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<br /> COVC•tJf�NYO �� ��j���
<br /> 1. Pnym�r►4�. Botrower eprea to mtke eli peymint�on ti�s 1oCUrod d��bt whon duo. Unloea Borrowor a�d Londor aprao othr,rwloo, ony
<br /> � p�ymente Lender recelvue irom Oorrownr or Po► Borrower'�Danetl¢ wlll be bpplled tirst to any amounto Borrower owee on the secured �ebt
<br /> not�retluci orixcuie s y�ichiduted piymintt�ntNiM N��id dibt Is p11d in full��pr6p���nt ot the eecurod debt occure for any roason,it v�lll ,
<br /> � T.G�{m�AyNnst TiH��Bortow�r will p�y ell t�x��,astaam�ntb�nd other ch4rpe��ttributebte to the prope►ty when due and wlll dafend t(tle -
<br /> dettl'eei�wh�h�8orro�wei mey hevsNepiln,t pedrtlai�who upDNna�r o�r msteri�ti to imp ova o�m�alntiin8he��op rty���9n eny�fyhte,clelma or �
<br /> ' � 9. Inwnnc�. Borrower wlll ksep the property In:urod under terme ncoeptebin to Lender ot E3orrowcr'a oxpon90 ond for Londer'n benefit. All L
<br /> � In�urence policlea shall Inciudo�standard mortp�ye ctame In tevor of Lender.Lender witf 6e named a loas psy�e or e�tha Inaured on eny auch -
<br /> � +;^� Insurance policy.Any Imurance ptoceed�msy 6a eVpited, within Lender's dlaaretlon,to elther 4he rattorstlon or repair of the domaged property _
<br /> ' .^. ' or to the securad deht.(f Lender requlro�martgaye Inourence,�orrower epreea to malnteln such inaurence for aa lonp ee Lender requfrea, _
<br /> �w+��� 4.P�opMty.Eorrownr will keep the property in good condltion and make ell repaira reesonably neceseery. �
<br /> �'""`���'' 6.Exp�nss�.Borrower epreet to pey nll Lender'e expenaes,includinp reasonable ettorneys'feee,(f Borrower breake any cavenante in'this deed
<br /> � of trust or in eny obligation securod by thb deed ot truat. Barrower will pay these amounte to Londer ae provided In Covenant 9 of t�ls deod of �_
<br /> truat. c
<br /> � , 1 =-
<br /> 8,pApr 3�aur33y htte�ats.Untaaa Borrower firot obtaim Londor's wrtitton consent, Bortower will not make or permit eny chsnges to any prlor __
<br /> '-:t,� security in�erests. 9orrower wil!per(orm aIt of Borro�wer"a obtipatioos under any pdor mortgage, deed of truet or other secu►iry afl:oemant, -
<br /> .. ;:;��,•;,';' inctuclinp Bnr�ower'e covenanta to meke paymente whan due. ..-
<br /> ' 7,Assl�n wn�of R�t►t�snd Protit�.Borrower asslAns to Lender the rente end profite o�tho properC�.Unleaa 8orrowe:��nd Lender have egrsed �`��
<br /> otherwtse In writinp, Borrower msy collect end retain the renta ns lonp ea Borrower fe not I�defeuii. If Borrower defaulta, Le�der, lendor'a �-
<br /> epant, or e cour4�ppalnt�d nc�lv�r maY ta;ce po:sestlon�nd men�pe the property end colleot tfb rent�.Any rent�Lender colleate ehell be _
<br /> . � �. applled ffrst to the cotts o}menap!np the property, includ� cou►t cost�and attornsy�'feet, commistlons to rental sy�ente, and eny othor L
<br /> necea��ry ratated expen�ea.Th�rsm�Tninp�mount of rents wffl th�n�pply to p�ymsnt�on ths t�eurad debt�s provid�d in Govenent 1. -
<br /> � • 9.L��s�holdr Coixlon�infwrN:M�nMd Unk D�vNo9m�K�.Borrowsr epn��to comnly wlth th�{xovitlont o}�ny I��s�If thli d�od of truft 1�on
<br /> . undir th�0i�covini^ii by liwi,or rip tuitlom of tfii or�id�omW�um or plennid unit d�vilop�rt►pintnt,8orrowu wf�l pnform etl o}Borrow�r'�dutl��
<br /> Y. AwNodty o)tw�M�to/«iorm fa�orrowa.If Borrowu lNI� to�t�ilorm �ny o} Barowu'� duUa under thb ded o1 trust, l�ndn mW -
<br /> p�rform tlw dutl��a a�u��1Mm to bs p�►famM, L�nd�r may dpn 6arawcr'i nam�or p�y�ny�mount IP Mcuuwv fw p�rtorm�na.If�ny
<br /> iicurlty Intiriet In�tn�p�opirtytl7hli�ma�Nid�i iom�pNtinp tti�con,uu°st onm�nnYr,L�ndir rn�y do wh�tw�r I�n�a��t�ry to{xot�ot l�ndM'� �
<br /> � L�ncMr'�fNlun to pafo►m wl11 not pnclud�L�ndu trom oxKCislrp�ny of Ite othu rlqht�under tIH I�w or thl�dc�d of trust, �
<br />+ _ , in�wlll bar�It,Ni,ty/rom th��d�t��of thi piyniint untN�p d�ln tuli it�iM Intiriitr�ti In iftioo n thi iicurid d,bt unt�will b�dw on d�mmd -
<br />°,;;�... � „ 10. D�huh�nd AoeMw�tlon. If Barrow�r faN�to m�k� �ny p�ymant when du� or brah� �ny coven�nt� und�► this de�d of trust or eny
<br /> � �` dim�and Immadliti piYmontind m y Invok�the p Iwei ofiili +nd any othnr�rsmedle�i permftted by epplicib et ��wurity of the�ecured debt�nd
<br /> �.-��i�Si'4�}J.
<br />---- � • 11.Rpwst fo►Nodc�of D�tault.It is hereby raquested th�t copies a}the noiicea of defauit and a�le be tent to each penon who Is�party
<br />�;•� - h�rsto,�t the addn�s of e�ch such person,�s sot to►4h henin_
<br />��"' 12.PowM of B�N.If the Lender invoks�the pow�r o}t�le,t�e Trustee shsll first ncord(n the offics of ths npl�tor of deeds of ecch county
<br /> � whernin the tru�t property or�or��e part or parcel thenof ia dtu�ted a notice of defautt contalninp the inform�tbn rsquired by taw.The Trust�e
<br /> . �, ��, nta, �nd to other persoru�aprescdbed by
<br />-fi„� shall deo mdl coples of ths notiae of Aef�uit to the Borrawer,to each person who la�psrty he
<br />-- _'-"?='��'�-� applicable I�w. Not less than one month �Rrr ths Trustee recads the notfce of defwit or two montht if the trwt prop�rty 1� not tn any
<br />__- `�'.tit� tncorpantad city or villape end b uad in farminy opernion�card�d on by the troator,the fruatee ah�ll qivs puElic notice oi�de to the persona
<br />=`_��T,y,�.l end In the m�nner preicribed bV�appplicable law.Tru�tes,without demand on Borrower,cha0 tsll th�property�t public auatlon tu the hlpMot
<br />����_-.„ biddsr.If requlad by tM fum Homestead Protsctlon Act,Truaee shail oNer the property in two aepsrata satu�s roquired by applicebte Isw.
<br /> �• � Trustae may poitpone saie ot eil or�ny parcel of the property by pubila ennouncement at the time�nd place a}any previoualy acheduled eele.
<br />""°°`t"`,�t� Lender a ite deslgnee mev Purohese the prot►ertv�t any aale.
<br />-'-=:�a� Upon roceipt of psYment of the price bid,Trustee�hall deliver to fhe purcheier Truatee'e deed conveyln tha property.Td��e reckiaia conteined In
<br />��;;;:`"�'� Trustse'e deed shefl he{xim�f�cle ev(dience of tM t�uth of the atatemente contelned therein.Truetee s�ell sppry tM proceede of the a�k in the
<br /> =�'ti�.•r'•�,.'•.S, tollowinp ordor: (i1 to sll sxpensu of the s�N, inciudinp, but not Ilmked to, roesonsble Trustee's fees, roasonable �ttornoy'a+ fees end
<br /> -"•"�1"•�_�`. rein�tstement teas;(b)to all sums�ecured by thl�deed ot tniat,end Ic)tha belance,It any,to the penont lepally eotitled to roCelve it.
<br /> -- °-= 13.For�ciwun.At Londer'�option,thif deed ot truat may ba torecloaod In the manner provide by appllcsble Uw tar foroctoaure of mortgapsi
<br />�_.._..�_;o„r,,,= on roel propsriy.
<br /> -----_- - - 'i4.��d�n.Lend�r may ontar tha property to inepoct k It I ender gives Barrower notice beforoh�nd.The noti�e must etate the reasonabto �
<br /> caute(or Lender's inspsction.
<br /> -- - 16.Cand�nn�don.Borrower aaslpm� to Lender the proceod�of eny sw�rd or clalm for demepe�connected with e condemnatbn or ottwr taklop
<br /> -- _
<br />