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<br /> _•� appticable I�w mry�pecify far nein�tatemcnt)beforo xalc of the Propeny purauuit ta any power of ealo contained (n Ihla
<br /> � �.,� Secwity Inrpumcnt;or(b)entry of a judgrtzcnt enfareing thia Security Instrum�nt. Th�+e rnMli�i�s an thet Borrower. (a)
<br /> pays Lender all euma which tisen would be due under �hia Secudty instrument wKl ihe Note ris if nu �ceeleradan had
<br /> ' �• occumed;(b)curcs any default of Any dher cnvcnants or agreementR;(c)paya ull expenses incurred in enforcing this Security
<br /> Inurument.includin�,but noi 8mitod ta, reasotwble attomeys'fcea; and(d) take9 cuch action as L.ender mwy rc�wwbly
<br /> requirc to assurc ttwt the lien of�hia Security Insuument.Lender4 dghts in[he Pmpeny wid 8omawcrk obligatlon to pay tho
<br /> ,_ sums secwal by this Security lnauvment shall cantinue unchanged. Upon r+einglntemem tsy Bomowcr� tbix Se�urity
<br /> • .,,,:. Instrument and�he obligattuns socured hereby Bh�ll rcmain fully cffective As if no acccleratlon had xcume�. Howevcr.lhi�
<br /> ' ^�� ri�ht to roinAtate shall not npply in the case af accelerWion under paragraph 17.
<br /> --�.,���, 19. 3�ie o�Note{Ch�n�e ot l,aw 3a'vicer. The Note or a partial intercst in the Noto pogether wi�h this Secudty
<br /> . :� Insuument)may be xold one or more Nmcs wlthout pdor notice to 8orrower. A sele may m3ult in n chnnge in the enlity
<br /> �' (known as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly puyments due under the Note and this Saurfty Instrument. 7'here also
<br /> ----- moy be one or more changes of Ihe[.o�nt'Servker um+elated to u sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,
<br /> _==��..y��� Borrower will be given w�itlen notice uf 1he change in accordunce with paragrAph 14 abovc and upplicabie tuw. The ndice
<br /> ---- will etate tho namc and addresa of 1he new Loan Servicer end the address to which payments should bc made. The notice will
<br /> ����'4`"�-'w' also contain eny other information required 6y applicable law.
<br /> .�:�:•_,�,v���' 20. !#azardous SubstAOCes. Borrower ahall nw cause or permit the presence,use,disposal,storage,or�elease of any
<br /> ��4��..�'�� E�ezardous Substences on or in 1he Property. Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyone else to do, nnything affecting the
<br /> ', Propetty that ic in vlolsuion of any Envlronrnental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presencc,uae,or
<br /> � "� storage on the Property of smali quantitles of Huzurdous Substonces ihat are generally recognized to ba appropriate ro norm�l
<br /> }�'�� residentlal uscs and to mnintenuncc of the Property.
<br /> —'�'i�•i.�.�` , _
<br /> _y*- ,��_.. -•x�:�.r _.
<br />-_ .,.�''�, ,__;, B o r ro w e r s h u l l p ro m p t l y g iv e L en d e r w r i nen notice of an y investi gntion,clalrn,demand,lawauit or other action b y any
<br /> .. .. i : govemmentol or reguletory agency or pdvate parry involving the Property and any Hazandoua Substance or Envlronmental
<br /> •. �'""�," � '•� Lew of which Borrower has uctual knowledge. If Borrower leams, or is notified by uny governmental or regulatory
<br /> ° A °"' aulhori that an removal or other remediation of an Hezardous Substance affecpn �he �s neces Borrower
<br />- ;!c„K .�� „ . �.s< <Y. Y Y � ��'�f' � �Y•
<br /> • � �; _ shall promptly teke ell necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> As used in thia paragraph 20,"Ha�rdous Substancea"ure those subswnces defined us toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> ,`•�"��' Environmental I.uw and the following substences: gasoline.kerosene,other flammable o� toxic petroleum products,toxic
<br /> � �� ' `' " ' pesticides and herbicides. volntile solventa.materiAls containing esbestos or fumialdehyde. and mdioactive matedals. As
<br />� ' ,, -;�-'�`;���t.��� '.•�• used in this pazagraph 2U."Environmentel Law"means federal IAws and laws of U►e jurisdiction whene the Property Is located
<br /> " • : M' = � thot relate to health,safety or environmental protection.
<br /> '�� �,;;Y� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower und Lender funher covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> ,,,�jy�;��,�.}'. 21. Accekratton; Remedtes, i.ender shall give notice to Borrower prtor to acceleration idlowing Borrower's
<br />: - - - -- - ��— -- i�reac�of aey rnvenoat or ag►eement in ihix Se�uniy insirui�m�it(bui noi pr3et'to�cceieraibn undes par�grsplt 27
<br /> • ualess applkeble IAw provides otherwise). The nWice sball speciiy: (A)the def�ult;(b►tiM actbn required to cure the
<br /> , defAUlt;(c)p dpte�not lesa thpn 3U days irom the date the notice is given to Borrower.by which the default must be
<br /> . ., cured;and(d)that failure to cure the dePault on or before the dpte specifled in Ihe notice may result in acceleration of
<br /> �„� • the sums secured by this Security Instrument and sale of the Property. The nMice shall further inform Borrower of
<br /> '•'' the right to reinstate at�er Acceleration and the right lo bring a couM actton to asserl the non�existence of A default or
<br /> �� , �';� ., , Any other defense of Borrower to acceleradon and sale. IP the default is nat cured on or before the dAte epeci8ed in
<br /> � _,�:, the noNce,Lender at its option may require immediate paymenl in f'ull of All sums secured by ihis Security Instrumenl
<br /> . without further demand and may iavoke the puwer of sole and any other remedies permitted by applicable low. -
<br /> �u i;,;,. ; Lender s1w11 be entitled to cdlect all expenses incurred in pursuing the rernedies provided in thls parag�aph 21,
<br /> including,but not limited!o,reasonable attorneys'fees and costs of title evldence.
<br /> � :�;�, � r .;i�;,' If the power of'sale is invoked.7Fustee shall record a noUce of defaull in each county in which any part oP the
<br /> �'� - � • •��"����'" �' PrnpeMy iv Incaf�l and shall meil copies of such nMice in the mAnner prescribed by Applkable law to Borrower And to
<br /> ��`"�`�� J� t6e other rsons rescribed b a licable law. Aiter the dme r ufrrd b w IicAble law,7lrustee shall ive ublic
<br /> .�,t.-•a. .:� .:. •.� pe P Y pp �1 J PP S P
<br /> ry��" . ' `;"� § � • notice of sale to the persons and in the munner prescribed by applicable law. 7Fustee.wGhout demand on Borrower.
<br /> / • , , e6All sell the Property at publk auction to the hi�hest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated in _
<br /> ' ���;c: ,�. the notice of sale in one or more parcels and in any order 7lrustm determines. 7Fustee may postpone sale oP all or any =
<br />;,�� a .�;;t � �� parcel oP the Property by public announcement A1 the Ume�nd place uf Any previuusly scheduled sale. Lender or its
<br /> •� �`° J desip,nee mny parchase the Property at any sale.
<br /> ' ':: ., Upon receipt of pAyment oP the prfce bid, 7Yustee shall deliver to the purchaser 'li�ustee's deed conveying the
<br /> � � � • Property. The recitats in the'I�ustee'c deed shail be prima facie evidence oi the truth of the stetements made Iherein.
<br /> �� 7�u�tee shall�pply the proceedA of'the sale M the i'ollowing nrder: (81 to ell costs and expenses oP exercising the power
<br />. �••` •"{{,i• � • 4
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