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c � '' � <br />Exhibit"A" 2 Q��o5��� <br />North Half of the Northwest Quarter (N %Z NW '/) and the West Half of the North <br />East Quarter ((W 'h NE'/4) of Section One (1), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Tsn <br />(10) West of the 6 P.M., Hafl County Nebraska, except the following tract: <br />A tract of land comprising part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter <br />(NW '/4 NW '/4) of Section One (1), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Ten (10) West <br />of the 6 P.M., Hall County Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning af the northwest corr�er �of said Section One (1), then�e ea�t�rly aiong <br />the north line of said Section One (1), a distance of Eight Hundred Seventy-Five and <br />Sixty-Six Hundredths (875.66) feet; thence deflecting right 87°11'50 and running <br />southerly, a distance of Five Hundred Thirteen (513.0) feet; thence deflecting right <br />95°20' and running westerly, a distance of Four Hundred Seventy-One and Seventy <br />Five Hundreds (471.75} feet; thence deflecting left 92°29'40 and running southerly, a <br />distance of Seven Hundred Eight and Eighty Seven Hundredths (708.87) feet; to a point <br />on the south line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NW '/ NW '/); <br />thence westerly along the south line of the (NW '/4 NW '/) a distance of Four Hundred <br />Twenty-Nine and Seven Tenths (429.7) feet to the west line of said Section One (1); <br />thence northerly along the west line of said Section One (1), a distance of One <br />Thousand Two Hundred One and Tweniy-One Hundredths (1,201.21) feet to the place <br />beginning and containing 17.124 acres, more or less. <br />Subject to public highways, easements, reservations, covenants and restrictions <br />of record. <br />