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,, �.rn, <br /> •�t�iii;:`,��ii%.r, r <br /> � . . <br /> , .� . • _. . ' .....�.•.n.a.. d-�,if°^- <br /> .,...w:CJ�������"n . . ' .. . '..^� �; .- <br /> ' , , f - ° <br /> `�. <br /> • ,� <br /> .. - - >;::. <br /> „ .. - . . -- <br /> ._.._ .. . ... . .. . � . . . . . , � _ . .. .,.._.... ... .. . .... ... � <br /> �U ������ nY�4,Q+WS 9F T69� SH�LTAN TAlfUN�WiP CEM�YERlf ' ��� . , <br /> r• 4•f �,/ �M OECTIOM 1.The�emelery eitwted In the 6outho��t Uuorto�ol IAn BoNhoa�t�usrte�of Ihe Bout�wae��umter ol , <br /> o�3,i �+�•• .4�ttlon 81x(01,Town Nlne(0�,Rsnqs Twoivn(12)Norl�,Cnunty ol MNI, Bute of Nebn�k�,�nou bs tlominatoC w Ihe <br /> BnNton Towmhlp Cem�rory�nd ehall be Ihs proDerty ol8helton Towmmp,9ulfnlo Cnunty,N�br��ka,on!he contlltlona <br /> �et lorth In the[Hed wnveylnp�Altl Gmetery to Shelton Town��lp, Eiull�to County,Nebnbk�, from I�n 8helton <br /> Cemstsry Anxl�pon. <br /> BECTION II,TR�Bhotton Town�hlp G�m�t�ry�h�ll b�under t��mwnfp�mmt tna cantrol 01�Botrd o1 Tru�iN�. <br /> contlttlnp o1lhrNqu��I11W�I�ctore o1 t��Townt�lp ol Bhelton,w�0 th�ll�olAthelr oflla lo►�t�rm o1 thrM y�t►�,and , <br /> ° ant0 th�lr ouccet�ore are otatetl�nd qua�lfled. • <br /> BECTION III.At the�nnultl Tt(�vn�(neetln0 ot Shdton Townti�lp�eld On Ihe Illlh day ol PAprth, 1918,th0 cicclor� .. <br /> pnNnt�hall�lect one Truat�e fo��terrrl of thrM(3)y��re,�nd on�to�old hl�offla fo��term of iwu(2)y�are,�ntl one <br /> who�MII hold hb ofHce lor a term ol ans(t)ye�r,and thers�hail be ebctaA annuelly theroafrer one Truetoo wha�hatl <br /> hold hle olllca for th►ee(3)yeiro.Stld�ler,tlon to be Dy b�llot,requlrinfl a msJorlly of UI vote�caat to comqtuts an <br /> eieetlon. <br /> . ' BHCTION IV.Before enterinp upon the dutlea ol thelr oHlce,etch Vuatea ehnll tnke�nd eubecribe to the Iollowlnp <br /> •,�,�N,,::+�J! oath beloro�he Town Clerk: ' � <br /> I . , do eolemnly ewoar that I wlll eupport tho Conetitutlon ol the United 6tMef, nnd tha <br /> � conatituflon ot t�e Stata of Nebrauke and thut I wlll felthlully perform�II t�n Autiea Imposed upon mo 6y the etata lawe, . <br /> A <br /> nnd the by-1¢t�re of Shelton totenehlp,and eeDeelally�hoso lawe and bylaw�governing Shelton lownshlp Cemetery. <br /> 6ECTION V.TAe Ouard oi iruatee�ehatl manl not Iater than ten(10)daYa a(ter the onnual Townahlp meellnp and <br /> aAalt orpenlre by electlnp ono ot thAlr numbar Ch�lrmen,and anpthpr ol.thqIr n�[�berSic retary.It Ohpll,he lh8 duty o1 � <br /> the Chalrmen ta prealQe at all moetlnpe of th3 board,to tlpn�II deeda ahC all wsradte. It e�all Oo tAe Uuty ot the y. � - ..: <br /> Oeeretery to keep a roeord ot ali meetlnpd;ho ehnll also have euthority to aell lote,Isoue and elpn doeds lor eame,to sipn y.t��•,-�;;;-' <br /> e1l warraMe on the township treasuror,�nd to collect all moneya arlainp hom I�u avle ai Ima or from any other aourco for •���%.�;.� <br /> "�`. •��;<;i= <br /> lhe bOnelh of tne Gemetery,and to Oay the aame over to the TowneNp Trenlurer,taklnp hle recolpt therolor. .ti,a,. <br /> � SECTIpN VI.The 8ecretary shult 6elore entaring upon the dutlee ot hinotiiceand not later than ten(10)duYO ottm `_',,��;°;?,�::- <br /> � �I!eppolntmoM or electlon,pive banda 1or twlce the omount of money thflt la Ilable to Com9 inro�lo Aanda In any one —1'—'�='° <br /> ' ; yoar,wnAltloned upon the falthtul pertormance ot hle duty ae Secrotery.Thn�mount o1 the bonde shell be flxed by the =•.�_-- <br /> Town�hlp 8oard,who ahall epprove the ea�d bondn;6�Id bOnd shall bo fllpd wlth the Townehlp Clerk and�hAII run to �y�w--_ <br /> ' SheftOn 7ownahlp. A a; <br /> 6ECTION VII.AI�manlea erlalnp Irom thp sate of lote end from ell athar aoureen lor the deneflt of tho Cemetery ,�}�„ <br /> chsll conatitute e Cemetery tund md eAell be kept�epn�te Irom the othor fundi of th�Townthip by th�Townthip „- <br /> Troesuror;�nd It I�hareDy m�de Me duty of ths Townehlp Treaturer lo koep�n Itemlied�ccaunt of Ihe rnalpt��nd e. .,._ <br />_ expenditurea of tne Cemstery fund. ` <br /> BECTION VIII.T��Townshlp TrN�unr b h�nby�uthorized to pny all warnnt�on tha C�mNey tund Ih�l�n �;,1�,'-"' <br /> tlpnb by th�Ch�lrm�n Md Q�Cntuy of the Ourd ol TrWiN�,lo�Ilmlt nt Ih�funG�on h�nA In ulE CNrNMy fund. — <br /> BECTION IX.H U henby matl�th�duty of Ih�el�aton prH�ni at thn�nnud Townshlp mNtlnp to m�k��I�vy r �;,. <br /> whlch In lh�lr Judpm�nt wlll r�lt�tulflc�nt funde to meot Ih�nQulremenln of Ih�Csmet�►y Ip�Ih��ntulnp y�u, � -.�4�...•- <br /> BECTION X.Th�TrwtaN�hdl hav�pawv on b�hall ot th�Townehlp lo m�ks�II contnCq�n0 wp�rint�nd�II <br /> labor tlon�;ta dlnct Ih� �xpmdltun al�II monsy Md �up�rinttnd�II ImprOWm�nt� �ntl �mhtllllhmMt�ol lh� __ <br /> - GmH�ry tubJ�cl onty lo Ih�wlll ol�m�Jorlty ol th��leplot�prM�nt�t any�nnu�l Townthlp mallnp, �n0 to nw� <br /> pcnval�uporvidon o}Ih�GmN�ry�n0 th�pro0erly ih�rato h�ionpinp enA In hNp Ih�qm�In��ppod npNr W Ih• <br /> funao witl p�rmll. <br /> t 6HCTIpN XI.Th�Iru�teM�hdl oontr+ct no prMttr�Mpendltun�ihwn ha�b«n provld�d tor In th�GmNey luntl, <br /> but th�Townehlp BonC may,In c�N o1�utld�n or un�Hp�cIW�mHp�noy,�pproprlat�from th�p�nK�l lund of Ih� <br /> Town�hip,such wm ot mon�y,��In Ih�l►tl1eCr�tlOn�htll b�nw�N�ry to mnel tucN�m�r��ncy,prOV109d thr�mount on <br /> —_ h�nd m m�n�nvai funa wm pvmlt wunoul tanow e�ulm�m ro th�othnr Int�nit�o th�Tpwmhip. <br /> BEtiTION XIL TM TrWIla����11 naW�Ih�follo�inp comp�nutlan for tn�tlm��xpmCW In tM Int�rM1�of <br /> Sh�lton Townthlp GmN�ry:tA�8�cntuy th�ll notiv�th��um ot on�hunGr�d dolian ar�nnum;the Chalrm�n�halt <br /> - nalv�lh��um o1 on�hundnd doilan p�r annum;t��t�lyd m�mWr ol tha bo�id Ihall r�IV�lh�sum of on�hundnd <br /> doilan p�r annum ptu�Iwo dollan p�r trlp for umftKy bueln�u. <br />� BHOTION XIII.T�e 6�cntary�hall not allow�ny Interm�nt�In�ny unnld Iot�In l��C�m�tsry,exapt In tNat part <br />- known��Ih�"POtt�r't Flsid",�nd no lot�h�ll W solC untll it�u be�n,pa10 for In afh,or otherwlto to tha�atlduti�n <br />- . of th�S�cnt�ry,whn thell W raponaibie for th��mount Of��I nl�o. <br /> :x BECTION XIV. Th� Trwtee�may Ncun th�tervlce� of a �ultndlo p�non to dlp and fiil dl pravse. Th� <br /> • • ' comp�nMtlon to DO(Hld(or I�li work�h�li p�d�t�rminqd by th�Trutt�os,Aut uld eomponutlon shall b�oolNet�d by <br /> th�p►RVl�dlpp�►(►Ort�lha DptY Or partl�� havinp th� int�rm�nt m�de�nG thNl W ret�lned Dy hlm u hl�tot�l <br /> r • compwnation for dlppinp and fllllnp eaid prave. <br /> BECTION XV.No Inbrment on�11 b�mad�In 6htltan TowM�lp Comabry nor�hall�ny prnve ba dlppW th�r�ln, <br /> , untli a Burial Permit M�II h�ve bNn obttln�d from lM S�cratuy ot tho Bond ot TrwteN 6ald permll�hdl plv�Ih• <br />`"` mm�of the perwn to be burled,ihe number o1 the lot,and the neme of Iha o��ner of ald lot a Mown by ths Dooka Of M• <br /> S�Cnt�ry. <br /> BECTION%VI. Any pvwn may purch�ae one or mare lote In Shqlton Townahlp C�m�tery for th�pwpoee o1 <br /> t': Intarmont�,by paylnp t���p�nlaW v�lus ot thA nme�s�st�bllih�tl by t�o Baartl of Trutt�a�ntl oomplylny wlt�ail °.. <br />-: ,^k . rpulnm�nt�of thN�by-I�wi thtt may nlat�to or povern th��ate of lote. <br />�;;�-: BECTION XVII.All vacanola In tAs otflcs ot Truttsel�hiil,be flllud by�ppolntm�nt by th�Townlhlp 8ara,ond <br /> r-_:,..n�.,-..� .�.'4 th��ppointw�hall hold ofFlco untll th�mxt�nnual townthip meetlnp,whM th�vaC�nCy���II b�flI1W by�I�Ctlon. <br />- � _�w.y�� ,., 6HCTION XVII I.Al leut on�h�if of eil lot e�lee�nd�t Isa�t I1Reoo douan trom�ach openlnp ot pr�v�Dy put In <br /> s;;�;�,. _ ;:,. The Perpetwl Q�ro Fund. <br /> ' BECTI�N XIX.Th�c byIawa may be chenpad or emended nt eny nnnuel meetlnp by e mrJonty vo�e of all electoro <br />_����'a �� prexnt�nd votlnp. <br /> �...,`w; <br /> a`��r�r...i. t : <br /> 'f.: _,: .�1 . � . � - <br /> _._ `tj c..: ',!, 1 � • � � � • O <br />_=1-.`!.''.1";� " • �(� <br />-±.."t,:,}�;,�,. :; >„ � �o <br /> tit)$hk,��,�5i:°'` �� � LL�1 ,� � . 5 <br />�,a=rs' A•� • ; 0 <br />',,.:r.����' j O � E v�j Q , • : � '� c <br /> i;ac.s.�'�'x. : � o � W Z � . � � , � • y — <br /> . � <br /> r 'i°`JI�1'� . Q « (� � � �c - <br />- v J 5 Z O g . � � . --- <br />�. �,:�:.` -. <br /> k ,� • ? j � � : o q : Z t =.- <br />_. - O = M �F � � C �u1�..r.. M.-nrr r��•.awR� [_- <br />_ y Wr. 'g : ; e c:i;E:��ia ,.�.1,��1�t�i.$J F.�--,� <br /> . � o $ � �! • Y�J �1?�1 V .�� f; ' ' _ <br /> fp •• ' IPQI�UF.J: !Ixl.��:1at�51 r� �.,'ty y <br /> � � . '0 � � � � q l�+a`.rn�� - _::w-:a• � �� n '�`=-- <br /> � O � � a t`� a $ � S ' . - '_ <br /> .,-:-.-._ <br /> = . ���` <br /> .. ..,, <br /> ��----__ -- - --__ __- -- - �.•;:.i, <br /> - _«--.,_-� _ _ „_ � - - ,. <br /> � .�----- - �- -T- - - - <br /> . . • .. . .::,. <br /> v � . <br /> . . . . l) . -' - � j <br /> . ��;t:�' ' - • . . • <br /> . .1 � ,_ . .. . . . .. <br /> , '• - ,- ' . -' 1 � • • � <br /> ' .. . - ' • , , II �tl:• . • '� . <br /> �, � � . , .. . � � . <br />—_ .. . ' � 'l•� ' . � � . " : . <br /> � I <br /> . <br /> � . . � . <br /> " 1 <br />