.Ti�rt �..w.u..� �aii�n�e�. - __ _. _- _ _ .
<br />,_ . _——_--- i __ _-___::-__.-____ - . . _ -_-.____.. . . -
<br /> -� �TM.ss�r..� .� � .. . ~ . .:,}L-
<br /> �..�� Y.�iYu
<br /> . . �� w� ,Y• i.1/� � � • ' :M�i.$� -
<br /> �y� r.F v'�1/1M'Y"�WI��
<br /> ,......L.rr_. -
<br /> -_ ' . • . \ _ ,......
<br /> _ '. • ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER .�•• , � � .
<br />--. --_--_--- -°- — - (l Yar Tratury ladn�•Ru�C�pt) 92•�, 1�6 �
<br /> _ ,� _—_ - -- Tiiiti Ap1tJSlADl.L'N1TE RlDPlR le made thN 2kTH ,�.r„i , JULY ,19 92 . r
<br /> �''�� .�, a*n• � �nd b Inoorpotalld Ulto and�hW b�d�aned to ammd�nd wppl�m�nt ths Mor1N�.Deed of Truq.or Suiuity D�ed(the°Secudty I�utrument"1 of
<br /> Iht w�tt dN��Ivtn by tl►e wdirtlpNd(the"Hortawer")to wcws BorroMer'�AdJup�bio itate Not�(1h�"Nate")�a HOMB FBDERAW/iAND
<br /> ..�,' �Q,�ia!'��LM1411••�0�111t�Yr�dN�Y�COYRut{l�M pfOPRIY d�ICf��1A(1N�CW�Iy�1W�Wll�t Yld�OC�Ib�li
<br /> :..�..
<br /> — - 2609 BRAHh1A� GRAf� ISLAND� NE 68601
<br /> __ _ � (Property Addreu) v�
<br /> -- - _—_____-- - '�e.�..cMU.t.. �vWori �Newi� ra cM��b �r I�Mwt nq�rd �f wallMb -----
<br /> �-'��:,��d� Wl�e�n.7'rlt�ote�Mo Il�i�s Ue��ond�y Irbe+N n�l�eu eMu�e st�y oM 11��M
<br /> — `�-��� d..�r..dd.■...o an.a�l.w.nw�.w p.r. —
<br /> �t�'�.:�.'�
<br /> :��;. �
<br /> --�10�'--- ADDITIONAL COVBNAN7'9,In�ddlUon w tht cova�au�ad�ratineau m�de!a the Security Itatmment.Bonowu�ad L.ender
<br /> �.�W�us•�,.►�
<br /> =.�•;.�����,� funde�cova�at�nd�ce a foUowr.
<br /> ��r.�
<br /> — �.,� _
<br /> �t�� . 71�e Note provida for�n idAd imerat rut ot 5•75 �Y.Soctioa 4 oi the Note provida for cMu►�a ia the intaat n►e aad the
<br /> _ .� '�''��h t�'`=�' • �.- moathlY PaYmena.a[ollow�: ----
<br /> i�c'��iu�!r���o.�
<br /> -�'"� �� •�.�'`� ,, /NT6REST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYM6NT CHAN06S
<br /> ,; ,�. �:v��,�: .:,,•. ,:�7.ci. (A) CIp1�eD�fM
<br /> ,`'`� a :,:�, ' The laterat rw l will pay m�y clunac on the iint d�y of ALIGLIST ,19�.uid on tluit d�y every
<br /> ._-..`�r��Y�:..•�°�..,
<br /> •i�A
<br /> � �� � 19 montlu tt�erafter.Fach date on which my interat�Ate rnuld chn�e is cdled a"Chanae Da�e."
<br /> ���•�� l�1 TM I�de�
<br /> -�,- ..�., .�. .
<br /> -� •�:,�,,;;�:,r� BeQinninQ with the Ont Ch�e D�te,my interat rate will bo ba:ed on an Indac.Tho"Indac"Is the wakly averaQe yleld on UnNed Suta
<br /> � .��.�:_'. ..:•;. � 7teasury secudAa�djusted to a constu�t maludty oi 1 ywr,as made availablo 6y the Federal Raerve Board.The mosl raxnt Indac fi�ure
<br /> �=-.� Ir .• ;„�.��., ��:.• �v�il�ble�s of the dua 45 day�betorc wch Chan�e�wte is called the"Current Indes."
<br /> w
<br /> _� �:,e��^i�4!�
<br /> --� �A•' •'�, If the lndex i�no looaer�wflable.the Note Holder will choose a new Index which is 6ased upon comparabk iniormation.'fhe Note
<br /> �3�i�pr�k.s:;,.Qia�. HolderwiU4fvemenoticoofthl:choia.
<br /> _ � '��_,''�,,�.�'-. (C) Gk�l�qo�of Cqqa
<br /> • � - Before eaeh Ch�n4e Date.the Note Holder will aticulate my new interest rate by addfn� � AND ONE-HALF percemaQe
<br /> v3�. . ..,, , paints(�� qi)ro tlie Curccnt Index and�oundin�to the nearat 1/81h of I�/e,subJect to the limia stated tn Section�(D)below. r,—
<br /> = � 'il�b�oundod amowt will be my new imerat rate umil the ncxt Changc Dpte.
<br /> ��5, �A {� � The Note Hdder wlll then determine the amount of the monthly payment that would be sufBcient to repay in tull the principal I am
<br /> --- : ,� ° e�pected to owe on that Cha�e Date in subuwntially equal paymenu by the maturfty date at my neir intuat rate.The rault of this cticulation
<br /> " . ... _. ._ , _- wiU be lhe new unount oi my monthlY payment.
<br /> .� + o:.
<br /> �'�^� (D) Uad4 w I�kral Ratt CM�NQa �"'�:s..
<br /> _� � '�` The Intaat rate 1 am required to pay at the flrat ChanQe Date will not be �rester ihan ?•75 �W o�s �han
<br /> _— ;-7� �h.Thereafter.my interat rate wfll never be fncreued or decreased on any ainyle Chan�e Date by more than
<br /> -:• •;.�w'.:,-,,,,n...,,___ f .
<br /> � • ' �s • 1�-�14 y from the rou of fntereyt!luve been pay�ng tor the preceding twelve months.The minfmum intereat rate on�his loan wiU�avrr bn °°
<br /> ;�.' ' --�-t��- -- = - •—
<br /> �+, . ' ip�ttun 3-75 41 and the maaimum intereat nte wUl never be araater th�n 10.75 �. --
<br /> �•-t w,,...... (E) Effcepve D�te of Clw�a �'
<br /> �`�.f � ' .� My new interat rate will become efPative on each ChanQe Da�e.I will pay the amount of my new monthly payment beQinnin�oa the Orat �,-^
<br /> +� '•., ."'a'�'�^'' ' :?',�:
<br /> ,�,� ' � � monthly p�yment dne aiter the Ch�e Date undl the nmount ot my monthly payment chan4a a�ain.
<br /> . (F) Nodce W Ch��a
<br />- �v.. . .
<br /> , The Note Holder will m�il or de8ver to me a notice beFore each ChanQe Date.The notice will advise me of:
<br />- ' ��� . � (i) the new interat rate on my loon as of the Chan�e Date;
<br /> "'`E.,� ;yn, . (ii) the amount of my montMly payment followina the Chonae Date;
<br /> .,�'�"�
<br /> -- (iii) any additioual mqtten which the Nate Holder is required 10 disclose;and
<br /> ��- .y _ ., ��.
<br /> �;�` ��r'". � (iv) theaddrasoftheas:acfatlonyoucouldcontactrcQardfn�anyquadomaboutthe�d)uttmentnotice.
<br /> + :� �-
<br /> � �� � .� �. CHARCESi LIENS
<br /> • , '�°���r • Uniform Covenant 4 of the Securi�y Instrument fs amended to rend as Follows:
<br /> , o, �+'a�i
<br /> ' " ��• ' 1. C4r�at IJeiu.Bonower shall pay all Iaxa,nssasments,and other charga,Fina,and impositiom auNbutable to the Property which may
<br /> zttain�priority ovcr this Security Ins�rument,and IeASehold payments of around rents,iF eny,in the manner provided under paraQraph 2 hereof r
<br /> � � � " `• or.if not paid In such manner,by Borrower making payment,when due,directly to the�yee thereof.Borrower shall promptly furnish Lender '''
<br /> "' . ' aU notica of wnounts due under this par�raph,and in the event Borrower shvll make payment direcdy,Borrower shall prompNy furnish to L',��
<br /> , Lender receipu evidencing such payments. Borrower sholl promptly discharge any Uen which has priority over this 5ecu�ity Instrument; �
<br /> • however,Borrower shdl not be requlred�o dischorgc any such Hrn so luny as Borrower: lo►shall agrce in writing �o the payment of�he �.'�
<br />� < � obli�tion secured by such Ilrn in�he maneer occeptoble to Lender;(b)shall in good faith contest such lien by,or defend aQainst enforeement of r
<br /> ° . such Ikn in,le4�l procetdinps which in the opinion of LenJer operatr lo prevem the enforcement of�he Uen or forfeiwre of the Proper�y ur any F
<br /> ,�� t
<br /> _ parl thereof;or(cl sh�►11 securt From�he holder of such Ifen an agrament in a form satfsfactory to Lender subordinatiny such Ilen to this {�--
<br />. .�=•-' Rwruri�v Inalrumrnt F .
<br /> '_•_.- - --.:'- - -: ....
<br /> ----- --i`.._------------ _- . . . .-
<br /> If Lender dttermines thal all or any part af Ihe Prupeny iti subjecl tu a lien which may uttafn e priorily over Ihis Serurfly (ntilrument, �
<br /> ^' " Lender sh�ll givo Borrower a nodce identifying wch lien.Horruwcr,hall.au�fy+urh licn ur take onc ar mure uf�hc nc�ions,ct (ur�h ubovc i
<br /> � " � ° within ten duys of�he ahina of the notkr. �
<br /> G �
<br /> �..
<br /> w
<br /> ' C. NOTICE K
<br /> ��.a. �..it r�l� cw .Iw�..�n;�nr i r�i�.l r...��.1 aa(�.IL�wa• �' .
<br />_-- — - �--. L.. c::s:Cartclrt!!1 c . e .....,:;.... ......._.. _ .
<br /> �• , I�. Nollee.Except for any nutire reyuired unJe�upplirablr I•rw w he gf�en m enolher manner,lal any nu�ice�n Hrnrower pr�wided tor m ih�+
<br /> ' • ' Securfty Instrumenl shall bc gfven by deli�crinµi��tt hy mafling n hy hn�cla+s mail to Hurmwrr a�the Prapertq Addre�+ar�t�uch ather rdJre��
<br /> � • u Borrower m�y desfgnate by noUce�0 1 cnder ati pro�iJcd hcrein,anJ Ih►aay nouce ro 1 ender,holl he gi�en hy Gnt rla�ti ma�l to LenJer'� �
<br /> � `' ° .. • � addrss s�ated hercin or w wch u�hcr addre�.a�I rndcr ma�de+iµua�c hy r.wicc t��Burrarer u+pru�iJrd hcrcin.Any n��tirc rro�iJeJ fur m thir �
<br /> ,. ,+k '!!�'�.. Securily Instrumenl shall be deerned 10 hu�e hcen gnrn to BurroNer ur(.cnJcr whenµncn in Ihc manner de�iNn•rteJ hcrcm. �
<br /> .. ,�r..
<br /> � • F.
<br /> � f
<br /> I
<br />