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. ._.. . <br /> -�P� ., ,.-•� - __� u'_ <br /> , . � . , � ° ,,::- <br /> . ._. ...... ... :• , ±�. <br /> • ` �, _ .Y", . , " -�' '�in��,�',:��..h.-_. ..—,-.- '•W!„�.:.u`"'o.,�.r-;'°'---__ -_.-�._c� <br /> . , _ <br /> , � „-, '� '���(� ��yy�����. �x�t� <br /> % ...� �iVad..s....nan_..e...._....�.,.._, ._' _ _'_- • ' . <br /> , , . ..�...... .�. ' '•L�34Y��T�__ __.- -:.-..... _T,...��" "" <br /> .._. �� . � .. <br /> ^n"+!'^w�'R7r'^" —_--- �.__._ ... <br /> .. . . . - - . ._. -..-_"" . . <br /> ��.�.......... . � . -�.... ... _. . ._ " _ <br /> �.:;�L M}� -'.. <br /> •• ���ir <br /> _'��,,yK� �wA�� <br /> V� <br /> .. ;: 'f'r4Ceeds")In connectton with cnnal�mnation or other tnking of tha Rroperty or qart thoreot,or lor conveyanco In Ilau o!contlemft�t{on. <br /> ° t � I.ondar shall be onEfttE�at Ite op:ion lo�cr�t��.r►�o,npp�ar In csnd prasecute In fte own nnme any e�ctton oi procaecNng�,nnd�hW elw �_ <br /> �o�ntptcd to ncko cny cnmpromf�o or c�tU�nz�nt in conncetlon wfth cuch teklnp or tie�n:!�o. In Ihn over►1 eny portlon c�1 Iha Property Is <br /> " so tnkon or damaged,Lender shall have the opt k►n In I te so{e ancl ebsaiute dlscretlon,to npply ell such proceeda, efter deducltny �-� <br /> � `� thereProm all coata and axpenses Incurred by It In conn�ctlon with such Prucesde,upon ony indebt�dneae secured Mr�6y and In euch �'- <br /> �';�•�� order ea Lent�er may determine,or to appty ell auch Proceeds,eNer ouch tleducUons,to lhe rostoratbn o1 ths Property upon such con• <br />_., ti ditions as Lender may determl:�e.d4►ny eppl{cAtlon ol Rroceeds to Indebtedness ehat0 not extend or postpone the due date ot nny p�y <br />. r;�?.��� mente undsr th�Note,or curs any Wf�ut!tMreunckr or hereundrr.Any un�plied�und�eh�N be W�Id to Tru�tw. <br /> ' .,� B. Rfttatn�ac�by L�nder. Upon tha occuRence o}an Event o1 Detault hereuncbr, ar II any act la taken w tepal proceeding _ <br />_i;�`�..: oommenced which materialry e4tecte i.endore t�terest in t�e Proper.y�ler-+�ar r�iay�n�t;.a::n d:�ucilon.but�:;thaui e*!'.�tNan to�co. �- <br /> - and wlthout nolice to or demsnd upon TNStor�nd wittwul reMaslnp T�ustor lrom any obWpatton,d�n�ny act wMch Tniebr has qreed <br /> but tslled to do and may also do any other ect It cl�ems neceseary to protest Ihe eecurlfy hereol.Tn�stor shall,Imm�NatNy upon <br />'.;����� demand thero(or by Lender,pay to Ler�r ell aosts end ezpensea Incurrod and eums expencied by Le�xfer In connectfon with tha exer- <br /> dse by Londer oi the foreflolnp rights,topether w61�intsrest thereon nt the defauit rate provlded in tha Note,wlslch sf�W t�e ad�d to <br /> - ---- the Indobtednesa secured hereby.Londer shail not Incur�ny Ita�lliry because of anythlr►p it may do a omp to do hereunder. <br /> �. 19, Fl+�xardous�tatxiab.TNStor ehdl keep the Property In compitnnoe with all aPP�tcabie lawa,aMnarxeR �nd�e�utatlone <br /> '� �'�- retadnp to indu�tdal hypEene or onvlronrr�ntal protectlon(collectiveiy roterted to hereln as'�nvl�e�c+ntal Lewa°).Tru�tor ehW kaep -- <br /> � .. . the Properry tme Irom ell substances deemed to be hezdrdous or toxb urxler any Envitorime+�t�l LeMrs(ooMectivsly rolerrad to hereN� <br />`'� +� = as•Ha�saMou�Matertels7.Trustor hereby werrente end reprcsenta to LerKbr Mat tAere are no Haza�dous Ms�ri�is on or under Ihe <br /> °„��`'i: PropeRY.Truf�tor hereby eyrees to IndemnNy end hold hartnlesa Lender,fts diractors,officera.empioyees a'i�aflenta, and a�►Y succes• <br />_.;.. r:; <br />�_:���:"=•� sors to Londera lnterest,irom and epainst any and all clalms,damapes,tasses and Ilabllitfes adsing fn connectivn with the presence, <br /> ...,���. u.e,disposal or transport ot eny Hasardous Matertel�o�,u�der,from or about the PropeRy.TFI�POREfiOINf3 WAFIR�4NTIES AND <br /> .._,:;r� REPRESENTATIONS, AND TRUSTOR'S OBLItiATIONS PURSUANT Tn THE FOREGOIh^G INOEMNiTY,SHALI SURVIVE <br /> -��.�`� H�CANVtYANCE OF 7HiS�EED OF TRUST. - <br /> _-_��-�• t0.As�lpntrnnts o}RW►ts.Tnutor hereby assi�ns to Lender,end grants Lender a seCU�i1y iretaresA t�r,e�11 pr+esent,future and <br />-...:-� after arising��ente,Issuss and protits of the Propeny;A�►�thet Yrustor shaft.un2il the occurteRnn af an E�ra.�".�S Defauit.hereunder. <br /> -�` ��"�� have the r{ght to�ollect end retain such rents,(ssuea and profits ae Mey becarie due and payable_Upon tho occ�a:rence of an Event oi <br /> �_..�4__.�� <br /> Defauft,Lender may,eitl�er In person or by ager►t,wlth or wlthout bdnging eny action or proceeding, or by a�caiver appo(nted by a <br />-*�� couR and wftlwut regerd to tt�e adequacy of tte security,enter upon and take pos.�ssion oi tfie Pr+nporty,or any�aR theroof,In Its own <br /> name or in the oame of the T�ustee�and do any acts wh�h It deems necessary ar deslrable to prflserve the value.marketadNiry or <br /> -- rentablliry oi the Property,cr a�y pad thereof or(nte�t therein,or to Increase tha inaane theretrom or protect tho securily hereM end. <br /> with or withflut teking possession ot me Property,sue ror or otherwise colfect the rente,issues end proflts thereof,inciudkp ttase past <br /> � � due and unpald,bY notiying tnnants to meke paymenta to Lender.Ler►der may appiy►rents.Issuos ar►d p��ts,less oosts end expen6- <br /> -��- es of operAtion a�d collestlon(ncluding attomey's tees,to any lndebtednoss seaired hereby,all in auch order es lerider may deter- <br /> "� mtne.The entedny upore and tak�np possessia►01 tf�e ProPB�IY,the colle��a�n of such�ents,I.suos and proflts,and the eppRcatlon <br /> - �;.�,�o,�P,r�sA�i��nn?.��rp or wa�ve any alstautt or n�tice of detault horeunder or Invalidate any act done in�est�onse 10 such <br /> �,;,;;;,,t. = detault or pursuant to s��ch natice ot defauit and,natwithstanding the continuance In possession of the properry or the oo�ctbn. <br /> __:��a�� receipt and appllcation of rents,issues or profiCS,Trustee and Lender shall be enliUad to exerclso every right provided tor in�a;^y of the <br /> - -'" Loan Instruments or by taw upon occurrence ot any Event of Defauft,Inctudiny without limltation the�dght to exerdso the pow+erc�Y sab. <br /> ==__= Fudhor,Lender's�hb�nd remedles under thls paragreph ehall be cumuiativo wfM,snd in�o way a Iimitation on,Lerxier'B rights and <br /> �_��f��.� remediea under arry assi�nment at leases and rents recorded ageinst the Property►.lsnder.TNStae and the recelver ehall be Ilsbb W <br /> - account or�ly for those ronts actuaily recehred. <br /> -"':� 1 t.Eer�nt�of DsPault.The toilowing shall constitute an Eve�t o1 Detault undor this Deed of Trust <br /> - - (��aNure to pay any Inataliment of pdncipal or Interest ot t►ny other sum secured hereby when due; <br /> ===_ (b)A breach o1 or deinuR under any provisbn contalned ir�the Note.this Deed Of Tma�,eny of the I.oan Inatnxr���,�ar eny <br /> - - - other Uen or encumbrence upon the FroPertY� <br /> -__- (c)A writ of executlon ur attechmant or eny slmfiar prooess Rheil be entored apainst�NOtor whk�shatl becorne a lien on <br /> - - the PropeAy or any portton thereoi or tnterest thoroin; <br /> ----� (c�There shgll bo filed by or aflainst Trostor or Barrower an actiai under any present or future federel,stste or olf�er a�atute, <br /> law o►repulaUon relaUng to bankruptcy,insolvency or other reliaf tor debtors;or there shatl be appointed any trustee,++csolver a <br /> liquidator ot Trustor or Borrower or af all or any paR of the Proper:y,w the rents,issues or pro?its thereof,or Trusta or monower <br /> --- - shell rnake any gBnerat assf�nment tor the benefit of creditar; - <br /> (e)The sale,4r�nster, lease,asskanment,conveyance or fuMer encumbrence ot oll or any paR of or any intereet k►tMr <br /> _ p�ny,�r a�aluntadiy a tnvoluntadiy,wftlrout the express written consont of Lerxbr, provkled that Tn�ator shell be perm,3 <br /> - tnd to execute a lease of tho Properly that does►wt conteiR an vpt(�on to purchase and tho term of whi;h doga not exceed nna <br /> year, <br /> (q q6endo�x�am of ihe Property;or <br /> (q)If Tnutw ia mot an Indlvidual,tfie iss�,seie,trensfer,assignm�rnt,Cor►veyanc6 or erwYUnbrarxe of more than(ff a <br /> oorporatbn)a 4a9At mi pe�ent of fts Issued snd outstandtng otock,or(it a pertnership)m Votal d pe� <br /> cent of partnership tntarests,or(if e Itmlted Ilabflity►campany)a total of percent of the Ilmlted Iiablliry cor►y�n- <br /> - --- ny Intersste or vMing dghts during the parlad thls Deed of Trust remalns a Ilen on tho propony. <br /> —_- - 12,R�»dNs;AcoNeratia�Upon ONauH.In the event of eny Ev�mt of DeteuR Lend+or�oy,wfthout notke er.cept as raqul�d <br /> - by law,declare aN Inde�tadrwss seCUred hereby to be due snd payabla And the same si�►11 thereupon becort�e due end Payabto with- <br /> — = out eny presentment,cl�mar�d�protest or notke of any klnd.Thereafter l.orKbr may: <br /> --- (a)Demarr�ahat Tru.stee exerclse the POWER OF SALE grantod horeln,and Trustea shall theroaftercause Trueta'e Mter� <br /> --�--= est tn tfie P�arry to be sold end the proceeds to be dlstdbutod,aN tn the rtnanrwr proWdc+d In the Nebraske Trust Deeds Act: <br /> -�� — {b)Exendse any and aIl�hts provkled tor In any cfi the Loan Instrumenis or by taw upon occurronce of arty EveM d <br /> ' - -— Qefauft;8nd <br /> -'=.�. (o)Cpmmonce an acUon to toreccoso thla Doed cf T�u,'t�s a mortga�9o,appofnt a recalver,or specifkkxillly onfarso ony of thC <br /> _'_T coverta►�te hec�e��]. <br /> w�� N�remedy hereln caM�orr�d upon or reserved to Tre�stao or Lender Is Intended 4m be excluslve o!any other�tirnedy f�eretn,fn the Loau� <br /> �~'�"�: tnatruments or by law provldod or portnitted,but each shall be cumulative,shaA be in addticm ta every oYhas vemedy plven herounder, <br /> �;� � <br /> �`:�_,.�...� In the Loan Instruments or now or hereafter exlsUng at law or fn eqdny ar by statute,and m:�r b��xeralsed concvrrentry.Independentty <br /> ::�: «��._.__ r.�r�..��...�.. -- -.�enu�im�urifhruA n�utu anti 1 And6�rt19V At AIIV UI11@ 81H�IAt�I�Wllt C�L09 BDDONI2 8 f3UC� <br /> .__ lT�• tW ��Y1��tttu��YOtvv n�u��w�r���..��...�.�.�.��.�____r_..___ . <br /> _~i�� cessor or substltute Trustee.Truslee shall not be Ilabla to any paRy,Including wlttxwt IimtUaUon Lender,Bortower,Tr�tor a any pur- <br /> -:_�_;��;;.� chaser of the Proporty.tor any loss or dama�e unless dus to reckiess or wlllful misconduct.and shall not be requlred to teke eny actlon , <br /> fn connecWxi witA the entorcement of tt�Ia Deed of Trust unless indemnHled,In wriUng,tor ell coste,canpensaUon or expensea whloh <br />---°;4��r�� may be assoclated therewtth.In edditl�on.Trustee may becort►e a purchaser et any sa{e of ttie Property((udiclal or under tho power ot <br /> :^r'�: cafe grantad hereln);postpone tfie sale of a!I or Arry portfon oi the PropeAy,as provtdod by latv:or sell the Property as e whole,or In <br /> -'�ti;.:' <br /> �� .�,••�t_.:,. 4 ssparete pa�ets at bts et Trustee's disareUon. <br /> _~•�6-,,;;•� 14.F��ttd Exp�n�s.In the event Trustee sells tfie PropeRy by exerd�e ot power of sal�,Trustoe shall be entitied to eppry <br /> _ -�--�•�+••.; any sale pr�cee¢!s first to payment of all costs and exponses ot exerdslnp power ot sale,Including all Trustee s teos,and Lendere and <br /> _"``;.0�,,,�,.�� :. Tmstea's etr.omey's teea, ectuafly Incurred to extent permitted by epplicabie law. In the event Borrower or Trusror exendaes�ny r i p ht <br /> ,_�t rt:�:', prov{ded by law to cure en Eve►it of Detault,Lertder shalt bo enfiUed to reaovor irem Trustor all costs and oxpanses sctuafty Ir�curred�s <br /> -:'�w°. ;� e resulf of Trusta's detault,induding wlthout IfmitaUOn elI Trustea's end attomey's feos,to the extent permftted by nppllcable law. <br /> -`�':'�`�►�' 15.Futun Advarwer.Upon requost of Borrower,L�ender may,et tts option,make addilbnal and tuture adrqr�ces and road• <br /> j` r =� vances to Bormwer.Such advances and readvances,with IRterest thereon,shell bo secured by tNS Deed ot Trust. At no tlme shal!the <br /> `'_ ,.. �r <br />