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i q•. � <br /> �,� . <br /> .,. •`+r�lAk .. � � .,:,�r,;A` �"',:, _ <br /> . , .Sk =.aL,' • . . _ - ""i_..��,-, -. <br /> ffi ..- .. . .. ' . .. .r =*;, „y�--Dl.:_.. <br /> �. . - . . . .. � . . ... , ,."-.-i�.-.. <br /> ., . . . .. . . .. , .,.��,;�`•�.. <br /> - � .� ' - .. � �K�+ <br /> „ - .. "� . , .� .. . , .. _ ..- . . . .. r��:e�gt'!�f•�f�cao.. <br /> ,. �. � ' �1U9�3�;. � <br /> 'PO(3ETNBR V✓ITH all tho improvements now on c�reaftu croctod on tha property,and all Is,appu <br /> futures now or henafter�part of tha pro�rty.AU r+cpl�cemcnls and pdditkns ahall�Iso bo c.ovcrcd by Ih1s Sccurity Ineuumcnt. <br /> i All of tho focegoing Is refarod w in lhis Secudty lnstrumcnt�a t1w°Pro�xxty." <br /> EOli�O��IIITY COVE3NANT� II7�L AOPYOLIi:7 J9�1��fuUy����^ of�he cs►.eta hcreby c4nveyed end ha9 ttie ri�ht tn Arr.nd ertr� <br /> ;, convey Ihe Propaty nnd Ihat tlte I�raperty is untncumbeind,oacept for encumbrances of rocord. Borrowu warnu�ts and w1U � • <br /> '" dafend genaaily tho dtle to tha Property egainst all clsirt►s and dem�nds,sub,ioct u�eny crecumbrances of record. <br /> ,;,�;,,,y,� 'I�S SECURITY IIVSTRIJNII?NT combir�es uniform covcnanis for nadonai uso end non•uniform covcnanta wfth Umitod . <br /> �..,,,�.;�«�r veriutions by jurLscllctbon to constiwte a unlform socu�riry insuurtsent covuing rcal proparty. , <br /> � UN�ORM COVHNAMI'S.Borrawa and L�ender covaiu,t and e�oo a�follawa: <br /> l.E'aymeat o!Prfactpsl and Ioter�.l;Pre�sayaaent nnd I..nte C�r�e�. Bomnwer shall promptly pay whcn due th�s � <br /> � principel of end interest on the clebt cvidenced by tho Note and anY PreWryment a�d l�te charges due under 1he Note. �,�_-: <br /> 2.Fund�fo�Tnxas aod Iasurana. Subject to opplic�bb law or to a written waiver by L�endr.r, Borrower shaQ pey tc� '�'` <br /> Lendu on tho day monthly payments are duo undcr tlto Note,until tha Notc is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for:(�)ycarly taaes �'�� <br />_' �� and asse,�.cmuits which may atiain priority over thls Socurity Instrumant as a licn on iha Pro�ty:(b)Yearly k,aset►o{d pnymenta �:- <br />_ `� a gmund rmts on iho Property�if any�(e)Ywrly ha��rd or property insuranca praniums:(d)Yeacly E1ood inauianco pe�rmint�u�if ;� <br /> • �' aay: (e)Yeady moctgage Lisureace premiums.if ony:ond(�any suma payabl8 by IIormwu to I.rndu.In aocactance wIth the �:- <br /> provirsions of par�graph 8, in liw of tho paymait of rtwctgage insueanco premiums. 'iF�e90 items aro calkd "Exrow Itc�au." � - <br /> I�er rtusy�et any ame.colkct and hokl Funds in an�aoont not w eacood d�o maaimiun arraunt a k�fa for A federelty rcWGd E� ` <br /> moctgaga loan may require fa Borrowu's escrnw acoount under the fedeial Real Estate Seulaneat 8rocodures Act of 1974�s F`� <br /> ementlod from timo to time. 12 U.S.C.5ection 2601 et seq. ("RBSPA")�unless atwttkr law that applies to tho F�tnds sets n lesser ��� � <br /> y. . r,moun�If so. Ircnder �nay. at any time.collect end ho3d Funds in an e�rwunt not to cxceed the iessa atnoun� I.endcr tnay ��- <br /> ' • astlmate the�noant of Funcis dua on the bssls of current data end re�asonable esdmaus of w�pendipues of fuwre�Sxrow Iu;ms or �=�` <br />�` " a':_. <br /> otlkrwlse in occad�noe wlth s►pplicabb law. .._ <br /> • • 'R�e Ftuids s�nll bo tield in an instIWdon whoso deposits ere insured by a federal e�gency.InstrumenWlty.or eaflty(insiwling w- <br /> . L,endet�if Leaticr is si�ch An instimtion)ar in any Fedaal Home Loan Bank.I�der s1�aU apply the Fw�ds co pay the�scroN :,: <br />-� �� � �"�� � <br />�: -0 ; Itans.La�der�nAy not chuge Bomowa ior hulding and applyiag tho Funds�annaally analyzing the escrow account,a vaifYInB <br /> €�'•� � the Bsaow Ikms�unless I.a�de�pays Bamwu intertst on tho Funds end applkabb Iaw pamita Lenda to mate such�charge. _ <br />�s;•, :�-- '' ti�waver� i.arda may noquue FsorQOwer w pay a o��une ci�ge t'or�n in�icya,�ia,i�i e�a�o i.�.:c�,v�u��v�ii�w o�r <br /> • n <br /> i;.:;,_, � �''�. �:s. Luid�in cannec�ion with thi�losn, unkss eppliabb law provicks otfitxa+ise.Unkss aa agrouna�t is msde o��pplic,�bk hM <br /> , , t,::, <br /> _- �'.,'- : ,�a,:,;S coquir�cs intrrest�n be paid,LaKfer shall na ba nquired w pry Borrowrr any int�rest ar earninga on the FyuWs.Soerowcr and <br />�,�-�;<<�i..'•f.'; �" I.cnda may agreo ia wriung.tawaver,chat intexest�all be paid on the Fhnds.Lender slull give W Barower.wiihout cha� <br />---=::_:..n,�,::.� <br />_�;,,.,�;��..,"�A.`�� annasl accounting of the Ftundv,s6oaing credits and drbits tfl the FLn�lv and tha purpo.9a for whirh each debit 6o tha F1�nds was <br /> :';:�!��!:r���� tnade.'If�e HLnds ane plodgod as additioaal sxurity for ell sums socured by this Socuriry Instrumatt <br /> �-=.s�.,,�';r'', �,i If the Fund.�6ield by Lencfa ea�ceod the�cnounts pamitu:d to be beW by applicabk Iaw.I.u�da shall�cconnt w Boao�rer fa <br /> "�,;'"'��-�;,., :`1 d�e eucess F1,nds�n000cdAnce with ttw Y Y <br /> aequircmcnts of epplZcabk law.If thu�mount of tho F�nds hald b L.ajda at an tinne is <br /> .=�`��'t-;, r, not su�'icient co pxy the Sscrow Items whea due.Lender may so ne8fy Broarower in wri0wg,and,in such cax Baemwer shall pey - <br /> -'.?;.-";T� to Ira�der the amount necessery to make up tha deficicncy. Borrowa shall make up the defickncy in no more tt�an tw�lve <br /> �"`�� � monthl ts at I�endrr's eok dLxretion. <br /> -°..i'y:,..�{ Y I�Y►"� � <br /> -� UF� P�Ymeat in full of all aums sxtued by this SocurIty Inshument,I.enclu shall I�P�Y nfand to Bom�wc�r�ny Ftm�3s <br /> —�� de{d by L�endes.Rf.undes piragraph 21.I.eaKl�s s6all acquire or scll the P�operty�L,ender.Priur W U�e acq►dsition a sale of�he <br /> .-�.mQR7.'na. <br /> °_-- ProQatY� slull apply eny Funds hold by Len�ler et the dme of acyuisit�on a sals as a crodit against the sums socurod by thig <br />_-.��;�� Sxuritylnsaumai� =:: <br />_-:_�. 3.AppYntio�of Pray�e���s. LJNess eppllcsbla law provldes otherwlse.all pttymer��s r�x,eived by I.axler undei par�,graphs _ <br /> --'•"—s,'�e� 1 md 2 stu�ll be applie�:t�rst,W�nY D�Y►nent charges due uncler the Nou;secoad,oo amounts payabk undcr petagranit 2; "., <br /> - ...�..« tttlyd.W intaest dne;fouitb,to principal duc:end last.w eny late charges clae nnder tt�e Nota. <br /> .;`�� 4.CYar�es;lLkoe. Borrowa sh�ll pay all tvices�assesstnents.chnrges. fines su�d Lapositions s�tn'bumbb b the Pro�aty <br /> _=�^�:,_ which ma Wtain over thLv Securi Instrumt�nt,and 6ea9ehold ts or und teats�If an .Bexmwec ahall the,9e <br /> - Y I►�LY �Y PaY� 6ro Y PQY <br /> _���._-.� ot�ligadons in the manna peavlded in parap�raph 2,o:lt not paid in that mannet.Bonowa s6ell pay tlxm on dme directly to the <br /> �:'�•;.� owed t Bomnwer shall furnish to I.encfer all noticces of amounts to be unda ihis If <br /> ��uc�::�x� P�� P�Y� P�PVY � ��h• <br /> _ =r�-�� Barowu rn�es th��e paymc;nts dirocfly�Boaower st�all Pra►�PdY fumish to L,ender rcaipts�vidcncing tha payrnrnts. ----- <br /> ---�.,R::f°'`'�, Borrowa sltall P�P�Y��Ba eny lien which hr�v prloeity over thLs Security Ins�ument nnkss Bamwer. (a)ag�aes in =- <br /> :`.s=.=V;`---,.� wridng w the payment of the obligation socutcd by ttKS lien in a maru�ei ac�tabk w I.endci;(b)contcsts in good faith�tee liea =-_ <br /> �r. or dcfcads egainst cnforcement of the lien in, {e8�� P��Ss which in tha Lender's opinion opaate to pnvait Iha �T <br /> . �nFmcuneat of the lien; or(�y�scut�es fi�m the holdes o�c}',e licn an agceernem satisf�ctory to L�etttMar subo�tlInating tho lkn W ��,,�_: <br /> ` a lic�w ' v �t�' <br /> , tlus Secunty Instnunent If[.eader detttmu�es that aray pmt of the Propary is subaoct w lie hxh may attein prionty o er th1.9 h; <br /> - .:; � Security Inst�cnt,Lenda may give Bo�x,raw�a a noi+ce identifying tha([cn.Barower shall satisfy¢�E llen or take one a mae - <br /> , ' of Ihe actions se.t Ponh ubove within 10 days oF!Ae giving of notioe. -° <br /> : Fotm II02i �/40 �` �•" <br /> ,,, <br /> _ . � �-eY(NE)toa�z�.o� rap•a o�e m�ruu: ::�': <br /> - • Y <br /> �� . 793-2 <br /> --- _ - - � . <br /> ' �; , <br /> • s��ur��----•--•�--------�--�--�--- ----_—..�..:�,�,o—.--_-,�—.... . �._.__....T...�-_..���. <br /> , _ ` � <br /> Y ' ' ,}. � <br /> . .. .. . � .. .. .. .�1n�'����r�� �' - . .� <br /> ., . .. ., „ "5�.:�'�'�..��a't,,. . <br /> , <br /> � <br />