrqperty tre a part ol lhis Oaad of Truet: z, <br /> •� 4�._ <br /> kc+liCa of Transfer. Gnntor shall pive notice to Lender,as proWded In thhs Deed of Trust,prior to any sale or transte�►ot all a part ol the Property ,. <br /> ;',;;,�F���.��� a tny dpht5 In tha Roal Prope�ty. Any person to whom ali or poA ot lne Real Propedy is Sold or irgnslerrotl also&ha��ba obl,qnto8 to QWs nol'ce ,, - <br /> • •".va'.` e,, , to L�ndor,as pro Adsd In Ihts peed of Trust,prompily aHer suCh Iranster. '.�'�'* °s=--�--� <br /> AdyaM:ss Mk► TrAnstN. All amounts advanced under the LOANLINER�Hame �quity Plan Credit Apreemant,up to tf»GadN UmH,are ,��.,;.,.� <br /> �• ��dvuatn�ordbby I�.r^�mae tMn fiw(6)rd�ys aflerdnotbe to Lend�r,as q ovirded�n hlStDeed of Trust,t�ha tsuoh t onster or wWhas occ�x�d. r*yy• _� <br /> •'AIYI'�- . <br /> ' F� Even i!Oranta tnmter9lho Real Proporty,Orsnfor will Continue to be abugabd under tha Credl Agreement and this Deed of Trust unbss I.�nd1r �Ty��', <br /> 6 reies5as Gnntor In w�itirp. As a condition to Lender's consent io any proposed transfar a as a condition to the retease of Gr�nta,Lender rray <br /> n►qu{n th�t IM perso�lo wAom tM Roal Properry Is transtenetl stgn an essumptfon�preement aatlstactory to Londar�nd L�nd�r m�y fmpose in ���� <br /> ,1 �umptbn IM. TM assumptlon apreement wlll not entitie Ihe p0rson stpninp il to receive advanCes under the CrerSil Apr�err�nl. � <br /> ' Y. TAXE9 AND LIEN9.The Idlowlnp provislons ralatlnp to the laxes and uens on Ihe Property are a paA of this Deed ot Trust. <br /> � prynMM. Gnnta ohaM p�y when dw(snd In all eveMS pr►a to delinquenoy)�N toxes,spectal tuces,assessmsnts,clurone pndudinp watK and �-- <br />' . . :s�::'� e�WU),Ars��rt�ImpAyYprq Mvl�d�gtinst or on�CCOUnt of the Property,and shtll pey when due�II cutms ta wak doM on or la e�rvlas <br /> rondend or m�tMW turr�l»d to ttN Propwly. Gnntor shall maintafn the Property free ot dl liens hnvinp prforlty owr a�qwl to tM Inbr�st of <br /> ' 4sncler uiw'w ti'.w:�.����.��P!!�!!�!!_n 0!�_.��e�Q 85�4+?5�!nte not due:uxCeot for thB exlstit�7 ind9bt6dM53�NfT�id ta WiOw,tnd <br /> ;��'^',.-- <br /> a:ccept�s otMrwls�proHded In thb Da�d o1 Trust. <br />- Rlyht t0 COntl�t.Gnntor may wlthhdd ptyment o1 nny lax,assessmant,or claSm In connectlon with a qood failh disputY ov�r MM obpOttion lo � <br /> pay,ao lonp a L�nder'e Int�wst In tha Property Is not jeopurd�ied. II�t Iten arises or Is fi�ed as Y result ot nonpaym�nl,Oranla aluY wHhin fiHOen ,. <br /> ,L, ., (1g)days�Mer tM Y�n lds�s or.M a Ns�Is Alad,w11Ain fi8ean(tb)dAys atter Grnnta hes notice ot lh�filinp,secu�9 fh�dischuq�01 the iMn,a�� � <br /> roquasWf by l.�nd�r. dlposH with Lender CaLh a e suffiGeM corpwnte surery bond a other security satisfeCtory lo LentNr In tn artNwnl euHicknt <br />_:� fo disch�rp�Ih�IMn plN any cosb�nd attaneys'fees w nther charges that coutd occrue as�result o}�foreclosur�or saN undv tM Y�n• In <br /> nertM I,N�4�r�s�tn add�tlorMl oblpM undsr�n�ery bond fumished Inll►e conjtes9t pr�ocee�dir�ip�senforoement�pai�st th�Prop�rty. CxaMa sh�M <br /> �• �+.��. � Ev{OMa of PiymMt. Ganta�sh�N upon dempnd fumisn to Lender satisfectory wtdance of payment of the taxes o��st�ssms►b�nd sh�M ;�r� <br /> ss <br /> . �pry1p1��tw apprpp�ll pow►nm�nttl oMclat l0 tle�lver to Lendf;r at eny lime �written statement ot the taxos rnd aSSasrnMl�ip�n�1 Ih� � : <br /> .r,.. .:. PtOpMty. <br /> �,�.,:,. . Iiy61C�pf Conitnktlon, Grmta shaN noflly Lender�t least fiNeen(16)days betore any wak 19 Commencsd,�ny s�rvlc�!�ra fumish�d,or�ny �,.�_ <br /> m�lKMN sn tupp�M totM PropMly.B�ny m�chan�c's INn,itwterlalrn�n's li�n,«oiner u�n cou�a ao aase�+w on axount a me wn+k,sKVias, <br /> z:;[-,^�; '�• ���.,���Iry��I�xce�d3 f70,000.00. (inntOr wld upon nqufst of Lender(wnish to Lend6r advana N�su►�nch NtlWCiqrY l0 L�ndM <br /> "�'�"������� Iht CinMor qn�nd vv�paY Iho Cost of such Improvsrt�nts. <br /> �#!.A*�• <br /> "-���;:;,;�--— 10. PR(IPERTY IMSiIHANCF 7M fdlowlnp provlsfons reiattnp to ImuMny the Property ar0 a pert o}Ihis Deed of?'rusL � <br /> --w�-r»�:�^'� d1Y�11Nw�c,y p!Inwr�ncs. C3rYnta�tt�N proCUra�nd malnWn polCles of fln insuranc�with 6tandard Wct�nd�d Cowap�rndds�nw►ds a+i a <br /> _ 3a <br />"�";�=•:�;.:r �epl�nl basb for In1 tu1 InsunbN valu�cowrinp a8lmproverrwMs on th�Red Properfy In en amount wMk�nt to aYakl�ANC�1lon of my <br /> -__;:,;�;:�,, cdnsurma dau��aM wilA a tl�ndsrd rtwrtpap»cl+dus�in fava of Landx.tap�thar with such otlwr hsurd and 14WINy kiwrana d L.�� <br /> ^ . m�y rMSaubty rpWn.M th�RW Prop�rty is loqted In an ans Ws►pnated by the Dlroctor of the Foderel ErtwrQ�ncy Man�p�n�u Awncy�s� <br /> � �,�,�4ye_.� �p�cI�Oood nanrd arN, Granta�pna lo oblaln Federd Fiood InsurenCO to the extent sucA Insurence ts requk�d and b avaYtblt. PdfcMs <br />_ , •.,.,� ;,-, sh�11 b�writlM in lorm,amounb,Cownpw antl bisis reasonably acxrplabN to L�nder und Issued by a company a compinlas nasarMbly <br /> i;;.�� �copYbM to L�ndK. firanta.upon nqwst of Lender,will deFiver lo Lend�r ham tima to Iims IM poUc1rs a o�til►caMs ol insunna In tam <br /> -�:��,,"�„ sa11s1allory fo L�nder.Nciudinp sNpui�lorts Ihat Cowr+�es wul not bo cancWbd a d�minKhsd wlthout�t least Nn(10)d�ys'prior writwn noda to <br />—_;:i.rT_���,:,._.. • land�r. �::-- <br /> ;:�„l,}1!���`""• I1pp11�Nlpn pf prpeNCs. Onntor shtN prompHy notity Lender of any loss or damaye to the Property II th�ssUmaMd Cos4 of np�k or � �,,, <br /> ;;�.Vtr ti.,• ' npl�rtNnt�x�wda�lt0.000.00. Lsnder may make praof of Ipss It Onntor faihs io do so wltMn 6eMn(1G)days of IM casuatty. it,in L�nder's — - <br /> �- - ' • �udpm�nt, tM nsloratlon a rep�k Is �conomlcalty te�sfbb and Lenders secudy IS not tsssened, Insunna praaeds 6MN b� �ppfiod to __ <br />' ' nttonBOn or repUr of Ino dtmaQed ProRortY• it tM resloradon a repair is no►econom'�cally leasible a Lender's securily would bY�OUarrd,the <br /> ' 1i t�',.: �nsuranc�prOCeWs stud be aAPNed to the sums seCUretl by thts Doed of Trusf whether or not th9n due,with any�xass pald to OnntOr. If =^�°�--�--°� <br /> '''r' � GraMa aWndortl tM PropM1Y.a das not arr3wor wtlNn tnUty(30)daYs a notice trom Lertder tMt the Insuranc�c�rti�r Ms W4erad b saNM• �,:�-�R <br /> olNm,tf�n LK�aNr may co�Mcl tM Imunna prooeeds. Lender may use the proo�eds to npak a rastors tha Prop�rry tx to p�y aums s�cu�sd by �::.-.�._.._._rt_,�..�...... <br /> ,:y.�.,�.�...__d... <br /> tN!DNd ot TrtAt,wMUiM a ndf tt�n dw. M Lender hdds�ny proCa�ds tRar payment In tun of thv IndeblWMSS,6uCh pro0�etlt!tl�N W pdd �;°�.J°�: <br /> - �' t0 CxtMW 11s Csr11MOr�Nt�nsts maY aPpMr• ;.���,� �-- ., <br /> � . ,r` '-`::. <br /> • : llnexpk�d InWrmc�N S�N. Any ur��yQ insu�vnce shall Irture to Ihs beneTit ot,and pass to,the purchaser ol Ihs Property cownd by this �y <br /> '� •f` De�d Of Truif al�ny irus►se'9 sale or othcr sab hetd Urtder thg pro�9ions of lhis OeeO o1 Trust,or at eny foreClosure 58b ot suCh prOperly �,_��r��h �+ <br /> �:'!;':'' .' .� .r �•5��� .J���. <br /> �'tY� � � � .. - .i.'t�Cw� <br /> ..1. •j. ��, .(�- 1 ,R�. <br /> _ € . • ' . '�r.:.�:. :_. . . . � .. ._ <br /> . ;�'-: , . ' <br /> - --- -- — --- - ---'--- --- — ------ -- --- - <br /> _ _ '--,,,� - -- ---�--- - ---. -° T.— ------- __ , _-- _ -, -- -- <br /> - --- - •-- • -°-- —-. ._ .;; <br /> . , , . , <br /> - . . .i' �i�-. . • . , . - . � . . <br />_ . . ... . . � � . <br />_• . � .'''\� .. - .. <br /> �. ., ' ` <br /> -. . � .. .. 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