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<br /> , 9 �
<br /> � --� � NON-�11VIF(HtM COV6NANT3. Hortower�nd L.ender funher coven�nt and agne ar follows:
<br /> e n
<br /> A7. �'ue�la�u'e Proadrr+�. If lx.nder uiro immedl�te pay ment in full underp��raph 9.Lender may invokc tho
<br /> - - wer af eale end uny dher i��ediespem�iQed�yppplicabtc ipw�Lander aia�ii ire r�uf�ied to ca!l;Ft sl!expecsse�ieicurr�
<br /> �purtu�g�e remedies provlded in ti�i4 paragraph 17.includin�.but not limited to.rw,unwbie wttomeyc'fres and aoats of
<br /> � tltt"eevidence. p�e
<br /> u blocat�ar+6 Is InvoO�ed.7tuttee�lwil record�aodce ot default la epcb ctwaly la wbkb Aay part of Ihe
<br /> �haN na�N copla of sucb aotke to the m�aner praicrlbed by•ppl_laibk b�v to Borrowa aad
<br /> ���t�er p er�up4 presceibed by ap Ilcable I�w ARer tl�time required by ap�l�cabk law,'llruata�hsdi ve
<br /> �u6Yc Moiia a f a l e t o t b e p e r'e a u�l a t h e m a a n e�p n a c r i b e d� �by A p p i i p b k I s�w 7 l r u s t e e,v v l t h a i t ou
<br /> Bor�a,wer,�li�dl the Property�t puMk Auctlon to the b�best bldder ot Ihe tlp�e�nd place�ad under the term�
<br /> -- de�ip�a t e d i�t h e n o t i c e of ewle ta aoe or more parce�w�d nny order 7tuatee detendua. 'n'�vi�ou��ly�cb�dukd
<br /> �!�I�Il ne u�parad ot tbe PropvtY b9 Pu67k saaatacement wt fhe dm�iwd pisce d an9 P
<br /> — - �aie, l.eader or tw dalgnee m�ypurciu�e the t�roperty�t a�ry eaie.
<br /> Upoa receipt otpay meat of the�ice btd,7Fustee ah�ll ddiver to tioe purcb�ser 7�'s d���veyln�the
<br /> property. The�ecitafi in the 1Faetee s deed sbAll be prima fack evidence of trnth of tbe stalements mAde t6erein.
<br /> ---- �.��A�p�y�praeeds ot the ss�le In We fouowing uMers (a) to all coeta aad expeo�s of ezercWn� 1he
<br /> poNer ot so1e.and We s�le,lacludlag the poyment of 1he 7tuatee's feea ActnAUy lacurnd.aot w exceed f ive `1�
<br /> � ot the rindppl pmount o�Ihe note At t6e tlme oi the declarntion of default,And reasons�ble attorneys' Pces as
<br /> b low;(b)to all ouan�ecurod by this Securlty la:trumeat;aad(c)Any eue�to the perwn a'per�oaa
<br /> 1y en1l�to(f.
<br /> — 18, R�coavey�s��e�^der lhia Secu ity Instrument and all no s�e iv dencin debtrsecured�Gy this�Security
<br /> recanvny Ihe PrapertY
<br /> Insuument to'Itustce. 7luatee shull recomey the Property without wartanty and without c ge to the person or pzrsons
<br /> �- �� � � 1eSoUy eatided to iL Suchp�son or petsons shall pay any recordation costs.
<br /> 19 Substttute 7Yuefee. L.ender.at its option,may from time to dme remove 7iustcre and uppulnl a successor uustcc
<br /> � to any 7tuatee appointed hereunder by en instrument recorcied in the caunty in which this Security Insdument is recorded.
<br /> __z i,,' "►ithout comeyance of the Property.the Ruccessor tn+stee chall succced to all ihe dde.power and duties conferred upon
<br /> 'l,ustee herein and by npp�licable lew.
<br /> Zp, �q��t (or-Notices. Borrower requesls that copiea of tha notices of default and sale be sent to Borrower'c
<br /> ;.;�:. addnxs which ir the Propecty Addross.
<br /> ���.. RW�rs to Wis Security Insirumen� If one or m�re�iders are executed by Borrowcr and recorded together wfth this
<br /> Security lnsqument. the covenanta of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend wxl supplement the
<br /> • . � cuvenanla und agrecmcnts of this Seturiry lnstrument as if the rider(s)were in a part of this Security Inam�ment.
<br /> ,- <- [Cdeck wpplicoblc boxles)1•
<br /> ,:.F_=:R Condominium Ridcr �Craduated!'aymcnt Kider �Gsowsssg Equily Rider
<br /> ., �
<br /> :� ir-.:
<br />- �� ti �Planned Unit Development Rider �Other ISpecify�
<br />''k1k'�,. �
<br /> _ �::_-- � .• . r a�r SiGNiNG BELOW,Surrower d��epi� w�.i agr:.cs to thc terms wnuuned ln pa�es i throu�tt 4 of this Secudty
<br /> =•t-. insdument end in any rider(s)executed by Hornower and recorded with it.
<br /> �. -
<br />�- esses: �.
<br /> �..t �
<br /> :�J:.� � J lSeal)
<br /> � R I CHARD R WESSEL B0"O"`�
<br />� _ ��:�.rr- _ W (Seal)
<br />-- - , r
<br /> °.,�" ,;° ;;�. KATNRYN L ESSEL BO"O1M"
<br />°,�: .;�;},:��:, � .> :•.
<br /> � ...,�., .,�; (Seal)
<br /> �.[- �1:��" •,'+ Bomower
<br /> � .:: •.�,�
<br /> _ 'y�. .•..w�..a.,.,�-..
<br /> �SCII�)
<br />__ �, Bonowt►
<br /> -- •, -
<br />- ., - f:,:��h.S':.�-' �:i`
<br /> •� �".:-{n'"�•:'' STATE OF N�BRASKA, HALL Counly ss:
<br /> .�
<br /> a ` ;
<br /> . `"' '"`' • On this 3rd day of August. 1992 .before me, the undersigned,a Notary
<br /> :.�.r.-..c.:.,-'�c.
<br />_�;: - Public duly commixsioned vnd qualitied for suid caunty,personully rume
<br /> • ;
<br /> � , •�: , identical person(R)whose nume(s)urc subxrrilxd to the forr�ning instrumem und ucknowledged tlx:execution thereof ro be
<br /> „ -• t hei Y voluntary art anJ dred.
<br /> ' . . Witness my hand and notnrial�eul ut GRAND ISLAND in suid county, the
<br /> •° . � dnic afom�uid. /1
<br /> .. , �..s,av.�w.�.�u� �'� // l.��.JLl� .-—
<br /> - //!'/i l�
<br /> �°.- - :. - ----_ Lpp.
<br /> -_� - y� .. '. ' ULY �y�a��0t Mf�liS�i -- No1ary Puhlic
<br /> �."x • ppg qTA4REED h08 RTA L REEO
<br /> ..'� M , �N11�m.Eav.lub 30,199�
<br /> �eG ,._. .. _ KN(?UE3T FOR R6CONV�YANC'!:
<br /> �,��r�:..�;::�.��:�: .'; TOTRUSTEE:
<br />_- - .4, -- - -n . ., Thc undcrsiKned i,liic huiJ�� uf tl�o iwt�ur notcti.rccurrd hy�this Uccd ut�1�ust. Said notr��r rn�tr..to�rlhrr wilh ull
<br /> ' ., olher indebtedness secun:d by �hi. Lkcd ul'7tust,huvr lxcn paid in full. Yuu are hrnhy dirrrted ta rancrl raid notc i�r
<br /> . :y. , - notrx und thi�Dcrd of'Itust.which urc dclivrrcJ hcrchy.unJ tu rcrnnvey.withuut warranly,all thr c�tutr nnw hrld hy you
<br />� . ,;�•-...-:• undcr this Dccd of 7Yusl lo Ihc Fxrson or per+on�Ir�!ul ly entiticd lhcrrlo.
<br /> 0 �q�
<br /> �
<br /> 1, �re.�..?� d�IC: -------- -- —
<br /> '�' 3
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