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<br /> _ - - - - - - _-- 3 .,,,a,.,.e,.«a.,,,s� naet_�c��Qn o! Partv wail. In tRo oVent t Q
<br /> . - - - - - -
<br /> � party wa11 �hall b� infur�d or d�stroy�d at a tim� wh�n tba th�n
<br /> �� -�- -� owa�rs o� tb� sd joininq tx�aatA of r�al ostato d�earib�d abovo bavo -
<br /> not wutually aqreed to ita destruation or ranwval, the �euao ehall
<br /> - -- _. - - ba robuilt at tho o=p�noo of t!w party r��pon�iblo �or tho
<br /> �= -�i=--� doatruotion o� the wall.
<br /> a. �nsuranae. eoth partioa aqroo to aiainbain inaurana� oa
<br /> thQ portio�n of tha garaqe aad drivoway tbat ie on their respeative
<br /> - - ---- -_, parcel of rsel eotato.
<br /> ` 5. Re�a� r a*+d Ma;nten�cs of S �ed Qaraae. Each reapectiva
<br /> �������
<br /> -- ��� ownor of tho parael of rea�l ostato ehall bQ solely responsible for
<br /> -- ���
<br /> — ----_== tho saiatenanca and r�pa3r of tha poz�ion of the qaraqe loaatod oa
<br /> � tho l�adowner�s real aetate aad may remove that portiaa of the
<br /> �
<br /> - __ — -- - .�
<br /> ---���„�� gdrage on euoh roal Qatate, eo lonq ne ita removal �hall be
<br /> :�-�����t-��=-^� accompliahed ia euch a fashion ae to permit the portion of the
<br /> —�
<br /> ��''��'� , garaqe loaeted oa the a�djoimiaq parael to rem+aia in tact in the
<br /> -4�.����
<br /> _ — -__».„ ov�snt thQ ad joiniaq landowner does aot mutually agree to the
<br /> -�'�,�.;,:r,,..;s:_` q 9
<br /> ��� � ;;, removal of that nd joininq landowner�s portion of the ara e. So
<br /> ��:,�.��Y.......
<br /> -s�►:.�..;:�- -
<br /> �'� '�`���, long ae the garage shared Bhall continue to exist ia its entirety,
<br /> ":i�.�:'�.+�r�.;:� _
<br /> �: , �� each landowner ehall be obligated tc aseure that portio� of the
<br /> .�����.,;,xti
<br /> .,,...._
<br /> ."' �'"°'""'� ° - ahared qarage located upon the respective parcels ie mai�►tained n
<br /> _ --
<br />--._��• �.-._..:�:. .
<br /> =_�� �:t�_ a structurally aound aad not unsightly condition.
<br /> �� . � ..:. ..
<br /> _.:.,,. ;�,;a..,..."� .. 6. .i�o�t Drivewav. There ie a drfveway which has been
<br /> :;:._
<br /> = .�-,` � conetructed between the percels of real estate described ebove for
<br /> . ��. -., r.".:i
<br />�`:�. �`. - ._.,��:
<br /> :''��; ."^ �"���'�`�`� �� ths joint use and en joyment of the property owners end to permit
<br />_ -`_.:. ��..��
<br /> { . ' ,.o, .' 'o` aaaess for ingress and egress bo the ehared garage. Esch party
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