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�.,: :� �>� :�� • <br /> , , . .� � <br /> _ � <br /> . <br /> .��� ' , � . ' _, , . <br /> ' -• ,. � � .k...Nn�MViM R + .:�A4Y ��� <br /> _ . :.�� ,,•�r,,•.....�_....�.. .,tuvwp.w.�l:....r�+7�n+.ntx+�:±fi>foti�Mt��F(+MiJA:vlNkuY�a.ti...�� � . . . .. . . . '� - --......._....... ... ._...�.._.-- - <br /> ..•w.. 1�• . <br />. . , . _ � . . . . . .. ...... . .. ... . . <br /> +'),i'!.�! .. ... .. . �:�...�.._._ .. . ... .. . ... ... . . � .. .. . .. . .' ' 6�� s�._ <br /> i <br /> `. <br /> Bortowere escrow ecoount undx th�tederal FWI Fauts &ettferna►t Procedurea Act of 1974 ae amendod from tkna to tlme, �2 U.9.C. <br /> �� � 2801 ct a�q.("FLSPA"),unfese anolher law th4t Qppli�s to tho Funds aet4 a loaser amount. II ao,Londer may,at any ►Imo, colk�al and <br /> hold Funde h tn amou�t not to wcCMd th�Mfu►tmount. Lendar maY oslmate lhe emount of funds duo on tho ba�is of currcnt data � <br /> end raosontbla sstYnatas of�endlturas ol tu4un+Escrow Itams or otherwise h sccordance with applfcable law. <br /> 7h� Fund� st+ttl h� h�W h �n Insfftutbn whoa depoaR� an Inwtod by o (�al ap�r►oy, Inetrum�ntollty, or ontfty (Inoludhp <br /> �end�r, M Lsr.du b�uah an IntlRulbn) or h any F�derel Hume Loen Bank. I�.ender ahall �ppty the Funda to pay lhe Eecrow Item�. Q <br /> Lend�r may nol ohuy� Borrow�r fa holdinp �nd �payhp�h�Funda, �nnu�ly anty�p th��soroN account, or verNyMq tho BsCrow � <br /> Itcm�,unrae �e+�d'+p3Ye Bortowa hterast on tho Funds and appVi�abk 4w p�rtnfta l.e►�der to meke auoh a ohtrpe. Howsver, Lende► <br /> �' i may rrquin BorrowK to p�y ��nrNm�CAsr��or�n Ind�Rettd�n1 ts�l ptat0 tex r�porthp aervlce ueed by Lontfer In conn�ctlon wUh � <br /> i� # this ben, unwss eppVlc�bM law provid�s otha�wk�. Unl�sa�n�DrMrMnt b mad�o��PP«���w requlres Interes!to be pald, Lender <br /> ���± ahaA not b�roquind to pay Bor►aw�r�ny htKat or oamNps on th�Fund�.Bortowar Qnd lender may a8ree In wrkhQ, howwer,that yQ <br /> ����e�,, hUnst s1uN b� pt►d cn th� Funds. l.�ndK shaM pks to 8ortow�r, wRhout ahtrqo, an �nnual accounthq of the Funds, ehowhp <br /> cr�dits�nd debks to th�Funds end Mo parpos�tor which Moh dobh to th�Funds wes made. Thm Funds are pledyed a9 ndtiAbnal <br /> „ � sxurity tor aN�ums s�cur�d by thk S+�eurRy InsbumK►� ��gW���ghYq 6CCaunt to Borcoti:ror for tha <br /> � If ths Funds t»Id by LMdK�ox�sd tM urwunb pormRted to be h�td OY iPP :; <br /> exces� Funds h occordonc�wkh tM wquWrtrnts ol appNcaba Itw. If tM�mount ol th�Funds heb by Lsnder at any thw la not f;- <br /> . auf(icient to pay th�Escrow It«ns whan dua,Lendor m,ny so notNy Borrower h wrklnp,and,In suoh cttse BoRO��r�ehe�p���eede+ _ <br /> tho ussount nocassary to mak�ua thv cl�ttctency. Boe�orwr ahap melc�up the detfcienay b no moro then tweMe month - : <br /> ,� • �� Landws sob discrotton. �` <br /> Upon pay�r►ent h 1uM ot�A sume s�und by thh Secu�ity Instrummt, I..or►dor ehaq prompty ratund to Bortower any Funds held by � <br /> LenBer, If, undcr par:Qraph 21, Len�r eheN ecc�u�a or seN the Property, L�ndK�Prfnr to the acquRskbn or stle of the PropoRy,ehall __ <br /> ' • :: appy any Funds h�b by Lendor at tha tina of ocq��fskbn or sab as a crsdk apahst th�aums eacured by tf�b Securfty Inswment. <br /> z 3. AppllcsUan of Peymenta. Unf�ss appOaabM I�w provid�s othwwis�,aq gaymaite racaked by Lpnder under perBflrephs =-- <br /> 1 �nd 2 ehall be eAplied: Hrst,to my RroQaYment chary�+s due undar the Note; eecond,to amounts payable under paragraph 2;third Q <br /> to ht�r�at du�; prfiC�dw7 Md I�tt,to u►y I�u ohW�s dw unda'ih�hote. <br /> " 4. Char�es; Liena Bo►rOwK shaB puy Il� taxis� as5�samWin� ah�pes� mes and ImpOSklone itUlbutabla to the Prop9rty <br /> ti msntc or praund r�nts, M any. Borrower shaU pay these <br /> whbh may ttUtin prbrky ovlr thb S�c�kY Instrumw�t, md MaaNtold MY <br /> obMpRtbna h th�manMr p�ovkMd in pa►apr/Ph 2,or R aot pald tn thot mannsr,Borrow�shtM pay th«n on tlmo dkecty io the persan <br /> + :. <br /> o„wd poym�nG BorrowK shnN prompty tuml�h to Undor aN noticas ot amounte to be pab undK thb puayraph. It Borrower rtuikas <br /> ..- .-- thoao paym�nts dhcty,BoROw�sha"■�iuu�,t��r ta�►Nts to!_.,.^'s�t0=!�N"-"lY1°^°ho th�DW�11lfit6. <br /> " .J,�� BorrowK ahal promptty dkclwp��nY IMr►Whbh h�s p�IOrity ov°r thit Saaurky Instrum�nt unNss Bortow�r:(�)�pr�s b wrkNp to <br /> ;� <br /> =h���. n}►h.ntingation secursd bY th�Wn h a m�nna acc�PtabN to UndK;(b)cont�ats h puod faRh th�lien by,or de a <br /> ^�r , �flninst ontorarrwnt ot th� �n In.leps�Proc�edhpa whfch In th�Un�ier�ophbn ap�nro to prww�t th�onfor�omeai oi iiie„w�;�i t�1 <br /> " s�cur�s kom!h�hotd�r o1 th� Wn �n aprwrr�nt utishotory to Lw�dK wbordinttnp th� ikn to thb Soaurriy InsWmw+t. If Lend�r <br /> " d�tertnina thtt �ny pnt of tM Prc�e�tY is subj�ct to �Nen whkh may attain prlorky ovar thb Sacurky IncWmant� Lender may plw ° <br />-�•..�� •'.,:;, BarowK R notfca Ida�tYyiny tha Nw�. Ba�'owK�htA satisty the Ii�n or taks one or morp o}tha actions tet forth abow wkhh 10 daya <br /> : � ...�..`� ot th�ytvinp of noUc�. <br /> �,'"�l'��;�!�.'r'�'��h . <br /> --'�i��.h�;a�:�ti 6. Hszerd or Property hraaur�nce. IBO�►OMtM thaq ksYp th• rn�rowm.nts now e,�smq or ADreitRir e�ecua an tna <br /> =_�:�•:...::..s <br /> �r..;,.r..� ProP�Y hsurad W�Inst bs�by ffra, ��rds IncMcd�d wthln t?�e term'�xtendod cownW'end any other hariuds,Incbdtnp fbo s or <br /> ,.�o..�. _ . <br /> - -.--�- fbodinq, tor whbh L�nd� nqul�a haonnc�• ThI� hsuranca ehaN ba mahtahad h M� amounts and far tha p�iods that <br /> ..�5;•"i:'•.' �(r�y, 'Ph� hsunuia cartMr provldtnp th�haur�nce�haN W ohoaw� by Bortowa subJsct to L.onder's npDroval wh�h ehaN not b� <br />-=�;���_.'� unroasontbly wkhh�td• If Bortow�r faks to malntain cove�eGe WsCr�d �boYe� ���y� at Lender's oplion, obtain covenps to <br /> °.=t.�.::m� protsat UndJs�IOht�In t�w P�o�ty h�coadmc�wkh puntl�Ph 7. <br /> ,�.`����� �EY Inaunnc�poNafa �nd nnswak�hap b��ccoptabl�to Lend�r ond�haN hclurfs�atandard mortps�ckus�. LonMr ohaN haw <br /> th�Aght to hold ttw poYai��'►d ron�wt�s• �f l.�ndx roQuirea, BaROwer ahaN promptty pks to Lendar ap nceipts ot pald promiums <br /> -- �'�"�� �nd r�wat notN,�s. In tt►�svant of ba, Borrow�r shRd piva prompt noti�to tha i�cur•n� c:nrkr end Lendar. Lender rtwy makr <br /> =-�---- proof uf bss N not mad�prompty by Borrow�►. <br /> "�""Y�'�� UnIKS 4and�r�nd BarowK oth�rwfsa�pree b wncU►o�ha�n�c�pro��s shiN be applMd to rostorat}on or npak ot th� Prape�ty <br /> "'��:iG'� denwp�d, M 4h� ratoratlon ar roDaG i��ono+r►fcaly featbk ond I.a�d+rs sacu�tty I� not Int�n9d. lt tna ratar�tbn or ropaY b not <br /> ' ,--'���� �conomicay basbM or L.�ndw�securRy woutd b� los�an�d� th� Insunnc� proeMds slul b� �Pplyd to tM wms aecured by thb <br /> �"`"_;�;;�� S�curky Inst�um�nt, wtwth�r or not th�n dw. wkh �nY�� M� to Borrowx. If BoROw�r�b�ndana tTN Property, or da� not <br /> =.-•'-�.°��—;� anawK wkhh 30 daYi a notic� trom LMtdK thtt th� hsurtnC� c�rtiK hw ot(et�d to eNtle a c�im, thnn L�nder may eolkCt the <br /> ��� hsur�nc� proceeds. I.�ndu' mrY ua tM procNds to npalr or nston tM Proparty or to pay sum�s secund by thb S�curlty <br /> ,-"'°�.��L� IntWm«+4 wh�fier or not thai duo. T1w 30�dtY P�d wiN bepin when th�not��b pNen. <br /> _��",,M.,� ; Unl�ns La�dK and Borrow�r oiharwk��prM h wrNinp,any�Pplicatbn of prccwds to pdnalpai shaM not oxtend or postpono tho <br /> ���5�� �� due date ot th�monthy payment� rN�r�d to In PenynPhs 1 �nd 2 or ohan� the unount nf tho payrtNnta. If under puapreph 21 <br /> „ '��.. <br /> _l��,_�j,-�;,�' r''°4 th�Prop�rty ta�cqutrod by LendaG Bortowere ripht to�ny hsur�r►c�poticMs and proCeeds nsuRYsy kom dam�ps to thd Propaty prbr <br /> ;'.;�;;_� � to tl� �oquf�kion ehall paa to L�nd�r to tM �oftwit ot th� sumt s�und by thtu S�eu�Sty Instrum�nt knm�dfalay prbr to th� <br /> ;_._i�t;,;,•,r. • � ao4UbIN0►1. <br /> ����`��' d. Occup�ncy� Presenration. MdntQn�nce end ProtecUon o? the Property; Borrawer's LAan <br /> - �. �� Applicatlon; LesfllUOlt10. Bortowe► ahal oCCUpy��ttblis'n. �nd ua� th�Propaty �ts Borrowars prirscipal restdence wkhin ebRy _ <br /> �.. deye afte�tAo ec<acytbn of thb Securky Inahument and shiA aontinw to occupy the PropKty as eortowere pnc�►pal nsidence for�t <br /> � lenst one yeas tftar tha dtla ot acCUpanoy, unNts LMSdar athwwfse �Qrwa tn wnthy, wh�h consant shaA not be unneasonably <br /> �;''`� wllhttiW,or unless �octenwthy akaumctanca abt whkh era beyond BorrowKs controL Bortowsr shaM not destroy,dan�apa or MptP _ <br /> ;,�:„...,�,�s�' # s the Proper4y,aMow the Propxty to dete�bo►a��.or comm�t wasa9 on the Properry. Bortowar ahaN be h defauk R eny fortetture actbn or <br /> ... ,- - - <br /> w ..�.a.✓...,..,.a r.4h��ront r.nuld rasuit h forfeiluta of the PrOA@riY 0� OthPMk.A <br /> . (' (1fOCAYdY1Q�WhY111ef OIYII Of Cfiil�i�y 18 o�Hii�uri�.. .,w...�..���._..'•_-�..- - ' <br /> �• � mata�ly hptlr tl�o Nw� croatW by thts Sacurky InoWmant or Landars sacurity hteresG Bortoww may cun such a datauk and <br /> � rehstatv, as provided h parsOnDh caushp the octbr+ or procesdino to be dismfssed w�h a ruUrty that, In Lendef8 qoo� (efth <br /> .�� � detwmh�tbn, pnolud�s foA�kun ot th� Bo►roww'a int�nst h th�Property or othK matartal Impaiemont of th� Ifen cnated by thls <br /> " Sacuriry InsWma�t or l.�r►ders s�curihr ht�lnst BortowK shaY aho b� h det�uk M 9aro�rer, durinp th� ban applfcalbn proc�ae, <br /> pava materkiy teiss or htccun!� htortnatbn or atnt�n�nts to Wnder (or lalbd to provlde Lender wkh any matsrlal Nlomutbn) h <br /> oonnvatbn wRh th� Iwn wld�nc�d by th�Not�,hcludhQ,but not NmRad to,nRrtt�ntetbns conamhp 8orrow�s occupanoy of the <br /> Property as a prhotpd �etld�nc�• �f this S�CUrky tnsWrt»nt b on a IMe�hold, Borrower ahtq compy wRh aA th� provtsiona of the <br /> lease. If Borrower ocqulrea t�tkie to the Pro�rty, Ih0 IeaSehoW end the (e0 tRte shaA not morpe unless the Lender eprees to the <br /> . ., � Form 909E Wi0 <br /> . ' motper h wrfthp. <br /> • P�O��ol 6 <br /> .. - F101Y.1M0(?J�) � <br /> � �tG <br /> �1 <br />