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' • �� r,�,�. g -- <br /> •�sio �Hm o� x��ra �ae�,�Z--106�688 . <br /> _ ��� � TNIB A88IQNMBNT OF RLNTS RiO�lt ie ma�a and �xacutad this <br /> � '_ "'�''"°'='-� __2�?TI day o� J L , 19�, end i� incorporatad' into and shall <br /> ' ;:_ , �deemed to emen an eupp�emen� the Mortqe+ge or Deed o� Truet, <br /> • °� � "�r�, hereine�fter rQterred to ae the "Seaurity Inetrumant^, of the sa�ae �- <br /> �_.�:ry�:�,,:; •_ -:. � date qivet� by the undereigned, hereinafter referreci to ae tihe <br /> ��� �° ��Borrower��, to seaure eozrower•e indeb�ednesa, hereinafter <br /> -- -- referred to ee the "Noten, to HOME FEDERAL SAVIN(38 AND LOAN <br /> ��°=;�:.,�`;�.�•� � ASSOCIA�'ION OF aRAND IiiLAND, hereinafter reid,.i:eiZ �o as the <br /> "= �°• `°` '�'���``� nLender", o� the eame date and covering the property described in <br />� �;�w.Y��`y�� y� �ha Security Inetrwaent and located at: F�--� <br /> .i1�C,.S� � <br /> � ��� � 22U4 UIKING ROAD. GRAND ISLANQ, NE 68803 <br /> �� - ^;•- -r�A� (Proper y A roee) <br /> � 'x� _N ♦ '' f t <br /> � f"• . .-�x�,: <br /> E';.': '� " ' "`' WITNL'eiBBTfis <br /> .�. r- --- ' '�'., . ` <br /> — WBBit�l18 Borrowar and Lender heve agread that aay rents end <br /> =`'� _'�- �� � , profite ettributeble to the property should aonstitu�e addl.tional <br />- � seaurity tn the Lender for the paymen� of tt�� Note; <br /> - . ` �'-...:..;, , ,. . . � -- <br /> � • . NOW, TNE[tEFORE, it ie agreed tha� the Security Inatrument ��:� <br /> - ; +: � shall be amended'heroby aad deemed to inalude the following pro- <br /> '� � � �" visiona: <br /> . . 1. �ign+met�t cf ttente a-a .__a,.., n.,..��� r•�,t�p _�inn Ria�ht�. <br /> ��,,,�,,, °'r"B��'��'�^�;, .,�j Borrower hereby ebeolutely and unaonditionally aeeigns all rente, ���, <br /> =��°.- _ - iesues and profits o£ the pi:up�erty to i3snaf3ciazy. Lsnder ahet l _ __- <br /> _ .. ,. ,' i�ave the right, power and authority during the aontinuance of tlie -� <br /> ° � - �� 8ecurity Ins�rument to collect tlie rents, iesues and profits of , <br /> the proper�y end o� any personal property loceted thereon with or �-Y� <br />" ��� � � without taking poesession of the pxoperty affeated hereby. <br />" ':�i��� ' Lender, however, hereby cone8nte to Borrower•s aollaction and _�.�. <br /> ., retention of auch rente, ies<<iee and profita es they accrue and <br /> � become payable, so long ae Horrower is not, at such time, in � ' <br /> ' �� '"` default wihh respect to peyment of eny indebtedneee eecured <br /> ��_;� � ;���_,y, .,�° hereby, v�� in the performance of any agreement hereunder. -- <br /> M1�.. ��_.'..o _. .. _—" <br /> �, , 2. 8nn��ntment of RecQive�. If any event nf detaulti in <br /> � reepect to tihe Seourity Inetrument ehall have oacurxod and be ` <br /> - ,�_� continuing, Lender, ae a matter of right and without notice to _ <br /> � ". `"� ,: [3orrower or anyone claiming under Bvrrower, and without regard tio =__ <br /> ° �' the value of the trust estate or the interest of the Borrower "' <br /> - , therein, ehall have the right to epply to any court having jurie- �� <br /> �. , diatiion to appoint e reaeiver of the property. <br /> ' � 3. Riaht to Poeseaeion. In case of default in the payment � <br /> � of �he eaid prinaipal Note or interest, or any part thereof, as _ <br /> �� "AS���.��, it ehall mature, or in the case of failure to keep or perform any � <br /> _ '�'�' of tlie covenants or agreements conteined 3n the Security Inetru- �.� <br /> ° menti, then the Lender, ite succesaora or aseigne, ehall be and is � <br /> hereby authorized and em�owered to take immediate possession of � � <br /> � �1►e seid pr.emises therein described and to collect the rente <br /> . � ., therefrom, and to apply tl�e proceeds thereof to the payment of <br /> � tha Note. �� <br /> , 4. ��►�+����at�on oE Ren e. ieguee and_Pro� te. All rente ` <br /> ' collected by Londer or tihe receiver shall be applied firet to <br /> - � � payment n��� tihe coste of management of the property and collection � <br /> nf rente, including, bu� not limited to, receiver's fees, premi- <br /> - - wne on receiver's bonde and reaeonabie attorney�e rees, and znen = <br /> • to the auma eecured by the security Inetrumet�t. Lender end the ' <br /> ° � receiver ehall be liable to account only for those rente actually , <br /> . � retseived. <br /> ''° 5. Can�truc�iea of ProvisiQne. Eeeeh Qf the �+!'oY��{o[t� oo�+- <br /> � teined in thie Aeeignment of Rente Rider and the 9ecurity Instru- <br /> : ment eha11, unless otherwise r�pecifically required, be constirued <br /> � � in accvrdance with Nebraeka law, and in the event any provision <br /> � herein vr therein contained eha�l be determined t�y a court of <br /> � competent juriediation to be unenforceable, the eame ehall be <br /> � ',. ��, conetrued ae �hough euch' unenCarceable provieion were not a p$rt <br /> x ,. � hereof or thereof. <br /> � � : <br /> .� • • <br /> . • , <br />