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. , . . r. <br /> ..t ''S� . . .� . � - .1� .�•f�'11'�`'1' �. �,•. <br /> , . .SFy_t�`ty - <br /> � . �, "\�::t:; <br /> . , . . <br /> �± ��,.n-� ,..._.... �.. .. . ... . _. . .. . .. ,. .:_.:'�. . . ..... . .. . ' --,..._,i'�.'SC'. _ <br /> ��t <br /> COYENANTB �„o ��a!�� <br /> � 1.Peyment�.E3orro;tiar agro�s lo meko nll p,lymt:nl9 on tho cccured Ar,bt���hon duo.Untqss Borro�vor c�nd Londor n�roo olhon��l�o,�e.�n�y�p aymnnts •. • •!� <br /> Lender retalve3lrom Barro•nror or tor 8atoxo�8 btuwl,l vSifi I�i�c��l�t to ony nmaunte Borroxor owas on Iho aacurod dobl oxciuslvo of Intorosl or <br /> , princlY�ul,socond to la!arest,and tlrrn top�netpal:YI'�fattl?ii pre�ayment oi the securad debt oecurs for nny reason,It wlll not roduce ur excusa eny �: <br /> � �;ht:iuled p�+yment unLl tho seCtupd d9bt I9 pald In lulf. ^ �: <br /> 3.CWm��I��1 TitN.Dnrrower w!f!�,y ell taxea,nssessments,��d Q.h�r chargea attrlbutabto to tho property when due end wltt Gofond tllte to the <br /> I proRerty aga nst eny clalms�rh�h wou d Impalr the uen o!thls daod o!tru31.Lender may requiro Bortanbr to ussign any rights,claims or detenssa " <br /> i w�fch�orrower mey luve opafnel partlea who euppty labor or matuia!:t to 4rptove or malnteln the proporty. <br /> . 3 lrteea�en�e.6orrovrer�rill k�np tha rogeRv In?�red undmr terrs+a��cc�±?fbte to Lender at Borro�e!'9 e�g�onse nnd tor Lender'e benefit.All insurenCe <br /> policl9s shall Include a stenderd mo►��a�r da��se in tava ot L$��.L<x�det wlll be namad as loss pays9 or as the Insurod on any such Insurance <br /> , poifr,y.Any Inaurance proceed�s may Om E�I�sd,wtthin Lender'e d'�ECr�!an,to 6lther the restoratlon or ra�tlr of the damagBd proporly or lo the stfcured � <br /> deAt Iw A,ende►roqulree mortgnpe ir,s��arv:o,Borrowor agraes to mtln�h�such Ineurnnce far as long es Lender requlros. <br /> 4.PrAp�rty.Borrowsr will keep tA0 pr;pE:s�In qood conditlon end muke all repulre reaeonably noeossary. - <br /> � lf.Fxp�n�s�.AorrowEr eprees to pay nll Londore oxpensas,including reaeonnb►o attornoys'teaa,II f3orrowar bronks any covennnte In thle dead of t�udt <br /> or Its Nny obllpatlon BeCUred by thle daod�t trust.@vrrower wlll pay Ihaeq nmocnte to I.encl6r aa provldad In Covonent 8 of Ihle(leed ol trust. - <br /> • • a.Pria Securlty Int�n�t�.Un�e��Borrower firtl obt��ns L�ndsr'e written conaonl,Dorrowor wlil not meke or permlt eny clinnpee to Any pria socurlty '' . <br /> Inl�re�t�.Horrow�r wlll perlrxm�II of Borrowet�oblip�tlon�undnr eny prloe morlpa�e,deed of Iruat or other securily apr�ement,Inctudlnp BorrorreY� t <br /> cov�n�Me!a m�k�p�ym�nt�when du�. „ • <br /> 7,MNpnaNnl M lNnb�nd Froflta.porrowu atNpns to I.ender the ront��nd profiU ol tha pro�erty. Unte�� Borrower a:id Lend�r haw aqrs�d � _-_`"'"`• <br /> . WherwlM In wrltinq,Borrowor m�y ccNl�cl�nd r�t�in tfia rrnu e�lanp u Borrowu li nW in dMwlt,11 Borrower dei�uMe,L�ndu Len�NYS�p�nt or� � �•-.;.�,,;�- <br /> cnud r+�paimed roceiver mey teke poeseseion and meriape Ihe proporty and collnct Iho ronis.Any ronis l.ondor collocte shnll�o opptleq hrut to the • ':.N:al�,�_:, <br /> coeto u manrpinp Ihe proparty,fnciudln�r,ouA costa and nlbmeye'teea commldslone to rentet apAnte,and any other necoesary reiated exponses.The ' ��v���.-��.___. <br /> � nm�inln�amounl of rente wlll then appty to paymenle on the eeaured debt ae provldod In Covenant t. � y <br /> ' e.N�Nhoide•Condominiumr,Pimrnd Unit D�vNuDt»�ete.Borrower epreos to compiy with the provlsions oT eny lease If thls deed oi tnist la on e _��__ <br /> leaeehold. If Ih�e deed of truet le on a uNt In n cond�minfum or e planned unit devotopment,Borrower wlll pedorm ell o}Borrowere dutles under the :-=---�--_ <br /> ; covmaNe,bylawe,or repulatlone of the condominium or ptanned unq devetopment. , _____— <br /> ifl9�Q�J;: <br /> 9.AuthorRy ot lNtds�to Wrform(or Borrov.rr.I}Borrower falls to peAortn any of Borrowere duUes undor thls deed ol trust.Lender may pedorm lhe �a���� <br /> dutbs or cawe th�m to be perlormed.Lencler mey epn Borrowofe name or pey any amount if nec�ssary tor performonce.if nny conatructlon on the ���= <br /> property le dlacontinued or not cardad on In a reasonabte mennor,Lendor may do whatever is necassary to protect Lendere security Interest In the �" '�.*�, <br /> property,This may Inciude canp�e►ing the constructlon. •'� � <br /> �endeYS laflure to pertorm wlll not precludo Lender tran exerclafng eny�f Ite olher rlyhte under the law or this deed of trust. s�..� <br /> � r ,�: <br /> Any amainte pald by Lender to protc;ct Lendere securlty IntOrest will l�a secured by this deed o}trust.Such amounts will bo due on demund qnd will �;:;� �$` <br /> _�� bear Interest from the dnte of the payment unti!peid In tu(I at the Interest rete In ettect on the secured debt. <br /> � 10.L'NiwR and ACwNr�tlott.if Borrowar fails to meke any payment when due or breake flny covenente under ihls deed ot Irust or eny oblipatlon �` <br /> i � secured by thla deed ot trust or any dor mortgeqe or debtl of trust,Lender may accelerate the maturlty ot the ascured debt and domend lmmedlate <br /> � ` �a a_ mwv Imroka ho m r�g b a v nlhp nrl m m hv orvil aa In law � '` .. <br /> _.-�::-:-�.�:.._ �._�7F1lN!�_R�...—�--°-.._Y.._�_M�9._ E3._9RL�R� _ ..lS�lfS!'—I__�_!!!!I��..�-rr.�--�-'._.•...• . ... - <br /> . �. �i <br /> 11.Requ�st tor Notice of Osf� Is hereby requested that cople�ot the not�Ces o}d@fault and sale ba sent to each percor►who Is�perty hereto,et � <br /> the address ot each such person,sa set forth hereln. ;, � <br /> 72.PowK of SaN.If the Lender Invokes Iho powar of sale,tho Truetee shall Ilrst record In the oNice of the+regIster of deed9 01 each county whereln tho , � <br /> •'•':��;�"� , trust proparty or eome pan or parc.ol�thereaf Is el:uated e notiCe oS defauk confelntng the Intortnstlen requlred by law.The Trustee shali also mail cople� ;�'��,{ •ti ; <br /> of the notica of detault to the Bortowpr,to eachpe rcon wha Is a perty hereto,and to other persons as prescribed by appllcabte law.Not less then one ,S. ,� a <br /> +:•, mon4h elter the Trustee records the notlCe o}detauit or two monthe fl the trust property Ia not In any Incorporated city ar vfilape and la uaed In(arminfl - <br /> :"`� operetbns cartk�d on by the trustor,the Trustee shall gIve public notice of r�ale to thepersone end In the manner prescdbed by appIlcaWe law.Tnistee, <br /> � without demand on Borrower,shall sell the propeRy af pubUC auctlon to the hlghest bidder.If roquired by the Fartn Homestead Nrotectlon Act Truetee � �� <br /> � shall oNer tt�a prt�eriy�n.separttt�mlas aa-se�qulmdbyap�i cabto law.7n,stoa may p�stpone sate o}ail o►any parcet o}the propsrty by qubNc <br /> . � ennourxemenl�t the time nnd piaee ai uny prevlously echeduled sAla.Lender or Ite designee may purchase tlie property at any sale. . ; ,' <br /> , �. Upon rocelpt ot paSrment of the price bid,Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed Convaying the prope�ty.The reoftala conlalr»d In ,,___ <br /> _ Trustee'e deed shall be prima facle ovldencc�o}the truth of the otatoments contalnod thereln.Trusteo shall apply the procoeds oi the sab In tha � <br /> � fdbwing order:(e)to ail expenses ot lhe sale,Inciuding,bul not Ilmited to,reasonabta Trustee's feos,reasonabte attomey's tees and relnstetement <br /> � tees;(b)to ell euma secured by thls deed of trust,and(a)tho balance,If any,to the porsons legally entltled to receive It. ��='� <br /> .:;.;;: 13.For�closun.At LendePe opibn,thla deed ol trust may be forecbsed In thd manner provlded by a�plicabk+lew tor torec�osure of mortgugee on real � <br /> .�', P���' � - <br /> `� 14.Inip���Lender may onter ih�property to Inspect R tf Lender gives Borrower not�e belorehand,The notice must state the reasonaDie cnu4e4or '"""�� <br /> ' �'1 Leixte s I►` nspectlon. ---_ <br /> '�� 16.CorM�»natton.Barrower as5lqna to Lender IAe procaeds of any award or claim(or damagos connectod wlth a condemnatlon or other takfng W all <br />