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'...- .. e� .- '_.. .¢b'�i7 � �. <br /> �y!y. yy <br /> � �l�b�!'� j+!" �7S,f��f .11•F�1.tF "_.....���3'_._...._S�:.L�f.�-.�....._..._-. <br /> . „,._..,. ., ___ .:._._..t�a'��'. _..._.. —___ --- _. <br /> ... _ _ <br /> e-..:�n.... P.-..�±' <br /> . . . ......_.. . . .... ....... . . <br /> .. .\. _ _ ... ..' .. . <br /> ._._..l\. . ..... .._._ .._. <br /> S�" a <br /> �.�; <br /> � 9�" 1��382 _ <br /> 5. Haznrd m� Pro(xrty lnsurnncc. Borrc,wcr tihall kcep thc improvements no�v existing on c�rcuftcr crcctcd on chc <br />"'=„�;��'� Property insurcci against Inss by fire, har.u:ds includcd �vithin the tcrm "cxtended coverage" und uny othcr huzards, including <br /> floods or flooding,for which Lcndcr rcquires insurancc. This insuruncc shall bc maintaincd in dic umouitits and far thc periods <br />';_,°;.�,;�• that Lcndcr rcquires. Thc insurancc carricr providing [he insurancc shall b�.cliutien by Burrow�r suUjcct to Lcndcr's apprnvnl <br />;.� ,� , which shall not be unreasonably withhcld. If Borrower fails to mnintain coverage described above. I.ender may, at Lender's <br />"; ��=_` option,obtuin coverage to protect L.ender's rights in the Yroperty in accordance with pnragraph 7. <br />- � All intiurance policies and rertewals shall Ue ncceptable to Lender and shall include a standard mon�age clausa Lxnder <br />_-- :-- shall huvc the ri�ht ta hold the policies and rene�vals. If Lender cequires,Borrower shall promptly give to Lender all reccipts of <br /> � :•tte, paid premiums and renewal notices. In the event of loss,Bonawer sh�ll give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. <br /> ° • Lender may make praof of loss if not made promptly by Borrawer. <br /> ,u,. . .,;�.,u; <br /> Unless I.ender and Bar�•ower othenvise ngree in writing,imsurance proceeds shall be applied to restoration ar repuir of the <br /> : 5j; ,r '� Property dnmaged,if the restoration or repair is eronomicully ftasible and Lender's security is not lessencd. If the restoration or <br /> :, � f;� repair is not economically feasible or Lender's secu�•ity wauid be Iess�ned, the insucanee praceecis shall be applied to the sums <br /> A'�`I,, ,.`',. <br /> ��•�:-�;;� secured by this Security Instrument, whether ar not then due, w.ith any excess paid to Borrower. If Dorrower abandons the <br /> __-r�:�� Propeny, or do�s not nnswer within 30 days a notice from Lender that thc insurance carricr has offered to settle u claim,then <br />---=°....�,,�, Lcnder may collcct the insur.mcc procecds. Lcnder may use thc procccds ro rcpair ��r restorc the Property or to pay sums <br /> -_--_�� securecl by this Securiry (nstrument, whether or nat then due.'fhe 30•day peri��d will hebin when thc nutice is given ° <br /> � Unlesy l.endcr nod Florrawer othcrwi,c :�gru� in �vriUng, uny upplic�ui�m uf pr�►cccds to principal +liidl n��t cxt�nd ar <br />°;�'x:�"��� �xntpunc tltc d��c ilutc ui'Ihc monthly pnymcnts rcfcrrcd U� in parngrnphti I wid 2 ur chun�,c thc umuunt of thc paymcuts. lt' <br /> � u�idcr puruKrnph 21 Ihc 1'ro�kily Is ticquired by I.cndcr, Rnrruwcr's right to�my insunuuc pulicics und prurccds resulting fram <br />�~�`���i danm�;c a�Ihc I'ruperty priur tu thc iicyulsf�iun shall pu,s tu l.cndcr w�hc cxtcnl oi'ihc,ums sccurcd by thiti Sccurity Inst�•umcnt <br /> — immcdlntcly prior ta Uic ucquisUlun. <br /> � 6.ltscu�weacy, 1'r�wervuUon� hialntenunce and Prot�.YHon ot tl�e Nroperly; liorrower's l.��ao ApplicuN�►ni I.caischoldy. <br /> I�orr��wcr hfu�ll �xcupy,cstnblitih,und uxc thc Property as Hurrnwcr's principal residcncc within sixty days aftcr thc exccutian of <br /> •�'°�i thls Sccurity Intitrumcnt and shnll continue to occupy the Proparty ns Borrower's principal residence for at Iexst one ye:ir after <br /> titc dalc��P i►ceupancy,unless Lcnder otherwise ngrces in writing, which consent Shull not be unrcasonably withheld,or un�ess <br /> , ��vs,_.,s�sil,p circumtiwnces exist wh'tch ure beyord Borrower's contral. Aormwer shall not destroy, damage or impair the <br /> _� - Property, ullo�v thc Property to detcriorate, or commit wnste on the Property. Borrower shall be in defauic ii'any n�rfciiu�c <br /> ---�-- �ction or procee,dino,whether civil or criminal, is begun that in Lcnder's good faith judgment could result in farfefture of the <br /> -- Propercy or othenvise materially impuir the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest.Bonower may <br /> -' cure such a default and reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18,by causing the action or procecding to be dismissed with a ruling <br /> thut, in Lender's good faith determination, precludes forfeiture of the Borro�ver's interest in the Praperty or other materisl <br /> impairment of the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest. Borro�ver shall also be in default if <br /> Borrower, daring the loan application process,gave materially false or inaccurate information or statemen2s to Lender(or failecl <br /> =__ to provide Lender with any material inforniation)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note, including,but not limited <br /> to,representAtions concerning Bonower's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence. If this Security Instntment is on a <br /> leasehold. Borrower shall comply with a11 the provisions of the lease. If Bonower acquires fee title to the Pmperty, the <br /> teasehold und the fee title shnll not merge unless Lendcr agrees to the mergcr in writing. <br /> 7.Protectton of I.ender's Rigbts(n the Property. If Borrower fuils to perform the covenants ar►d a�reements contained in <br /> ��.� this Security Instrument. or there is a legal proceeding thut may significantly affect Lender's rights in die Pruperty(such es a <br /> - - - --� prnceeclins in bar►lcruptcy,probate, for condemnation or forFciture or to enforce Inws or regulations). tliert Lender may do aud <br /> pay for v+hatever is necess�ry to protect the valne of the Propeny and Lender's rights in the Property, Lender's actions may <br /> include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over thxs Securlty instrument, appenring tn court, payins <br /> reasnnable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs. Although L.cnder may take action under this paragraph <br /> - - 7,Lender does nat have to do so. <br /> _ Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this parugraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this <br /> 5ecurity Instrument.Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, these amounts shall bear interest from thc • <br /> dnte of disburscment at the Note rate and shaU be payable, with interest, upon notice from l.ender to Borrower requesting <br /> payment. <br /> S.1bIortgage Insurance.If Lender requircd mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Securiry <br /> — Instrument, Borrowcr shall pay the premiums requircd to maintain the mortgage insurance in effett. If, for nny reason, the <br /> — - mortgage insuranc�coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect,Borrower shall pay the premiums required to <br /> - - obtain coverage substantinlly cquivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect,at a cost su6stnntially eyuivalent to thc <br /> - _ _- = cost to Boirower of the m�rtgnge insurancc previously in effect, from an alternate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If <br /> =�'�'��-�� substantially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not available,Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to <br /> �-=-- one-twelfth of thc ycarly mongage insurnnce premium bein�paid by Borrowcr whcn thc insurance coverage lapsed or ccased to <br /> -�� be in effect.Lendec will accept, use und retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of monguge insurance. Loss reserve <br /> --_- Farm 3028 8f90 <br />----r^'�:�i Popo 3 0l 6 <br /> -�. <br /> - -'"=��t�Y1 .. _ . _..__ . . <br /> �1' w �A . .. ♦ +� e . �.. ` .. _ _ <br /> LY >.�/.1 i'. .� " .. . � . \ f��+�;'�1• F�n� .� r�` <br /> S � q . <br /> .� - -4�-�-�}. i� - K� ` IR' iY�� ,. ' •_ ,}LS i <br /> , + ��T/ • •• Y i Z- .' f �R <br /> 1. � Y : �� . � �b-���ttt R' • . ' , � <br /> ,� S,t i� �,o i � i ,�r£'. �"���'M';�H' k+ ... <br /> s �Y� { �,I%� , � . -'�,•�►�. � <br /> !- '1 - � - r.. > � ..1�� .:a L..,,A . -- ._ :• .. ��2 S . <br /> �t - _ .i � �� ' i - �,�- 2 -i '.{ .1�' • � 4. ��r E . ;.. + . + � . <br /> � : 1 ! � • - + � ' �s r'1� �i�firi _r . 7- ;x. �.' <br /> 1 j ' <br /> ' ' M� t �+I �, t ..f' <br /> �.i, .`r ` :r . . � . . . i � '� " . .., 1 r n �fr�i;�( �• �-� � � . <br /> ' !� r r , , .� . ' -._� t 'ti� �r • <br /> +i - '� � •: r i 4� � �I� �. ��s },r' � ��. <br /> yy�y� ' i, +��. . �.• .. 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