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<br /> pedads that I.cndcr reyuinea. The insumnce cairier provldin�the insurance aholl be chosen by Barrower r�u6ject to l.cncicr4
<br /> �� _ --_ -___ • u��uval w{iich�huii�wt lx unr.:asc►nab{y wiih{x:id. {f Bo�rawer fuits to malntuin caverugc ciercribcd abovc,Lender may.nt
<br /> Lender�option,obtnin coverage to protect Lenderg righta in the P�nperty in accc�rJanre wilh parugrapl�7.
<br /> � All insurancc policicti and renewuls shull be ucceptublc to Lcndcr uiui hhull inc{udc u stunJord mongngc cluuse. Le��der
<br /> shall huve lho righl to hold Ihe pnliciea ond r+enewals. If Lender requirca,BoR�wer Khull pmm�ly give tu Lender oll receip�s
<br /> _ of paid premium�and rencwnl noticex. In Ihe event of losx,Bnrruwcr�hull�ivc prompt noNcc tu�he insurunce rnrricr w�d
<br /> _ .._ - -.
<br /> ��a 3 "� -' Lxndcr. Lcnder may mukc praof�f losg if not madc promptly by Borrowcr. -
<br /> -- - Unless Lender sinnd Brnmwer abenvir.e ugree in wri�ing,in�ur�nce proceedx.hull he upplicd�o resloradon or rcpair i�P
<br /> -��° the Pr�rty damaged, if the rcy�arution ar repnir ia economicully feaxible und l.cnderk �►ecurity is nat Iexsened. If the
<br /> �r rcstomt on or repair Is not economically feusible or l.ender g�ecu�ity would be lec.r•encd, the insurunce proceeds shull be
<br /> ---------- — applied ta Ihe suma secured by thi,Security Intilrument, whelher��r nat thcn duo,wilh uny cxce�z puid ta Borrower. if
<br /> Borrowcr nbundons the Property, or doev not anawer wUhin 30 duyx u nolice from Lender�hut Ihc insumnce canier has
<br /> affered to settle u claim,�hen Lender mny collect�he incurnnce praceeds. Lender muy use the proceeds to repair or rcstore
<br /> - �--�--�--- the PropeAy or lo pny sums secured by this Securiry In�trument,whether or not then due. The 30-day period will6egin when
<br /> �-..-- -�� tho�atice ie given.
<br /> Unless Lcnder and Borrower wherwfxe ugree in wrl�ing,uny upplicaiian of proceed.r to principol r�hnll not extend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the manthly puymems neferned to in pumgn►phs I and 2 or chunge tho umount of�he pnyments. If
<br /> under purngrnph 21 the Property is ucquircd by Lendcr. Borrowcr!� �ight w Any insuranre policic+onJ pracecds resulting
<br /> from domage to the Property prior�o the ucquisition shall p�.�s to Lender to the exten[of the sums secured by this Security
<br /> Instrument immediately prior Io thc acquisilion.
<br /> -- '�0� 6. Occupancy, PreserreUon, Malntenance end ProtecUon oP Ihr Property; Borrower's Loan ApplkAtloni .
<br /> I.easeholds. 6orcower shull occupy,establish,und use ihe Propeny ux Horroweri principnl re4idence wUhin sixty days nfter
<br /> __ ;', the execution of this Security Instrument und shall cantinue to occupy lhe Propeny as BoROwer s principul residence for at
<br /> � ,„r::,.:�..�':,, :^�_� least one yeAr nRer the dute of accupancy, unless Lender otherwixe agrees in wri�ing, which consent shnll not be
<br /> - unrepsonably withheld,or unlesg extenuating circumstunces exist which ure beyond Borrower's c�ntrol. Barrawer shull not
<br /> .'� � destroy,damuge or imps+ir the Property,allow the Property to deteriorute,ur rommit watiie on ihe Pmpeny. Borrower shull
<br /> - �h�;,;n�:r•.;�. :
<br /> be in default if ony farfeiture action or praceeding,whether civil or criminal, is 6egun tha� in Lender's good faith judgment =
<br /> ., �� cauld result in forfeiture of the f'�operty or othenvise mute�iully impnir the lien creuted by this Securily lnslrument or
<br /> Lender's security intere.r•t. Bortower may cure such u defnult and reinstute,ns provided in purs�groph IR.by causing the action
<br /> - �. . ,��� or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling thut, in Lender:g�od fni�h determinution,precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's
<br /> : ;�,'Rr--° interest in the Propeny or other mnteriul impairment of the lien crculed by this Securi�y Insirument or Lemler's security -
<br /> y�':' interest. 8orrower shull alsa bc in defuult if Borrower, during thc loun applirution proces+, guve materially f�lse or
<br /> --- 's • inaccumte infonnation or statements to Lender(or failed to provide Lender with any muterial informalion)in connection wilh
<br />_-_ - , ... the loun evidetrc�ti by �iic tifuic. itk:ludi�i�, bui Itoi liiiliic'�1 iu. �d�i�raetliatiui�5�ant�ctiiiiug Butwwr�} �xcupuil�y uf ihc
<br />:. x:,.r�•.�:...,�:,:�;.:q,_ Property as e principul rexiJence. If�his Security Imtrumen�is on a IeatieholJ,Borrower shnU co�nply wilh uU the provixionz
<br /> E�• '.n'�, `�'" 4.��� of 1he leuse. If Borrower ucyuires fec tille to the Property.the leusehold and the fce tidc shall nat rr�erbc unles4 Lender agrees -
<br /> „ ,.��yi,..:�v;.-•....;«� to the merger in w�iting.
<br /> . 'r' ' " •"� 7. Protectiun of I.ender's Rlghts in Ihe Property. If Barrower fuilti to perfortn the covenuntti und ugrcementx
<br /> .• ��+►�+����! > contai�ed in thiK Securiry Ins�rument, or there iti+� legul proccrding thut muy signi�cantly af'fect Lender's rights in d�e
<br />, ' ,��;,��,;;,� �,��, Propeny(such ux u pracecding in bunkruptcy,probate,f�ir condemnu�iun or fortc�iure or to cnforce lawti or regulutions),�hen
<br /> ,��;;;;,��,,,,,,,,�;;.;•� Lender muy do und puy for whutever is necessury to protect Ihe vulue of the F'ropeny und LenJer:s rights in the Property.
<br /> ..,.,n,;,,, Lender's uctions may include puying imy sumti securcd by u lien which hus prioriry over�his Securiry Instrumen4 uppeuring
<br /> ' " '��� in court, pnying rcusonublc uttomey�'fee,und entering on the Ymperty�o mnkc rcpairz.Allhough l.ender mny tuke uction -
<br /> � , .,�.�;.,`,,., ��� under this purugraph 7.Lendcr daes not huvc�o do so. -
<br /> �:,... _�::;�:::. .:r�:. , Any umounts ditibuned by Lcnder undcr this puragniph 7 .hull lxcome uJditional debt of Borrowcr sccured by Ihis -
<br /> � - - �
<br /> -`-� ��*^"���-�•-�°•°'���'' Securiry ln;trumem Unletis Pam�wrr nnd Le�xlrr agrce a���ther 1rrm.„f�:�ymi•nt,th�•�r:imn�mte chall Ixar intemsl frnm thr �_
<br /> �°~� ,.�""w' dure of dfsbursement at the Note rulc und�chul! be puyublc, with interesl, upon notice fr�im Lcnder to Borrower rcyuetiling -
<br /> ;��
<br /> �.y, ..«:.:...a-z�: puymcnt. _
<br /> j.. �L,r.�,�.�..=' .,' 8. MurtgaQe lnsurunce. If Lender reyuimd mortguge imurunre uz u coixlitiun ul'muking thc loun�ecured by Ihix
<br />,,q�,,.,. - ,..� uw�•.'� ,. Securiry Inxlrument, Borrower shall puy Ihe premiumx reyuired tu nwintuin thr nuingugr intiurunre in cffect. If, for�ny
<br />� r" J' .� � I�USOO� the mortgugc inwruncc coverugc reyuinJ by Lender lop.r. or ccuzex tu lx in cffect, Burrowcr shall pAy thc
<br /> • � •�+'- � �•� '''.�:�'� prcmiums required to ohtuin covcr•rgc .unstuntially eyuivulent �o thr mong:iFc in+uranre �viouxly in efPert, at n rus�
<br /> w� • ..i�bic..: � substuntiully equivalcnt ta thc cost tn Born►wer of�hc mon�agr insurtinrc prrviuu�ly in cl'tec�,from an altemute m��rtgage
<br /> ,,,,a ., insurer upprovcd by Lender. If subtituntially cyuivulent mongngc imurunrc coveragc i�not uvailuMc, Bnrmwcr shull puy lo
<br /> ��. °"- ,�::.. :,�•� Lendcrevch month u swn cyuul to onc-�wcltih of thc ycurly mortga�;r insurancc prcmium brinF pviJ by Burrowrr when the _.
<br /> o, �h• �� • � in�urnme cnvrruge lupxed or ccas�J to Ix in rffect, LenJrr will urrept,utir:md rr�:iin thesr puymenlx as a lotix rexerve in liru
<br /> '� .M"' . ��_
<br /> • � • of morlguge imurunca Lorx retirrve puymrnts may n�► I�mgcr Ix mquirrd,nt the upti�►n��I'l.end�r, if morlgugc ii�surunce
<br /> . , ' r�'�'� �' "'�� coveruge(in the umount und for the�xri«I tha� Lendcr nquirc.)provideJ hy:m in.ur.r sippr��vcd hy Lcncier uguin lxxomes _
<br /> � �.�,,,-. , , vvuflablc und is obwincJ.Bnrmwrr,hull p,�y thc premiums rcyuirrd��►muintain nun•Igi�gr in�urancr in rfl'rct.or to providc a
<br /> � .- . . . lo.r•s rcserve,until Ihc reyuircmem fim mongagc in.uruncc end�in+�crorJtmcc with any �w•incn�i�;ircmrm ixtwcrn Borrowcr
<br /> �� ,,,.. �nJ Lcndcr��r appliruble luw. -
<br /> • 9. Inspectinn. Lcndrr or u,a�!rn1 mny makc m:�.unuhlr rnlrir�upon anJ in+prrlion,uf lhc Pr�i�xrly. Lrndcr�h.dl -
<br /> a�.-.� .
<br /> give Borrowrr nuticc ut thr limc of or prii�r tu un in��kc�iun s�xrifying m;��unuhlr rau�r litt Ih�in��xctiun.
<br /> .' • 19. Condemnation. Thc prncerdti of any:nvard or rlaim t'ur d;una�r..direri ur comryucntial.in runncctiun�vith wiy
<br /> tiin�!I.P.uud�--I�unnle�tueiFY�ddle�IucC\IF(1N�IIXti'1'RI'\fF'\'1'-�l'niinrni�'mcn:mi. 4�911 ip,�.,�,•?,y���w�t,•si �'
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