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<br />��; ' ". 1. The City of arand Island,Nebraska,by action of its City Cauncll on June
<br /> -� �., .. � 15� 1992, enacted Ordinancc No. 7823 which dirocied the r.onveyanoe of ihe tral e�ata
<br /> _ ,. . . . �:`. described bvow and tha manner and terims thereof.
<br /> =_-.,��;�±:��:.�___:� 2. Ordinance No.7823 waspublished in the grand Island Incie�endent.a le�al
<br /> — _ .�y.- newspaper publ�shed in and of general clrculation in such City on June 25, 1992, and
<br />-_��' --,. � �� � � immediately thereafter notice of such sale and the trams ther�oof were pubHshod in the Grand
<br /> __� :;� . a Island Daily Independent for thnae consecutive wceks,on June 25,July 2.and July 9. 1992,all
<br /> � as roqui�ed by Sectlon 16-202, R.R.S. 1943.
<br /> r.:� . .a.��rr.o`
<br /> �' "+`�� 3. No remonstrance against such sale was filed with the city council of the
<br />'__�' � . ,.., � Ci ty of Qrand Island, Neb�, within thirty days of the passage and publu�tion of such �
<br /> _ `� ��� Ordinanoe No. 7823.
<br />_,i ��._
<br /> � �,_:. `.
<br /> � � ''. " 4. Section 5 of Urdinance No.7823 provides that if no remonstrance be filed =--
<br />,°:� ,- ����^- against such carveyanoe� the Mayor and Ciry Cierk shall make� exe�ute, and deliver W the r1"-
<br />=_� . , a.., (3rantees a quitclaim deed for said real estate,and the execudon of such quitclaim deed ia hereby
<br />- �°. � , ` ' authorized vrltlwut further action on behalf of the City Council.
<br />..}. .. V .
<br /> NOW� THEREFORE� the City of (3rand Island, Nebraska� a mwticipal - --
<br /> - „� �,� corporation in Hall County, Nebraska, as Grantor, in considera6on of'lrventy-two '1'Iwusar�d
<br /> � � � � Eight Hundrad DoUars(522,800.00).does hereby quitclaim, grant� bargain� sell, convey,and �
<br />`:;;,.�... .
<br /> - � .-�=��� confirm unw
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