r .� 'f'l�Y.
<br /> , " � '.i'}��j°�,
<br /> ti �.
<br /> �'� � " �
<br /> ;..nMw�Y .• - . '� . �rts�6eV4
<br /> �9N"
<br /> .�..t:Nn�: �� .. '� ..NI�1�,' . .� ,:4'tt�,. .
<br /> : y'`:,.. � . . ��-.�.
<br /> H`�y _u11��/5. ` ' . " . _ .. '.�� .��.*...-�TT:.
<br /> . � � . . ''.:��i:.,w.
<br /> Bonower ehsll huve the riqht to have �
<br /> �; 18. B��rower'o Rlght to Relnstete. i� eorrowx maon corsan oonditione, _
<br /> � • onforcomont of thl� Soourity Inetrument dl�aonthued ot any tlmo prbt ta the earlbr oh (n) G dnyo (or euoh othor porlod na nppllcnbb ,,,
<br /> Inw m�y apwMy (or nlnet�torn�nt) bofor��aM of the Property pureuant to qny po:�Cr of anl�Contalncd In thla Sccurlty Instrumcnt; or _
<br /> (b) eniry o1 e Judqmsnt mtorolnp thb Securky Inetrument. Thoso condRbno are thet Borrowar; (e) pays Londor RII eums whbh then
<br /> would b� du� under tht� S�ourNy Inttn►m�nt �nd tht Not�u Y no�cc�Mrstbn hsd ocourced; (b)cur�s any delault ol nny olher , _
<br /> aov�n�nt or apnsnwnto; (o) ptyo aN��w►ta haumd h �nloroinp thN S�curky InaWment, hobdinp,but not Ilmkod to, roasonable _
<br /> � �ttom�y�'INt;and(d)t�k�s woh�ctbn as L�nd�r rtny rMtonaby nquke to asaur�lhat th�Iien of thts SecutNy Inetrument,Lenders ,
<br /> rlphte In th� PropeRy Rnd Bormw��oblfpetbn to pay th�suma e�curN1 by thls S�eurky InsWment eh�U oonthue unchanped. Upon � �-
<br /> � � rahstatMn�nt by Borroww, thl� iccuray In;,tNm_nt and tho obl��tbn� eecured hereby ahall reme� fuiy eftectNe as If no ncceteratian �
<br /> l had ocourt�d. Howw�r,thb ripht to nimtat�fha�not appy In th�oaa�o}�cc�l�ntbn und�r panpraph 17. �
<br /> 19. $a�0 Of NOtQ� Chen�e of Loan Service�. Th� Not� or � putlal htor6at h thC NOte (topether wkh thls SeCUrlty(_
<br /> InatnimentJ may bo eod on�or mon tima wNhout prbr nolba to Borrower. A safn may resuk In a ohnnye In the entity(known as the���
<br /> �� ' � � 'LOan SwvlCOr") tMt aolNote monll�y paym�nts duo undar thb Not� uid this Security Instrumen4 There also m9y be one or more Q
<br /> ." ohanp�a of th�LoYn Sa+vlCOr unnitbd to a e�k of th�Note. If thK� h a ohnnpe of the Lotn Servicer,Borrawer wlli be plven written
<br /> notice of ths ohanp� h�caordanc�wkh parapnpn 14 ibow and appi��bla law. The notice will atate the namo and sddress ot the w • ,,,
<br /> , new Loan Ssrvicer�nd the address to whbh payments shouid bs mac3a. The notk:e v�►II�lso contah any other h}ormation requ4ed by � � •
<br /> e�PP��able law. � ' � .�
<br /> � 20. Hexerdou�Substencea. Barrowar sh�A not Caut� or pemiN tho prosence, use,d�sposal, etoriya, or releaso of sny , r�Y;,�.,.
<br /> H�ardow Subatancos on or In th�Prop�rty. 8onowK ehaN not do, nor albw anyone otse to da,anylhlnp aN�otfnp ths Property that ' ,,����r,�.� -
<br /> !s In v[oktlon ot �ny Envlronm�nUi Law. Th� precedha two tK►tsnces ahall not nppy to the presonce, uaa, or atoraye on the ,,.� ----
<br /> ` Prop�rty of smaR quantNks ot Henrdoua Substancss►hat ue penaaQyr reco0nlned to be approprlale to normal resldentlal uses and ro �. �����
<br /> " mahtomnca at th�PropMty. �`' ���{°°°°
<br /> � ' Borroww ehaN promptiy qka Lendsr wrKtan notico o!nny lnvest�tbn, alaim,damand, Inwsutt or other aatbn by any povemmental ,` �.,, ., _
<br /> ` w
<br /> . r
<br /> � �! ot�iQUk10ry �yenny or prNato party hvoNhp tho PropeRy uid any Haurdous Subst�nce or EnvYOnmental Law o!which Bortower has „ _
<br /> . ,.� ., J�--
<br /> . ; actual kno+�tedqe. If Borrower leams, or Is noti�ed by any povemrtwnul or ro8ubtory authority, that any ren►oval or other remediatlon
<br /> ot any Hazardous Substance e8ectinp the Property Is necessary. BorroNer ehali prompty take all nacessary remedial nctbns In =,.�,;,��Y,...
<br /> i�14l3AA+k+1ir=
<br /> � acoord�nco wRh Eavironmantal Law. .�� �,��='- �
<br /> [ As uaed In thls puaynph 20, "Harardoue Substancee' ero thoae aubstencos daflned as toxb or hanrdous substances by ,.. ___
<br /> •f � Environmaital Law tnd th� touowlnp subatanca:psaolhs,kerosene, other Ikmmabla or toxb peaoteum products, toxk pastbidss and `,,::rT, "�_
<br /> ; � herbbklea� vol�tife sotwnts, matakls cnntahhp asbaatoa or tomuklehYde�and rndbacthre matarlats. As used h thls paragreph 20, .�*•k�
<br /> #� �y "Environmental Law" naans (cdonl i�vn and kws o} t7�� Ju�isdbtbn wh�n tha Proparty I� bc�tad that relate ta henRh, sntety or ='�'�
<br /> - _�F�'E onvYonm�ntal pro4�atbn. � `•`�M _—
<br /> �. � NON•UNIFOFruI COVENANTB. Borrow�t anu La�O�lurther cov�tnt rnd ayree a6 inRowd: �•; ��
<br /> �� 21. Acceleration; Remedles. Lender ahaU plva noUce to Borrowe� prlor to accelereUon fallowinq
<br /> _____ e_......._..+_ ti...,.�; �� .�� r_nywnsnt ar aareement in thla Security Ina�rument (but not prtor to
<br /> _-- - c)V��vnv� v r.w... �
<br /> � . accelereUon undcr pue�reph 17 u�less eppliceblo law provides otherwise). fne nouce snaii qioci�y: ;'
<br /> : (e) the deteult; (b) the soUon requlred to cure the defsult; (c) e date, not lesf thrn 30 deya 4►om the :: � ;r
<br /> � f:. date the notice is�iven to Bor�ow�r, b�y which the detault must be cured; and (d) that tailuro to cure �s� �,.,,:
<br /> �:. the deisult on or betore the date �peaifled in the notiae may reault In accelaratlon of the aums
<br /> � securetl by th is S ecur i ry In s t rum e n t a n d o e l e o f t h e R r o p e r t y. T ho notice shall turther Intorm .�� __-
<br /> `� ��+`' �orrower of the ripht to relnstate eiter accelersUon and the rl�ht to brinq a court actlon to assert the
<br /> nun-existenae ot e default or any other defense of Bo�rower ta ecceleratlon and aale. it the detault is v:
<br /> t;�•; not cured o� or beforo the date specitied in the notice� l.ender et ita optlon mey roqulre Immedlate ;rc
<br /> � �5,,�{ p�yment tn i�rli of �11 sums �ecured by thia Securlty Instrumsnt witt�out turther demand end mey �
<br /> imrake the power of Mle and �ny ather remedles perniitted by eppllasble Iew. Lender shell be
<br /> �" entitled to callect eil expenses Incurred in purwinp the remedic� provided In this pernp�aph 21� _ ,
<br /> . 'ti� '; o�cludin�, but not Ilmited to. reasonable ettomey�'feea and cost� of titte evidence. ��
<br /> - ,;:;� IQ the powar oi aals Is Invoke�� Tru�tee ahall record � notice af dehult In esch �ounty In whlch
<br /> �ny part of the Property Is ioceter� and �hali mall coples of wch nottce In the mnnner prescribed by
<br /> ° Ilcabfe lew. At4er the Uma
<br />" ' � � �p�llc�ble 1ew to sorrower end to the other perwm prescribad by app
<br /> � requlred by applieeble law, TruNae shali �Ive publEc no4i�� oi w+�e ta tS�o �ers�ns end in t�he m4nnsr �__ _� _ _
<br /> - prescribed by eppllc�td� I�wv. Trustes. without demmd on Borrower�shall se11 the Property et pubiic
<br /> aucUon to the hiphest bidder st th+� time and place end under the term� de�lgneted In the notice ot
<br />.��.. aels In o�e or enore psresls and In eny order Trustee detefmines. Truatee may postpone sele of e11 _�
<br /> �± :• or any psrcel of the Property by pubitc announcement et the Ume �nd place of eny previa+al�
<br /> ' � scheduled s�ls. Ler�der or it�dosipnee mey purchase the Property at eny�ale.
<br /> :ry� - � Upon recelpt oi payment of th� prlae bld� Trustes shall dellver to the purohsser Yruatee'o deed
<br /> �••-� . conveylny the Propertll. The reciMts In the Teunea'� deed shall be prime hcie evidence o!t�ee trath __
<br /> --�� ot ths sbte�caenU made thereln. 7rustee �hell apply the proceeds of the sile in 11�e totlowin{� ordor: ��
<br /> � �, ,`� (a) to all c�asYs and e�entes of exerclsin� the power of aale� and the aUe,In�ludinp the payment of ��,.,;,�„.
<br /> �� the Trustas's feea actueliy Incurred, not to exceed 3 96 of the prino��a�t emount of the nato ��;�c,�.,_
<br /> �fi.4.-'-.
<br /> � at the time of the decleretion of dehult,end reaeonable a4torney's fees as permitted by Inw; (b) to ell �_,_„____�___.__
<br /> � sums securod by t�9s Seeurity Inatrument; and (c) any excesa to tlie person or per8ons teg�ity �����:
<br /> " � entitted to f� ` � "`-„�
<br /> 22. Rmcanveyence. Upon p�ymon4 ot nII cum�secured by thfs Securky Instrument, Lender shnll request Truste�to reconvey ;+i:..�x.: ,«�.r--
<br /> i.�. ...y.;; r r+>;'
<br /> tho Proporty and ehaY euRSnda thls Sxutfty InsWmant ond aY notas avldor�olny debt secured by thls Seaurky InsWment to Trust�o. .._� k+• �.s;�+c;:.;-
<br /> . _ .,.�Y.L,;;7:..-
<br /> Truote�shall reaonvey th�Property wkhout warrenty u�d wkhout charys to the person or persona lepany entfti�d to k. Such person or �, ,,., r
<br /> •,`�:�'���;,
<br /> poroons ahall pay any recordatbn oosts. � ��c�rt;.`
<br /> . ':`�.:.
<br /> ,,;:f .
<br /> '� 23. SubsUtute 7rustee. LendK, at Its optbn, mny hom th�s to tYna remo+w Trustes Md appolnt o euCCessor trustee to
<br /> -. ------ -•-_ .,.,, Tmafm annnht�d h�roundor bv uf hsttumont rrCOrdsd In th� Counry h whlCh this 5ecurity InsUument is reborded. Wkhout
<br /> - - -- -•• ••----- T-- -
<br /> conwyance of the Proparty, succassor trustc�ohal wcc�d to aq th� t8a, powor and dutws comarod upon irusiae 6v�� a�u �r � _ -°_
<br /> . I oPP�iCabis Inw.
<br /> 24. Request tor NoUcea. Borrower roquostc that copks of the notbes of dettuh�nd saie be sent to BoROwe?a addrsss
<br /> whlah Is the Property Addr�ss.
<br /> I26. Rlderi t0 thl�Seeurlty Instrument N ono or morp ridera ero oxocuted by Borcower and recorded topether wtth
<br /> " 1 thls S�curRy InsWm�nt, th�cov�n�nts and�yMn►�nts nt Moh such ridor shall be hcorporated into cnd ehtll�mend and suppl9ment ,
<br /> tho aownanta and oqroarnenta ot thh&aourRy Instrument�s M tM rWa(e)wen a paR of thls Sv:urky Inswment.
<br /> -- Form 90T!%YO .
<br /> Pap�s ol 6
<br /> FtOZ0.LM0(Q/06) ,
<br /> i
<br /> _f s „
<br /> ' I a�6
<br /> J -- -- `_-
<br />