<br /> �
<br /> .ci M• -. . • ..o,.M�w.w?�n.v . � . . .. .,;rV,r..,�1��lW��p .,'`:
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<br /> . . .. _..___..... .
<br /> L_...:.'nkL ... . . ....:.... . . ' _ _
<br /> - .. . be::.�.:
<br /> ' p,� 10��5� _:�,:,
<br /> � 7. Thc Beneficiary shall liave the riFht, po�vcr nnd authority durin�the continuance af¢hi�'�ed of Trust to collect the rents,
<br /> iss��es and profits of the propeny and of;►ny personal propexty located thereon witli or widiout talcin�posscssion of the property
<br /> � afiected hereby,and Ttuston hcreby absolutcly nnd unoonditionally�ssign nll such renis, issues�uid profits to the beneftciary. Tl�e
<br /> beneficiary, fiowever,hereby consents to Trustors'collection:�nd ret�ntian of such rents,issues aad profits,so long as Tn�stors are
<br /> not, nt such time, in defaidt�vith respect to paYment of 1ny indcbtecluess secumd hereby, or in the performance of auy�grcement
<br /> hcrcundcr. lf any cvcnt ot dcfault dcssribcd hcrcaRcr in respcct to this Dccd af Trust shnll havc occurrcd nnd bc wntinuing. tkc
<br /> � i eencfisi:.ry.as a mattcr of righc and�vithout noticc to Trust�rs or anyonc cloitning undcr Tnistors.and without rc�rd to thc valuc of
<br /> „ �: I the trust eslate or the interest of the Tn�stors thcrem, shall have thc rigfit t� apply to any couri ha�ing jurisdiction to appoimt�+
<br /> � � r�eccieer of the property.
<br /> e. Thc Bcneficiary, or its agents, arc authorii.ed to enter at Any reasonablc timc a�on or in any pan of the property for thc
<br /> �"r"� ` purposc of inspacting thc same and for tha pucposc of perfarming any of the acts they are authorized to perform under thc tcmis of
<br /> ' """'"6' a�ry laan instn�mcnts exccuted by T�ustors.
<br /> , 9. V all or any pa�t of the property or any interest of Ttustors is sold transferred or furthcr encumbeted�vithout thc writtcn
<br /> cansent of the Beneficiary.the Beneficiary may dccta��e all sums secuced by this Tcust Deed to be immediately due and payable and
<br /> praxed to thc remcdics available to it under the dcfault provisions oontained hercin. •.�s�;'
<br /> . ' .� 10. My of the following evcnu shall be deemed an event of dctault hercunder: '.�?�"'=
<br /> `.� a. Trustors shall have failed to make payment of smy installment of princiRal or interest or nny other sums secured he�y when ;,:Y;.
<br /> � due: ;a�:
<br /> � b. There has occumed a bmuch of or default under any term, covenant, agrc�mont, condition, provision, representation or �uI
<br /> � war�anty contain:,�i in this Deed of Tiust,the note orent of any pnor or�subsequent�1 en or encumbrance in respect to all or a��y `'^-''-
<br /> c. There bas beea a default by the Tcustors in the paym [�`';�
<br /> �_,:�_,
<br /> part of the properiy; --�=
<br /> d. Tnutors shall file a voluntnry pedtion in bankruptty or shall be adjudlcatai bankcupt or insolven� or st�all malce an ����r
<br /> � asstgan►ent for the benefit of creditors in respect to the pr�perty;or an action to enforoe any lien or encumbrance or judg�ents __
<br /> against the propevty is oommenced. __
<br /> . 11. In the cvent of any default,the BeneSciary may dectare all indebtedz►ess secured hereby to be due and payable and the same R�
<br /> _� shall thereupon beoome due and payable without any prescnuncnt,demand protest or nouce of any kiud. 'Y'hcrcafter,the Bencficiary n_�
<br /> may:
<br />_ ���' �,�� �. either in person or by agent, with or without bringin�any action or proceeding, or iry reccivGi ap�,iriai��y a caurt an»
<br /> widwut regar�ro the adeqt�u�a1c,y of any se�curi��nanvuaeu whicth is �Si n oece��ry and des rnble to preserve�the valuc
<br /> rr.- ..� . I11IIlG Vl �ll {lIG ��. �i iiiP. ��r .� _' _ . .
<br />- n�arketabil�ty or rentability of the property,ur part thereof, or interest therein,incn�se the inwme therefmm or pcotoct the
<br /> security hereof and w'►thout talun&Possession of tho propetty,sue for or otheewise collect the rents,issucs and ptnfits thereo�
<br /> ' including those past due and unpaid,and aAP�Y ule same. Icss oosts and expe�.�s of operation and collection, including
<br />_'��.,;�,:''.',;,��, "� attoms.y fees,upon any indebtedness secured hereby,alt in svch order as the BeneSciary may dctermine. The entering upon ___
<br /> � and taking possession oF the m�st�state, tl�e callection of such�nts,issves and profits and application thereof as afon�said
<br /> -;:�:,.:'": .
<br /> sta
<br /> �:.�:,...:__.;' shall noe curo or waive any default or noticc of default hereunder or invalidate any a�t nnd on r�esponse to such default or
<br /> J;:�:r�,,,:; pursuac►t to such notia of dcfault and notwithstanding tk�e oontinuanoe in possession of the propeRy or the ooilection,reaipt
<br /> �- �.:-
<br />=•�----�=- and appUcat�on of renu,issves or profits,Tn�stee or the Beneficiary may be enUiUec�to execcisc evcry dght provifled or in any
<br />=�.r�-••-•._..: -
<br /> __�-....,. -
<br />�,,,;;;_.,�;y of the loan instn�nxnts or by law opon occumence of any cvent of default,incltuiing 9he rigt►t to exe�ise the po►wor o e;
<br />__ :•'�}'� b �����action to foreclosc this Decd of Tn�st as a mort�uge, appoint a moeiver, or spacificaUy enfarce �ny of the
<br />�`-- "--� oovenantsheroof:
<br /> y:�:.t:=`_:��.� c. deliver W Tnutee a written deciaration of dcfault and demand fAr sale, and wri3ten notice of default and eloctitin to cause
<br /> �'--`-�'��� Trustors'intenst ia tf�.°property to be sold which notice Trustee shall cause to be a�u1y filal for reoord in the o�'icial c�eoords � -
<br /> �u:��� _
<br />�w�:i:,���t-,. of the oounly iu wWci�the p:ug:.rty is l�atal. _--.�
<br /> b�; .�_. .
<br />-- �:_;��,. 12. Should the Beneficiary elecc to foreclose by exercise of the power of sale herein contained,tt►o Beneficiary sl�ll notify Tnutee
<br />�`":';'-'< and shall it with Tcusta this Dced of Trust and the note and such reoeipts and evldence of experditures made and secured
<br />—_]:1L'i�-��' �.
<br /> - = _=_, her�by as Tnutoc may roquire,and upon roquest of the Bcneficiazy,the Trustee shall canse to be reoorded,published and delivcred
<br /> ���,� to Tnutor such Notice of Default and Noticc of Sale as thcn rcquired by law and by this Dced of Tcust.Tcvstoe shall without dcma�►d �___
<br /> -��:�-.�-� � on Ttustor,ai3er svch tui�e as may then be requised by law and after r000tdadon uf such Naticc of Defan�lt and after Notice of Salc
<br />�:;•��,�;,_�y }�ving boen given as required by ldw, scll the property at the time and plaoe of sale fixcd by it in svch Noticc af�ale, either as a
<br />__,,:�,;;;;���,.;;v� whole,or in scpazate lorts or parocls or items as Tn�stee shall deem expcdfent,and in such order as it may detcrmine. at public
<br /> '^`f �- auction to thc lughest bidder for cash and shaif deUver to such purctiaser or purchasers thercof a deed to the property sold,oonsistent
<br /> -��•� ��'�' �aia,`�the law then in effect. Recitals in the Tcustee's dced shall be prima facie evidence of tt►e tmth of the statement�mada therein.
<br /> '.i?.�"�...;,''�,
<br /> Tr�stee shall app4y the prooecds of the sale in the following order:(a)to all c+easonable costs and expenses of the sale,lncluding ut
<br />-- " • not limited to Trostee's fces of not more than 2%of the�ross sale price,masonable attoraey focs and oosts of tidc cvicknce;(b)to alt
<br /> '. ; yvms secured by 41us Decd of Tcust and (c) the ex�d sale. T stee mayllin theem nner pm�vided by law�postpone sale o all
<br />= ' " `�?� ;,�'' includln�the Beneficiary,may purchase said property
<br />_,:.,,•':,. =
<br /> ;.:•- • oz a�,y portion of the properiY• �r
<br />.,�:;t;;�,.i.�',� ? . D3. Tmstee and the Bencficiary,and cach of them,shall Q►e entiticd to c«force payrnent and perfonnanoe of any indebtcdncss or
<br /> �`i:.�
<br /> ��;:'��. obligadon sccurcd hereby and to cxercisc all rights and po�ccrs under this Docrl of Tnist or under any loan instrument or other .,;,.�.
<br /> E:---.
<br /> � _:i�, agroement or aay laws nor or hemafter enforced notwithstanding some or aU of the indebtedness and obligations secur�ed hereby �,
<br /> 4;••�`'t which may now or hereafter be othenvise securod. whether by mortgage, deed of tzust. pledge, lion, assi�nment ar odionvise. �§`:
<br /> �� �ta;
<br /> ;__,�r_ t _ Neiqher the aooeptance of this Dccd of Trust nor its cnfonoement,whether by court action or pursuant to the power of salv�r other ,, ;
<br /> ' __ -- - _ . .. .
<br /> _�.�r�...��.......�no.,�..:o..t� ryoht rn m�liyr.nnnn or enfutCC HIIY
<br /> potivcrs herein oontau�ed,si►aii pre,�ua�oe or m any iiuinitc►cusw.a a aw.w o... ................».�_"�." ----- � —
<br /> . � � � other security now or hereaRer held by Tn�stee or the Heneficiary, it being agre�d chat Trustce and the Beneficiary, and each of
<br /> then�,shall be entided to enforce this Deed aF Tnist and any other socurity naw or he�eafter held by the Beneficiaiy or Tcustce in
<br /> • � such ortier and manner as thcy may in their absolute discreIIion detetmine. No nmedy hercin conferm�upon or teserved to Trustee
<br /> or Beneficiary is intended to be exclusive of any oUier remedy hercin or by la�v providcd or pern�itted,but each shall be cumulative ,
<br /> and shal!be in addition to cvcry other remedy given hercundcr or now ot hcrcaftcr cxisting at law or cquity or Eay statnto. Evcry
<br /> " , powcr oa rc�edy given by any of thc loan inswments to Trustcx or thc Bencftciary or to�vhich eiilicr of them may bc othenvise
<br /> - ° entitlal may be exercised,concurrendy or independenUy,fmm sime to time and as often as may be deemed c!cpcxlienl by'rrustee or
<br /> Beneficiary,and eitlier of them may pursuc inconsistent remcdics.Noth�ng he�+ein sl�all be oonswcd as prohibitinE thc Bcnef ciary
<br /> from seeking a deficiency judsment against Trustors ro Uie extent such actiori is permitted by la��.
<br /> 14. Tcustors hcrcby roques�t a oopy of any noticc of dcfault and that any noti�oc of sale hercundcr bc mailod to T�ustors at thc
<br /> - � address sct ford�in thc first parap,rapt►of this Dced of Trust.
<br /> , '
<br />