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, _ r <br />20�.�.059.�7 <br />EXAIBI'T "A" <br />A tract of land cohn�risi�g a part of fE�e East Half ofi �th� Nottheast Quarrer (E1i2 NE1/4) of Section Twenty <br />Ti�ree {23), Township �leven {�! 1� Nai#h, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., in Hall Counfy, �tebraska <br />more particularly descxibed as follaws: <br />Be�tnning at a�SOint on the south line af said Norfheast Quarter {NE1l4) said point being Five Hundred Six <br />and Fonr Ter�ths (5t}6.4} feet west of the southeast corner of said Nartheasf Quarter {N�1/4); thence <br />wreste�lyy atong tfie south line of said Northeas# Quarter {NE1i4), a distance of Trroo Hundred 'TFiirty Two <br />and Five Tenths (232.5} fee� thence deftecfing right 89°59' anci running nor#herly, a distance of Five <br />Hundred Eighty Three and Seventy Five Hundredths {583.75) fee� thence deflecting right 90°�0' and <br />running eas#erly, a distance of the Hundred Twenty Five {125.0} feet; thence northerly paralle[ to the east <br />line of said S�tion T�errty'Fhree {23}, a distance of Twra Nundred Forty Seven and Eighty Four <br />Hundredths (247.84) fee#; fhence deflecting righ# 37°A4' and rurming northeasterly, a distance of Six <br />Hundred Twenty Tvuo and S�verttjr Faur Hundredths (fi22.74) feet; thence deflecting r�ght '[42°16' and <br />rur�ning southe�fy a[ong a ltne �'wo Hundred Thirty Three (233.0} feet +nrest af and }�arallel to the east fine <br />of said Northeas# Quarter (NE1/4), a distance of One Thousand Twel�re and Ninety Five Nundredths <br />('l,0'f2.95) fee#; thence de�ecting right A.9 °�8`30" and running southwesterly, a distance of Four Hundreci <br />Fourteen and Thirty Twa Hundredths {414.32} feet ta the place of beginning. <br />File No. GT08536 <br />