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z- —�- --- <br /> . . .., ,..-..0 <br />..•-t —_.' --r.....e-r.,;- '--�._n_ � .rr . <br />.-� s� . . -._. ._ <br /> n �' '_h�M . '�n �•' r <br /> - - <br /> , _ _ __.__. <br /> � �y ..� ��...__. - . - __. ___—.____—___ ___ . . <br /> ;�� _ �7--1os730 _ <br /> applic�ble I�w mAy specify fa re(nautcment) baforc snle af the Property purauant to any power a!satc conuined in thi� <br /> -. --- — - � Srcuriry ia:lsumeat: or;51e�py a!n Judpnent eefercins thia Security lnstrumenf. Th�r_e cnn�li�inn����het Rnm�wM• �e) , <br /> --- paye i.ender �II sume which�hen would be dee under ihis Security lnsuument wxl �fw Nute wa if��u a�:celers�Uun hod <br /> - occumed;(6)cures any defrultaf any dher covenanta or agreements;(c)pays all expense.r incumed In enforcing thls Security <br /> w__ <br /> ' inswment,includin�,bu�nd limi�ed�o,rc�sonable anomeys'fees; and (d) tekes ruch action as l.ender may reasonqbly <br /> ---� rcquin to na�ure tbnt tAe Ilen of thia Secudry Inewment.Lenderg rights in the Pioperty and Borrowerb oblfgadon to pay th� <br /> M---_ -----_---, <br /> - - = sums axured by Ihi� Secudly In�trume�t shall continue unchanged. Upon reinswtemcnt by Borrower� this Securlty <br /> � Insirurnent ond the obNga�iona�ecured hcreby shall rcmain fully effective as if no acceleratien hod occumed. However. this <br /> �'� slaht to roiastate sh�ll not�pply in Ihe cose of acceleratfon under paragrnph 17. <br /> -- 19. Sile oi Notei Cb�ye ot Lorn 3ervicer. Thez Note or a partial intcrest in the Note(together with this Securfty <br /> --� _ - - - - -� l�strument)may bc sold one or more times without pdor noticc to Borrower. A ssrlle mAy result in n chonge in the entiry <br /> ____ (known as 1he"[.oan Service�")that cdlects monihly puyments due under tFie Not�and this Secu�iry Instrument. There nlso <br /> _ may be one or more cdanges of the Loon Servicer wu�elated to e sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Lowi Servicer, <br /> � %� Hatrower will be given written nodce of the change in accordance wjth parograph 14 ubove nnd applicable law. The notice <br /> _________ wUl atate the name and address of Ihe new LoAn Servlcer and the eddress to which pAyments should be mAde. The notice will <br /> __.��,,�� also contain any�ther Infortnation required by applicable law. <br /> _ '�'""" ?A. Haa�rdous SubA�. Borrower ahnll not cnuse or permit the prcsence,use,dispaval,storage,or release of any <br /> -��:�. <br /> �+�='��-�-.,.,e:� Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyone else!o do. anything effectfn� the <br /> �.�._.,,� Pcoperty that is in violotion of eny Pa�vironmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to thc presence,use,or <br /> ���,:,�,„.=���-�,� storage on�hc Propeity of smeM quantides of Hazerdoua 3ubstances that are generally�ognfud w be appropriotc to norm�l <br /> =�-�:���; residcndat uscs nnd to maintcnancc af the Property. - <br /> -� ---- Borrower shall promptly givc Lender written noti�e af any investigatian,clu�m.demand,lawsuit or other tution 6y any <br /> --__�����;��:=-�+� governmemnl ar reguletory agency or private party involving the Propeny and any Hazardous Substance or Environmentel <br /> � ,� Luw of which Borrower hus actual knuwledge. If Borrower learns, or is notified by any governmental or regulatory <br /> ��;�;�; ��'�°�"'' "`` authority,that any removal or other remedieNon of uny Hazardous Substance affecting the Propeny is necessary,Borrower <br /> ���`°�"•' ahall promptly take all necessary remedia!actians in aecordance with Environmental Law. <br /> � a:::-��,��� As used in this paragraph 20."Hazardous Substunces"are those substances defined as toxic or haxardous substances by _ <br /> _-'�"°"� Environmental and the tallowing subswnces: gasoline,kerosene,other flammeble or toxic petroleum producis,toxic <br /> . cl.�:•� . <br />��;�,�,,,y�,_,�,�.,�„ pesliCides aDd herblcides,volatile solvents,mnteriuls conu►ining asbestos or formaidehyde,and radiaactive malerl�ls. As <br /> �� ., used in this pnragnph 20,"Environmental Lnw"meuns federal luws and laws of the jurisdiction where�he Property is lacated <br /> _ � ��' `"' °" that relate W health,safetyor environmentel protectian. <br /> _ `"�'`"�""`�' NON-UNIFOR M COV ENAIVTS. Barrower and Lender further covenant pnd a <br /> — �t gree as follows: <br /> —?�- 21. Acceleratlon; Remedles. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleradon following Borrower's <br /> ;�;FF�x9.-�:��;,r.•� breach oi any covenmt or a�eemeM in tbis Securily Instrument(but not prior to acceierAtion nnder pA�Agraph i7 <br /> _. �., unles,s applkable IAw providea atherw(se). The notice sball specify: (A)the dePault;(b)the actlon required to cure the <br /> ___— �`.,.., deiault;(c)a date,not lesss tAon 30 doys from IMe date the notice is given to Borrower,by which the defAUlt must 6e <br /> _�` f._ .. ' cured;nnd(d)thAt f�ilure tucure the dePault on or before the date speclRed In the notice may result in Accele�Uon of <br /> - � the sums secured by Ihis Secrrity Instrument and sale of the P�operty. The notice shall i'urlher inform Borrower oP <br /> " the right to reinsWte�tter aaelemtion and the right to bring a court act(on to s�s^sert the non�existence ot p default or <br />_ � � `� " ` an otder detense ot Borrower to accelerr�lh»�and sule. If lhe defwult i�nul cured un ur before ihe date s ifkd in <br /> _� �•^.., -..._:�._ y P� <br /> __ ,;;:;t,:.;�„.,.,,. ,.�: the notice.Lender at its opt lon may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Securlty Instrument <br /> � without further demand ond mAy iavoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by applicAble IAw. <br />�;�� .,,,,;:{�,,;�.�.,..'�� [.ender shall be entiqed to collect all ex p enses incurred in pursuin� lhe remedies provided in thir para Qra ph 21. <br /> �.� .,,. . , including,but not li mlled to,reasonable attorneys'fees and costs of title evidence. <br /> _,��►`?+�_, !f the pnwer of snle is fpvoked.7�ustee shAll record a notice oP deiault in euch county in which any part of the <br /> :�-�'.`°�-"••"' Property is located am1 sha�l maU copies oY such notice in the manner prescribed by applicable law to Borrower and to <br />- _^ '"'„' ' ' � '" the ot�er persons prescribed by appUcuble law, After the time required by ApplicAble law.'IY�uslee shall give publ(c <br />-�-�- .L�>�:.,�:. ' , . noNce of sale to the person�and in the mAnner prexcribed by applicable law. '[Yustee,without demand on Bo�rower, <br /> -��.-.• shall sell the Property at pubNc auctton to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated in <br /> �•- the notice ot sale in one or rnare wrcels and in an order 7Yustee determines. 'IYnstee ma t one s�le oP all or an <br /> �: ••y��, E P Y Y P�P Y - <br /> „. .. Y � pArcel of the Property by public Announcement At the time and pl�ce uf�ny previuusly scheduled sale. Lender or its <br /> - ., "'"s"`t;._: „ � , designee mAy purchase the Property At any sale. <br /> " ry� . Upon receipt of payineot ot the prire bid,7Yustee shell deliver to Ihe purchacer'11�ustee's dewl conveying the -. <br /> . . � Property. The recitals in IF�e 7lrustee's deed shAll be prima facic evidence of the truth oP the statements mode therein. <br /> i. � - 7lrustee ahWl apply the proceeds ot the aele in the fdlnwing order. (a►to all custs and expenses oP exereWng the power = <br /> ' �' <br />_,� , <br />-'t. A�rmr.Yl�i::iv� .• <br /> t AA..�1 • o <br /> y�. <br /> -, wr a: <br /> �"• . <br /> t'. . <br /> i;-. �� .. � . <br /> \� _. <br /> � . F'orm 302lt 9/9Y r Rr S., A - <br /> rw I ►�+xe:� _ <br /> M . � <br /> 1 � ' � — <br /> f ' � �-- -- --- --�T_-.. . _ . . . . ,..,iwvww►v�-�R+.+^�v.--_.._•.-�-�*..rcrrw-�-r----- ' <br /> . ,. . <br /> -- _"" <br /> r _ — ----�:--.. .... ._ _.. —_— - - --.._ -. - .. . _ . . __ _ - •- <br /> � . , <br /> � �... ., � <br /> a. <br /> . S� , r'��, hsSL;�(�y ., <br /> ' ,��• , ' <br /> M . � <br /> i � " <br /> •�`.' � <br />