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<br /> COVCNANTg �^"�����0
<br /> 1, Peymento. I�orrowor aqroao to mnko all paymonto on tho oocurcd dobt whon duu. Unl000 Dorrowor ond Londnr nproo otnorwiso, nny
<br /> paymontn Lendor roceivea from Borrawer or fpi Borrawer'e boneflt wlll be eppIled firet to eny amounte Borrowor owoa on tfro e�cu►ed debt
<br /> ,. ^�, oxcluelvo of intereat or principal,�econd to Inte�eet, and then to principal. If partlal prepeyment of the eecured dobt occure for eny roaeo�,It will
<br /> not reducs or�xau��eny tch�duleA peym�nt until tha tecured debt is pald In futl.
<br /> �. ' Z.Cla+m Ap�n�t Tid�.Qorrower wlll pay�11 taxe�, a�io�iment�,end othor charges attributabte to the property when due end will defend title
<br /> to th�pro{Hrty•�painet any cl�lm�whlch wauld Impalr the Ilen af thl�deed o}tru�t.Lender may require Botrowar to attpn eny riflht�,clalms or
<br /> �i;,;� , de}�na��whieh 9orrower m�y hws�pdn�t partN�who supply I�bor or materlal�to Improve or mslntaln the property.
<br /> 9. Ittaurcrtca. Dorrawar wl�l kee�the property In�urad under terms acceptebte to Lender et Borrowar'o expenae and for Lender'o benollt. All
<br /> " Iniur�nce pollcle�ehdi Inctude e�t�ndnd mortp�pe cl�use In favor of lender.Lender wllt be named a�los�psyee or er the In�urad on any such
<br /> Imur�nce pollcy.An/Intun�ce proca�d�may W et�pllld,wlthin Lender's dlicretlon,to either the restontion or rspelr o}ths d�msped praperty _
<br /> or to the�ecured debt.l}4ender requlrs�mortpape nturance, 8orrower agrees to maintein such inauronce for ae lonp as Lender requVes.
<br /> 6 4.Prop�rly.Borrowsr wiil keep the property in good conditlan and make all repaire reasonabiy neceasery.
<br /> ..�«»�w`��Y
<br /> . ,yy,••. 8.Ex�r,�s�.Borrower apree�to pey ell Lender'�expense�,inciudinp reesoneble ettorneys'feea,It Borruwar breaka eny covenente in this deed
<br /> of truet or in eny oQlipatlon socured by thls deed oi truit.Borrower wlll pay theee emounte to Lender ea prqvided In Covenent 8 of thla deed of �
<br /> ` trust. ' " '
<br /> ; 0.Prlor Seau�ity Intx�tU.Unlese Borrower first obtalns Lender's written conaent, Borrower will not make or permit eny changea to eny prlor �
<br /> eecurity Intereat�. Borrower will pertorm ell of Borrower'e o611pationa under eny prlor mortpepe, deed oi truet or other eecurity egreement, �;r�?
<br /> � - Includinp(lorrowor's covenants to maka paymenu when due. `•=�a-
<br /> j t.;-_.
<br /> 7.Awi t of R�rtt��nd Profita.Borrower aaaigna to Lender the ronte end profite of the property.Unteae Borrower end Lender heve egreed ;,`',;
<br /> otherw ae In writinp, Borrower mey coiloct end rataln tha rente es long ae Borrower is not in defauit. If Borrower defautte, Lender, Lender's
<br /> epant, or n court appointed roceiver may take posseanion end manape the property and collect the rents.Any rents Lender collects shall be _1�!'�:<
<br /> � appllod first to the coeta of managlnp tha property,inctuding court costs end attorneya' teea, commissions to rental ag�ents, and any other �
<br /> noceaeary reluted expenses.The rematning emount of rentn wfll then apply to paymente on the eecured debt es provided in Covenent 1,
<br /> ' 8.L��a�hddr Condort►IiAumr,Pt�nn�d Unit D�v�topmmt�.Borrower agrees to comply with the provisions of any tease tf thls dsed of ttust is on =�,
<br /> u o loa�ehold. I�this deed of truet Is on a unit In a candominium or a planned unit devalopment, Borrower wlll porform all of Borrower's dutloo __
<br /> �,, under the cavonanto,by-lawc,or regulailuns ot the condominlum or pienned unit development.
<br /> a' � 9.Authorltlr of L�ndK to Partarm ta Borrowar. If 6orrmLVOr ta�s to porform any o4 Bortower's dutles under this daod of trust, londor may �"
<br />_ � per(orm the duties or cauae them to be per4a�med. Lendar may slgn aorrower'e nemo or pay any amount ii necessary for pertormenco.If eny ��r"
<br /> constructian on theproportV is dlscontinued or noi aarried on i��reasonable meoner,Lenciar may do whatever ia neceseary to protect 4encler's -
<br /> -�.. St:. socurity Intoreet In t h e property.This may ino lu de eamp lat inp t ha con e tru c t lon. p�4��^
<br /> ,�' Ib.4y=-"'`
<br />- ' :.��;}I}";!�.��{��. . Lendor't frlluro to perform wtll not precludo l.ender 4rom exerciaing any oY its other riphte under the lew or tNs doed oi trust.
<br /> ■.. -
<br /> . ., e.•�,.:�
<br /> �"l:�':.i�`��.iri" �._..
<br /> ; � !, � Any emaunte pald by Lender to protect Lender's aecurity I�tereat wlll ba secured by thta deed of truet. Such emounte witl be due on demand �_, :
<br /> " ''��, and will bcnr Intereat(rom tha date of tho payment until pald in full nt the interest rate in eNect on tho socured debt. -
<br /> � � '�� ' 90. D�hu1t�nd Acc�isntion. If Borrower fAlta to make eny peyment when due or breake any covenante under thia deed af uuat or any r.�
<br /> ±`.;�:�'�•;,'ti; obllpation secured by tMs deod of truat or any prior mortpage or deed of trust,Lender may acceterato the meturity of the eecured debt end -
<br /> - ;;�-;' , demand immediate p�yment end may Invoke the pnwer of�ale and any other remedles permitted by appliaable law.
<br /> � - ` 11.R�qwat 4or Notk�o}ON�uit. It li heroby requsttstl that wptas ot the notices of dofi�uh and eais be seni io eac�panon wno is��iiiy
<br /> heroto,�t ths�ddrosc of snch such person,va set fonh heroln. __
<br /> 12.Pow�r of 6Nt.If tt►�4�nder Invoke�tha power ot sda, ttH Tru�tee shall firot noord In the office of the repl�ter of de�da of eech county
<br />'� wh�rNn the trutt pro�rty or som�p�rt or pual th�nof It situ�ted�notic�of d�f�ult contalnin th�Iniormatlon nqulnd by I�w.Th�Tru�tM
<br /> �h�ll ai�o m�il copl��o}th� notfc�of C�f�ult to ths Borrower,to e�ch p�reon who Ir�party�nto, and to oth�r p�r�om�s pretcrlbod by
<br /> ' applia+�Dt� law. Not Na th�n on� month�it�r tl►� Trust�� r�cads tl» notle�o! d�}wit a two month�if th�truat pop�rty 1�not In �ny
<br />��'�_'.'�. , �, Incorpantad city o�vlli�p��nd b uad In i�rminp op�nUon�a�rrNd on by th�tru�ta,lh�fro�ta sh�ll piw publlo notiw of t�N to tM p�rtorn
<br /> �nd In th�muwwr pntcrlb�d by apppllcabl�I�w.Tru�ts�,without d�m�nd on BorrowN,�hril�tll tM pvopaty�t publla�uctbn to th�hlpM�t
<br /> c'4s�;;.,." ', .• bldd�r.If raqulnd by tM Farm Homatad Prot�otlon Act,T�u�u�sh�ll o9fu tM p►oWrty In two s�pK�t���I��n nquk�d by�ppllcabl�law.
<br /> ..-;,,:�^'�„� . TrWt��m�y po�tporN s�N o1 NI a�nY parcN o}tlt�p►op�►ty by publlo �nnoune�rro�nt�t tM tlm� �nd pi�ce o}my pnvlou�ly�cMduNd uN.
<br />=:,,�CUU�-. ;.. ' L�rtd�►a Ily dubnN m�y purchu�tl►�prop�rty�t my u�.
<br /> T;.=+��+��r
<br /> Upon nC�ltft of paYrrNnt of th�price bld,Trurtu sh�u d�liwr to th�pu►chnsr Tru�tu'�dkd conv�ylnp tM propety.TM nCItINs contNn�d N�
<br /> �� �rf• •f�� Tru�t�s'�di�d ehsll b�prim�l�cl�widbnce of th�truth of th��tatem�nt�contaln�d tfi�nin.Trutt��th�ll�Fply tM procwd�of tM al�In tM
<br />- �•:1� followinp otdN: IU to all �xpm�o� of the �d�, inctudinp, but not Ilmited to, res�ombl� Trust�e'� f�n, renon�ble �nom�y'� fut �nd
<br />_���?;;_ :. rdntt�t�moM t�u;(�1 to all wm�se�ured by thl�daad ot trust,md(el the batence,If my,to ths penons I�pstly entitled to roceiw It,
<br />�""'���--- 13.Fonclawn.At Lender's optlon,this deed o}t�uat m�y be lorec�oied In the m�nner provlde by�pptic�bta I�w for forsclosurs o}mortpapa
<br />�`�•4�ti�� on nal property.
<br />,N f'.r�''T:l�'?�
<br /> —���,;;m,-�� tA.Im�otlon.Lender may enter the prope►ty to inspect It it Lender pivet Borrower r�oties beforohand. Ths notice muat stat�ths rea�on�We
<br /> _... ceuso Tor Lender'd Inspeotinn. �
<br /> �"�`'x"�1 16.Cond�tloc9.Borrower aacig�nt to Lender the proceeds of my award or clalm tor dymsp ea connected with�condemmtion or othar taki�p
<br />-°_;_,,,';.'� of dl or�ny pa►t of the propetty.Such procaeds wlli be epplfed es provided in Covenant 1.7his esslpnment is subJeCt to the terms of any prior
<br /> - eecurity eqnement.
<br />=�".wxitl)is.t�t�a,� -
<br /> ��,, 1�.Waiwr.By nxerci�inp any romedy awllabte to Lender,Lender dae�not plve up any riphte to later use eny other romedy.By not exercisin4
<br /> •�,;,;;�,,�,;,, eny remedy upnn Borrower's dehult,Lender doea�ot walve eny r(phtto leter conslder the event a�➢efwlt If It happene apaln. _
<br /> �-.,,E:u:_`.:• :` _
<br /> • •n; 17.Jalnt and B�var�l LI�bW�y•CaslpMn; Suee�sura wd A��ipm Bowid. All duties under this deed of trwt are�oint and �wenl. Any
<br /> =
<br />