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. ._ �_. _ y,�„�,,,�� . _ <br /> .1��� <br /> :�`_� --- - - -- •_- <br /> _ . �«9 . ,•�►`� i h ' � � <br /> � „_ <br /> ,..���.�i� ••* ..' - <br /> . Q .. _ - <br /> ., � .+n� .... - �---� - - - _ . <br /> :-. ,_ <br />:� - ��� � T; � 92�.�os��•� <br /> s pedoda IhQt Lender requircs. The fnaurancc csurier providing the insurnnce shell be chosen by Borrawer eubject to I.ender's <br />__ �ppraval which etwll not hc unrcasonably wUteheld. If Harcower Yails to maintain coveragc dcscribed above.l.ender <br /> Lander's option.abtain coveraga to protect Lender's righta in thc PropeRy in accordance with paragnph 7. <br /> -- -� - -. A!)in��reltc!'polEelr!t!nd t�enewal!qhell t+r!wvY(tiAM�tn 1 xnrirr enrl Rhell inchuk a slendanrl mnrtoave r.l�u.ce. l.enrler . <br /> - -_ - �hall fwvo the right ta hald the policfes w►d renewals. if Lcnder requires�,Borrower xhuil promptly�jve tu L.ender ail re�:�fpta <br />:-�- -- of puid premiums und renewel noticeg. In tho evcnt of loss.Barrower oh�lt giva pn�mpt notice to the insurnnce cwrler and <br /> �_ Lender. Lender may muke prouf of loss if not made promptly by Borrower. <br /> ;..� Unlass Lender and Borrower othcnvisc agrce in writing,insurance pracceds shall be Applied to�estarudon or rcpAir of . <br /> ihc Pruperty damugecl, if the re.rwratiun or repaie ia ecanomicully fu►sib� und Lendcr's s�cu�ity !s not lessencd. If the <br /> rcstorwtion or rcpair is nat econamically feasible or Lender'�secunty wauld be lessened. the insurnnce praceeds shall 6e <br /> - ------ wpplial ro the aums securcd by this Sccurfry Instrument,whethcr or not �hen due. with a�y eacess paid to Borrower. If <br /> Borrower qbandons the Property,ar dces not unswer within 3Q duya a notice from Lender that the insurunce curcier has <br /> offe�ed to senle a cluim,then Lender may collect the insurnnce proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to rcpair or revtom • <br /> the Propetty or to pay�uma securcd by thi4 Security Instrument,whether or not then due. Tht 30-day period will 6egin when <br /> -=-=-_= the no�ice is given. <br /> ���� ` - �`° Unless Lender and Borrower othenvise pgree in writing,any oppiicuiiun of praceeds tu pri�cipal shall not extend or <br /> postpone�he duo dnte of lhc monthly puyments refemed to in puragraphs 1 and 2 or change the nmount af the puyments. If <br /> under paragraph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender,Borrower's right �o any insurnnce policies und praceeds rcsulting <br /> from damage to the PropeRy prior to thc acquisition shall pasa to l.ender to the extent of thc sums rxcurcd by thia Security <br /> -�°°�•��� Instrument immediately prfor to the ucquisitkn. <br /> -�-'-�" 6. Occupancy, Preservt�lion, Mwintenpnce and Prolectlon o� the Property; Borrower's l.oan Applicadon; <br /> _..�.,...�.� Lenseholda Borrower shall occupy.estabUsh.nnd use the Praperty ua Borrower�principal rexidence within sixty days after <br /> _�� <br /> �"`a"�'--- the execution of this Security Instrument and shall rnntinue to occupy Ihe Property as BorrowerR princ pu res enca ar at <br /> �,�.�.o� _ <br /> "''=��':�8° least one year nfter the date of occupnncy, unless Lender othenvise agrees in wridng, which consent shall not be <br /> �`'`t �-14 .` unrcasonably wi�hheld,or unless extenuating clrcumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall not <br /> �`""`°�' "-r"�'`'"" destro��.damuge or impair the Property,ullow the Praperty to deteriornte, or commit waste on the PropeAy. Borrower shall <br /> "���y ";�,;�,,,,.. ' be in default if any forfeiwre action or proceeding,whelher clvll or criminal,is begun that in Lender�s gaad faith judgment _ <br /> >>x= , could rcsult in forfeiture of the Properry or otherwise mnterielly impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or <br /> _ �,� �� Lender�secudty interest. Borrower muy cure guch u defuult und reinstate,u4 provided in parngruph l8,by causing the action <br /> '""=`-�'''�='�=°;- or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling 1hat,in l.ender S good faith determination,precludes forfeilure of the Borrower'a <br />' , interest in the Property or other material imps�ment of the lien creuted by �his Sewrity Instrumem or I...:nder's secu�ty <br /> -'.��"���� �j'"� "�� ' inteast. Botrower shall also be in default if 8orrower, dudng th.: loan npplicution pracess, gave materially false or <br /> —�=_r?���I�(: <br /> -� r inaccurate information or stetements to Lender(ar fuileJ to pruvide Lender with aoy mutcriul information)in cannection with <br /> 4 I!'.,�,'fif`"}�� <br /> �.• . .e. �he loun evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to, representations concerning Borrower's occupancy of the <br /> , '!r• v. . ...;_.:. <br /> _ �, „r PropeRy as a principul residence. If this Sew�ity[nstnrment is on u leasehdd,Borrower shall comply with all the provisions <br /> "^"-'�'`-�"= af itx lease. !f Sorsauer scq�ires fee title to the Psnperty.the ksseltold and Ihe f?!�title chall not merge unless L.ender aarees <br /> �'������� � � to�he merger in writing. <br /> - c•• �:�.. <br /> � 7. ProtecNon of I.ender's Rights in the Property. If Borrower fails to pedorm the covenants sind ugreements <br /> —. �, ,~,,•'., contafned in this Securiry Inswment,or therc is a legal proceeding that mny signi�canUy nffect Lender's rights in the _ <br /> Property(such as a praceeding in bunkruptcy,prabate,for condemnation or forFeiture or to enforce luws or regulations).then <br /> �r, Lender may do ond pay for whatever is necessury to prntect the vplue of�he Property and Lender�rights in the Property. <br /> a n � LenJ�r's uctiW�s may include paying any sumc securcd by u lien which has prioriry over this Security Inswment.nppearing = <br /> '= �w``�'�°• '�`��`' in caurt,paying reasonuble at�ameys'fees und cntering on the Property to make repairs.Although Lender may take actian <br /> ` �� "' �� � �'� � under this parugraph 7,Lender dces not have to do so. <br /> �' `� ' '"+f ' Any umounts disburred by l.ender under this pnragrnph 7 shall becane Additional debt of Borrower secured by Ihis <br /> -'�-" .''•"<•' '<' '""�", Secu d ty Insirumen t. Unless 8orrower und Lender a�ree to other terms of pn ymenl,the.tie amounts shull bear interest from the ! <br /> ��d���p, '' date of dixbursement nt the Nae rute and shull be paynble, with intenext. upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesling <br />=�t µa,,.__� �--. - a ment. = <br />:d�•��y,,�° � P Y B. Mortgage insurence. ff Lender requined mongugc insurance u�u condition of making the loan secured by lhis - <br /> ...R.�„ . .., . <br /> — ..�.<.. :�. ��y.: <br /> Security Insteument, Borrower shull puy the premiums rcyuired to muintuin the mongAge insumnce in effect. If,for any <br /> - ,,,,,;,,.. ,�,,:m: reason, the mongu�e insurance coverage reyuired by Lender lupses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shull puy the <br /> _.,,;,�;,;�;�, ....;j:.. premfums required ro obtuin covernge substantially eyuivulent ro the mortguge insurunce previously in effect, nt n cost <br /> _ • substantiully eyuivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mortguge insurunce previously in effect.from an ultemate mortguge <br /> �'�• insurer approved by Lender. If substantfally eyuivulent mortga�:e insurunce coveruge is not nvuiluble,Borrower shull puy to <br />::�,;�,�. Lender euch month a sum equu!to one-twelfth of the yeurly murtguge insuruncr premium lx:ing paid by Borrower when the <br /> --��� �, insurnnce covers�ge lupxed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will nccept,uxc und rctain these payments:u u loss reserve in lieu <br /> ��p •;;- ."- f of mortgage insuronce. Loss reserve paymentti muy no longcr be Ryuired, al the option of Le�xier,if mortgage insurAnce <br /> :� �. � ' �' covemge(in the amount and far the period thut Lender requirex)provided by un insurer npproved by Lender again becomes <br /> —' .�!� available and is obtuined.Borrower shall pay the premiums rcyuired a�muintain mongage insm�unce in effect,or to provide a - <br /> -�.�9G'�;���....,.:. loss reserve,until the requirement tior mortguge insurunce endx in uccordance with uny written ugreement between Bomower <br /> ° und Lender or npplicAble Inw. <br /> , " 9. Inspection. Lender or its agent muy mul:e reusonuble entries upon wid inxpecuons uf the Propeny. Lender shal) <br /> � � give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to un in+pection ti�xrifying reutinnuble cuuse fi�r the inspertion. _ <br />__ l0. CondemnANon. The proceedx of'any awarJ or claim tiir Jama�u,dircct ar runseyuentiul,in conneclion with any <br /> N�. �• • Single Fumfly••Fonnk Mre/MYeddle Mac UNtFORM INtiTRU�tEM1T--Unilurtn Co�rnum+ 9/99 �puX��d nJn�gesl ` <br />_:� '. ., � <br /> i:rtat Iote+Ruetnnu+Rwm�.Ine■ r. <br /> ro uar uu.i�eooaau�a vNC e�s7si•��ai � <br /> . _ <br />_ , .Y _ �_. <br />_--�'�� .. �------ - -. . .. _ �_. - . __.__.._. ._._.....�.-._.-��.�-.-.r-. . -. .__w.�._-..n= <br />---� <br /> _, <br /> :�� � . . <br /> _'._ �. ' '••��-�.�A_':'R'!__ .. ., <br /> _ . __ ' ___._ ___- _ _.-:_"___" _ '�... _ _ ' _' " " ' __' ' - _-, - <br /> �5.- ._ . _.._ _____ �-__- __.._.-___ "'_. . -' . . . . ' .. ' - .-. .... . . .. .... . .. . .. . ._ . . _. .. . . '" ____' <br /> _- .�. . .. . . ' .. <br /> , u ' •. <br /> � . <br /> f... , <br /> .l . <br />.. , �`�� ��_� .. .. � <br /> �,� ' �� � .. , . . <br /> � . <br /> ... _ ...__._ _ .�!_.._ .. _ .___" <br />