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<br />;:h°�; ,: S. Hw�u►rd or Property Iizsurunce, Borrowcr shnll k�:cp the improvements now existing an c�re�ftcr erected on the
<br /> � Pmpcny intiured against loss by firc, h��rds includeJ within the term "cxtendcd covernge" �nd uny athcr hnurrds, lnclttding
<br />"'!4�4-. ::
<br />������ flixxfs or floaJing, for whicf�I.c►�der rcquires insurnnce. Tlils insurnnce shull be maintuined in tGe nmaunts nnd for the periais
<br />� � that I,ender r�qaires. 'fhc insurunce c�rrier Pmviding the institMn�e ch�ll he chosen hy Dnrrower,ubject to L,ender's nppmv�tl .
<br />-;��.:r};�.�� whirh sh:dl nat bc unrcusonably witlrlicld. If Borrowcr fnils to maintain cavcragc dcscribr,d atwvc. I�endcr may, at Lendcr's
<br />;;A �►�Sti�m,obtuin cuvcroge tn pratcct l.cnder's rights in the Propeny in occordance with p.imgraph 7.
<br />-:y� All insumuce{x�licics und renewnls shall be u�:ceptable to L.ender und shaU include a standard mong�ge clause. [.ender
<br /> ��� shall have the right to hold the policies und renewals. !f I.ender rec�uires.Borrower shnll promptly give to Lender all receipts of
<br /> - � paid premiums and renewal notices.In the event of loss. Borro�ver shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier und Lender.
<br /> � Lrndcr muy makc proof of loss if not made promptly by 8orrowcr.
<br /> ',;'.,�,;�. Unlcss I.ender nnd Borrower otherwise agree in wridng, insurance pmcecds shall he appticd to restoration or repair af the
<br /> �':=-��•'� Propcny dimiaged,if thc restoration or repair is ec�nomicaUy feasi6lc and Lender's security is not lesscncd. If the restorntion or
<br />�=��Y,� repair is not ecannmici►Ily feasible or l.ender's securiry would be Iectened, the insurnnce procecds shall be applicd ro the sums
<br /> �w��� sccurcd by this Security lnstrunicnt, whcthcr or not dicn due,with any exccss paid to Borrotver. If Harro�ver abandons the
<br /> –_— Propcny, ur dues not answer witl�in 30 days a notice from LE;nder thut the insurancc carrier has affered to settle a claim, then
<br /> • _ Lcndcr may collcct the insuran:e proc:ecds. Lendcr may us�tl�e proceeds to repair or restore tl�e Property or to puy sums
<br /> - --
<br />