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,. , <br /> :`� � ;:�;� <br /> �.�.�, _ _- �-�•�� ,.,, _ --- .:.�.-4�: <br /> � --- ..,,�..._ . __... . . . .. . _ . .. . _....,,..,�„�,,,,. __- ..._ <br /> :.. ,�� � . t, 3, <br /> , � ...,;,�laiF:,-� � ' .... . . _ .... . ... . _ _.._ - „� �,�y y:. . . <br /> . , _. . . . . .. <br /> . , g6_ 1f�9362 '`�� <br /> �x..: <br /> � (c) All nppllcaWo lawa nnd ra(�ulntlona,Includinti,wlthoul Ilmitntlon,thn Arn?.riaine v�lih Dlaubll!Ila3:.ct, 42 U.S.C. Scctlon 12t01 nt eoq (and aJl " <br /> � ropulntlono promulpatcd U�crcund�r)and NI zmi:nq end bul:d:n{�I.zv�a nnd to�7u!t.Ynne rcloting to iho Pro�hy by vlrtu�01 any fodornl,ctNO or m�mlGnal <br /> nulh�rlty with�urlRdlctlon over�he Proporry, pro:scntly nro nnd nhull bu oh.�rvc+.'!r�nd r,ompllod vifih In nIl m�torlal rosp�cte,nnd rJl rlghis,Iiconsos, <br /> Ipermlte,and certi(Icatoa ol occupency(Indud;ng kwi not Ilrrttnd lo zonlnp vtufnna:e,spaelal oxooptlona tor nonconlomVng ucos,and(inal Inenectlon <br /> � approvala),whether temporary or pormmont,whlch nro rt�terittl to the uc�n nnd ocaipancy of thn Proporty, presemly aro and ehall bo obtalnod. <br /> preservad and.whoro nocossery,ranawad; . <br /> (d) Cirenta hes the righl end la duty nuthorizeA to exocu7o nnd paAorm tIC daldatlane undor Ihla Dead o1 Tnist and iheso ectlons do nol nnd shnll not <br /> ' conflict with she provlslona of any statuta,repuiatlon,ordinnnca,rulo of l3•N,contrec�cN other ogroamenl which rtuy bo bindinp on arantor a1 any timo; <br /> � (e) Na adim or procee�rng Is or chall 6�p:nd:np or throatcnad srh�th mlqht m fl!nrin'�y�fiect ihe Propeny:end <br /> (� Orentor hae not vlolatod end shail not violate any statuto,ropulatlon,ordlns�nosi,rub o}law,coniract or othor agreomont(including,6ut nat Ilmited to, <br /> ' thoso povoming Hazerdous Materftils)which mlght rra.+torially attoct th�s Propeny o►Landor'a righta or Intorost In the Proporty pursuaM to ihia Deod ol <br /> Trust. <br /> "��' 3. PRIOR DEBDS OF TRUST. arentor roprasems end wAtranta thnt thura aro na�rior daads af trust aftocting any part ol ihe Propeny oxcepl as cet fonh ,-� <br /> �:" cn Schodule B enacnod co�his Dead ot Tms�, which Qrantar aprons ta Esny and�x�rtortn in e timoly rr►3nner. If thore ero any pvlor deeds ol trust thon � <br /> Qrenta agrees to pay all amounta owod,and portorm All o�lipnqans requirud undor fltuh deeds of trust and tho incbbtodnoss secured thereby and furthnr <br /> eflrees thet e delauit under eny prlor doed of 1ruFt shAll bo a datault under thls Deod oi Trust nnd shall omit{o Londor to oll rights end remedles a�ntelnud - <br /> hereln or in the Obi{gations to whlch l.ondor would bu entlt6ed In tho ovont�f any other delauli. ,� <br /> 4. TRANSFERS OF YHE PROPEWTY OA BENEFICIA6.INT�RESTA tN(iRlINTORS OR BORROYUERS. In tho evc�nt of a salo,convoyanco,loase, . .•;'i'1':': <br /> �_�._ <br /> eontract for deod or transfer to eny pprson oi nil a any part of thn real proporty doscribed in Schedule A.or any Intorost thorein,or of ell ar any bonolldal ,. . ';�u;�;_.�- <br /> Interest In 8orrower or Cirantor(If Borrowctr a C3rAntar Is not e nawrnl pmaon ar pnrsons but Is e eorporatlon,Iimitod IiaUilfly company,partnorshlp,trunt,or t ,,,,ht;;v--- <br /> olher legal umiry),Lpndor may,at its opticn dodare the outEtanding principal txdano�of iho Obtigatlons plua accruod imerost thoroon Irtrrod�atoly duo and ,.;,.::,y,:,, '"" <br /> ,- payeble. At Londnr's roquosL C3rentor or Bartowot,as thp c2so mny bo,shtt'I tumlih A Cortpinte staterroni soping forih all ai itF stockholdors,mni�r3,or ,� �. �.,c,: <br /> pMners,as epprapriate,and Ihe eztent of thoir rer.pactiv4 ownor�hlp imnro�is. - ��r.r���� <br /> r <br /> r�,'_...._.�_.. <br /> � '� G. AS^.�itif�'�HT QS REMT8. In oons!�retlon nf the 4btigs*�ans.whf��nro secured by this Dood of Trust,Cirantor absdutely asstgna to Lender all .r�:�a�::- <br /> � � C3rantors estato,r(ght,tftle,Irrterest,dalm nnd derntvid nax orr��o►h�n'eaflar ecquired in ell oxlsting and future leases ot the Properly(inctud�ng �t.�•�,.•_ <br /> oxtonsione,ranawale snd suMeas�s�,all a¢eommta for uca nnd oc�pancy of the Property(all such leasoa end a�eartxints whether written ar oral,are :,�_ <br /> oc <br /> hereafler referrod to aa the'Leasas),end alfgu 9rentl�s af fossees'po+iorrtnnoe undor ihe Leases,together wlth the Irm�ediate and caminuing right to ;�v,__.__ <br /> eollect and recefW all o(the rorrts,incoma,raoelpls,re�enu9s,Issuas,profite end othor Income of any nature now or heraatter dua(induding eny income af :; •.�r_� <br /> r ' any nature caNnp dri ciudng any redamptbn ptuicx�unti�r tho Leases or(rom or erlsing out ot tho Pro�oorty Inciuding rtinirtum rems,eddiUorial roms, .,-,,��___^�_ <br /> porcemago ronts,parfdng or camian r3rea mNntnnanoe ca�trfbutinns,tex end Insuranco contrtbutlons,defldency renis,Ilquldated dert�epoa following <br /> ^ dot�ult in eny lsasv,NI prooeud5 PnYal�le untbr any pa�tv/of{nsuranco covadng loss of remn resultinp hom untonerrtabiliry cause�!by dostructlon or „,�. <br /> � ��hJ• <br /> .� oamage to the Property all pr000eds paydbl0 as a resut!�f a lessae's exercise of an optton to pi:nhase the PropeAy,all proceeds derlved from the i`�:c�;���_ <br /> tamdnatlon or roJeatlon of�ny i.aar�e ln�bank►u�tcy or othaf Insqivency proceedinp,end rill prxeeds fram any rights and Gaims of r3ny kind whlch Qrantor <<.::..,� <br /> ma•have�nsl any lessoe under the Leases or any occupants ot iha properry(al1 of tho aE�ove ero horoafter coltectively retorred to es ths'Rems'). Thia :'�"+;_�---- <br /> � ess�nmeniTs sa�jsct to tFw dpM powor and authod3y glven to the Lender to co!Y ct ar,d appiy iho Rents. Thla assic�nment Is recorded in accordance wRh - , <br /> �., ;,�,;,,,��Mzts law;the Ilen creatsd hy thla asslgnment Is Ir�ended to be speciflc,peAeeted,tutd choate uPon the r�corc6ng of this Deed of Trust,r�,�as � '�-:�-- <br /> pravkled by spplkaNe state Iaw as arnended ham time to time. As long as t�oro la no dofauit under the Outiyntlons o�th�s Ds�3 ot Tns�i,Lcn��n� _ <br /> :• .r—_.. ,_ <br /> � � Caramw a revocable Ilcenae to colleet ell Rents from the Leaaes when duo end to use such proceeds in Orantors business operatione. However,Londer =____ <br /> ___,_� rnoy at any time require Orantor to deposit eli Rents into en accoam maintained 6y Gre�tor o}Londor at Lender's Instltutlon. Upon default In.he paymerd ___ <br /> -- -- af.w In ttle partomience of,arty oi ina Coiyjniio��o,�.,or'��irYa��t it^^;.tl=,r..'.L.L'r'------R 4.lhw prnngr�y antl have,hold;manaoo;legsa end oROrate the <br /> �. proper1y on tem�a end for a perlod of time that Lender deorm proFer. Lender rrey prooee�to collect and receive all Rents hom the property,and Londer <br /> ' °'}; ^ sheil have full power to rt�eke aiterationa,renovatlons,repalrs or reptacemonts to tt�e Property es Lender may deem�croper. I.ender rmy appiy all Rorns In <br /> � ., Lendor's aole cYscretlon to payment ol ihe Obiig�tions or to the payment of the cost ot sueh attoretlona,renovatlons,ropaire end replacemerrts ancJ any `.' <br /> l expenses indd�ntln urod 8r,nd may dlacharAe any ttncos�hcharp�s mcla�ms,�assc��ssrra tse d olher I ens whlch ma�eccruo. Tho ex�pensenend cost ct theso �`•= <br /> Properry prope Y <br /> . actions rr�y ba�d hom the Renis received,end anY unpald artaounts shali be edded to the{xindpal of the igations. Those amounta,together with , <br /> other costs,shal Yecomo paA of ihe Obligatbns cocured by this Qood of Tnist. R;; <br /> �;,_r.s <br /> 0. LEASES ANO 0T11ER A4liEEMENTB,G►antor shall not take or Ieil to teko uny actlon whlch rrey cause or pomrt ihv tominatlon or the withholding of ° _ <br /> eny pttyrtnm In connact�on vdth any I.ease or other agroomont("Agroemem�ponalning to the Property. In additlon,Grnntor,wlthout Lender's prlor writton <br /> conserrt,shall not:(a)collecl any rronles Da9able under eny Agreerrrem more than one month In sdvance;(b)modity any Agroertprn;(cy essign or allow a — <br /> - Ilen,ansurfty Interest a other oncumbrance to be placed upon Qrantor's rtghts,tftle and Intorest In end to any Agmomont or the ertaunta payable <br /> � thoreunder;a(d�temiinate or cancal any Agreement excopt br the nonpayment of any sum a othor matortal breach by tho other perty thereto. If Orantor <br /> rocelves at eny t me any wrkten communicetion esserting a default by Orantar undor en AgigemoM or purpoAing to teminate or canool any Ageornent. __� <br />_� ,he�a�rrqun aldue�toarano r thc+eundor�ere�here�byr as Igned to Lendar as addi�al ea d�ty for the Obiigatbnshereto)to Lendor. All such Agroemanis and _ <br /> m��- <br /> �,. �' <br /> `-°''; �. COLlEC710N OF INDEBTED[�ESJ FRW1A TH1AD PARTY. lender shall be entflled to notity or requlre Grnntor to noti(y eny thlyd parry(tnduding,bul �=• <br /> • �Y� not Ilrtited lo,lessues,licensses,g�ovcmrr�nte!authofltias end insumnce onmpanies)to pr+y lsnder any Indebtodness or ohli�tion owinp to C?re.�to!tYlth �--- - <br />-5.• � r �ospect to the Property (cumu!ativa� Indebtedngss') whether or nol e defauft exisis under thio Deed of Trust. Grantor shal�iiigerrtly collect the __ <br /> IrKkbtodness owing to Grantor frcm these thlyd perties untll the glving of such notiflcatlon. In tho e�ont that(3rantor possessea or receives posseasion ot - <br /> � any Inatrumenta or other rertrttances with respect to tho Indebtedness following the piving ot auch nolHkalion or It the Instrumerns or other remittanwa -- <br /> contlitute the prepayment of ony Indebtednea�a the payrt�ent of any Insurenee or oondemiatlon proeaeds,Gramor ehall hotd sueh Instrumerrts end other L�_� <br /> _, �,�f romittences In trust fa Lender epert Uom ita othor properly,endorae the insirumenis and other reminnncea to Lender,end Irtrnediately proNcb Lender wRh �� - <br />_ ��- postession of the Insiruments end other Pemiriano�s. Lendor chall be entftlad,but not required,to collect(by legal proraedings or othe�wlse),extand tho <br />-".:-., si��stEUr da thls R���L�ondet eh8a11 ratbe�able fo Grantor fo�r eny a on�enorYmistake,omissfon or�delay pertelnfng tto the acti n8s desaibod�lenf h s -.. <br />_.y�.�„� : : pnrspreph or ony dacrieges resuiting ihorohorn NatwHhstending the forc�golnfl, nothing herein shail cause Lender to be deemod e �T <br /> �.; , , mutgagee•In-Pcssesslon. ---- <br />" �` � � & USE AND 111W1TITENANCE OF PROPER'I'Y. f�remor shall take all a�tions and make any ropalrs needed to melnteln the Property In goud conditlon. _�__- <br />=� � ;;T;, (#rantor chail not oorrmit or pertNt eny waste to be cosrrritted with respact to tho Proparry. C#rentor shall uso tho P�,opetty soiely In oompllance wlth __- _____ <br /> ��` epplicable Iflw and Insurance polidea. Grentor eheli not make any alterations,additfons or Improvomenta to tho Property wfthout Lender's ptfor wrltten =_ _- <br /> � '`����?•• consent. Wfihout Iirtiting ihe foregoIng,all etteretlons,additlons end improvem�me made to the Property shall bo sut�ject to the bene8del Irnorost hebnging _ <br /> _ , to Londer,chall not 6e removed withoul Lendor's prlor writton consam,cuid shail be medo et Grantor'e sole expense. _ ---__- <br /> " ,�•,.�' � H. LOSS OA DAIiAAdE. Cirantor shall boar tho oMiro rlsk of eny loss,thoft,desiructfon or dartmgo(aimulativoly"Loss or Dartago')to tho Property or any �';�,- <br /> �.':`:�.� portlon thoreof ham cviy cause whatsoever. In iho overit of any Loss or Damage,Grentor shall,at ihe option of Londar,rapair the aftectod Property to ks ••- - ;-:._ <br /> 't�;,;•}t�� provious conditlon or pay or cause to be paW to Lander tho decroaso In tho falr rrarket value of the aHected Properry. �%��. s,r�__ <br /> ..;,.. ,� . <br /> � 10. IN8URANCE. Tho Proporty wlll be kopt insurod for its full InsureWe valuo(rociac�mnnt cost)against all hazards induding losa or darr�go causod by ;, :�z w '�,��_. <br /> }{ood,earthquake,tomado and ftro,thoft or other casunity to the exterrt roqulrect by Lendec Qrontor may obtNn Insuranco on tho Propertyr hom such , �,, �;a,, <br /> e <br /> ' eortpanb as are aeoepteble 10 Lender fn ita sole disaetlan. Tho Insurenca polidos shall requirc tho Insurc�noa company to provl3a Londor with et teast � `'t��-z k-��: <br /> .3,t�-,.,,- . <br /> 3� de s'written notice betoro such polidea ere eltered or cancolled In any mannor. Tho Insurenoe polldes shn11 nartw Lsndar as a loss ; ��{�`��.'�:?;f�s: <br /> Y ._;�•, ' ' <br /> pyaeo e�that no ect w omission ot Grantor or any other pOrcon shall ettoct the right of Londer to bo pald the Insurance praesda pertalNng to the � .. . �il�<..:;.;�t' <br /> � loas or dartr�9e of 1he P►uPertY• In the everrt Grantar falls to ecqulre or rtnirrtaln insurance.Londor(after provlding notioe as may be rc3qulred by la►v)may ���,�,,..�,��: <br /> - :•^:.t�t:,.;�;� <br /> _ ___ ___ In Ila disaetion proairo nppra�rfate Incurnnee coverepe u�on the Pro�l and tho Insuranoo coct shall be sn advance payable and boaring Intor�ost as <br /> .. --- . . __��_��.. n�...�._ u a...d.6 I wxh c�4ianro nl Ineuranflo Intfiratine tFfO►aeulr6d mv6fAm LOndOr IIIBV HCi --..._-.-�-'...�t!;!.�'7'��" <br /> __._.__.__ ___ <br /> tloscnooa in rara�pn io eno sew��,��a..�. �.a�,...aA.....,...�..�..�. ..._._.._..--- ...--- -- - . . .. <br /> as ettomay-In•fact for arentor In m�kinp and sotlling daims under Insuranu�polidos,cancelling any policy or endoreing Cirantor's name on eny draft or . • � <br /> �� nogotlablo insirumont drawn by eny Insuroc Ail such Insuranco pol!cles shall be Irmiediatoly asslgnec'i,pledged and delivered to Lender es furthor security , , <br /> for the Obllgatlons. In tlie evon1 of loss,Circiniw shail irtrrbdlately givo Londor writton notico and Londor Is authorized tn make prool of foso. EacF� <br /> Inauranco cortpany Is directe�d to rr�,+Jco payrnonls directly to Londer Instoad of to Londer end drentor. Lendor shali havo tho ripht,at Ito aolo option,to , � <br /> apply such rtanles toward tho Oblipatlons or toward the cost of robullding and rostodng the Proparly. My ertwunts may ot Lendors option 1w appiled in . <br /> the ItNOrso ordor ot the oVo dates thoreol. <br /> 11.ZONIN(i AND PRWATE COVENANTB. Grantor shall nol InNlate or consont to nny chengo In tho zoning provlclons or privato covonants atlocting the <br /> use of ihe Properry wkhout Londer's prlor writlon consent. If t3rantor's use of tho Proporty bocomes a noncantorming uso under any xonlnpproviclon, , <br /> drontor ehal not cause or purmH such us&to be Wscontlnued or ebandoned without tho prlor wrinen conseM of Lsnder. Grentor wlll Immediately provido .� <br /> � � l.onder with writton notico ot any proposed changos to tho zoning proviatons or prtvato covenams eNoctinp iho Proporty. � <br /> 1T. CONDFhbVA7tON. (iranior shall Irmtindiately ptovldo Londer with wriflon notice o}eny actual or throatenod condormation or ominont domaln <br /> proceExAng portalning to tho Propc3rly. All monles payablo to Grantor from such condormatlon or teking eru heroby assignod to Londar end shall bo appIled <br /> P <br /> lirst to the payrrwnt ot Lvnder's attott�eys'tet�s.lepal expansas end othar costs(Induding eppr�lsal tcses)in connoction with the condortnation or em(nont <br /> ' domaln prooeodings and fhen,at tho optlon of Lnnc�er,to tha payrtnont of thu Obtigations or the reatoretlon or repalr ol tho Property. <br /> :i nD �,� , <br /> 1 NEDUTB Rm.11N� Pnpe2d6 '` --- -- —"— L __ <br /> ----� _ _ _ <br />