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<br /> �It We p�wer of s�k Is Invoked. Trnstee shall record�notice ot defiult In eACh county In which�ny piu't ot
<br /> _ —,--- ---_--=-' the�operty i�laceted�ad slull mdl copies►oP such iwtke In the manner preurlb¢d by appltcable law W Borrowcr ..
<br /> and to the otl�er per�ons pre�cribed by�ppllcobk 4w.ARer t4e tlwe requlred by applM�bk law.Tnutee tball�tve
<br /> - - -- publk notke ot sde to the persoa�nd in the nu�nner prescribed by��ble aw.Tnuta,witl�out demw�d on Bor-
<br /> ro�ver�sMaY�dl�be Property a publk•uction a t�e 6tai�t biader a Wne wd Waa aad w�der the lernu de�c�ted
<br /> _ fa t6e tatke of tak in one or mare par��tql lp�ay order Tnutee determ6�a.Tndiee mry PodPwre rrir�?atl •
<br /> or�ay parcel ot the Property by public amwuncemeat W tbt Wae and pla�x oi wy previou�ly�c6�edukd�le.I.euder
<br /> - ----- -- - - or Its dai�nee auy purch+ue the Property at Ray wle.
<br /> Upua reaeipt ot payment ot the prke bW.Tnuta shoil deliver to the purch�ser Tructee's deed conveyina tbe -
<br /> ---.-- Propetly.lLe rectt�4 in We Tru:tee's dad slwll ba prima t�cle evidenee ot the truth ot t6e atatemenG�m�de tber+ein.
<br /> ---�— TnWee sbaU aPMY�P��ot th�e sak ia tbe tdlovvi�order:(a)to oll cosU aad expeuses of exercWt�Ihe power
<br /> nt�ale�and tf�e�nle�Includin�the poyaneat of the Trustee'e tees actuaUy lacumed�nd W txceed�°Xe ot the p�loclpW
<br /> amrwat a!the note at the tfrne ot tlk decl�e�tbn ot det�ult.and ceswna�ble qttorneya'ke�n�pern�ltted by Iswt(b)
<br /> to dl wmf�acursd by this Secudty I�Woumeqti �ad (c1 any exats 10 the perwn or peroo��Ie�aUy entltled to It.
<br /> 22. Rezonveyaaoe. Upon ppymcnt of dl sums socured by this 5ecudry Inctrument,Lender shwll rcquest Trustec
<br /> j� �� ' to reconvey the Property and shall surrender this Securiry Instrument and rall naca evidencing Jebt�ecured by this Security -
<br /> _ � Instrument to Truuee.Tnuta shall reconvey the Property wlthout wattanry and without chuae to the peno�ar percons
<br /> --__ ,�, � le�ally entitled to it. 5uch person or peraons shall pay any recordation costa.
<br /> -� 23. Su6etitute Trustee. Lender,at its option,may from time to time remove Trustee as�d appoint a successor uustec
<br /> to any Trusta oppointed hercunder by an ln�trument rccarded in the county in wMich this Securiry Instrument is recorded.
<br /> _ �. . With�v,�t conveyance of the Property. the succeswr trusue rholl�uccad to all the dde,power and dutiw conferrcd upon
<br /> �'�` Trustee herein and by applicr�ble I�w.
<br /> -_•�.5 ?A. Requat for Notice�. 8orrower requests that copie�of the�rotiues of dcfault aM wle be cent to Horrower'c
<br /> _ �ddress which is thc Property Addrcss.
<br /> - � ,� 25. Riders to i6�Security iustrument. If unr ur uwre rlders�re executed by Borrowcr and recorded together �
<br />_= w.� y��a with this Secudty Insirument.the covenants and agraments of esch auch rider shall 6e incorporated into and shell amend
<br />-- ���`�' _ and supplement the covenants iud�reementa of this Securiry Instrument as if the tider(a)weie a p�t of diis Savdty Instrumau.
<br /> _
<br /> - ------
<br /> --� �Check appiicabie boxt�N
<br />-�; m ;"f ..-:a-n:. a.;:
<br /> , -��,,,,; �• Adjustable Rote Rider Condominium Ride� !-4 Family Rider
<br /> =�,;,�,�, Gradwtted Paymeat Rider Plonned Unit Development Rider &wa�ly Payment Rider
<br /> Y°'''�" ' � Balloon Rider Rote Improvemeat Rider Secand Home Rider
<br /> . •�..:. , ;�.:; .
<br /> • Other(s) [specifyJ LEGAI. AESCRIPTION
<br /> - � !° '"''•��'�� •' BY SIQNIN(3 BBLOW.Borrower Accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Security Instrument �
<br />- :� .�;'`-f'•�,;:'!=�,,;'-, and in any�ideHs)executed by Honower ond rccorded wlth it. "
<br /> "" :``:• ;` €� �Y �;�� Witnesses:
<br /> �� �..:`.'�;� ��� _
<br /> �. 1��'�
<br /> -�r . .,',,,,,y •Borrowar
<br /> ,a�r• .�:�ti.
<br /> �.,:
<br /> "�.�' .:v���".' .:: s�s��ty N�
<br /> q'h •. i0b\�aMl��+ � . Yf
<br />�::,� � .��,� -��,�� ' �,:. 500-42 a� -�►�)
<br />�Y" ,
<br />•� . ,,�:�.rr Social Security Num6er
<br /> ���
<br />": ',,,�:� . JACQUELINE A. HUNT ��)
<br />�� ,:':f; : . 497-44-8926 -eor►ow�r
<br /> ' ,; ' ,: , Sadal Security Number
<br /> R. • P'e,
<br /> .r y`'�•�����' (Seal) _
<br /> •,. �y,: •BOROWN
<br /> .. �,;_.. � Social Security Number
<br /> .. ��.-.
<br /> � ;,.�::.:,....:.. ' �sMoe�elen 7W We FK�l
<br /> ; STATE OF N�BRASKA. HALL County ss:
<br /> �
<br /> J > � � On thfs, the �/,d� day of JULY, 1992 , before me, the subscriber, the
<br /> ' . undenlgned ofticer.personally appeared
<br /> � •' � • „ BEN W. HUNT AND JACQUELINE A. HUNT � HUSBAND I�ND W�mE(or sausfactonly �=
<br /> �
<br /> 14 ' pro�•enl tu he the persoMslwhuse nomc S� ARE subsaibed to the withm instrument and acknowledged that THEY
<br /> -'s.��-
<br /> •'•'�'� exeruted�he same for the purposes herefn contained.
<br /> _ r —
<br /> ,:--. •.,�:-—.;• IN Wli hf:SS WH�R�OF,1 hereuntu aet my hond and official seal,
<br /> �� ,. My Commissiun expires:7.�- 9� _
<br /> ' ° .��= .•j:.•. • 6EMEIW.�iM1•SWe�I Wrnlu _
<br /> . T� MAR(iARET M.DrLON , _
<br /> .,.,� . Mr OM�.Et1�Ji1l$Li9� /�.. •'`' .�i J� �
<br /> .. . �.: `"�'� _ �6-iv —
<br /> ., , . �-- �
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<br /> r.'-� ,MV,+ia'' °�,�f�, rITIE OP OFFICEH -
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<br />,�.-, „• �� � •;,.;� �.e`�`' NEBRASKA Fonn�01� I/IO IP�Rp S�I S I�1fp�I
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