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<br /> ' ��;'„.`a'•� :•' UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Borrower and L.andcr co�enant and ogrec as fallowa:
<br /> '�,"` ,�Y``"" ' - 1. Paymeat of PHncipd�ad lateresti Prep�yment�ad Late Char�a, Borrower shall promptly pay when due
<br /> - -=��,�:,- .. �hc principal of and intert:ct on the dcbt evidenced by the Nae nnd any prcpaymens nnd late chnr�es due under thc Note. R-
<br /> �—�a, 3�..��.� .,.••„� 2. Fuadt tor T�xa aad Inwcance. SubJect to�ppiicable law or to a writuen wAiver by L,endcr,Borrower�iull
<br /> � f„ r;,�i,�• pty to Lender on the day manthly p�ymentc Arc due under the Nate, umit the Note is paid fn full,a sum("Funds")for:
<br /> "°'' ,•�'"".,�"�;°, assessments which m� atiain �1ori over this Secudt Inatrument As a lien on the P r o ;(b earl
<br /> .�,_�. ,i, r-,..;. U)Yeuly uxes uid Y P �Y Y P��Y )Y Y
<br /> J."'°--�'-=�-- �• - Ieasehaid nts or rous�d rents on the -
<br />_.__. _ pnyme a Property, if uny: (c)Yearly luzard or properry insurmsce premiums:td)yenrly
<br /> • ..�.=.,�"";; .,,:_ ; ioad insutance promium�,if any;(e)y�ady mongage inwranee premiuma.if any;and(�any suma payable by Borrower
<br /> �.. �= i� �y to Lender,in accordance wlth the provisions uf paragraph 8.in lieu of the payment of mongage insurance premiums.These '
<br /> �� " „�;•''' •'" - itcros are called"Eacrow Items."Lender may,at any time,collect and hold Funds in an emount not to ezcad the mAximum -
<br /> - - �k� � ° f unount a lender for a fedemlly rolated moRgwge loan may rcquire for Borrowcr's escrow�ccaunt under the federal Rea!
<br /> '` '�� "' Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as amended irom time to time. 12 U.S.C. $2601 er seq. (•'RESPA"), unless
<br /> _ ., , `. andher law that applies to the Funds setr a lesser amount. If so, Lender may. at any time, collect and hold Funds in an
<br /> — , ,� unount nd to exceod the lesser amount. Lender may estimatt.the amount of Funds due on the basis of curront daw and
<br /> --- , reawnable eatimaus of expenditures of fWture Escrow items or otherwise in nccordance with applicable Isw.
<br /> ° a The Funds shall be held in wn instltution whose deposits ue ineured by a feder�l agency, itu�trumentality,or endty
<br /> -�- ' ' � ' -� qncluding Lend�r.lP Lender ir such wn instltution)or in any Federai Home Loan Benlc. Lendcr shall apply the Fund�to �-T _
<br /> — ;. °. ' �' p�y the Escrow Items.l.ender may not charge Bonower for holding end applying the Fut►da.annually analyzing the escrow
<br /> � ' . account.or verifying the Fscrow Items.unless Lendcr pays 8orrower intercst on the Funds and applicabie IAw perralts L,ender
<br /> _��', ro make such a chsuge. However. Lendcr may require Horrower to pay a one-Umc charge for an independent re�l estatc
<br /> .� .. . .::�� wc reporting sarvlce used by Lender in coNKCtion wlth this loan,unless app8cable law provldes dl�erwdse.Unless an agroement
<br /> �z�_��. • Y,;�, la mode or applicable low requircs interest to be paid.Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings -
<br /> on tho Funds. Borrower and Lender msry a�ra in writing,however,thAt interest shall be paid on the Fu�da. Lender shall -_.__
<br /> ` _�� give to Borcower.without charge.an annual eccounting of the Funds.ahowing credits and debits w the Funds and the purpose ��`�'
<br /> :� • �� '• � for which each debit to Uu Fund�was made.The Funds are pled�ed as addidotwl sceurity for all sums cecured by this Security Q�^���-"
<br /> `��� � Instrument. �----
<br /> -"� , h , . If�he Funds hdd by Lender eacxed the amounts pertnitted to be held by applicable law,Lender shall accaunt to Borrower ---_--
<br /> -�� '" " far the ezcess Funds in accordance wtth the requirements ot'applicaWe I�w.If the amount of the Funds held by I.ender at
<br /> _-'°� �_ " "s,'-J"'u�.. ''"_- aay dme is nas aufficiest to psy stta Escraw Isem�ul:e:s dut. Lender rrsay�nosify BonosYSr i�tivriting.and. In such cas= , _
<br /> Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessury to make up tho deticlency. Borrower shall rtwke up the deflcietrcy in
<br /> , • no morc than twelve montlily poyments.at Lender's solo discrction. -__
<br /> '�,� Upon payment In fuU of all sums aecured by this Secu�ty Instrument, Lender shalt promptly refi�nd to�orrower
<br /> '= � any Funds held by Lender.lf.under paragraph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Property,Lender,prlor to the acquisition �`�
<br /> '`%��= �` ° ° or sale of the Property,ahall apply ony Funds held by l.ender at the time of acquisition or sale�s a credit�gainst the cums �
<br /> =_- =� - •- ;�.�•=• sa:urcal by thix Sa:urity Instrumenc. �_ --
<br />_ ` ,, 3. Apptkatlon otPaymedr. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, aU payments received by Lender under --°
<br />__ ° � paragraphr 1 nnd 2 ahall be applied:tirst,to any prcpayment charges due under the Nate;second,to amounts paypble under �� `-':��
<br /> - para�raph 2;third.to intercst due;fourth, to p�incipal due; and last, co any late charges due under the Note. --
<br /> =� ° 4. Chargesi Lien�. Honower shall pay ail taxea, asussments,cherges, fines and imposiUons attrlbutable to the _
<br /> _ �• � � ' Property which may attain prlodty over this Securlty Instrument,and leasehold payments or graund rents.lf eny.Borrower "--
<br /> ' wK.•• ., .,�rrs w_„-:�..,. �_�°;%fy:��
<br />_ ,. ,, �hall pay these obligations in the monner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that matu►er,Horrower ahall pay them ,..,: .,�,_
<br />- � an time directly to the person owed payment. Borrnwer shall promptly furnish to L.ender all notices of amounts to be paid �'r'-�'
<br />'-�,r ' ""'. '., • unckr this perngraph.If Borrower makes drcse payments direcdy,Bc�rrower�hall promptty fucnish to l.ender neceipts evidarcing
<br />-°�'„ � .. � tha ments. • ;-�;�;L-
<br /> PaY
<br />__�� � � Borrower shall prompdy dlscharge any Ilen which has priorlry over this Secudry Instrument unlass Borrower: (a) � v
<br /> _ , ogr+as in writ�n�to the payment of the obligadon securcd by the lien in a manner acceptable to I.ender;(b)conteats in good
<br /> , . f�th the Ilen by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to �•-�= --
<br />� . RQ!i-.."
<br />== prevrnt the enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to I.ender subor- +:�?�h=��
<br />- dinating the lien to this Secudty Instrument. lf Lender dctermines tlwt any part of the Property is subject to a lien which
<br /> ''`�,.., � _ .:°.�, . i ' may attain prioriry over this Sccurity Instniment. L.ender may give Bonower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower sFwll �.:,�_ '
<br />��� � . , utisfy the lien or take one or more of the acUons set forth above within 10 deys of the giving of notice. �'���.-_
<br /> � S. N�zard or Properly Insutance. Borrower shall keep the improvements now eaisting or hereafter erected on �i�'.�:'-"
<br /> . ..,..,..:�_.
<br /> , .. , the Property insursd agalnst loss by Bre,hazards included within the term "extended coverage" and any ott�er hazards. •
<br /> � , including floads or flooding, for which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and
<br /> for the periods thnt L.ender requires.The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to '
<br /> � Lender's approval which shall not be unreasonably withheld.If Bortower fails to maintain coverage described above,l.ender k
<br /> , � may,at [.ender's option, obtain coverag:to protect Ixnder's rights in the Property in accordance wi�h paragraph 7. �
<br /> , , All insurance policies and renewals shall be accepwble to Lender and shali include a standard mortgage clause.I.ender
<br /> . �hall have the right to hold Ihe policies and renewals.If L.ender requires, Barrower shall promptly give to L,ender all receipts '
<br /> of paid premiurns and renewal notices. In the event of loss, Borrower chall give prompt notice to the insurance rarrier and � ,
<br /> • Lender. l.ender may makc prciof of loss if not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> � Unless I.ender ond Borrower otherwisc ngrce in writing,insurance pracceds shall be applied to restorntion or repair
<br /> of the Property damaged, if the restoration or repair is economically feasible und Lender's security is not lessened. lf the
<br /> • ,�� ' restoratiun ur repair is nnt economically feasible or l.cnder's securiry wauld be lessened,thc insurance proceeds shall be
<br /> . � epplied to the�ums secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due,with any exeess paid to Bormwer.If Borrower
<br /> �_—.____� nbandonc the Prnnertv. �ir dnex n�t nnewer wlthin �()rlavc u nnti��r frnm 1 rnrlrr fhwf fhP inc��ronra.+urrinr Muc nfF.r..i �n .
<br /> ___' ., .. . "" "_"•_"•_" _._. ..._ ...'_'_"_ '_..._. ..�. ..""�.. ...
<br /> � setcle a claim,then Lender mAy collect the insuronce proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Property
<br />, { or to pay sums ,ecured by�his Serurity Instn�ment,whelher or not thcn due. Thc 30-day period will begin when thc notice
<br /> ia given.
<br /> � Unless Lender and Borrower utherwise ugree in writing, uny applirution of proceeda tu principal shall not extend
<br /> , or postpone the due date of the momhly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2�r changc the�muunt of the p•ryments.
<br /> • 1 !f undcr paragraph 21 thc Property is acywred by L.cnder,Bun owcr',i�Khi tu any imururke{xdicie�ond pnKCed�resullintc
<br /> � from damagc to the Properly prior to thc acquisni�m shall pa,ti tu Lcndcr to the rx�cm��t'the wms�erurcd by thi.Seruriry
<br /> � � Instrument immediately prior to the acyuisition.
<br /> , 1
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