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.�: .`'., . . . . , �.1'-. <br /> '�:: ,, ' .��..:'y'�'��. <br /> .,�::_� _.'t 'jj <br /> . .a•FS . f�I <br /> ..r _—_.�.,. .. . . ..... ,+.W� ' . i�i:�� . <br /> .. .. .... .. ...._.. _......._.. . . - . <br /> � •j.. <br /> rlAZr1' � �7AI+INB JBIJNIFBR L MALYN� �° ���1� 103796 1]./27/1996 „ <br /> UNIF�ORM COVENANTS. Borrower uBd Lcndcr covcnaut tuul ugrcc a.c follo�ve: � .. <br /> 1. Paymsnt of Princtp�l and Intan�t. IIonowsr 6ha11 prnmpdy pay when due ttae princlpN unct lnteresc , � <br /> . i�Medness evIdenced by the Nou and ute clurQes as pmvided!n the Noto. � <br /> �.�da for Tt�es md Im�saraau. SubJec[ro�ppllcabla l�w or a wrltten wefver by I.ender,Bonowor shnU pey to . - <br /> Len3er on the�ay monthly p�yraents of pdnclpnx ujd interest uc Mynble under tlie Note,undl tho Nots is ptcid{n full. a . ' � <br /> sum(1�ereia "Funds') e9ux1 to o�e-tweliikh o4'che yculy ux�s and assessment�(includin�coudominium aud planand�u�it � � - <br /> developmant assessmeate,If ury) which may�tt�in prlodty over thls need of Tcust,tnd Qround nnts on the F'roperty, if <br /> �Y.Plus one-nvelflh nf yearly prcmIum iusullments for huard iasun+nce,Plua one-cwelfth of yeuly pnmium 1nstAllmea�9 <br /> f�s mortga�e inmuwce. if Any. aU �a reisonably estipuaed inld�ly u�d from dmo to dmo by Leador on�e hasie of <br /> �ssessments And bills and reasonsble estlmttes thereof. Borrowar sball not be obli�oted to m�ice such p�ymeate of F�unds <br /> ` to Lender to the eateat tbu Borrower roticsa cuch p�ymente to the 6older of�prior mort�o or doe4 ot uust if such holder <br /> . • ie tn in�dt�donal lender. <br /> If Borcower p�y� Pus�to Lender, the Funda �ull bo heid(n�a laultutlon�he depatu or�cco+u�u of w�icb�re <br /> insure�or�riateed by�l�ed�nil os sute�ency(laclwdln�Lender lt Lender i��uc6 w irutltudon), I.cnder s�ll apply ,. <br /> tha Funde to�y eald t�xet� �esessmena,(nautuxo pnmtun�end�rou�d rcnte. I.ender m�y not clur�o far so 6oldiny�nd . . <br /> �pplytt� thc Funde, uWyda4 sald accaunt or vcdtylny and comptllny a�ld a�seumenu and bltb. udcc� Lender pays . ... <br /> Horc�ow+er inten�t on tha Puad�aad appllc�bie IRw pemilta�.endrr to m�ke�uch�chu�o.Bamnwer aad Leader m�y�rx . . ""�'"�" <br /> in wrldny�t the time ot execudon of tLb Dad of Tnut that iatm�t oa tbo Fundt�ha11 be pdd w Socrower. uid unless �+.����.-���- <br /> SIlC�1 fi��Eu7E!"u1 IB Ci7iG8 6i�r�7I1{;ib1C IIIW Tii,i�tt�Ti.&filiCli III�OfCZt t0���.Ix�er thall t�s be reqttlred to Fny Borrnwer xr.�=-._ _�- <br /> my intereat or eualn��oa tho Funcla. Lendar etall gtve w Borrowar.wlthout chu�o� tn anaual rcco+uu�of the Funds --_ ...- <br /> ahawIn� crodlte and debtte to the Funde and the purposo for whlch ach deblt to tho Faad�wts m�de. The Funds ue —�--_.- <br /> plodyed�a sddtdon�l s�ecuurlty for the sums secured by thie Deod of Tcuat. �'`Y�����_- <br /> If the�mount of tLe Fundt�luld by Lender. to�ether wIth the li�ture montWy iastsllmen�a of Funde payable prior to '����; <br /> tho due dues af taxes. assessments� tn�artace premiums and ground nnts�shall txceed chc�mawti required to psy said � �. Xa�'�� , <br /> . #, tues, �ssess�, insurmce premiums oud ground r�eats As tbey fill due� such eucess s�ll be,ai Barruwer's opdon. ..�. ;�=�=- <br /> either pmmptiy rep�id to Hoa�owor or cndited to Bo:rower oa montbly lnaqill�ment�of Fuada. If the tmouat of th�Funds �M, .., <br /> . t� held bq Lender sbW aot be su�cient W psy uuus, assessmente.insunace premlums uid �xeate a�tLey fill due. '�' <br /> :dg• Bora�wex shill psy to Lendor say tmount necessaiY to m�ke up tl�ee deS�iency ia one or more piymente as I.end�r may ' .� = <br /> � nquire. � ::",��'�' i' �.... <br /> -._- ,-� Uj10II 1f�jlmCnt ln i9�O��6l1IIlS 6�Oy tb18 rJCCa 0�l Iiti[�j.CtnCi saatt p[ouiyitr s�iti6u i3 ovuvvrri auy ri�wi� r,w��T; ,.�,. <br /> hald by I.cnder.lf uader panguph 17 heceof the Property is sald or the Praperty Is otbeiwlse�cqaired by I entler, I.ender :� ' �.� ;t,' <br /> shnll tpply, ao luer thw immodituly pdor to the sale og tLe Property or its�cquisition by Leader,�u�y Funds held by �:��r �:�,•r��::- <br /> � Lendex at tbe tlme of appllcadon as a c�dIt a��inst the svms secured by thta Deed of Trust. �. t.;�;� _ <br /> �'�� 3.AppUcatlon ot Pa�a�nle. Unless applicable law gmvides otl�erwise. all psyments roceivod by Le�er un�3tr tLe �` .�:r. � <br /> , Nou aad p�ragis�s 1 and 2 heraof shall be applied by Lender&st in psyment of omonnts payable to Lender bq Baraower �� :- <br />_ ,� undpr pan�a�h 2 hereof,then to inurest psytble oa the Note.a�tLen w the prI�;iptl nf the Note. � <br />: ��. 4. �1dAr Mnet�and Dad� ot Trwtj Cluirsai i�m�.Borrowea d�all perform ill of Hosmwa's obli,�adons a, ': <br /> , twcier my mortg�ge, deed of aust or otber ea:udty�ament wlth a lLen which 1�pdodty over thls Deod oF�';ust, , <br /> ' includin�Borrower's covenante ia m�ka paymenaa when due.Bonrower sh�ll pay or cw�e to be piid all w�es.�ments ;; . <br /> and other cbuges. Snes md imposl$oag uuibuGtble to the Property wbirh msy atnia s priodty ava thia Detd of Tcust� <br /> � anl le�sehold payments or�mund r�nta,if any. — <br />_ . 5. H�s�M Inurance. Borrower shall keep the impmvementa mw eaiadn�or hereafter eretkd on eist PrapertY �.%` <br /> insured�inst loss by Sre.ha�rds i�luded within the temi"extendod covera�e'�uid such other haards a9 Yrenc7er may �'"..°._.— <br /> _ � ' ��:--:__.-- <br /> - ' rcquire�nd in such�mounts�nd far such perlods a9 I.eader miy require. �--'�``:`--- <br /> ` �.�', The Insun�e cu=Ier pmviding the in.surance stWl be chosen by Boxrower subject w sipprwtl by I.eudes;pranrided, �;" <br /> tbat such�roval shaU not be unn�soa�bly withheld. Ail inzueance policies a�renew,tla H�aeof eball be in a form <br />— � icceptable to Leader aad sh�ll9nclude a stand�cd naort�e cl�wse ia 8vor of a�ia a form�ccepuble W I.endea. I.ender = �W_ <br /> shn�ll bsve tLe ci�ht to lwld tho poUdea uid n�wals tbenw�subject w tbe tern�s of aay mortRaYe� dad of ts�ss a�other �;_ <br /> . seanity�reenuent wi�t Hon w�ich has pdorlty over this Deedi of Ttuat. ��- -�� <br /> �:. <br /> -.. � �, In the eveat of lacs,BomOwCr shall�ivC pmmpt nodCe to the incun�rs Ctniet 1�d LendCS.Lender m�y mke proof �:�__-- <br /> of loss if aot m�de promptly by IIomower. �:'`"- <br /> If the I�ruperty is Abtndoned by Bocmwu, or if Boaow�r fails to nspand W Leaikr wlthia 30 daye fsom the dau �i�+-�'�.'�% <br /> a kr �;, <br /> � nntl�e ie mnilod by Lender to Boirower tLu the iasurance cutier offers 4v seule a cLi�for insurmce benefiss,Leader is = =-- ' <br /> auc'�orized W wllxt and apply the insurance prnaeds at Le�ler's opdoa elthar W resw�don or mpa�of sh� II�ropeny or =��?��`'' <br /> :� �;�:,s -,.�zx.. <br /> to the�secund by thts Deed of 7Yust. ..�-�?s�; <br /> 6. Pt+aer►Wou aqd Malnttosmoe oi Penpa�t�i Lereholti�i Caaslamfdunri Plaoned Untt Ae�d .."." , <br /> �►*!ow�!�r Ehall kap tho Pmperty In good repiir and sh�ll mt wmmlt waste or pe�m[t impaim�e�t or deteriorad a of the '��r�l'�y�'�;''�``��'. <br /> Pdapsrty aad s1W1 coaiply a�3th ttite pmvlslons of atry Iwse if this Deed of Ttust fs on a lwse6old.If this Deai of Tm.M is ::'4'"�'��.-:;�.� �,.•��� <br /> oa a unit in a condominlum or a pls�n�d unit development.Borrowcr s6i11 perfocm ill of Bomowet's abliQadon�under the �:���'.;�,-,•� <br /> decluadon or covenantsc emti�or gov�aing the condomiaium or plwnd unit dtvetapment,the by-laas and�eguLdon� � -� <br /> of the conrbminium or plmned vnic development,and conadtuent documents. . . . . <br /> 9. Protectlon ot Lenda�'e Seceuit�. If Bomnwer 6{le to perform tLe coveaYata�nd t�+xmen�c:ont� in this , � <br />— _ _ _ Deed of T�ust,or if any actIIon or pmceeding is com�nced which m�te:ially affects Lender'e inierest in the Property.then <br /> __ - - -_ <br /> Lender. u I.ender's opdon, upon mdce to Bouower. msy u�ke such appauancei� disix�rse su�h sums. i�ludin� - - <br /> re�sonabl��ttorueys' fas� �nd t�ke s�ch act3on as is neceasuy to pmtoct Leader's intereat.If Iancler c�equineA mott�a�e <br /> ' iasurance�s a condidon of mildng tho loaa secand by this Decd of Tnut,Bou+nwer stull piy tLe pnm[ums rtquital to <br /> maiattin such insu��e ln effixt untii soch dme as tho nquirement for such insurance temniatus in �ccordmce with <br /> . Homower's and I.ender's waanen agrcement ar appllcablo Lw. <br /> Any amounts disbais,.-t!by I.ender ptmsvant to this pmrag��ph 7.with interest thereon. at the Note�ll become . <br /> a0c3ltiontl indebtedness of�orrs�nv�r secural by¢Ws Desd of Tcust. Unless Bonower and I.ender agra to othsr torms of � <br /> payment, such amottnts shall be ps�yable upon nodce from L.ender to Borrower re�estin� psyment thenof. Nothing <br /> contained in this puagraph 7 shall requiro Lender to inau nny expense or tokc any acdon hercunder. � <br /> 8. Inq�esxion. I.eader miy make or cause to be avde reasomblc enCCIes upon aacl laspxdons of thc Property. <br /> ;. pmvided tLat Lender s1W1 give Bomowa aotice prlor to any auch is�specdoa specifylqg rasonible cause tbenefor rel�tod to <br /> Lendcr's interest in the Propccty. <br /> i . <br /> Nebnet.26876-2 si93 Osiginal(R�cosdad) Copy(�ranoh) Copy(Cu�tomar) PeQc 2 of S <br />