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;:. _ . <br /> � , • � <br /> . �'� ',•_ <br /> • .. . . ...,�.-,,;�,,.,,,,,,. <br /> __ ---�. __ ��----......---.._ .... ..._ . _.... _ . ------- —�_-- <br /> �... - . <br /> :i:4. ., ' ' �' •��e;,�w. <br /> - <br /> ., ,� - „ �;> , ...o <br /> . <br /> ..T.-.vr.. �• - . . .'.�--s. ._- �-. , •..rrwM11��, q..—�+_ <br /> - � � . • ... . . . . <br /> . <br /> ..a.. � --- ,. , . ..... .:.._. .. , --- <br /> ............ ..... . .. . . �. �_...._.,.....: <br /> '-_- _.... -. <br /> .. ._ G� '��$t.R^_ <br /> . . . .��°tyiN4.��`. <br /> � t2-oa�-�1998 D�ED OF TRUST �o Paga 2 <br /> � Loa� No �4194fl (Cmntinued) g �(����f� <br /> I � ._� _ _--_Ir"_"' � .. . . <br /> proc�ds�nd rofund�of pr�mlums)hom any s41a or ottwr dispostilon of Ihe Propwiy. <br /> „ Prc►�rt�l.The word"Propart�+'meam coll�ctively the Rwl Property tnd ih�Ponorul Prop�rty. � <br /> RNiI Prop�rty. The words'RMI PropaAy'm�an fh�prop�rty�hit�Mts ond rlphu dotcrlb�d�bow In Ih�"Conv�y�nco and OranY awtlon. <br /> RN�i�d Docum�nt�. Ttw wwda'1•1N+itYd Oaurtsenb'man and Includ�wHhout kmttaHOn �A prom'aory �otw, cndlt o0re�mants� �ao , • <br /> aprc:r��nU,cn+t.:onm�n4:J czrccm-nM,p�e1►ent►ee�eecunM u�r�erMnb,morlg�gN,d�d�ol trust,and dl othar lnstrum�nta.�prMrtwnts�nd <br /> " � docum�nb�wh�,har now a I�Mr uchHnG,�x�cut�d In eonn�ction wilh th�In�bt�dnots. • � <br /> R�nt�. TM�wad'Amb"mlans dl prKOnt ond futun nnb,r�wnu�s,Incom�,Iqua,raytltlM,proAb,�nd olMr beniAle derlwd hom th� _ " <br /> , PropMty. <br /> :%� Tru�tN.The word"Trustea'me�ns UNII�D NEBRASKA BAPK and any subadtut�or auccesaor huat�s. <br /> • Truuor,The word'Truatar"means any and dl pereona and enlittee execuNnp thy Daed af Tntat,Inctut9lnp wtthout dmltadan alf Trustors nurned <br /> Qbove. " <br /> THIB D�� OF TRU9T, ING.UDIHQ TIiE A881�iHMENT OF R�NTS 11ND TF� SECURIYII tliT€FiEB'P IN YiiE REKTS AND PEASOHAL <br /> 'P(ap�OR�•'lllIDER TFE NO E,THE R1�0'.ATED DOCU F_NT8!wND8TFd8 OE�OF TRUSPT.�T SMDEED OF TRlR4T�IS CilYEli AND ACC NEPTF� <br /> OH TF�FOLLOWINQ T�RMS: :.�M;•:" ' ,. <br /> PAYMENT AND PERFOiiMA1dCE. Except as otherwfs�proti�3od In thF�De�d of Trust,Tnutor shail pay to Lender W amounta exur�d by lhis Deed • . �'-,-=�� <br /> � .�;;,� ot TNSt�s tlwy become due,and ahaA atrlcdy nnd In�dmery manner pedorm a�►of Trus!ota oblqnbona undar the Not�,thla D�d of Trust,and ihs , �. v <br /> RelalBd Documen49. ' �'r• ;;;, <br /> �.,..;:'�',�;j F03�58810t3 A�'D H1i4M7El�!!!ldCF OF?iiF PROPERTY. Trusta agrees thnt Truator'�poesaaslon tnd ua�of tt►�Property�haW ba powmad by ,:,.�k,,_. <br /> - - the toltourinA provlslona: , <br /> pa�MStlon M►d�1M. UntA lhe occurrencr of an Event of ONtutt,llvator rtwy (a)nmain In possoaslon tnd contrd of th�Propwiy, (b)uso. r -- <br /> , operate a maneQe the Property,anc� (c)colleat eny Rento trom the Prope�ly � __ <br /> � Duty te�klNntrn. Trusta shaN malntniro tho Rroperty In terunlabk condiHan and prompUyr partorm aM reQaira,r�pkamanb.and maintenanco - :T;�.. <br /> ' neo�sseryto preserve its value. `�';?, .'�:': <br /> ;t,�,':: <br /> .� Fi�ardow gubttlr�us. 'fhe terms"harardous waste"Isa�erdaus subsffince,""dfSp0381;Yelwsa."and'threaunod reMase,'as used In thts `'':� '� t;:�.:: <br /> Oeed of Trust,shall have the same meenlnfls es set talh in ihe Comprohensive EnNronrtwntsl Rasponae,Componaatton,an�LlabAlty Aot of `� �L£}'�' <br /> ��• 1990,as amended,42 U.8.C. SecUon 9601,et seq. ('CERCIA'7��he Superfund Amendmen�s and Reauthoriz�tlor�Act of 1988,Pub.L.No. � <br /> gg..dgg('SAFiA�,the Hezerdous Matertals TransportaUOn Acl,49 U.S.C.Saction 1801,et seq.,the Resoura ConservaUon snd R�cowry Aot, ,�'��,��,��,� <br /> �,� 42 U.S.C.S�cUOn 8901,ot seq.,or othet�ppilc�ble stl�te or Foderd lawa,ruias,or reDula�ons adopted purauaet to any of tfw tq�patng. Tho ___:_._ <br /> S cU �o�Nmitotlon, <br /> terrn�'Maudous waw"and Ruurdow eubstano�"aMA�lso I�tud�, pNrdwm and pNroi�um by-produclt a Rny iraaflon <br /> thawf tnd a�b�sta. Tnista ropr�nb�nd wunnta to ��nder Ihtr (�)Ourinp ttN pulod of Tnutors own�rahp of th�P�ropeit�,�.t��ore hse —:.� <br /> ?� � ban nc u��0���.m�nuhctun��tonp�.tnatrn�M, dbposai�rMM�a Hxwiened nNas�ot any t►�rdcus wasM�substAraco by iny - <br /> ---— p�non on�UnWr.about or ftom ih�r►opuiY; ('oj=r�ata 7ni iw kr�:.,.:.�'.'.^,!.�tott�ott!0 °"°`�t!!�t th'�!:_O L'�st.C.v,�t na oni��iuly _ ---<-•.* <br /> r diaalos�d to and�dcnowMdOsd by Lsnd�r In wdtlnp. Q14�Y�.9�neratlon�rtwnufn�CUre��torapa�Veatmmt, dbPoeaO,rebato�or t�irs�t�d , i. .,- <br /> r rot��e at any h�nrdous wut�a substtna on,undar,ab oul or from Uw Propaty by any pdar ownas or ooaup�nta ot ihe Ptoqorty or (A)lny =* <br /> • ••.s, ac1w1 a thrNNnod NUyallon or deims of any klnd by tny pe�on r�ot�Hnp to euoh rtwtten;and (a)Exapt a pnwowN dfsdosed to tnd ��, ;:: <br /> ,+.':,';:�t; aqvtowkdp�d by LandK In wriBnp, (q naftwr Tnnta nor eny Ionant,contraata,aQant Or Oth�r Quthorfzed usK of ttN Ptop6rty Bftsq 1ti�. , <br /> �•.`='�z'°,. penKa b�man u f a c iun�s t o n�t re tt,d i s�osa of.a release aaY�rdous wasW or substana on.undar�abatt a kom dw Prop�ty�tnd (e)�ny �' �- <br /> r .��.::�„ 'j = <br /> ::��t. such wCtMty shdl b�conducted In compNtnce wilh aN�pFlC�b1e ktkral,stals,and local kwi,rayuktbtq and adinano�.Inciudkq vulthoul <br />.' � Itmll�tlon thos�I�wa,npuMqons�and ordinanc�s desc�bod abow. Tnnta authcriaes lond�r and i!s�pK►b to enler upon ths P�o(�rty to _ <br /> . muco such Irap�ctlam and tasts,at Trustors e�ense,as l�nder may deem approp�t�to dot�mirw CompYtnco ot Hw Prap�rty wfth this <br /> secNOn of the Dwd of Tnnf. Ar�y InspocHons or tests mide by Lender s1uN Iw for L�nd�'a purposes aMy tnd sh�1 not M constru�d to awM <br /> any rpsponsibMlly a NabiNtY on tlw put of landar to TNStor a to tny oth�r pa�on. 'f'h�ropros�r►taUO�t and w�rantlM conlairwd h�roln aro <br />- bas�d an Tnntora d�tAMON�a In inv�tkj�tlnp th�Prapa+hlor h�nrdcw wasN�nd hmrdou�subsLnou. Tnxta h�reby (a)nNasM and <br />- , waN�s�ny futun cklms�W�nst Lendu ta Ind�mnity a con6lbutlon In ths ownt Trtntor b�c�rtNS M�bla for dMnup a othK casb undw�ny <br /> such bawi,and (b)epr�to Ind�mnfy tnd hdd huml�ss LaidK�Qalrat�ny and�M cMim�, fe�,N�bMYes.dan�p�t.pwrlM�.aod <br />-'I �rt�wf�{Ch LMSfK rray dlr�cW a IndincYy susWn or sul�► �ultln� from� btNCh ot Mi�WcYw� of tM DMd of TnKt or a� . � <br />�:;;- • con�qwna of�ny uH.4��Uon�mam,factun.ataip��d�sOatt.rNu�a UrKUrwd nUat�oocarinA prfor to Trustars o�n�si�IP c► ��_ <br /> �' � . Inbns!In tt�Proprty�whMhK a not tM Nrtw was a chodd hrw be�n known fo Tnnta.Th�provl�tont of thk s�aYOn M th�DMd of Tnnt, <br /> -�'` �� •, i�aua�n��n.o��wuon to ind.m�sn.r�urww�n.wy��ne a m.ina.nwarws�ana rn.a�or,.nd nconv.r+no�a tM ran m�nia <br /> -_ • <br /> , ..:-I:Y��:�� . <br /> --` ' D::d ot Tnat and shr9 no!bs e by Lendera acquistron M�rry iMKe�t!n th�Prop�AY�whNh�►by iondosur�or . <br />---.. <br /> .�,..:.,. <br /> ,�,' „ ° _- - <br /> . f .•t.: <br /> - `:':{. � r'i�y 6 NufMrlc��WMM. Truttor�hsN not Catn�.conduct or DsrtM anY nuisanC�nor commlt,p�rtdt,a sufflr�rry stripgitp ol or wasb on ot W _ <br /> � riph� t�to nmow eny tl�mbK,ml�ud1�n0 dlNQnd 4�s),ed1.�Gm M or rodc products withou�t tM pr{o►w�tM+���pj anL���lh� <br /> "�' ' RNnov�of Irt�pr+OV�n�nb. Trusta shaR not domoHsh or romove nny Improwrrwnts kem th�RMI PropoAy wlltwtR the pr�or wrN16n aorfant - <br /> • �-?;1�; ot I.sndu. As a conditlon lo tlw ramovai of any Improvaments,Un�K may roquin Truato►to mda emrpsmmb s�1hl�cfary to LM�dK to = . <br /> - . ;.ci�;;! Npind auch Improwmsnb with Improv�mants of at kut equei vdw. �_a <br /> •.::(:�',;�i' L�nder'�RI�t W CntK. LsndK and fb apenb and rePrusnt�tivvs mny�n1er upon th�RW Fropwry at�nasoabi�tlrt�a b atlsnd to — - <br /> .��=.���i:.:'�'-+: Lendera Int�nsb and to Imp�,i tM Properiy fa purposes dTnista's compYanoo wfih th�EKrta and condltlons W tt�D�oP Trust. <br />'�_. ....r..;.:�•- �--- �-- <br /> -_..�, o, ...,:-• �ompN�nq wN1f Goverr�MM R�quk�n�nt�. Tnulor sNM P��PtiY�PN with d laws.ordr�now�and ngul�tlorr�now a h�naMr M _ <br /> .-«,,;,��; . �+. a�ao+�.rnme��.�rt►,«�n.�.aa��o n»�a oo�,w•�r a n»a�op.�r. Tnnto�may conM�t in pood tNth anY tuch kw. `._ <br /> -_:'+ ••�+ f� oMfnane��a nptAatbn and withhdd eort�Y�na dutinG e�YPr��.k�Cludinp�DP��w�PPMN.eo bnp�s TnMbor fMS 1�ofMd Lan�l�r _._ - <br /> �{.,i F'�,_—_ <br /> ' I� In wlttfnp pria to ddrp so u�d so brq a�fn L�ndK'e�oi�aplNai,l.�nd�s MMn�b In th�Prap�rfy v�nof�rda�d. LM�d�►m�y roqti� � ,._. <br /> , � Trusta to post adpwM aw�trilY or a s�rMy band.reaSOnabN sat�hatory to L�nd� praMct LK��inlo�sL �t�.,:�_. <br /> �,.�m.�_.. <br /> � s�toe�ih ob�ow fn thb�s�cY�on�which from th�c acMr an�d�of Pro�b�a�►h►McsswY�P��uid�P�����tY• _ o.-. ryT <br /> � ' Dl1E OM�AI.H-CONSElIT BY LEJIDFJi. lw�dar Nc aptlon.d�ctu�lcnn�dkMly du�and pay�bN tl sur�ro eMCU+�d by tNt Owd d Trust ". <br /> .; . �-.x7r:, <br /> . ; ';', f W�at�it��k or tnrrthr�wMhout the Lendare prlar wrttten cosumy d�A a aN/Part of th�Fiad Prop�ry�a any hMrut In th�RMI Prop�rb• A ,,3..,: .�ws�:�- <br /> 'sWe or trtrrqlef'm�aM tM conwyancv ol Real Propwfy a my�qht.htlo or IntOrest ttwnln;whNh�r Npai,b�Mclal a�qtYt�bf�;wlf�thlr v�OtudluY ;'�'t�•_ "' '' <br /> ' a Involur+?ary�whether by outrtpht sab,deed,Insteliment seb conUact,lend coner�ct,contract for d�ed.NasNatd InMr�at wNA a Mrm proafir th4n ,,�y r�`'. �":�: <br /> throe(3)yeeie,Wesa-oPtlon contract,or by sate,ass�pnnwnt. a framler of any ber�Ndd intorest In or to any land t-us!hot�rg dlM fo Mq RMI ����' - <br /> Y CQ►Porttlot4 P�t1nMeNP Or IkWlad I�WIY COrflPanll e �;....y',�" ... <br /> Pn�e�ty,or by any othur mothod ot conveyance of Real Propeity interest. If an Trustor fs• . • �,r-:���;-3,.:. <br /> hansfer sFSO Inclu6es any chanpe In ownership ot more then twenty-Ihre percent(2b%)of tho votlnp stock.{tartn�rchlp!r►'�r�sb or Amibd WblYty � . •,�. �'' ���- <br /> , � ' .•'�:h 4.i'�:.:.:.: <br /> ' company lnteresb,as the cnse may be,o}Trust�r. However. tNs optlon sha�nol be ex�ds�d b ls�da�k sucb�c�K aoNbK�d by h4�ral ''�"'' <br /> y � .,...{. .�,• , <br /> , - , .. .:, ��; ,•. <br /> I��u w�Ar►Llvs��r!V W ..•..•:"•�-1•• <br /> ...__ ._-.-__-_- �w�r v��w�•�.�.�... ---�_r_ �_ +---. <br /> 7RXES M1D LIENS. The totlowlrp provlsions relatinp to f ho taxe�and I�on the Properry ue e put oP Uis Oeed d TnnL „ •- <br /> P�yrt�eM. Trustor aheY pq whsn du�(and In NI weets pWr to deNnQuwicY)�t�w�WacW►axN,assaesrtwnb,c►rr'pea pnctudinp watar � . <br /> ` and s�w�)�Anos and Impositlan kvkd aptlnst or on socount af tM F'rop«ty�and sh�l p�y wMn due�M cNlms far woAc done an or for <br /> sKVlcs�randee�d a mnterial tumtshod ta the Ropvety. Tmstor sMW m�in4ln tl�Prop�rry frw of N iNn�haNnp prtadly owr or pu�l to tM <br /> - -� :n;w:..!ct�..��tn!�tn�n�±�r iyirot,w��t tnr irw pen o�lexes and ass�ssm�nb nd dt�and�xapt u utl�wla(xovidW In this DMd � <br /> __ .. ._ .. <br /> ' of Trust. --_. -- .- <br /> R{�E�t To Cont�il. Trusta rru�y withhdd payrt�ent of�ny I�x,ossossrrMM,or c41m In cannoctlon wHfi�pood f�h OkpuN awr tM obli�n9on . <br /> to p�y,so lorg es Londers Interest In the Property Fs not Jeopardiisd. If a Hen ufsas or b fikd as a�u1t ot no�ym�nt.Tn�stur�hW wiihin <br /> fiReon(16)days alter iho Iien er4ses or�It a Nen Is fited,wi1Nn 8fteen(16)days atter Trusta has noHCe of tha 1Ufnp,socun tiw disClwp�of 1M <br /> � Ibn, ar M requested by Lend9r,deposlt with lender cns�a a sutPodent corporeta surory bond or ottwr sacudty satBhctory lo L�nd�r In an • <br /> amount tu!fldent to dlschupo the Iten plus any costs�nc!eAOmeys'fuos or other Ch�rpQS ihat could accnw as a resuM of a fa�clo�uro a sata <br /> undor Ihe Aen. In any contost,Tnntor aMN dolend Ils�i!md l.ender and shol satlsry�ny adwrso JuOpmer�t bMor�Mx'orartNnt�Salntit IM , <br /> proparry. Tnntor ahtA namv L6nder os m additlorul obli�unOer any stx+�ty bond hxnish�d In tho contom4 proaodnps. ,. <br /> � E�Ad�nN of P�ymen� Trusta st►tN upon d�mand hx►►[sh to L�ndvr satlstactory evld�r�w of p�Ynwrit M tM Euw or as�s��nb and thall <br /> ; . <br />